Earl Dorian Red-Gloria

Also known as Eroica. Estimated by Sugar Plum to be 20 in A Thousand Kisses, by Professor Caesar Gabriel's criminal profile to be perhaps 22 or 23 years old. Leader of the Eroica gang. "A bit of a collector" when it comes to art. First falls in love with Professor Caesar Gabriel at a party thrown by Lady Devlin. Meets Major Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach while admiring the art at Schloss Eberbach. Sugar thinks he looks noble ("An Earl? No wonder he looks so noble.") and dubs him "Earl Goldilocks". Leopard Solid calls him "ultra-hot blonde dude" and says that "he'd give ol' Caesar a good run for the money." and later is flustered by the thought "A better body than mine?" when seeing Dorian's naked chest. When introducing himself to Caesar Gabriel he says "I am Dorian Red Gloria, the Earl of Gloria." and refers to himself as "a bit of a collector". On meeting Caesar he declares him to be "Just my type." During the Tate Gallery-heist James tells Dorian he doesn't have to be there in person, implying that he isn't always there during break-ins. Dorian replies, though, that "Occasionally, I like to feel the excitement." After having ordered James to kill Sugar Plum and Leopard Solid, he says that "I abhor the sight of blood, but I have no choice this time." Dorian quotes poems to Caesar, first by Propertius (possibly Joy in True Love or maybe the penultimate line of Elegy 1.19?) and then by Catullus (more specifically this poem). He addresses Sugar as "My dear". He leaves all the work at Island Gloria to Sugar Plum, Leopard Solid and Caesar Gabriel, though he does keep the Gabriel-statue. When James complains about him leaving the works, he replies "If I want them, I can steal them again."

For correct ways of addressing Dorian, see this lovely chart, courtesy of Cassie Ingaben

Gang members
A Thousand Kisses
8, 10, 17, 19, 24, 27, 37, 53, 69, 72
A Thousand Kisses
8, 17, 27, 63, 69, 72
A Thousand Kisses
8, 10
Might be 5?
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
20-21, 58, 63
Might be 3?
A Thousand Kisses
20-21, 39
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses
A Thousand Kisses

A Thousand Kisses
Iron Klaus

Addressed by as:
Sugar Plum"Earl"
Eroica Unknown 1"Earl"
Eroica Unknown 5"Earl"
Professor Caesar Gabriel"Earl Gloria"/"Earl"
Leopard Solid"Earl"

Known heists
A Thousand Kisses:
National Gallery, London (Venus and Cupid kissing, Bronzini), Christmas day
The Metropolitan, New York, Christmas Day
The Louvre, Paris, Christmas Day
(At the Christmas Day break ins was reported stolen Botticelli, Michelangelo, Montaigne, Van Dyke, fire extinguishers, chairs, ashtrays, floor mats, lunch boxes and a port-a-potty. The ransom demanded is 2 million pounds.)
Lady Devlin's house ("Christ" by von Muehlen (believed Vermeer))
Westminster Abbey (Archangel Gabriel (fake))
Tate Gallery
British Museum
German Embassy, London (The Man Wears Tyrian Purple)
Island at the North Sea (Leopard Tank)

Caesar's criminal profile of the Eroica gang:
"They're led by an intelligent young man, perhaps 22 or 23 years old. Using the name "Eroica" indicates narcissism, so he's proably very handsome."

Dorian's submarine:
Aqua Zeppelin

Iceland on which Dorian has a castle:
Iceland Gloria

Dorian's Lamborghini:


I'd never do anything to someone who would be unresponsive. What's the fun in that?

The more the prey resists, the more thrilling the hunt. Especially if it's beautiful.

I like beautiful things. I'm always searching all ove the world for works of beauty to make them mine. [shortly later:] And whatever I want, I get. It's my personal policy.

You're such a soldier. The very epitome of one, really.

But I do like army uniforms in some ways. I find them manly and stoic. And they "sheath" a certain "passion" underneath. I find them a bit of a turn-on, frankly. Enough so that I'd want to strip off a good and proper uniform and get to what's underneath.

Well, I like what I like. And what I like, I always make mine.

Weapons of choice:
Did threaten Klaus once with a gun, after the tank chase. Shot Klaus's tank.




Caesar Gabriel

Sugar Plum

Leopard Solid

Lady Devlin


Klaus von dem Eberbach

Brilliant. The only scene in which a Kiss is perfectly captured in all its splendor. It's almost pornographic, I'd say.

Is something the matter, miss? You're, shall we say, beet red. Perhaps this painting is a tad too ... captivating for a young lady.

I myself like this painting. And this cupid does resemble me.

No, you're quite right. Your sharp art sense does you credit.

Take your time and enjoy it. today is the last time you shall see it.

So we meet again, my lady. Had enough of that painting?

Quite beautiful, I must say.

I am Dorian Red Gloria, the Earl of Gloria. I myself am a bit of a collector. I couldn't resist seeing the vermeer.

