From Eroica With Love vol 7 by Aoike Yasuko

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Volume 7 at Amazon
Released September 13, 2006.
ISBN 1401208762 , 200 pages

Volume 7 has two stories: Glass Target (part 2) and Midnight Collector.

Glass Target (part 2) continues with Klaus requesting 26 new men. "I'm banishing my entire staff to Alaska." He's not allowed, though. Queen Elizabeth is coming to visit the exhibition ("So what if some old English tart pats my head?"), together with the Chancellor. Neo-Nazis are expected to try to blow up the pavilion. There is a technical problem with the mechanism that lowers the case with the crown into the safe (Eroica's fault, according to Klaus). A repairman is sent for. Dorian dresses up in drag again and goes with the repairman as his assistance - fooling the man to think Dorian actually wants to see the Major ... "He's so rich and cultured, such an eligible bachelor! Just my type!" What Dorian doesn't know, is that the repairman is one of the neo-nazis ...

Sadly, Klaus doesn't appear all that interested in Dorian looking like that ... Klaus looks very cute in his eagerness to help repair something. Anyway, on the day of the visit, Klaus hears the details of the plan. Meanwhile, Dorian makes his move - knocking out all of Klaus's agents. He gets into the vault - and is joined by Polar Bear, one of the Russian agents. "What's between you and the major?" the Russian asks. "A school girl crush," Dorian replies. Then enters Klaus, followed by the SIS agent Lawrence - who closes the door, locking them into the vault ... Together with the bomb, which will be brought up to the pavilion together with the crown ... God Save The Queen is playing - and when the song ends ... God save the queen if the bomb does go off ...

Midnight Collector is a side-story, but an interesting one. We get more background material on Dorian in this one. Klaus is forced to go to London on a NATO conference. He decides to bring "The Man In Purple" with him - to sell it. At the very art dealer Dorian is planning to do one of his little ... visits to. Dorian is primarily after a painting called "Young Shepherd", but of course also dearly wants "The Man In Purple". Amusingly enough, even though Klaus sees Dorian in pretty much any blond man with curly hair (and there are surprisingly many of these in London - "There should be a British law against curly hair!"), he never actually does see Dorian. Dorian sees him, though ... "He was close enough to touch ... Alas, I could not even pat his manly shoulders ... " The story gets more complicated when Dorian gets a rival for the paintings and the art dealer conspires against both of them. They join forces, but plan to deceive one another.

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