Anne-Li's Fic Recommendations for Avengers

When my fic rec page hit 1 MB I felt I had to divide it and since Avengers was my largest section I broke it out to here. It's mostly Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, with some other stuff mixed in.



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As so many other fans I find myself brainwashed by Coulson/Barton. But I enjoy other combinations as well.


'Til We Found a Sea by SleepsWithCoyotes
Yes, Deadpool is a bit odd. It's not due to mutation or experiences or whatever. Deadpool is actually an underwater creature who rose from the depths and found that he liked the surface. He doesn't quite fit in, sure, but a lot of people don't and that's okay. It's like having a kraken--curious and clever and incredibly fucking terrifying--follow you home. Lovely, inventive, nice crossover, very amusing, good details. Deadpool in good shape. A nice read. The world (and humanity) from Deadpool's POV is very interesting to discover. Awww for him swallowing Weasel - Tiny Sand Eel - and bringing him along. Awww also for Deadpool thinking Weasel as his pet as he doesn't eat him.

#NationalHugDay by Ralkana
Clint gets in the habit of celebrating odd days with Coulson. Like National Donut Day, National Junk Food Day, National Creamsicle Day. And, of course, finally ... National Hug Day ... "I'm not going to believe you if you try to tell me today is National Get Out of Doing Paperwork Day," Phil said dryly, surprising a laugh out of Clint. Cute. I always learn of these days too late, but some of them sounds really nice. Clint is cute. And yes, I bet he gives awesome hugs.

(three words) and goodnight, indeed by micketysplit
After Loki, Coulson's alive - but on the really good drugs. He hallucinates, thinks he sees Barton come to him and talks to him. Coulson talks back, and tells Barton what he really thinks of him. But then he's no longer on the drugs and starts thinking that maybe he hadn't hallucinated after all ... If this was real, Clint would have every right and reason to refuse, but this isn't real and so Clint must kiss him. Sweet story. Cute with Coulson knowing from which area of the ceiling Clint usually comes through. Coulson's so cute when he's high. Aww for no one falling into rooms the way Clint does. Heh for Coulson's ongoing feud with HR. Interesting hos Coulson resonated with Thor. And the lolcats also made me smile.

...And James Makes Three by Kaiyoz
Shortly before Tony and Steve got together, Tony slept with a woman. Later she tells Tony that she's pregnant. He and Steve decides to keep the child (with the mother's blessing). Their son is born a few months later, James. Later circumstances really makes him Steve's son too. But it takes a village to raise a child, and all the Avengers are in on the raising of the youngest Stark genius. With Coulson s planning and Tony s mania, they could rule the world. Long, lovely kid!fic with good emotion and sweet scenes. James is a lovely OC. Poor Tony, trying to get Steve to notice him. Especially good voice for Tony. Nice touch with the protection not working, as that really do happen. I liked Edwin and the use for Jumping Jack to get James into his armor. I'm fond of mentionings of Coulson's family, so that was nice. Also nice dashes of humor. Aww for Tony's inner voice telling him to call Steve, yet he calls Pepper. Clint is so sweet with James. Heh for the guards being most scared of Coulson. Aww for Clint finding out by lurking in a vent. Nice to mix in Big Mike, even if he was a bit mean to poor James during the Robot Boy debacle. James was very sweet when he tried to puzzle out if he was a robot or not. I'm glad JAVIS was allowed to be in on the naming. And very sweet when they all went to check on James in the night. Good detail of Tony estimating James' weight when he's newborn. I'm not quite sure why James hair would be abnormally long, but I might have missed something about it.

7-Eleven Protein Bars Are a Very Important Part of Steve Roger's Daily Nutrition Plan by doctorenterprise
AU in which 20-year-old Bucky Barnes works at the counter of a convenience store as he tries to save up to go to college. One day, Captain America walks in to buy protein bars. And then Captain America keeps coming in. What does he want? And then there's a picture of Captain America possibly holding hand with a man. Is Captain America gay? Is Bucky? Would Bucky have a chance if they both are? He stops laughing when he replays the conversation in his head and realizes that he just came out to Captain America. Cute story. I like that a character like Captain America could find his love like this, it makes me think such things might be possibly and that love might show up where we least look for it. Awww for Bucky dressing up for Steve - and Steve noticing. I wasn't expecting the quick leap to sex, but it was hot anyway.

10 Things Clint Loves About Phil Coulson by misbegotten
As the titel says, ten things about Phil that Clint loves, from his excellent morning routines, how unfazed he normally is, how thoughtful he is, that he can cook, and more - each with an example. Phil plays the Unassuming Suit to a tee, which makes it all the more unforgettable when he does something kickass in the field, like take down two HYDRA agents with the same bullet. Several good reasons, warying between making me nod and smile. Good boy Clint for his revenge on Tony. And the Runs With Scissors T-shirt really made me smile. Clint getting turned on by kickass Coulson is among my favourite things about this pairing.

47 Seconds by phae
Clint falls in love with Coulson within 47 seconds of meeting him. They are an excruciating 47 seconds, namely because the countdown to love starts when a bullet rips through his thigh at 1400 feet per second. Nice story, well-built and elegant. Nice dash of humor too, with Coulson blaming his bird/Hawkeye-shooting reflexes on Duckhunt.

5 Times Fury Saw Something On Security He Really Didn't Want To by lilsmartass, ramsay_baggins
When Fury watches the security cameras, he often sees things he rather hadn't ... Hill's crush on a certain Avenger, Hulk in a very special outfit and other things. He had been fully intent on giving Phil the time he actually needed to heal but if he was strong enough to pound Barton into the wall with that level of force, he was perfectly capable of filing a couple of completely necessary forms. Kinda sweet Fury cares about Coulson. Not sure about the plural eyes for him, even if figure of speech. Nice description of Barton in the vents - and poor, poor Clint with evil Natasha. Sweet of Clint to bring donuts to Coulson, though.

5+1 Avenger Times by cruelest_month
Sometimes Clint isn't an awesome boyfriend, but sometimes he is. Sometimes Phil is an awesome boyfriend, but sometimes he isn't. Here are five stories in which Clint is an awesome boyfriend (and one he isn't) - such as letting Phil go on a play date with Steve, trying to get Phil to go to the doctor and go to a con with Phil and so on. And five times in which Phil isn't an awesome boyfriend (such as sending Clint on a fake mission so Phil can redecorate and generally obsessing about Captain America) - and one in which he is. If anyone had told Clint he d love someone enough to dress up like Captain America, he d never have believed it. Sweet stories that often made me smile. Both boys well in shape and the stories told with a good dash of humor. I also liked the connection between Clint and Thor (and Bruce). And the way Clint and Phil celebrates their anniversaries.

98.6 by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
Clint gets cold easily. Coulson has ways to warm him up, even before they get together. Only Clint would manage to get himself into a situation where the guy he jerked off thinking about was mostly naked and curled in a sleeping bag with him and he was too popsicle-like to even notice he was getting in the neighborhood of lucky. I'm a Swede. Yesterday, when I was going to work, it was -12 C, about 10 F. That's not bad, but I do respect the cold. April in Norway is often fairly warm, but then, in some years it could be colder. So I liked this story, it felt true. And when I'm really cold to have someone who'd help me get warm would be a true blessing, so that felt nice. Shared bodyheat is a classic for a good reason. Aww for Coulson not trusting juniors with the health of his best agent. And for Clint worrying about marking up Lola.

A Bureaucratic Nightmare by Mikey (mikes_grrl)
AU in which Phil didn't grow up to be the awesome, ass-kicking top SHIELD agent we all know and love. Oh, he's still awesome, but due to a bout with whooping cough he is physically frailer. He's still with SHIELD, as the leader of their economic department. When Fury has to deal with the possibility of a mole, he takes the drastic step of sending Phil, who he trusts, out in the field with Strike Team Delta, among them the Black Widow - and also Hawkeye, who Phil might be admiring from afar. How will Phil cope? How will Strike Team Delta? Phil felt his knees go weak from the complete surrender that Clint was giving over to him, opening his mouth eagerly to Phil's demands, and giving back as good as he got. Highly interesting AU. Long, good read with nice set-up, good lines, nice weaving and fresh feeling. Visual, would make a lovely movie. I liked the summary (something I rarely react to). Good how Phil is still awesome, even if not quite in the same way as usual. Nice humor too. Silly Hawkeye, pretending not to remember Phil's name. Good detail of Phil's high level due to budget - the economics chief would need to know a lot to be responsible. I would have loved to see the fight between Phil and Nick. Heh for Phil trusting Sitwell as his expense reports are so "beautiful". Nice dashes of humor, like how Phil buckles Clint in during the high speed chase. Hot too. My favorite bit, though, is how Clint just follows Phil's orders, being obedient and a hint submissive. It was just the right balance for my liking. Sweet with Clint trying to help Phil with the breathing exercises. Yay for Phil still being (almost) able to take someone out with a stapler. Aww for Clint being, well, Clint, in his choice of moment of asking Phil out. Heh for Sitwell giving Coulson donuts for Clint and Natasha doing their paperwork. Several good lines. I'd like to read more in this universe (though it's well contained). I like the way Clint's dick was handled, not too much, but with respect.

A Binary System by concertigrossi
Clint fell in love with Coulson the very first mission they went on together. He never says anything, of course. And there's something odd about Coulson, is it not? He has changing moods - and then there are all the rumours about him. Such as that he works 24/7 and requires no sleep. What lays below all those rumors? Does Clint have any chance in the first place? Agent Phil Coulson would never be his, not like Clint Barton wanted, but he was his friend, and Clint would have to learn to be content with that. Interesting, fresh story line. Good clues, but still fun to guess. I like Coulson being underestimated in the beginning. Cute with the pirates thing in the beginning. Poor Clint, preparing for the coffee date and all. Nice dash of humor. Good twist. Heh for not even Lloyds of London covering acts of females scorned. Nice foreboding hints.

A Broken World by bendingwind
Due to an imbalance of the population, with a lack of alphas, alphas are required to marry an omega and have at least two offsprings within 2 years. Clint's an omega. He's just turned 18 and if not married, he'll be sent to the factory dormitories, a.k.a. the 'Virgin Prisons', where unmated omegas are sent to wait until they die. The mother superior of his orphanage manages to set him up with an older alpha, Phil Coulson, who is willing to marry him. Coulson has already been bonded and can't bond again. He's still willing to marry Clint, though. So they do. Will they be able to have a future? Just let me stay here, with you, I can take care of your kids with your new partner and do housework and cook or whatever--whatever you want. Interesting universe. Good feeling between them. Nice dash of angst. Poor Clint. Sad biology, but works for the story. Coulson a very nice guy, as always, understanding. Nice touch with the archery club, and I was glad for Clint they were friends with him. Sad with Steve. I wasn't quite clear on why Clint started acting out the way he did, I felt a bit as if I missed something there - though he's young. I found it cute how they didn't know if they were to celebrate or not. Aww for Clint being prepared to wait for Phil to want him back. Good gradually building both tension and feelings. I found the addendum with genetic explanations highly interesting. Good angst.

A Change in the Weather by DoctorTrekLock
AU in which soulmates can write messages to each other on their skin. Phil died, killed by Loki. But one day, a message appears on Clint's hand ... He hadn t taken his eyes off the line blurring on his finger as he struggled to focus on it through gathering tears and shaking. I highly enjoyed the well thought out communication system used, very interesting. Especially liked the "I love you" sign with its countersign. Cute with Jarvis and DUM-E helping.

A City's Smog by Kakushigo
WIP in which some thinks that Tony Stark is a very successful businessman. Others belive he's the leader of the Iron Men, a branch of the mob. The INTERPOL splinter group, SHIELD, led by Fury, is after Tony. But there's a plant in SHIELD, connected to Cirque du Sol, a circus run with an iron hand by one of the most terrifying men in the world, Clint Barton. And there's the infamous Romanovs, the Ice Giants and the Asgardians, just to mention a few ... Where will this end? But even the bravest of them would dare not whisper his name, Hawkeye was easily the most terrifying human to ever walk the earth in their eyes. Very promising AU with a great set-up that I would have loved to read more of. Clint and Phil is my OTP and we only go the barest hint of them. Heh for Barney suspecting Clint, 6-7 years old, of killing their parents. Yay for Natasha being the rightful heir to the throne. Poor Thor ...