I've heard much about you. In fact, I was quite looking forward to meeting this beautiful young genius.

The face on an angel. A lithe body. An amazing mind. You are a natural work of art.

A tad sensitive, are we not, James? Just stick to the accounting, please?

What's the time?

In 15 minutes, it will be Christmas day. And then we'll have ourselves a very merry Christmas.

Gloria indeed.

I wonder ...

Caesar, what do you think?

So it is a von Muehlen. In the 1940s, von Muehlen recreated six masterpieces. They were done so well, even the German air marshall, Goering, was utterly taken in.

Well, Vermeer is one painter I fancy.

Lady Devlin, may I?

Alas, it is a Muehlen.

I'd have to agree with Caesar. A forgery perhaps, but it doesn't detract from the beauty of Christ in the least.

This Christ is quite attractive. Beautiful, really.

Caesar, we seem to share similar tastes.

And you bear a striking resemblance to this Christ.

James, go count some money! Then go write some invoices.

I will be the judge of that. What I deem its worth to be, is what it will be worth.

James, you are indeed a brilliant accountant.

When we get back to the castle ...

Write up the next set of invoices.

What I really fancy is "art". The ransom money is just an added bonus. Now, applause for me, everyone!

Occasionally, I like to feel the excitement.

What is it, Beck?

Caesar Gabriel?

Quite possibly. How very interesting.

Call of the operation. but keep an eye on him.

Caesar, here and now? How smashing.

You came here to catch me? What a splendid chap you are. I think I like you all the more.

Caesar, this way!

It's okay. You're safe. Why are you in such a hurry?

But, Caesar! We're finally alone, and it's been such a long time.

Why don't you join me under the coat where it's warm?

"While the fates allow, love and be loved and let us rejoice." Don't break the spell, Caesar.

I like beautiful things. I'm always searching all over the world for works of beauty to make them mine.

On the contrary, I think you're exquisite and brilliant.

And whatever I want, I get. It's my personal policy.

Nothing. In fact, I saved him from that grotesque man. Perhaps he delights in it.

Ta-ta for now, Caesar.

Please, something that mild? Hardly.

And if I were?

Then cry.

Caesar is a beauty among beauties. No matter what delights I may find in the world, mycollection would be incomplete without him.

A Gabriel that looks exactly like Caesar?

Most interesting.

Tell the abbey that we shall be acquiring the Gabriel in three days' time at midnight. Yes, I know. It's a trap, plain and simple. Still, it might be fun to play this little game.

The more the prey resists, the more thrilling the hunt. Especially if it's beautiful. Caesar, I will make you mine.

According to your calculations, what?

Like I said, I get what I want.

I must say, this is well made. We'll take this, too. shame it isn't a nude.

Now be a good lad and come over here.

Then I won't. But this will.

You can be such a handful sometimes.

Take the sculpture.

I'll take very good care of both Caesars. Ta-ta.

A valiant, but ultimately vain, effort.

You have very loyal friends. their persistence has become bit of a nuisance.

At last, you shall join my collection -- a compilation of art from around the world in my castle.

Ah, so you're finally awake.

Relax! I'd never do anything to someone who would be unresponsive. What's the fun in that?

But now that you're awake, it is time to do something.

Are you finally ready?

Bloody hell, you're hard to catch. Am I that loathsome to you?

Your first kiss? Marvelous. Consider yourself the luckiest man in the world to receive it from me.

The other two are here, I suppose?

Kill them.

I abhor the sight of blood, but I have no choice this time. Anyone so meddlesome, unfortunately must die. besides, they've found out about this island.

Caesar ...

Can I have your word? Can I?

Alright, don't kill them. Let them be. Those are my orders.


Sit down. There's no need to be frightened. First, how to kiss ...

"Give me a thousand kisses ... Then a hundred, then give me another thousand kisses ..."

"Then a second hundred."

Caesar? Caesar? Out already. But that was just the third kiss.

Caesar, perhaps you are too ...

Go back, then. Go back to your friends.

I'm letting him go after just three kisses? I'm too forgiving.

Get ready to sail. We're leaving.

What was that gunshot? Blast! He's ignoring my orders!

I'm very relieved to see you unharmed. Please forgive the unauthorized actions of my men.

James, you shall pay dearly for this. I want you to provide 600 pages of invoices by tomorrow morning.

Relax, my dear. He's safe. But it is with considerablre regret that I return him to you. Incidentally, I leave you with these works of art as a token of our little friendship. Do with them as you see fit.

Who knows. This is probably the last time we'll see each other.

So, from Eroica with love, good luck!

Anywhere. we have countless hideouts.

And I will continue my quest for beauty. It's what I live for.

If I want them, I can steal them again. But I'm quite happy so long as I have this one.

Caesar Gabriel. You're also what I live for now.

Farewell, until we meet again. And when we do, give me a thousand kisses.

I'll be waiting. With love.

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