Leopard Solid

Stuntman. 19 years old in A Thousand Kisses. Friend of (and can talk telephatically with) Professor Caesar Gabriel and Sugar Plum. In Peru, the Nasca Highlands, an old man gave him special powers: his strength and athleticism are such that he could enter every olympic sport and set superhuman world records in each one. He is first seen outside the outside National Gallery, London, where he waited for Sugar Plum. Is invited by Caesar Gabriel to Lady Devlin's party to show off her Vermeer and agrees to go if there's good food and lots of it. He eats a lot. Sugar (likely) calls him a glutton, but Caesar (likely) defends him, saying that his body is special.

A Thousand Kisses
Iron Klaus


Sugar Plum

Caesar Gabriel


Tarao Bannai

Sugar. Hello, sugar ... Oh, sugar ...

How many times do I have to call you before you answer?

... was just floored by that ultrahot blonde dude, right?

Yeah. He passed by a while ago. For just looks, he'd give ol' Caesar a good run for the money.

We were shootin' a scene. I was supposed to jump off a cycle goin' 100 miles an hour. Well, it didn't work out as planned.

Any normal schmuck would've been hospitalized for at least a month.

But hey, I ain't normal.

Yeah! And I'm hungry.

I'm free.

If there's good food, and lots of it ... count me in!

See ya. Food first. Talk later.

Vermeer? What's that?

Rembrandt? Wasn't he that geezer in the "Godfather"?

And what idiot decided that?


You're wasting your time. The thief was brief.

That's right!

Shut up or he will arrest us!

Talking about dodgy police work!

You figured all that out? Not bad, Sherlock.

And if we catch him we will be completely cleared.

We know where, so all we have to do is figure out when.

Just be cool.

Perfect 10.0, if I do say so myself.

But guys ...


Right. Come along, then.

Even I'm not bullet-proof.

I'm gonna duck into the first place I see.

Did Detective Bannai nab him?

Earl! What did you do to him?

Then why is he out cold?

A better body than mine?

What is it with that bloke? He's so weird.

Snap out of it, Caesar. The earl's gone.

What's what?

So it was him! He fits Caesar's profile perfectly.

Caesar is down.

That earl comes on rather strong.

How are you feelin'?

Quit your yappin' and strip.

Men can be a bit sensitive 'but certain things, you know?

How's this for a block of marble?

Do you really think this is going to work?

We'll capture him when he comes to cop it.

So he bought it?

We'll go, too.

What about you, Caesar?

Buck up. We're with ya, mate.

What's wrong?

Just kick it in! Like this!


The sculpture is gone!


Then what are we waiting for? Let's go after him!

Then hang on. I'm gonna be swimmin' even faster.

Swell! They've got guns.


Hey, Sugar, they've stopped shootin'.

Sugar! Lookin' out for me, you forgot to guard yourself.

He's gone.

Talk about classy exit.

I'll just wait here.

He's acting strange.

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