A Conversation I Will Never Have by ceria
Fury is tired of Coulson coming to him after his relationships have gone south. He makes clear to Clint he never wants to have such a talk due to Clint. "I really like the phrase 'till death do us part," Clint admits and meets Fury's gaze, his expression as steady as his aim. Aww, sweet with Fury being protective of Coulson, I like that. Nice threats too. Nice dash of angst in the beginning.

A Different Kind of Hero by Eridell
The Avengers goes to visit the St. Catherine's Hospital for children. They're a hit and everyone finds a corner. Except that Clint's corner is a lot more distant than the others. Clint has gathered all the deaf kids in a club of their own. People who can't sign are not welcome. Phil find them and comes in. Will he be welcome? Even without a single spoken word, the wide-eyed grin on each kid s face was more than enough to tell that Clint Barton was their greatest hero. Sweet. I'm glad to see Clint get recognition for being special in his own right. The others interaction with the children was also cute. Nice little fort for Hawkeye and his little birds. Cute with Clint and Phil's SMS-chatting. Several good details. Aww for Clint's reaction at the fort when Phil uses sign language.

A Gram of Gold by aftersoon
Phil is finally allowed to resume active field duty, if lightly. His first mission is to infiltrate a honeymoon cruise. Of course, to do so easily he has to go as a honeymooner. And to do so he need someone to play his second half. But why did they send him Barton, of all people? And how will it work? After the welcome speech had been given and their pre-ordered meals served, Clint reached across the span of tablecloth for Phil's hand, fingers giving a warm, subtle squeeze: targets spotted. Fake husbands is a lovely trophe. This was nice and the boys go well together. Aww for Phil realising he's important. I like their silent communication through touches. Nice dash of angst too.

A Hawk Needs a Home by Greggles_Lestrade, LadyFayte
Clint is satisfied with his life. Natasha challenges him to try to find things to change to make it even better. Phil finds him and they talk about it. The prospect of a relationship is brought up, but Clint has some unexpected things to explain to Phil regarding his past relationships. How will Phil react? "You got yourself a happy bird, Coulson." Nice set-up with a nice dash of angst. I would have enjoyed a scene of Phil sending Natasha head hunting. Sad in bits, but sweet angst. Aww for Clint being happy about having claimed Coulson. Clint's very sweet in this one. I enjoyed the story up to the end, which I don't dislike in any way, I just don't understand Phil's unhappiness. Also the author note apologising and urging to go read a happier fic and asks for hugs and crying. For me the end was - until I read that part - very positive and hopeful and possibly it'll take a bit until they have total bliss, but I thought they were doing great, considering Clint's limitations.

A Higher Form of War by sabrecmc
AU in which king Tony Stark lives the good life, while his steward Pepper runs the daily life in the castle and his regent, Stane, most of the kingdom. Tony is pretty happy with things even if there's rebels and possibly war brewing. When he is out on a tour to demonstrate a weapon he built, he's kidnapped by the Ten Rings. He eventually manages to escape, but encounters one of the more stubborn resistance groups, the feared Avengers. He pretends to be just a nobody -and is shocked to hear all the complaints they have about all the horrors done by King Stark ... He's even more shocked when he starts to realise that they just might be right ... At first he hates them, but slowly he gets more and more fond of them, especially the Captain, Steve ... By the gods, before whom my sword and shield are presented, I will be to you faithful and true, and will observe my homage to you completely and against all persons, and love all that you love, and shun all that you shun, and your path shall be my own, according to the law of the gods, and according to the world s principles, and never, by will nor by force, by word nor by deed, do ought of what is loathful to you, on condition that you hold to me as I deserve, and fulfill our agreement as it was when I submitted to you and chose your will before mine own, Steve repeated the words of the oath, his words reverberating through Tony like drumbeats, the force of his stare pinning Tony in place, unmovable against a force stronger than both of them, something old and deep, holding a power long since forgotten by men, even if they be kings. Good read of epic length, with lots of good details and surprising twists and development. A little gritty at times, but well worth it. Plenty of angst, but also humor. Good use of the characters. I also liked how the events of the Iron Man movie is used. I also liked Rhodey in this one. And the author's notes, which I normally don't bother with much. Big awww for Clint and his bunny problem - and his fascination with the veil story. Good detail with the "Brookland boys". Thor also nice in this one, he's in good form. Tony's changing view of the team is well described. I was really impressed by Tony's ability to build a bomb on the sly. Great use of the vibranium. Aww for Tony and wanting to give things to others - and him teaching Steve to read. Cute with Bruce and his tea emporium, sounds awesome. I would have liked more with Clint and Phil, but they are cute anyway. Interesting story about the king's great grandfather and the peasant. Secret cypher, yay! Lovely world building. I love a story that isn't afraid to take time to reach the goal. Several strong scenes, well built and good foreshadowing while still being a surprise. Jarvis was the best. Oh, and Clint is adorable when he pigs out on the chocolate. Good solution to Hammer's punishment - I do like Tony's ruthless side. I found the information regarding the battle of okehazama highly interesting and intend to read up on that.

A Home For Christmas by cynatnite
Clint lucks out. Mrs Baxter of the homeless shelter helps him get a job. Rich attorney, Phil Coulson, needs a houseboy, a live-in position to cook meals, run errans, laundry and light cleaning. And Mr Coulson is wonderful to him, very kind and generous. Clint falls more and more for him. But then Barney comes back - and he knows Clint's dark, horrible secret, which he threatens to tell Coulson about unless Clint steals from Coulson ... But he couldn t stop thinking about the hesitant smiles, the laugh that made his heart flutter and the pride in Clint s eyes whenever Phil complimented him. One of those lovely, heart-warming, feel good stories, nummie to curl up with and read. Clint's adorable and I was actually happy for him for all the good stuff. And when they liked his cooking so much and Tony wanted to hire him and all. I'm normally not that into AUs, but this was a lovely one. And heh for Coulson not being allowed in the kitchen. Good dashes of both humor and angst. Hot too.

A Laundry List of Trouble by Claire
Junior agents say a lot of things about Coulson. He's had his sense of humor surgically removed; he's a robot from the future, sent back to organise humanity into an apocalypse; he's an alien sent to study this human thing called "emotions" (he hasn't worked them out yet). Clint know that all of those things are not true. Some things they say are true, though. And Clint wouldn't have Phil any other way. He does deadpan like the deadest pan that ever panned the dead. Sweet and intimate, but with a nice dash of humor. Good selection of theories and rebuttals. Heh for him being a fan of Death. I also like stories with Phil's family and their reaction to Clint, so that was also good. Good characteristics of Coulson. Awww for the kitten, daddy's awesome little claw monster ...

A Little Bit Of Your Taste by ellievolia and sirona
AU in which Barton owns a new coffee store near Coulson's NSA office. Coulson needs the life-giving elixir that is coffee and tries out all coffee places. Barton makes very, very good coffee. But there's more, a connection between the two men. Clint's thighs clench on his hips, clearly reluctant to let him go; Phil's world actually whitens a little at the feel of it, the thought of what's coming, of what Clint's legs would feel like wrapped about his hips as Phil slides inside him. I don't like AUs much, but this was a sweet one. They connected very well. A nice read. Good emotions. Nice hint of angst. Lovely descriptions of the coffee, definitelly made me want to try "the Agent". Hot sex too.

A Little Complication by Ralkana
Coulson gets kidnapped. But when Clint gets to his tracker location he doesn't find Coulson as much as a seven and a half year old version of Coulson. He rescues him and takes him to the tower, but will they be able to revert Coulson to his actual age? But his eyes were clear and blue and Clint would recognize them anywhere, even if he'd never seen them like this, wide and scared and bright with tears. Sweet. I'm fond of deaging fics. Young!Phil is smart, but believable as a child. Aww for him trusting Clint. Aww for young!Phil having an accident on Clint ... Poor Steve having Phillip accuse him of impersonating Captain America. Poor Phillip too, having to tell Natasha he doesn't like spiders. Cute with Tony trying to get Phillips into Iron Man outfits. Several good details. Good dash of humor.

A Little Tender Loving Care by Okadiah
Eddie and Venom might share a body - but they still grow closer over time. Venom wasn't just working his muscles from the surface of his skin, he was deep down too, in the depths of Eddie s muscles that not even the most skilled masseuse had ever been able to reach. Warm story with good relationship, nice interesting details. Sweet with Venom giving Eddie a massage - it sounds great, really. Good reason for Venom's like of chocolate - and brain. Aww for Venom falling ill. And for them to hold hands ... Yay for Eddie to the rescue!

A Mile Long by HawkyBarton
Clint is a sub. Since he can't form a relationship with a dom with his job at SHIELD he prostitutes himself to get release. When Coulson finds out his response surprises Clint ... Phil sighed, Oh Clint. If you had wanted a dom, you could have just asked Sweet story that made me smile. And I think that look would look really good on Clint. Good detail about the fighting clubs. They go well together.

A Rainy Morning's Meeting by Ralkana
Regency AU in which Mr Phillip Coulson of Kent is riding his mare, Lola, around his estate, when he encounters a Clint Barton, also out riding. Clint Barton is visiting Natasha and Darcy. To get out of the rain, Phillip invites Barton with him home, despite them both being unmarried and to be together without a chaperone can cause a scandal. Of course, he doesn't think someone like Clint could be interested in someone like him. "Nat has told me so much of you, of your wit, your kindness and generosity, your modesty, your unfailing dedication to your children and your home, and I was very much looking forward to making your acquaintance at the ball tomorrow night, and now I have ruined it all!" Nice feel to the story, with a nice dash of angst and misunderstanding, but I also like the instant attraction between them. Nice touch with the chestnut Lola. Nice descriptions.

A Riot On My Frontal Lobe by katydidmischief (cassiejamie)
Clint has a secret: he's an omega, not an alpha. He's suppressed his heats for 20 years, partly due to almost getting raped while young, but also because he wants to be active in the field. But now he's forgotten to take his suppression pills. He goes into heat - and there's nearly a thousand alphas on the helicarrier. Will he be able to escape? Or is there any one alpha he might actually want to mate with ...? But this isn't something I planned for, seeing as my Archer didn't tell me that he was an omega when we recruited him. I really enjoyed the alpha Avengers helping Clint despite their urges. And I liked his little misunderstanding about omega rights. And Phil, of course. Hot, too. Good use of the ducts. I also liked the alpha/omega dynamics of this work.

A Sign of Trust by Banashee
The Black Widow is formidable in every way. Except ... she's short. When Natasha starts to trust people, she uses them as human step ladders. So when one day, she just uses Clint instead of furniture to reach a high place, he doesn't blink an eye and just lets her do it, calmly moving on with whatever it is that he's doing. Aww ... sweet. As someone rather short myself I can see that. I wish I could do the same ...

A SHIELD Agent Walks Into A Bar by flatbear
To wind down Coulson will on rare occasion go to a bar. Not to drink, but to test his strength not to drink. One day, while he is there, Barton shows up, showing off and getting admired. However, it's a gay bar - and Barton is straight. And then, Barton sees Coulson. How will he react? Please explain to me why I shouldn't just kill you now and blame it on a Hydra sniper with exceptionally good aim, and a surprising knowledge of gay new York hot-spots? Barton's reaction to Coulson's touch was lovely eager with a hint of submission I really like. Hot. Nice touch of humor too. I also like Phil pulling the gun on Barton - hot. Poor Clint, thinking Coulson would fuck him there as well, after he'd been so good. I would have liked to read more in this story.

A Very Coulson Christmas by dizmo
Phil's family thinks he's a state department pencil pusher. That is all good and well - until he brings home his boyfriend for Christmas and it's a bit difficult to explain how come his boyfriend is ... Hawkeye. He'd seen Coulson get crowded with people with paperwork, he'd seen him surrounded by hostiles with weaponry, not to mention getting ringed by needy Avengers, but he can safely say this is the first time he'd seen the man mobbed by family and accosted for hugs. Cute story that made me smile. I was fairly new to this fandom when I read this story and I hadn't yet read a good story involving Phil's family and it was something I wanted to read, so this was very nice to find. Heh for Clint without provocation thinking Phil's dad could have been an aged clone. Cute background story on how they met.

