Lady Devlin's House

A Thousand Kisses. On Christmas Eve Lady Devlin holds her Christmas party to show off her Vermeer's "Christ" (for £300.000). Professor Caesar Gabriel is invited and has brought along his friends, Leopard Solid and Sugar Plum. Earl Dorian Red-Gloria is also present. Has a lot of works and is, according to Sugar Plum "almost like a museum." Sugar Plum says that "Isn't his use of the blue and yellow so beautiful" - and Vermeer did have a preference for cornflower blue. Caesar Gabriel claims that the believed Vermeer was, in fact, a von Muehlen, "a bloody genius to be able to perfectly imitate Vermeer's touch." Dorian is not surprised and, when looks closer at the painting, confirms this. Likely "von Muehlen" is actually Han van Meegeren, a dutch painter who did make several famous forgeries of Vermeer works, fooling art establishments and was only taken seriously after having demonstrated his skill in front of police witnesses. Dorian still likes the painting "This Christ is quite attractive. beautiful, really." According to him, Caesar bears a striking resemblance to the Christ.

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