Tarao Bannai

Works for Interpol. A master of "disguises". Was sent to catch the Eroica gang, he suspects Professor Caesar Gabriel and his friends. He dedicates his life to catching Eroica - though is never seen after the Iron Klaus-episode. Klaus calls him "a loon". He and his "two gun gang" arrested Leopard and Sugar. Last we saw he interrogated them in Interpol Headquarters in Amsterdam.

A Thousand Kisses
Iron Klaus


Caesar Gabriel

Earl Dorian Red-Gloria

Leopard Solid

Stop pretending!

At times, a strange chinese man. But I'm not always so.

For I am Tarao Bannai of Interpol. I've been sent to catch the Eroica gang.

So who are you kidding? Spill it all you two-bit punk, you no-good thief!

A painting by Ver-something-or-other was among the stolen articles. now why would anyone steal a worthless painting?

It's because the suspect likes the painting. That's why!

Now you told Lady Devlin that you liked the painting! What's-his-name beside you heard that!

So you're confessing?! Caesar something-or-other, you're under arrest!

Hello? ...what? ...and?

Operator, were you able to trace that call?

How'd you know that was the perpetrator?

I did? All this excitement is going to my head.

I bid you farewell ... for now. But you're still my prime suspects.

Right you are! I'm persistent. I'm also a master of disguise.

Don't underestimate Interpol! See these two guns?

It's a good thing I followed you low-life fools! You're all under arrest!

At times, I'm a one-eyed taxi driver.

At times, I'm a chubby bassist. Yeah, baby!

Darn! Where'd they go!


If there's one thing I can't stand, it's those scenes. Maybe it's 'cause I'm so moral.

Don't underestimate them. They're good.

Darn! This was all a ruse! We've been tricked! I'll never live this down!

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