Actions Speak Louder by NegativeSpaceWalk
AU in which Coulson works as the head of the SHIELD's record department. He's also (almost) mute. He enjoys the reports from one Clint Barton, who is dyslexic. He starts sending Clint amusing clips and when they finally meet they hit it of really, really well. Alas, the next day, Loki happens. So I don t really know what he s doing he started, slowly lowering his mug to the table but that seems like blackmail material, a lot of blackmail material, a lot of blackmail material on a lot of people up high. Good, fresh feeling to the plot and the characterstics of both the characters and their interaction. Several good OCs. Nice read. I know very little about mutism, so it was interesting to read of Coulson's version of it. Good feeling in the departments, with the interoffice board and all. I want a Victor to give me an unsend button ... Nice feel between Coulson and Fury too. Heh for Coulson having a rant manifest ready. And for him and Clint communicating in charades. Several good details. Yay for SHIELD's underground information network. And for the Avengers following Coulson on what he intends to do.

after hours by mixtapestar
Clint has invited Coulson over. They'll have dinner, watch the game, and maybe Clint has some ulterior motive as well. But things doesn't go quite as he planned. Maybe they went better. "Welcome to the conversation," Phil murmurs against his lips, then upgrades the kiss from 'oh good your mouth is on my mouth' to 'holy shit where did you learn to do that with your tongue?' Sweet story. Nicely done against the canon of the Hawkeye comics. Awww for suggesting calling Tony if they can't handle the TV. Nice feeling. Poor Clint ... Yay for no more rules.

Agent Coulson's Little Problem by little_werewolf
Coulson learns how to handle Clint properly, and he's better with him than all the others. Clint responds well to him. But then Clint overhears the other agents refer to Clint as Coulson's problem - and he's not happy about this. Is a problem really all Clint is to Coulson? "You didn't think I was going to leave you did you?" Phil asked, and as he the slight twitch in Clint's eyes he knew that he had hit the jackpot. Sweet and made me smile. Nice little dash of angst.

Ain't No Ceiling, Only Blue by DoctorTrekLock
When the aliens invade, Clint is at a restaurant, on a date (his second) with a badass, slightly dorky poli-sci professor named Phil Coulson. Clint tries to send the professor away, for his own good, but the professor won't go ... Will they survive ...? (If anyone asked, his subtle fist pump was totally just to check his bow was fully deployed.) Aww ... Phil Coulson is competent whatever he does. I really liked the end.

Ain't No Grave by spitandvinegar
Bucky is on the streets. He's on drugs and erractic - but he still manages to collect children to protect. They call him Revelation John. When Steve finds him finally, he wants only to take care of them all. It's not an easy task. And if the last unicorn finds out that its best damn unicorn friend in the whole world is actually alive, then damn straight, Sam's heading out with a tranq gun and bringing that damn unicorn in and starting a goddamn unicorn wildlife refuge in his backyard. Lovely, long story, full of interesting details. Many good plot points and lines. Nice background for Bucky. Good OCs too. I'm not into religion much, but the religious elements were thought-worthy. Also nice story for Bucky and Steve as young, good feeling. Good showing of Bucky's thoughts and reasoning. Awww for the flowers apology for shooting Steve, so sweet. Steve's art work sounds lovely. Interesting with Bucky's eating problems. Good humor too. Heh for "Bert face". A bit dark at times, but very worth reading. Heh for Bucky flirting a bit with Sam and Sam being cool with it. I liked Sam overall in this one. Poor Lucky, though. Good language for Bucky. Hot sex too. One of my favorite scenes was with Mikey and his dad, I dunno, for some reason I just really liked that.

Alias: Phil Coulson by amireal
Phil Coulson wasn't born Phil Coulson. And what few knows is that while Clint went against a kill order to bring in Natasha, Phil went against a kill order to bring in Clint -and not only that. Nick Fury went against a kill order to bring in the man later known as Phil Coulson. Before that, Phil was something far different. He's been Phil Coulson for a long time, but when Clint is taken, all bets are off. Janus is back. He doesn t even hate the sight of the wheelchair that greets them in the Stark Tower garage and as soon as he sits in it he knows it s another Tony Stark special, whatever material the seat is made of it must be the same as the handle on his cane because it s amazing and quite frankly the best thing to touch his ass since Clint Barton s hands. Interesting story, one of those nice world buils with plenty of details for a good read. We don't get many "alternate" background for Coulson, so this is nice. I like the way Clint and Phil come together, very smoothly and naturally. Several good details, well thought out and appropriate, like the cold asset team, the jail code and the tattoo covers, also good descriptons such as the suits and other things. The paying forward bit really works - and a very good touch in the end. High Clint is cute. Strong with Phil's family. Good humor. I thoroughly enjoyed the bit with the paintball competition. Heh for Fury betting as Captain Kangaroo. Andrew was a really nice OC, I hope things went well for him. Tony's gifts for Phil was really neat, the cane and the wheel chair. It would have been nice with info about the missing time and what happened, if it follow AoS or not. Yay for the butter knives thing, another good detail.

All in a Heroic Day's Work by aftersoon
When Coulson asks Clint for a personal favor, Clint's all too happy to help him - after all, he loves the man, even if Coulson can't be interested in him. He finds out that Coulson has a niece - and her biggest hero is ... Hawkeye. He was pretty sure Coulson didn't mean anything sexual by the request, Clint's numerous fantasies aside, and that meant that Coulson was actually asking for something like a friend would. Evelyn is a lovely OC - and Hawkeye deserves all the fans! Coulson's other relatives (apart from Evelyn's mother) were annoying and I do hope they figure out how awesome Coulson is. Very cute misunderstanding between the boys. Clint's lucky he has Natasha to help him. Aww for Clint not being sure he can use Phil's first name ...

Alphabet Soup by ceria
Clint gives birth to his and Phil's daughter, Angelica Barton-Coulson, a.k.a. Alphabet Soup. Six years later, she is often helpful at SHIELD, and much beloved by her "grandfather", Nick Fury. Nick fucking Fury stormed around the corner and swept the little girl into his arms, pink ice cream dripping all down his black uniform. Sweet story. Sometimes I like kid fics and Fury is oh so sweet with her. Cute with Fury being claimed by Clint for the "grandfather" title. Also cute with the agents being suspicious of the child at SHIELD.

An Acceptable Loss by RandomSlasher
Three months after New York, Coulson wakes up in a hospital - alone. What's more, there has been no one there to visit him for all that time. He uses one of his known aliases and his apartment haven't been sold, it's just that no one seems to have cared he was wounded. Slowly Coulson reevaluates his place in SHIELD and with the Avengers. Apparently he has wastly overestimated his own worth. His love for them was, apparently, one-sided. But is that really the truth? Whatever illusion of friendship he d allowed himself to harbor, it was just that: an illusion. Lovely angst with a good resolution. Aww for sure. Also, several good lines. Nice dash of humor too. Poor, poor Coulson, I really felt for him. Interesting to see the more vulnerable side of him. Good touch with Clint seeing him and, I presume, thinking him a hallucination. I liked the touch with the fern, though I almost expected to see it later at the tower. Neat with the questions they give him and all the good things they say about him. Good use of Thor. Heh for Tony kissing him - and angering Clint. Good image in the end with him and them all.

An Agent of Time by Peapods
During the Time War his bland ruthlessness, his usefulness and his willingness to die for a cause made him a favourite of many generals. When Nick Fury sees the same qualities he's no less impressed and recruits him. They called him just The Agent - and he's an Agent of SHIELD now, his Time Lord power caught in a watch. Until he is stabbed by Loki. Now what? "I should warn you that since your first request that I accompany you, an arrow has been aimed at your head." Lovely idea for a crossover. Great with the Agent. Nice touch with the clock. Cool with the Aston Martin shaped Tardis. Heh about the vents as Narnia portals. Interesting take on the Doctor, slightly sad. Really nice with all the Avengers standing up for Coulson, I really like that scene. I also liked Fury's view of Clint.

An Eyeless Face by Not_You
Hawkeye was born without eyes. He befriended a being and helped it. In return, it gave him eyes. Not just his human eyes, but a number of eyes: eyes of a hawk, eyes of a cuttlefish, eyes of a cat, and so on, that he can change between as needed. How will others react when they find out? How will Coulson react? He blinks hard, and his whole eye pops out of his head, landing like a boiled egg in his palm. Nice, imaginative story with an enjoyable touch of Lovecraft. Good emotions. Very useful ability with the yes. I liked the unknown being, works very well. I'd like to read more in this universe (but I'm always greedy). Nice dash of humor too. Good end. Neat with the sensual sensitivity to the eyes.

An jenem Baum, da jedem fremd, aus welcher Wurzel er w chst by arthur_177
Loki happened. Phil died - and Clint mourned him. Until Thor shows up with a letter from Valhalla. And on a Halloween eve, Clint visits Valhalla. When he leaves, Phil orders him not to look back ... Why? Fury doesn't reassign him after a week, the handler doesn't object to always being Agent Fitzgerald, never 'Barton's handler' or 'my handler', and Clint buys him a drink or invites him to lunch for putting up with all the unspoken implications that Clint is prepared to work as an asset for other agents, but his handler has joined the Einherjer at Odin's table and he will not take another till his dying day. Good use of mythology, classic story told with a good dash of angst and humor. Poor Clint. Good use of Thor. Cute with the ravens. Aww for Coulson's problem with the lack of coffee in Valhalla: a great problem indeed!

And I'll Cross Oceans Like Never Before by Sirona
Loki transforms Clint into a Corgi. It'll wear off, but until then, he's a dog. Part of it is fun, other things not so much. At first Clint stays with the Avengers, but when Coulson doesn't treat him differently, Clint decides to hang with Coulson instead. However, in dog form Clint learns things about Coulson he never knew before. Including that Clint loves him. But Loki's transformation will soon wear off and Clint knows that once it does, Coulson will never let Clint as close again. Perhaps if he just holds very, very still when he's back to human, he might be allowed near again? Aww ... Clint as a Corgi sounds just adorable. Good touch with the Allspeak. Good voice for Clint. Very nice angst and humor. Cute with the other Avengers too, with Tony being so happy when Clint licks him and warm, secure Steve. Heh for Coulson clicking his fingers at Clint. Well-written part with Clint as a dog, a good, amusing read. Aww for Coulson making sure Clint doesn't get trampled. Several good lines.

And it's not even Friday by msraven
Clint wakes up in a strange room that isn't his own. That's not the worst of it. He's also in a body that's not his own. But it's not a strange one, though. He recognizes those hands instantly. They're Coulson's hands. And Coulson's in Clint's body. It's even, kinda, Clint's fault. Luckily, it will only last three days. But will Clint be able to keep his hands off Coulson's body in that time? Will Coulson? Clint spins fully around and starts to take a step forward, and then his mind reminds him that he was about to try and kiss himself and yeah, this is all kinds of weird. Sweet story with a nice dash of angst. I like body-swapping. Sweet Clint was able to identify Coulson instantly by the hands. Not sure about Clint referring himself as "he" at one point, but it might be style. Good use of Thor. Interesting with the changes of sensation for taste and so. Heh for the lethal puppy dog eyes.

and love alive (or: The Ongoing Saga of the Belarusian Bros) by hitlikehammers
Coulson's in Minsk and spends the evening drinking. He's got company by a soldier who also drinks. They start talking. They both have man trouble. Only much later does Coulson realise that he was drinking with the Winter Soldier. Later, back in New York, Bucky is with Steve and Phil's with Clint. Bucky and Phil are still Belarusian Bros. Til the end of the goddamned line, Steve breathes, and there s a question in his eyes but not his voice, never his voice, because the promise there is unconditional, is absolutely sure, but the feel of his breath against Bucky s lips is an invitation, is all askance and no demands. Nice feeling between them, both between the "brothers" and within the pairs. Aww for Phil being a lightweight in drinking. Several good images and ideas. Several good dashes of humor too. Phil and Bucky goes well together. Lovely descriptions of especially Bucky. Awww for Bucky's childhood hero being the same as Phil's. And I really, really liked that Bucky being the benchmark at the Academy - nice touch (even if Clint is my favourite best sniper). Heh for the insulation thing, tsk, tsk. Very cute end of the sixth one, with the phone texting conversation.

