Herr B

B is one of Major Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach's agents.

Iron Klaus


Major Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach

Professor Caesar Gabriel

Yes sir.

Sorry, Major.

That sports car cut us off.

What a flashy car, though. Oh. That car is all the rage right now.

Major, that's the same Lamborghini.

Yes sir.

Yes sir.

Major, he's leaving.

But, Major, that's not on the list.

Professor Gabriel? I'm with the West German embassy. I've come to pick you up.


But Major, they're in a sports car doing over 150 miles per hour.

Yes, sir!

Major, you're safe!

Major, the chopper can only take two more.

But Major, it's cold. ...land me in Alaska. Sigh ... Here.

But Major, we're running out of fuel. We have barely enough to get back.

Should I say "Drop dead, you bastard"?

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