Animal House by Mikey (mikes_grrl)
Clint becomes proudly owned by a tiny, deformed cat, Donut. Then, after the battle of NY, he inherits from Coulson the Howling Cor-mmandos, Phil's three beloved Corgis: Stevie, Bucky and Dum-Dum. The dogs (and Clint) still misses Coulson, though. But one day, Clint brings them all back to SHIELD - and why does the dogs react so strangely to Hill? If he loved Agent Phil Coulson from afar like the girl pining for the hero in one of Natasha's bodice rippers that she denied reading, then that was Clint's problem and no one else's. Adorable pet story with good emotion and depth, including a good dose of classic magic (I do remember lore of cats drinking people's breaths). Donut is lovely (and all the animals are warmly described, good characters). I also liked Mr Delany, nice OC. Aww for Clint resigning himself to be Phil's fourth pet (and bottom of the pecking order). Cute with his game of leading the dogs for a chase across SHIELD - and good use of this later, when they return. I liked Steve in this one. Several good line. Nice touch with how Donut resembles Clint. I also liked the list of all her toys, very loving. Heh for the AmeriHawk and Coulson getting jealous. Very cute with how the dogs take care of Donut. Good humor. I like when the attac on the helicarrier gives Clint cred. Interesting with the scent when Phil has his episode, good involvement of that sense. Thor was so cute with the corgies. Heh for the plot of the second story, good use of Thor and also how Coulson loses his cool when it all happens.

Anonymously Yours by Kisleth
Phil starts finding notes in his office from an anonymous admirer. Whoever could it be? And will Phil ever find out? He wants to talk to them, touch them, get to know them to see if he could love them back. Cute story that made me smile. Sweet notes. Nice end.

are you hanging on the edge of your seat by sabinelagrande
Clint is bored at a briefing, so he looks at Coulson and Coulson's hands and all of him and suddenly he has an epiphany. He wants Coulson to penetrate him. Clint has never bottomed for a man, but he become nearly obsessed with the desire to have Coulson fuck him. And one day he just blurts it out. How will Coulson react? The look on his face goes from well-mannered to determined in half a second; he swipes his tongue absently over his bottom lip, and Clint very clearly thinks, Mother of god, I want that man to penetrate me. I enjoyed the suddeness of Clint's interest and his intense desire. Heh for Coulson getting annoyed with the guy at the briefing, it just amused me. Several good details. Tsk, tsk for them letting Clint hang for so long. Clint being very Clint. And I might be a bit old fashioned but to me the first penetration is a big thing, so Phil should aim to make it special and appreciate what he is given. But it worked out well in the end. Hot too.

As Is by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
Birds (originally short for Jailbirds) are sold as slaves, stripped of human status, and their owners are free to do whatever they want with them. Coulson has to go to a bird auction for SHIELD - and there he buys one Clint Barton. Fury assigns the bird full-time to Coulson. Clint is very broken, but Coulson is very patient. Can they overcome the chasm between them? Right now, though, the significant thing was that Hawk was freaking out, mumbling, "sorry, sir," and "please," and "I can work, I can," and, worst of all, "don't sell me, don't, I'll be good, I won't be sick." Lovely darkness of a type I rarely find, but is very fulfilling. I really like the gradually building confidence and trust. Good emotion and nice angst. Several good lines. I underline as I reread a story to rec it and I had nearly 200 underlinings for this story, highly unusual. Interesting world setting. A universe I'd like to read more in. Good with badass, capable Coulson as always. Many good details, giving good depth, like the cages and the care which with Clint's special one is constructed, and the shower. I especially liked Clint's POV of this. And how Clint suspects that Coulson might have a weight-fetish or a fetish for sickliness. The scene where Clint got sick was very sweet and well-developed by a normally such attentive man as Coulson didn't notice anything for a good reason. I'm not entirely sure how the contract thing works. 11 months are mentioned, early contract, then 18 months left and 36 months off and then six years. Also aww for the scene after Clint lost his leg, I'm very weak for such things. Tear-worthy in places. The one thing why Phil likes Clint a day was a nice touch. Very good angst.

Ashes to Ashes by gwynhefar
It's after the Chitauri invasion. Coulson's body is kept alive by life support. Nick takes the Avengers to see him and say goodbye. Clint asks for a minute alone with him, which he gets. He proceeds to promptly kill himself over Coulson's body. The Avengers are shocked - but they're even more confused when Clint's body then combusts. What's going on? A part of Phil is calmly pointing out that he really should be focusing on the fact that he s apparently not human anymore, but the much larger part of him wants nothing more than to gather Clint up in his arms and tell him, over and over again, that there is nothing he could do to make Phil hate him because Phil loves Clint, has loved him for years, quietly, in the background, knowing that he s far too ordinary for someone as amazing as Clint and not caring if that makes him a pathetic old man with a crush because Clint deserves Phil s love even if he could never return it. Interesting mythos. I like the set-up of the story and the execution of it. I also like the thought of them (also) being immortal. Handy that stuff goes with them when they burn. Heh for Clint nesting above Phil's office. Awww for Clint being Phil's safe place, so sweet.

Assume a defensive stance by hoosierbitch
Clint and Bruce are in a relationship. Clint is a bit socially awkward and he can't accept Bruce's compliments easily, even if Clint really loves him. Then suddenly Clint withdraws sharply from Bruce and when Bruce confronts him, he wants to break off. What has happened? I ll still I d be okay with still being friends, if that s something you want, Clint says, his eyes flicking up to Bruce s and then away. Good emotion and nice angst. Yay for Bruce hitting Steve. And bad Steve! He really deserved that. Aww for Clint having been happy with Bruce and then thinks Bruce was just being nice to him or something. Awww ... Heh for the "birds and the Hulk" talk. And I like the image of Clint as social awkward, reminds me of myself.

Avengers by projectoverlord
Clint is presumed dead and Coulson mourns him. In fact, Clint is very much alive and shows up as usual. Coulson then shows him how much he was missed. Barton pulls up short, opens his mouth to ask what's with the stop, and finds he's rather preoccupied with Coulson's fingers curled into his shirt and Coulson's lips grazing his own. Cute story. I like a touch of angst and Clint homing in on Coulson's office like a pigeon even if he's in a bit of a bad shape.

Back to The Place You Are by torakowalski
Clint and Phil were together. But when Clint heard the rumors of that Phil only got promoted because he was Clint's handler - and he was only Clint's handler because they were fucking, he broke them up. At Tony's wedding Phil's wearing his Dress Blues and looks especially handsome. They end up in bed together. How will things go and is there any chance of them getting back together again? He d come once, he could put off coming again; he just wanted to stay here forever, in this place where he got to touch Phil. Sweet story with a nice dash of angst. Silly Clint. Heh for Tony renting the entire hotel - very Tony. Nice dashes of humor. Heh for Darcy, Bucky as well as Wade Wilson calling Coulson fetching. Phil very sweet, accepting anything from Clint. Bad Phil, teasing Clint with Fury.

Backwards Boy by BeneficialAddiction
Clint is a highly unusual, very backwards omega. He's been with alfas, sure, but it's on his terms. It's never meant much. But once he sees Coulson, he knows what he wants. Only Coulson is a very insecure alpha, who no omega has ever been very interested in. He's not prepared to have Clint's backwards intensity aimed at him. Will he be able to handle it? His heart is hammering and he doesn't think he's ever lusted after someone as much as he does in this moment, watching this backwards omega thrash an Alpha twice his size for him, efficiently and easy as you please. Nice take on the thrope. I liked this, it had a fresh, good feeling. The boys go well together. The other omegas have no idea what they're missing out on. Nice language, well structured writing. Awww for Clint's courting gifts: so cute! Nice end.

Balance by Ringshadow
AU in which Clint is a sentinel and Phil is his guide. However, Clint is an exeptional sentinel and Phil isn't just empathic and telekinetic - he's a kill-kinetic. He can kill with his mind. They're very happy. They d watched Clint for quite a while and eventually Phil got in close enough to look at the archer mentally, only to have the realization hammer him that this man, this assassin with a curious choice in weaponry and a smile of solid sass and sin, was his Sentinel, was the person he d been waiting all his life for. Good Sentinel AUs makes me happy. And I really enjoy badass!Coulson and this was a good one. Nice choice of spirit animals for them. Good connection between them too. I liked the backstory and how they met.

Be Calm, Look Cute by pollyrepeat
Coulson gets transformed into a 16-year-old version of himself - with no memory of his more recent past. The Avengers come for him. Then Clint gets transformed too. Will they be cured or will they remain their younger selves? And will their attraction for one another come to fruition? A man skids into view, and the small part of Phil s brain that is not preoccupied with shell-shock makes a mental ticky note in the hunk column before noticing that the guy is holding a bow and has a quiver on his back, at which point it gives up entirely. Young Coulson is adorable. Good handling of the plot and a good resolution. I wouldn't have minded if Clint's concern that they'll go back to their teenage selves' respective time period with memories of their future either, with the possibility of them getting together once Clint's time period comes along, that was also a great idea with considerable possibilities that I'd love to read as well. But the story such as it is, is good too. Good dash of humor. Yay for 16-year-old Coulson meeting with Captain America - very sweet! Heh for the lingering physiological side effects.

Be Every Fetter Strained by dizmo
Clint wants Coulson. Luckily, Coulson wants Clint too. The problem is that Coulson is a vampire with psychic abilities and he doesn't trust himself not to accidentally make Clint his thrall. That might turn out problematic. He was caught between the concern of a friend, of a lover, and the flight instinct of a prey animal. Interesting idea and set-up. Good feeling and I do like the idea of SHIELD betting pools (including Fury seeding them on occasion). Cute with the roller skating. Powerful with Coulson's willingness to sacrifice himself for Clint. I do like Clint's practicality, very nice. I hope to read more in this universe later. Heh, considering Barton's stubborness a bit of vampire mind control probably could come in handy at times. Aww for Clint following Coulson around like a puppy hoping for a treat. Great idea to use Coulson for wet work like that.

Be Prepared and Bring Extra Change by drabbleandfluff
Laundry day and Clint's at the Laundromat doing his laundry. When a non-descript man, wearing an expensive, nicely cut suit enters. Clint goes on high alert, but strangely enough, the man seems there only to wash his clothes. Is that really true? A man like this-- a man that can toggle between stern, and plain, and playful, with a flicker of an eyelid or a tilt of his head, is a very dangerous man. I like the tension of the story, how Clint reacts to how Coulson's blandness wavers; how aware he is of that there is more under the surface. Cute with Coulson being able to move about without Clint being aware. I really liked Coulson's card - classy. And sneaky, since he must know some of Clint, then, or what he is. Also lovely when Clint uses the card, really awww for me - and nice writing style for it; normally not a tense I like, but worked very well here.

Benefits Card by rixie
WIP in which Clints life mission is to break SHIELD handlers. All for Fury, of course, to weed out the weak ones. Clint even has a stamp card: when he traumatises four handlers he'll get one for free! Well, he made the card himself, but still. And he just broke a forth. Something must, clearly, be done. So they must teach the remaining handlers how to handle Barton. They call for the Bi-weekly workshop of Annoyed and Repressed Agents Who Are Done With Barton's Shit. Will it help? He wants those stupid insubordination forms under his bare skin, becoming crumpled and torn as Coulson bends him over his desk and shows him exactly what good behaviour will earn him. Great fun, highly amusing. Sadly removed from AO3, but I hope it will be back and with a continuation. Poor Clint that didn't get his tree ... Several good lines and details. Poor handlers, but they (partly) have themselves to blame ... When I rec I underline in my kindle and for the relatively short story I underlined an unusual amount, over 80 places. I liked Clint in this one. Awww for them having insubordination checklists on Clint's paperwork. Good touches with the recurring paperwork references. And I really liked Fury suspecting Barton of having a mutant mental power. One or two spelling mistakes, but they don't distract from the good flow of the story. Awww for the latest team's behavior with Clint - and the junior agents are so cute! Barton for world domination, yay! And yes, Coulson would be an awesome sidekick if he did.

Beta by Morgane (smilla840)
Alphas are the leaders and achievers. Omegas are the child bearers and the Betas, well, they follow orders and are productive. Coulson is an alpha, if a very thoughtful and non-confrontative one. Barton, however, is a Beta. He's hiding his exceptional skill through the army - betas aren't supposed to be that good and it's not good to be noticed. Fury sees more in him, though - and later Coulson. Clint loves Coulson, but again - he's just a Beta. He can't bear Coulson's children - he's not even built to take Coulson's knot when Coulson goes into heat. Still. Coulson loves him too. Is there any hope for them? But want and love were two very different things, and even if Phil thought he was in love with him, how long would it be until he realised playing house with Clint wasn t what he wanted after all? Interesting take on the dynamics. Several good lines. Heh for Alphas trying to prove they "have the biggest knot". Good touch with having Fury be the recruiter and I really liked his and Clint's friendship. Also nice touch of Clint being there when Fury lost his eye - and that thing with Phil's suits. Interesting (but believable) about the prejudices of a beta/alpha pair. Good use of summarising parts of their lives, giving a good overview without going into unnecessary details. Hot too - and good description of the knotting. For some reason I really liked the bit about Clint telling Phil he's made sure Clint stays with him, with the knotting. The bit about it just being Tony and Steve and that all of them showed up anyway really made me smile - well written. I would have been interested in an in on the sexuality of Alpha women, as I got more or less the rest of it, but that was still a grey area for me.

Better Than Ice Cream by astolat
Loki pulls the old "just let me hold it next to you"-stunt and with a little extra lube, well ... things progress as Loki no doubt intended them to. But does Thor really mind? Of course Like might presume; Thor had given way to him, had spread himself eagerly as a maiden going to her first bedding and taken his cock as sweetly, as easily. Hot, with a nice dash of power play. Normally I don't read much PWPish stories, but this is a really nice one.

Between the lines by chocobith
Clint does his best to read between the lines what Coulson likes for him to do. Such as cleaning or doing laundry. However, sometimes things doesn't exactly goes right. "Tell me you did not put an Armani suit in the washing machine. Sweet story that made me smile. Poor Clint, he means so well ... A spelling mistake or two ("Cint"), but nothing major.

Between the Personal and the Real by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
Criminals can get affixed to a principal as obeisants, to fight crime and other things. They are practically slaves to the principal. Clint has made many mistakes and finally he accepts an official offer from SHIELD. His principal turns out to be Agent Phil Coulson. However, Coulson turns out to be nothing like Clint thought a principal would be. He treats Clint ... decently, actually ... respectfully. What's his angle? Coulson makes a soft sound of amusement and says, "I like that moment when people realize just how stupid underestimating me is." Warm story, but with nice angst and trust issues. I like gradually building trust and difficulties taking to kindness. Good feeling. Several good details, such as the marking chemical pills and the spa. Aww for the "And nobody will ever hear Clint's screams." Cute with Lola. Good image of Phil, really nice. Good dashes of humor too - and hot. I enjoyed the trip to Coulson's family, I always like seeing them in fics.

Black Snake Moan by House_of_Ares and vampirekilmer
Coulson suffers from blackout rages, during which he goes into berserker mode. Sometimes it has been useful. His last episode was a long time ago, but now he and Clint are in close proximity and Clint is working on Coulson's last nerve. Will either of them survive? And it doesn t matter that his boss just went berserker on him - but that there s pitch black eyes staring down at him, a hand at his throat, a sticky gag in his mouth - and he s already half hard, hips stuttering against the pressure above them. WIP, but strong story with possibilities. I hope for more of it, to see the outcome of what happened. Good description of sinking into battle trance. A bit gritty, very primal, rough and kinky, but still interesting and hot.

Blame the Photographer by LadyAJ_13
A photographer takes a nice image of Phil being heroic and then more and more pictures of him appears - of him and of him together with Hawkeye. As in them being a couple. People likes them. However, in reality they are not together. Will they be able to get back to a more normal life? Or will something change for them? When were you planning on telling me that my alter ego was having a secret affair with Suitman? Cute story, amusing. I'd like to see some of those pictures. Aww for 'Office worker hero' and Suitman. Sweet with Steve calling to give an acceptance speech.

Bleed the Hours by ObsidianJade
When Clint hears about Phil's death, he doesn't react much. But when it is all over, he goes to the range and starts shooting. An arrow a heartbeat. For 52 hours ... Keeping his eyes closed, he tried to roll to his side, wanting to curl up and pretend the world had stopped existing the way it should have when they d told him Phil Coulson was dead. Nicely written story, good technique, well held-together. Also good emotion and I like the end. Cute with Tony's reaction. I did like the touch of the blood being Fury's, also the nanotech regenerators. And the Loki not exactly being a challenge for Barton-line made me smile.

Blue and Black (not white and gold) by lellabeth
People are weird. Clint has the best vision of a human ever recorded. The dress is clearly blue and black. But what's an Archer to do when even his handler claims the dress is white and gold? I m not exactly the sharpest arrow in the quiver, and I can tell the color just fine. I had almost forgot about this dress, when I read this. Highly interesting. And poor Clint ...

Blue Christmas by rubygirl29
AU in which Clint is a famous olympic gold medal in Archery and Phil's just out of the Army. It's Christmas and Phil's on his way home to his family when he's stranded. They both ends up in Les Trois Demoiselles Cafe, where they start talking. On finding that Phil intends to sleep over at the airport Clint invites him to stay with him. Can they have any type of future? He takes a bite of Darcy's sympathy cake and moans a little; it's almost as good as sex; in fact Clint has had some sex that he'd gladly trade for this cake. Good feeling. Nice description of the cafe. I really want such a cinnamon latte with creme brulee foam ... They never have such "fun" things in the coffee shops near me. I liked the sciency bits too. And the concept of paying forward. Cute how they discuss their possible date.

Bondbreaker by uofmdragon
There are three types of people: bonded, matchmakers and bondbreakers. Bonded have a bondmate - though they might not have found their mates or they might have lost them. Matchmakers have lost theirs, but can find missing mates for the bonded. Bondbreakers are rare and viewed as abominations, as they can break bonds. Everyone except bondbreakers have a mark for their bonded. Coulson has lost his bonded. Clint has a mark. Only ... Clint's mark is actually a clever tattoo - he's a bondbreaker in hiding. Could they still have a future? And is that really all Clint is? Only when they were wrapped around each other did Phil quietly whisper, "Clint, you know there's nothing you can say that would change how I feel about you." Interesting, fresh story. Imaginative. I would have liked to read more in this universe, see if they really manage at the end. But nice still, good setting. Nice dash of angst. I would have liked to read more about the matchmakers, I didn't quite get an image of how they work. Good to set it against Thor, to explain it to him. I also liked the contrast of predestined and overwinning predestination. Sad with Steve missing Peggy. Some sweet exchanges. Interesting substory also with Tony and Steve - and I liked Sunset getting her due. Interesting with the handholding saying grace at the table. It's entirely foreign to me and not something I've seen in many fics, so that gave it depth to me. I also liked that knowledge and research can change "truth".

Boops and Giggles by iloveitblue
Dr Doom transforms Clint into a toddler. Phil has to take care of him. It's a joy, apart from the traumatic diaper changes. But when Tony manages to age Clint up to a young boy, the traumas of Clint's actual childhood is starting to make themselves known ... "Barney says I m too stupid to watch TV." I don't like small children much, but toddler Clint is oh so sweet and I enjoyed the rising tension and angst when he gets older. The story feels very promising, but unfinished. I would have loved to read more and find out what happened. Heh for Bruce handling Tony and Steve. I liked how well Phil interacted with both versions of Clint.

Brain Freeze by Ralkana
Clint is amping up on his flirting with Coulson. Making sure he sits in provocative positions; slurping seductively on a popsicle. He's utterly unprepared for Coulson to turn the tables on him. Clint can only stare, open-mouthed and shocked, as Coulson wraps his lips around Clint's popsicle, hand on Clint's wrist guiding it deeper into his mouth. Poor Clint, so out of his league. But he only has himself to blame. Heh. Coulson rules!

Brighter than the sun by Eunillul
Coulson's one of the highest ranking agents of SHIELD - though also one of the youngest. But his current mission is giving him problem. He's been looking for one Clint Barton for over a year. Then he's called to the Adirondack park, where a man hiking with his 16 month old son have been killed by an arrow. The child is gone. Murder and abduction really doesn't sound like Clint Barton to Phil. But he goes. What will he find? He'd seen Coulson wield a gun like an extension of himself; yet Clint had never felt safer than he had when he'd been wrapped in the other man's arms, and that was something that Clint didn't understand. Warm story. I hope for more in the series later, as it started very well. Nice OCs and good use of Barney. My one problem was the red herring (?) of Phil's belt with paperclips that was mentioned repeatedly and then not used (or did I miss it?) and the timelines when Coulson did something vs. when Clint does something I found slightly confusing. More information about Frank's mother and how she is would be nice if they let Clint keep Frank (which I really hope). Clint's very sweet with Frankie. I liked hos Clint identified Coulson, good details. Heh for "Kit".

Building Skyscrapers in the Basement by GilesFarnaby
They've brought the Hulk in and want to check a tranqualiser on him (with his permission). They need Clint to shoot the tranqualiser. In preparation they make him sit in on a talk about the Hulk. The talk is rather boring. One of the good things is the nice scientist sitting next to him, who seems to appreciate Clint's snark. But who is the scientist really? Phil kicks him in the ankle (Phil is the only person in the universe to wear hard-soled, steel-capped, shin-length combat boots under a suit, ready for anything) and jerks his head - just the tiniest amount - in their general direction. WIP, but cute story. One of the rare non-Coulson/Barton fics I've liked. I hope for more eventually. Good snark between Clint and Bruce (though between Clint and Phil too) and good feelings. Nice humor. Lovely with Tony planning emergency excuses several days in advance, that really had me smiling.

Bulletproof by foxxcub with sequel:
I swear I'll drive all night just to buy you some shoes by sirona
College AU. One part is Steve/Tony. Scrawny Steve falls in love with cool Tony at 15. At 20 Steve has grown up considerably. He and Tony becomes fuck buddies. But is it just sex between them? Another part is Clint/Phil. Clint studies art and Phil is his RA. They become fuckbuddies too. Phil know he's not special enough to keep Clint's interest for long - but is he right? There's an art show coming up - both Steve and Clint wants their man to go with them, but Steve doesn't dare to ask Tony and Clint asking Phil has catastropic consequences ... If Phil was getting restless, it stood to reason that Clint had to be getting bored, and Phil wasn t going to stick around to be on the receiving end of his awkward explanations as to why Phil just wasn t doing it for him anymore. and Clint's voice had been soft, a little raw with a few late-night beers, plenty tired as he'd spoken, lonely, heartsick words that amounted to a plea for Phil to not forget him, or at least to let him down gently when he found someone better than Clint, someone smarter, with whom he had more in common. Both stories are sweet. I love misunderstandings like this. Many good lines. Lovely angst, which is my favourite thing. The boys are all a bit silly, but make up for it nicely. Cute with Jane and Thor too. Poor Clint, especially. Warm story (hot too). Probably because Barton/Coulson is my favourite couple in Avengers, the part about them was my favourite bit, but the Steve/Tony was sweet too. Good voice for especially Coulson and I really like Barton's insecurities. Several nice images. I loved Coulson's list (the first one was hot too). Aww for the not being a special snowflake, that really moved me. Nice touch with Clint's drawings. The authorized sequel by a different author was lovely too, I thoroughly enjoyed the warmth and love between them and more lovely angst. Neat with the tattooes and I love family stories. A universe I'd love to read more in.

but hey, you're all right by beardsley
Tony plays a practical joke on Steve and orders him a Russian mail bride. Steve doesn't tell anyone that Dmitri Nikolayevich Zimin is, in fact, James Bucky Barnes. What Steve doesn't know, is that Dmitri Nikolayevich Zimin doesn't even know that James Bucky Barnes is the Winter Soldier ... It'll probably explode in Steve's face when Dmitri remembers who he is and suddenly everyone will want to know why Captain Rogers neglected to mention the part where the world's deadliest assassin happens to be his dead best friend. Nice set-up, well-structured story. Good on Steve to keep his secrets. Tsk, tsk Tony ... I liked Bruce in this one. Good with the alerting SHIELD with the triple press. Nice end. Good dash of angst too.

By the Book by Perpetual Motion
Coulson finds out that agents have been giving Hawkeye disrespect for sleeping with his handler. Coulson isn't pleased. Especially not since Hawkeye isn't sleeping with his handler in the first place. What will Coulson do? It takes Coulson twenty minutes and a few well-placed, mild threats (and the fact that two of the agents are genuinely scared of being tazed makes Phil wonder when S.H.I.E.L.D. allowed recruiting requirements to go so lax) to find out exactly why junior agents are assholes. Cute with Coulson using his field knife like that. And the whole betting thing. The dowry line also made me smile. Awww for Clint putting up with the others to still be with Coulson, very sweet. Yay for Coulson standing up for his man, even if they're not together yet.

Cairo by WriteThroughTheNight
Someone with a grudge against SHIELD makes a grevious error: they kidnap Coulson and tortures him. Clint sees the recording - and goes berserk. There is a pipe in his hands, and Clint doesn't know where it came from, but the sound it makes when he buries it in the mans skull is perfect, is music, so he does it again and again. Lovely touch with Clint going wild. It's something we don't get often and it's nummie. Good dash of humor too. And Coulson's very right - badass!Clint is very hot!

Came for you by CooperCooperGo
Coulson is being held hostage. Clint comes for him. But even so, would Clint ever be enough for a man like Coulson? You could have your pick, Clint finished hopelessly, his grin sliding away. Aww, poor, silly Clint. Cute story with a nice dash of angst. Good descriptions.

Camaraderie by Duriansoya
The Winter Soldier needs a mission to function - but he has no handler. So he seeks out a man he hopes can provide him with missions. His new handler goes by the call name "Steve". Will Steve be able to provide the Winter Soldier with the missions he need? It was both disgusting and agonizing - Steve's irises turned to slits as his lips curved upward in utter derision - that the people who treated Steve Rogers' precious gem as a mere controlled dog were dead or hiding from plain sight. Cute story. I liked the general idea of the Winter Soldier seeking new missions. Slightly naughy Steve, but it turned out well in the end, I think.

Canon by sabinelagrande
Clint and Phil are in a loving relationship. So why does Hawkeye RPS fanfiction involve some guy named Mike? Phil needs to know, in case he has to shoot someone - or leave Clint. But does he really have anything to worry about? Who is this "Mike Hawke" really? And what happens after Loki, when the fen notices that Hawkeye isn't accompanied by a man in a suit any longer? "It didn't strike you as odd that in almost all of them, I get injured and have to be rescued by an unassuming, silent man in a suit?" Cute story that made me smile. Aww for Phil being jealous. And yay for canon in all its wonderous shapes and forms. Good voice for Clint especially. Heh about the S:\ drive. #MikeLives! Poor Clint - nice description of his fannish activities. Aww for involving Sitwell for the candid picture.

Cared For by ami_ven
Clint likes Coulson. Coulson takes care of his things. And when they are on missions, Clint is Coulson's sniper, so he belongs to Coulson too. And then Coulson will take care of him. Coulson, on the other hand, is not pleased with Clint seeing himself as a thing. Coulson took care of the things he was assigned like they were his own, maintaining them until they were no longer usable, and Clint signed his handler request paperwork without a single doubt that if it was approved and he was assigned to Coulson, he d be in good hands as long as he could keep shooting. Sweet story that made me smile. Clint deserves to be taken care of.

carry me home tonight by bittereternity
Phil wakes up to find a gerbil named Gerbil licking his face. Oh, and he's in Clint's body. Not as in having sex with Clint, but having bodyswapped with him. They spend a few days pretending to be each other. Do they fool anyone? You stole my body. Barton wails in his ear, and fuck if it isn t creepy to hear your own voice on the phone. Cute version if this. And Gerbil is very cute. I liked the description of him (and his like of Fruit loops). Coulson panics very nicely. Poor him for Clint's abuse of his clothes. Heh for Clint being scheduled for daily patrols in the ceiling.

Casual by PurpleD54
Clint has asked Coulson out on a date daily for years. He's very surprised when Coulson, one day, out of the blue, says yes. But Clint wants more than a casual one off. He makes an effort to grow as a human - and Coulson helps. A lot happens at SHIELD between missions. And Coulson's a ninja. I was thinking too much about what we could be together. How much I wanted you for more than just one time. Very sweet series. I enjoyed reading about them getting together and how Clint grows. Heh for the purple macaroni and cheese. Several good details. I hope they go more Captain America collectability shopping together. Aww for Coulson all but starting off by ringing Clint. Interesting training for the Beasts of Barton - and they did seem to react very quickly to it. The test sounded interesting, apart from Sykes being an asshat about it. I liked Fury in this one - good voice for him. I'm glad Doug got his, even if he deserved even more. Sweet end. I liked Ron (several good OCs overall).

Catvengers by nyargles
Phil Coulson is owned by six cats (and possibly an alien shapeshifter). He didn't mean to. It started with just tiny, sweet abused Clint, and then there were suddenly Natasha. Tony almost died; Thor fought a space slug 3000 times his size and they experimented on Bruce ... and so it continues. Even if he didn't set out to get the cats, does he really mind? When they get to SHIELD HQ, Clint claws his way up Phil's back and Phil bemusedly bends his arm as Clint nudges his head around Phil's waist and tucks himself up there. Adorable assembly of cats. I smiled through most of the fic. Clint's my favorite, but they're all lovely and I like Phil's interaction with them. Good humor and loving detail. I would love more in this universe. Heeh for the agents thinking Natasha's a spider! Aww for Tony letting Clint ride him. A friend of mine has two Norwegian Forest cats, they're awesome! And I googled German Rex kittens - absolutely adorable! I've never seen a munchkin cat, but they seem very sweet. Somalia cats are the prettiest cats ever!

Caught In Death's Shadow by coffeebuddha
At 25, Nick Fury found a book with spells in his favourite used book store in Harlem. He wasn't sure why, but he bought it. 13 years later, Hydra is overwhelming and he needs help. So he performs a spell from the book to bind death to him - and Death comes to him, in the guise of an unassuming man in a suit. But Death isn't quite as under Nicks' command as Nick thought and one day it's time to pay the rest of his debt. Only ... why is Coulson suddenly trying to get Barton to eat pomegranade seeds? It had to be the morphine, Clint knew that, but in that moment he would swear that Coulson's face flickered, an impression of a skull interposed over his face and deep, empty sockets where his eyes should be. Lovely idea that I really, really liked. Yes, I could see Coulson as Death and Fury doing something like that and of course spells are tricky things. Awww for the thing with the pomegranade seeds - just so classic and great. I would love to read more in this universe. Heh for Nick flipping a coin in the end. Heh for the breathing thing - and for the thing with the Captain America costume.

Changes in Designation by Kisleth and Ringshadow
Loki didn't kill Coulson. But the treatment prevents Coulson from taking the medication that makes him able to pass as an Alpha. In truth, Coulson's an Omega. When the Avengers come to him Clint touches him - and almost bond the two of them firmly with that touch alone (something usually only seen in romantic comedy). Clint thought himself an unnatural Alpha before, not only sterile, but in love with another Alpha. Now that Coulson's an Omega he wants him even more. But they are separated to give Coulson time to find his balance again after the change. And there's another Alpha among the Avengers who is also compatible with Coulson - Steve Rogers. And how would the fully human Alpha Barton ever stand up against the supersoldier in the fight for his omega? He wants to say fuck his Alpha pride and drop to his knees before Phil and beg him. Beg him for something, anything, even if it is to just mercifully end him because there is no way he d ever want this broken bag of issues and self-loathing. Interesting plotline, feels fresh and strong. Normally I'm rather tired of ABO-stories, but this worked. Story stands well on its own, though I hope for a sequel. I liked Coulson (badass regarding of designation) and Tony too. Poor Clint. Lovely angst. Yay for even JARVIS being on Clint's side. Nice dash of humor too. Good voice for Clint, I think the accent was handled well. Nice bit of action too - and good use of Clint's skills during it. Heh for him waving at Phil as he flies by. Bad Steve, but but while I wouldn't like him doing things like that normally, it worked for this verse. Good on Phil to put Steve in his place. Awww for Clint being dragged out the vent like a reluctant cat. And awww for him to purr.

Charlie Is My Darling by notaredshirt
Birthrates has dropped. An ugly consequence are breeding farms. Captured omegas are bred and the resulting children sold. Coulson is captured by one such group. The alpha brood sire, Charlie, is also captured. SHIELD soon rescues Coulson. His friend Nick helps him through the pregnancy and the birth of his son, Charles Nicholas. Then one day Nick asks Coulson to take over one of Jasper's assets, a sniper, Clint Barton. But when they meet, Clint Barton is the alpha Coulson knew only as Charlie. Part of it was biological, Fury was sure; Coulson had given birth to Barton s son and Barton s instincts had to be telling him that Coulson was his, but with the way Barton s face eyes lit up when Coulson s name was mentioned, it had to be more than that. Strong. Normally I don't like noncon, but this was enough off-screen and circumstancial that it worked. Charlie seems cute and Clint is oh so sweet when faced with the prospect of his son. I really liked Nick in this one, very warm and a great friend. Aww for "Charlie" calling Coulson "honey".

Chase You Down Until You Love Me by psalmoflife
The Avengers are told that they have fans writing RPF about them. And RPS ... Their reactions differ. Clint is baffled to find while yeah, he's paired with Natasha and Darcy a lot, one of the most common pairings is him and Coulson. He's amused by it, though, and starts playing up to it in public. And when he reads, some aspects of some fics sounds really appealing ... He had never seriously thought of having kids, certainly never with Phil, but reading about his supposed kids with Phil had him imagining what it would be like. Sweet story. As a long-time slasher I'm fond of the "RPF" stories of the Avengers finding out and this was a good one. Heh for the "mutant peacock attack". Cute story with James, I liked Clint there. Hot too. Aww for blushing!Hawkeye.

Children of Loki by Evander
Jormungandr, Fenrir and Hel escaped from Asgard and now live among the humans in their human guises - a.k.a. Fury, Coulson and Darcy. And then one day, Thor arrives ... It causes a growl to start, low and deep in his chest too low for human ears to catch, but enough to make the people next to him take an inadvertent step back as it crawls along the edge of their senses and terrorises the deepest parts of their brains. Very interesting set-up and I would have loved to read more stories in this universe: Clint finding out that his lover's Fenrir would have been lovely. But nice as it is. Heh for the dog jokes. Loki as their mother threw me a bit (I'm used to Norse mythology), but it worked. Good feeling between the siblings. Interesting for Coulson to see only in monochrome, good touch. Sweet how annoyed he gets when Clint jokes about rooting for Thor.

Christmas Party by Cashay
Coulson is very nervous to go to the Level 7 SHIELD Christmas Party, since the people at the party doesn't know he's back from the dead. He thinks they will be furious with him. Will they? When he looked back he saw the banner that was hanging on the opposite wall reading Merry Christmas! in bright red letters and beneath it Welcome back from the dead Phil! in less bright colors. Cute story that made me smile. Good dash of humor. I liked the end - yes, Phil, perhaps you shouldn't always listen to Clint ...

Christmas Plans by basaltone
Coulson hosts the annual Christmas Eve party for SHIELD strays. This year, however, he has an ulterior motive - he plans to seduce one Clint Barton ... He'd find Clint and assure him that he was in no way required to put up with any unwelcomed advances, even from, or especially from his handler, and let him know it would never happen again. I liked the idea of a stray Christmas party, that's a nice idea. About these White Elephant exchanges, I was amused as I had never heard of this custom before and then quite suddenly the subject came up three times in a week, one of those strange things ... Tsk, tsk Coulson for getting to get Clint tipsy. Awww for Clint sticking to Coulson during the evening. And awww for him having to slip away now and then to cool down, so cute. Coulson really does have a voice on him. I'm kinda glad I don't work at SHIELD, though, that "bar sighting alert" would worry me. Nice dash of angst.

Clean and Jerk by sabinelagrande
Phil gets kidnapped, but returns. Clint is happy to have him back. Very, very happy. Without hesitation, Clint picks Phil clean up off the floor; Phil is very rarely surprised, but Clint's managed it this time. Short but very nice. I underline lines that I like on my kindle as I read and I think I underlined more than half the story. I liked Phil efficiently getting back without trouble. And Clint's reaction, of course. Very cute end, it made me smile. Nice images of the other in the team too, I especially liked Thor and Bruce.

Clearly a Problem by faeleverte
Clint and Phil meet. And they keep meeting. However, since the first meeting - where Coulson jumped down Clint's window and found himself and a nude Barton throwing sex toys at invaders - their meetings tends to be, well, pantsless. At least one of them tend to be naked. Maybe they should just go with the flow? I m coming, sir! He shouted instead as he slithered like a snake on meth and stuck in reverse, every sense screaming at him to Hurry it the fuck up, Barton, or Coulson might find pants! Amusing story that made me smile. Poor Clint, so embarrassing with the toys and all. And tsk, tsk for letting himself get distracted by nude Coulson - but who wouldn't? Good voice for especially Clint. Tsk to both of them in general.

Clint and Bruce (Hulkeye) by cakeisnotpie
Clint's in a love triangle with Bruce and the Hulk. Theirs is a warm, loving relationship. Also adventures with invading elves, ones past coming back to haunt them and much, much more ... I, Clinton Francis Barton, take you, Robert Bruce Banner, and you, the Hulk, to be my husband for better or worse, in sickness and health, for bigger or smaller as long as we all live. Long, sprawling relationship, difficult to summarize, but with plenty of good details, angst and humor. I really liked the Hulk part of this: his view of things and how much he loves Clint. Several long, nice, interesting stories. Cute with Hulk giving Clint a life, share his food and so on. I really liked when the thugs tried to threaten the restaurant and Clint and Bruce/Hulk deals with them. Sex with a bit o'Hulk was unexpectedly (for me) hot. I'm normally into Barton/Coulson, but this series worked for me and I was very pleased with the handling of Coulson in it, even if he's not part of the pairing. Good bits about the others in the team too. Cute with Steve letting Tony chase him. Good dashes of humor. I felt a little sad about Robert, I liked him when I first read about him. Awww for Clint teaching Steve about flirting. Good plot devices, such as the lipstick both to assassin and to take out the assassin. Aww for insecure Hulk when he's separated from Bruce. I like Clint with powers of his own. Good for Hill to stand up for Clint. Cute with the small stories within the story when they're caught by Gabriel. Heh both for the Princess Bride and the Jane Austen. Some good story telling techniques. One of my favourite bits was when they went on the run together: unexpected and sweet and it worked. Another favorite part are the events of the NY battle from Hulk's POV, it gave a nice image of him. Good use of both Clint and Bruce's pasts. I liked how Bruce, knowing only that Clint needs to go, goes with him, no questions asked. Heh for Tony being king of inappropriate cocktail talks with villains. Yay for Clint borrowing the Hulk's powers. I'm fond of Herne, so that was neat. I also found it very sweet how the priest insisted on talking to the Hulk separately.

Clint and Phil (MCU Avengers Universe) by cakeisnotpie
The life of Clint and Phil, who love each other very much, for better and for worse (mostly for better). For some reason, Phil thought he wasn t a great catch, that his male patterned baldness, his desk job, and his age meant he wasn t attractive; Natasha had never figured this one out because she considered Phil s lethal competence, his ability to take care of everyone around him, and his unstinting loyalty to his people the most admirable traits in a mate. One of those long, lovely universes, with lots of details and feelings, but not so easy to summarize the actual plot of. Lovely, loving descriptions, especially of Coulson. Great that Clint was able to withstand Loki a little, based on his love of Coulson. Strong in bits. Nicely written. Interesting about Coulson's family, would be neat with more on that. I liked Coulson's prediction of the children's future in the tower. And Coulson standing up against the doctor. Neat with the things Tony makes for them to make up for blurting out secrets, especially the ties. Yay for the Hot Toys. I have four myself (Clint, Bucky, Phil and Steve) and adore them. Interesting (and also a bit scary) with the Surgeon. I liked the idea of Coulson having a stalker. Heh for taking out armies with legos. Sweet that they drift closer when they sleep together. I'd like to hear more about Thor's gift, sounded classic. Nice bits of angst and misunderstandings. Several good lines. I think my favorite bit was Clint going back to the past, thoughtworthy, but also sweet and I liked the outcome.

Clint Barton versus Phil Coulson's No Good Very Bad Evil Fuzzy Wuzzy Mustache of Doom by kat8cha
When first Clint got to know Phil, Phil had a mustache. But not just any mustache. A no good very bad evil fuzzy wuzzy mustache of doom. Clint decides that the mustache must die. He did his best to give Coulson puppy eyes without being distracted by the sight of Coulson staring down the sights of a gun at him. Cute story that made me smile. So cute the lengths Clint go to. Bad Natasha, helping him, then letting him take the heat. Good humor. I liked Clint's description of the mustache. Good ending. Cute with Clint flirting with the secretary pool to find out Coulson's missions. Aww for Clint considering drugging Coulson to let him sleep better (sigh, fandom is strange ...). I really adore the "accidental dating" fics - very cute. All in all, yes, I don't think Coulson would look good in a mustache like that, so, good job, Clint.

Clint Barton, Omega by Takanotori_Kari
WIP in which Clint Barton, age ten, ends up on his own. He's more or less accidentally bonded/adopted/imprinted by Marcus Johnson and his omega mate, Jasper. The family grows when Jasper has his triplets. Basically, your body secreted pheromones that called to protection instincts in alphas and then, when you had gained the attention and protection of one, attempted to make you smell as much like them as possible. Interesting AU, promising, I hope for more and that it hasn't been abandoned. I like the thought of a very smart Clint. To bad we don't get more of Phil. Interesting with Clint's dislike of betas. Sweet with Clint knitting baby blankets. Nice with Tony and Clint's friendship.

Clint Barton's Unorthodox (And Possibly Deadly) Friend-Making Methods by kilme
Clint has a habit of dropping by his friends uninvited - and letting himself in through a window. When he drop by Coulson's place, he's in for a surprise. Coulson comes from a small town called Night Vale ... He made two cups of coffee - one with milk and no sugar the way Barton liked it, and one with a splash of bleach the way he liked it - and returned to the living room. Amusing, fits both fandoms well and an enjoyable read. Poor Clint. But he rolls with the blows very well. Cute with the pillows. Several good lines. Heh for the great yawning void.

Clint hates it when people touch Phil by Skysbringer
Clint's at the range. Beside him, Phil is teaching some junior agents how to use their weapons wounded or under duress. Then one of the junior agents does the unthinkable - she comes on to Coulson. And she is not taking no for an answer. Clearly Clint must stake his claim. When, after a moment, he adds, "My wannabe octopus," Clint's heart swells because the sheer joy of knowing Phil is his, the one thing Clint has ever allowed himself to keep, is matched only by knowing that Clint is Phil's as well and that Phil's planning on keeping him around forever. He's said so himself, more than once, in front of witnesses to boot, and the one thing everybody at S.H.I.E.L.D knows is that Phil Coulson's plans never fail. That's one very annoying woman - and stupid. Even if Phil's a wonderful man, that's not a good way to pay him attention. Good on Clint to get the message through. I liked the description of Clint's own shooting program. Good description and good lines. Heh for Clint comparing in speed with Coulson's paperwork submission. Clint's jealousy is really cute.

Choices Made by blackchaps
When Coulson finally catches Barton he discovers that Clint is not only a submissive, but an alpha submissive, something rare and special. And very tempting. Clint finds himself a captive on the helicarrier and he's not about to give in quietly. When the clatter and screaming reached Coulson s ears, he indulged in a healthy sigh before stepping into the hallway and taking Hawkeye down to the floor with a feint and a tackle. Interesting dynamic, I liked the 'alpha submissive' idea. Good use of scent. I liked how fiercely Clint fought, suits him. Good OCs. Heh for Clint carrying arrows in his mouth, it amused me (and I do have a tendency to carry like that myself, sometimes, albeit not weapons). Good touch with Clint using the bow since he's never fired a rifle and worries he wouldn't be any good with it, silly boy. I liked Tony in this one.

Coffee Isn't Just Coffee by anarchycox
Clint has finally done it: he's asked Phil out for coffee coffee - and Phil said yes! But when Clint gets back from his next mission Phil is unconscious in medical. He's also off his blockers. Clint had thought Phil was a beta, which was perfectly fine with Clint (even if he's an alpha). Phil's not. He's an omega - and not just that, he's an adaptive omega, capable of making any alpha want him. Phil also has amnesia - he remembers nothing of the past five years - or anything of their friendship and budding romance. Can Clint have any chance still? Years he had been trying to be better, make himself better, make himself someone Phil would want to be courted by. Nice variation of the ABO-dynamics. Good touch with the adaptive omega, interesting backstory to them, and I really liked the different smells. Fresh feeling to the story. Poor Phil, he just has the worst luck with meeting Steve ... Several nice details. Awww for the Phil's homemade Hawkeye bandaids. And the triplicate courting forms, awww, that's love ...

Coffee. Black. No Cream. No Sugar by redlionspride
Clint works at a coffee shop, Bishop Muffins. Many customers give complicated orders, almost as if trying to trip him up. His favorite customer, though, orders just black coffee. He seems a very nice man too. Maybe Clint can ask him out? It was always the simplest order to make but the one that gave Clint the highest satisfaction in his days at work. One of those just sweet stories. Perhaps not a grand adventure, but nice and filling that's just what you're wanting. Like black coffee. Good feeling.

Color by Numbers by gossamerthreads
The Soldier wants to get away. He manages to hide away in the mountains of Wyoming, living off the land with only a bag of gummy bears for company. Little by little, he returns towards being human. Eventually, things must change. What will he do then? Because that asset, that thing as you called him? Is my best friend. I burned all of Hydra once for touching him, what do you think I m going to do after I found out they tortured him for seventy years? So sweet. Aww-worthy. I loved Bucky and the bears and when he talks about them. Good boy, Bucky, to plan his getaway and get away. Sad with the look into Hydra making them human yet inhuman to Bucky. I had hoped we'd get more of The Old Man, Jerry. Sweet end, though more would also have been nice, I'm always greedy like that. Poor Bucky ...

Column C by FlatlandDan
It's Christmas. Coulson and Barton ends up sharing a hotel room. They start thinking of their situation. Neither have had picture perfect Christmases during their childhoods. Maybe together they could have a better one. And maybe even more than that. I have the back of the world's greatest marksman, and I know he has mine, Phil replied with a soft smile. Sometimes, literally. Sweet with good humor. They do go well together. I really liked the note Clint left for Phil so he wouldn't shoot him when he woke up.

Come With Me If You Want True Love by SarahSupaStar
At first Clint thought he would meet his soulmate in a very dramatic way. Then, when he learned that the words written on him - "Come with me if you want to live." - is actually a quote from a movie, he realises that his soulmate is a nerd. Actually, he's right on both accounts. Clint stared at this ridiculous man, his soulmate, who had the skills to track him across several countries, who had hit him with what even Hawkeye would admit was a damned difficult shot, and who had branded Clint s body with a famous movie quote simply because he couldn t resist the temptation to be dorky and dramatic when given the opportunity. Awww, cute. Very Coulsony. Nice note at the end about Clint's laughter.

Coming Home by grimcognito
AU in which Bucky lay where he had fallen for a long, long time - for 70 years, until a railroad worker finds him in modern time. He wakes up, but is kept by the government in the country. Once he hears that Captain America has been found, he escapes. There was no way Steve was alive, and that thought made Bucky colder than the ice ever could. Nice idea and I like how determined Bucky was once he had a reason to leave. Good feeling between them.

Coming Soon: Coulson's Used Books by Cpwatcher
AU in which Fury is the owner and cook of the Fury's Double Joint. Natasha's his waitress and the stores in the block are owned by familiar faces. Tony Stark the mechanic, with his auto bodyshop; Clint Barton's storage facility, Sitwell and Hills barber shop and beauty salon combo, the Maximoff twins clothing and athletic shoe shop. Nick kept a spot for an old friend of his, Coulson, and his used book shop. Now Coulson finally has arrived. One of the neighbors in particular, Clint, finds Coulson highly interesting. However, there can be nothing between them, as Barton himself is already is taken. He "has a Rumlow". But will that be enough to keep them apart? There will never come a time when I don't want you, Clint Barton. I'm not normally that much into AUs, but this was warm and sweet. I like the instant connection between Clint and Phil. A bit stalkery Clint, but enjoyably so. Clint's very cute, stumbling over his words. Heh for Fury invading Phil's apartment. And for the "forearms of desire".

Competence by Noxnoctisanima
Clint has a thing for people who do their job well. SHIELD has many such people Coulson isn't surprised when Clint gets interested in him, so he plays it cool, thinking Clint will soon tire. But Clint stays and Coulson enjoys having him around. Will Clint realise this? The first worrying sign was that he found the lurking in air vents endearing rather than the truly creepy habit it was. Cute story that made me smile. Aww for Coulson giving Clint more paperwork when he flirts. Some good lines for such a short story. I would like to have read more in this universe. Probably wise of Coulson to wait things out, yes.

Computer Illiterate by Twilight Fang (Asthenos)
Steve's bad with computers. It's not that he just doesn't know anything. It's that he's really, really bad at them ... You ve broken two iMacs, infected a Sony with a virus so lethal that the Pentagon wouldn t be able to remove it, and seriously crippled our only remaining Toshiba laptop. I do find Steve being bad at computers amusing and this was a nice such story. I have an aquaintance that sometimes act like Steve, so I do get people being annoyed with Steve. Good with the list of days in the week and what Steve does on them. Yay for the William Fichtner reference!

Confiteo by Ghostie
Clint is hit by a paralyzing agent of some sort. Thinking Clint is in a coma, Coulson confesses the true depths of his feelings for Clint. They are in a relationship, but while Coulson loves Clint, he thinks that for Clint their affair is merely a convenience. Unbeknownst to Coulson, Clint hears everything. Now how will he react? He wasn't the sort of person that was inclined to hide from difficult truths, but it had been so easy to pretend, when Clint would laugh as they kissed and slide his hands gently across Coulson's skin, that their relationship had been something besides purely physical. Several good lines. Nice angst of a type I really like, almost a little aww-worthy. I thought Fury was the SHIELD director, not Coulson, at least at the time of this posting? But not my primary fandom, so I could be wrong. The Coulson in this story is not my favourite type Coulson, but I still like it. I have no problems with his insecurities towards Clint, being jealous and having a weak moment, but in one or two instances (such as "letting" Tony blackmail him, letting Clint order him around a bit, expressing shame if they would be found together) that hints at a bit of passivity that isn't "wrong", I just prefer the very secure, effective, super agent version of him - and I still enjoyed this. Good touch with the nerve disruptor or paralyzing agent to explain why Clint hears everything.

Conviction by Sinope
Coulson isn't a man who lets a small thing like death keep him from his rightful place as an agent of SHIELD and lover of Hawkeye. Coulson died - really died. He was reincarnated as PJ, Hawkeye's biggest fan. PJ grows up, goes to school in NY and there, he finally meets up with his destiny. Now if he can just convince Hawkeye to give him a chance. Meeting Clint Barton's eyes when he was ten years old and clutching a photo to be autographed, and seeing his hero stare at him with so much emotion that PJ couldn't begin to untangle it, and knowing that he wanted to curl up next to Hawkeye and never ever leave, just to clutch onto a fragment of that emotion -- maybe it didn't make him gay, either, but that was when PJ knew. Nice take on this plot, with good feeling and a nice final solution/plot twist. Aww for Phillip J Coulson memorial Park. Nice version of Coulson and feels in character. Poor Clint in the beginning. Aww for Phil being the greatest hero of all the Avengers. Several good lines. Yay for PJ turning his undercover to the most lucrative drug trafficking business in the Midwest, that made me smile.

Corner Coffee by B0WSandARR0WS
Anette and George runs a coffee shop, Corner Coffee, in New York. One day, Clint comes into the shop to hide from Natasha. When he tastes The Coffee (a very strong George special), he's hooked. He and Natasha drags in Coulson and soon enough the shop is a favorite of SHIELD Agents. And then, before Shawarma, Natasha and Clint brings the Avengers there. Tall, blonde and handsome, wearing the right costume, and the shield, Phil would be drooling right now; are you sure you re not really Captain America? Warm story with nice OCs. I hope for a continuation for part 1 (the WIP), it was just getting interesting! Neat nick names. Especially cute with them thinking Steve's just a lookalike. Sweet with Natasha and Clint bickering. Some good descriptions.

Costumed by BonitaBreezy
Barton celebrates Halloween at Phil's parent's place. Dressed out children comes and goes. But then comes a child who is dressed up as his hero - Hawkeye ... The kid s mother was staring at him, like she was almost positive she knew who he was but not entirely sure. Sweet. I did like Clint's history with Halloween, good build up for the story. Nice emotion. The story is enough by itself, but I'd love to have seen more: the child finding out and so on and so forth. But then, I'm always greedy for more when something makes me go awww ...

Couches and Cats by Fiendfyre
Clint and Phil are friends. When Phil goes home on Thanksgiving Clint housesits Phil's apartment and takes care of his cat, Nutmeg. And then when Phil gets back, Clint just ... doesn't leave. Okay, so Phil might have to kidnap Clint's bow to get him to stay, but still. And a bit later Clint finds himself invited to the Coulson family to celebrate his mother's birthday. Apparently the family is under the impression that Clint's Phil's boyfriend ... "Shit, Coulson. When did we become a couple?" Clint asked, nervously running a hand through his hair. I have a very weak spot for "accidental" relationships and also Coulson's family, so this was sweet. Nice backstory to when Clint was first recruited. Heh for Phil tazering him when Clint went through his things. Yay for Coulson to the rescue when Clint went missing, something else I like. Nutmeg sounds sweet. I like how they came together.

Covert Operation by Kika988
Coulson gets a panic phone call from Clint, who wants him to come over and help Clint prepare for Clint's Very Important Date. Reluctantly Coulson do come over and helps. His reluctance is because while he does Clint to be happy, he loves Clint himself, even if he knows they're not in the same league. And he has no clue who the man Clint will go on a date with is. He really doesn't ... Phil felt himself dying a little inside, though he had a moment of gratitude over his complete awareness of his own physical failings -- it made disillusioning himself of any chances he might have against this guy that much easier. Sweet story. Sneaky Clint indeed. Good emotion and nice dash of angst. Humor too. Good on Phil to try to help and reassure Clint despite everything.

Cry Uncle by BeneficialAddiction
Coulson is kidnapped and it's Fury's fault. Fury planned the whole thing. Not to get Coulson in trouble, really, but to lure in an illusive mercenary to claim the reward of rescuing Coulson. But why? And why does the merc react so strangely once he delivers Coulson to SHIELD - and to Fury ...? "Uncle Nick!" he whimpers, and then he's darting forward and crashing into Fury's arms, burying his face in the man's chest and sobbing. Awww ... So sweet. Very few fics shows such a warm side of Fury. Poor Phil, but it seems everything turns out for the best.

Dangerous Instruments by Selenay
Phil Coulson is an Edwardian gentleman. Though by night he's also a vigilante, solving crime in London. He runs into an American, Clint Barton, and hires him as his valet (even if he's not all that good at it). He feels drawn to him, but to act on it would be to take advantage of his position. Meanwhile, there's a series of strange deaths in London. Detective Inspector Fury, head of a small, secreative branch of Metropolitan police, is helpless. And soon Hammers automations will be installed at Downing Street ... Also the story of how Pepper came to work for Tony. And the story of Captain Steve Rogers, home from the war and hired by Fury to find the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier, who seeks shelter in the town Steve grew up in, in the very home Steve grew up in. In the part of the house Steve's best friend, Bucky Barnes, used to live ... "That's how long I plan to 'keep' him: for as long as he wants me." Interesting steampunk universe. Normally I'm not all that into steampunk, but this was nice. Good adventure, interesting set-up, good use of the characters. Nice dash of angst and good feeling between them. I'm a bit base and would have liked the scene of Coulson fucking Clint, but it really isn't necessary for the story. Many good details. I would like more in this universe. I like the dynamic between Clint and Phil, even when it's changing for a more equal status and aww for Clint's assumption that the decision of what they'll do is entirely Coulson's. The automatons are creepy. Good dash of humor. Good on Natasha for looking out for Clint. Heh for Tony making coffee by starting with building the machine to make it. I also liked Pepper, especially in her own sub-story, inspiring. Cute with Dummy. Also the story of Steve and Bucky is adorable. Nice description of Bucky's arm.

Dating the Long Way Around by scifigrl47
Steve and Tony are finally going on a date. Steve's first date, ever. Everything should be perfect. Apart from the invasion of New York, when the city is taken over by ice monsters and all the other Avengers go missing. Now what will they do? For as often as this date had been delayed, due to disasters and SHIELD emergencies and Tony's health after his kidnapping, it was possible that Steve had built this up in his head to be something it wasn't. Poor boys. Oh so sweet with the nervousness and everything in the beginning (especially the girls trying to tell Steve how he doesn't have to put out if he doesn't want to, awww ...). Nice humor too. Aww for Spidey webbing himself. I really liked the show of Steve's driving ability, very good touch. Also, Tony's unhealthy relationship with his tech, that made me smile. Sweet angst, good language. Good villain, believably flawed. I really liked the use of Clint and how the witch was fooled by her own ignorance. At the very end of the date turned very good. TOASTERVERSE.

Day Off; Off Day by Starrie_Wolf
While Coulson's away on a mission, his specialist is drafted to a mission without him being consulted. Not only that, due to bad intel and general inaptitude, his specialist is captured. Someone will pay for this ... Why the hell were you taking orders from someone whose rank is lower than yours? Yay for Coulson to the rescue. I'm also fond of people underestimating Clint and learning differently. Good detail about Clint taking care with his thumbs or his aim would be off, I liked that.

Deadpool Gets A Roomba (and unleashes an army on SHIELD headquarters) by missmishka
Deadpool watches one of the Avengers missions on TV, when he sees Tony Stark bring assistance in the form of an army of roombas. Deadpool wants! So he sneaks into SHIELD HQ to get himself roombas. Will he manage to steal some - and, if so, will it be as awesome as he thinks? He s never known love as he feels it, looking once more at the Roombas contained in the cell. Cute story that made me smile. Yay for Deadpool and yay for the roombas. Fun and sweet. Good voice for Deadpool and interesting to see the Avengers from his POV. Poor Deadpool. Visual story. TOASTERVERSE.

Decision making paradigms by sin
Clint sees a woman leaving Phil's office - a woman who corrects Phil's tie and kisses his cheek. Clint is naturally curious and starts to stalk, um, investigate. As it turns out, it's not just one woman - Phil appears to have an entire harem. Then Clint makes the mistake of showing his evidence to the other Avengers. What is the truth about Phil's "harem" - and how will Phil react when he finds out what Clint has done? Jane has told me that, despite the current fad of young adult fiction that purports to be liberating for young girls, breaking into your romantic interest's house to watch them sleep unknowing of your presence is, in fact, anti-feminist, illegal in most countries of this world and downright skeezy. Poor Clint, I can so see him starting this without meaning anything bad and then it just gets out of his control. The Twilight references amused me very much. Nice angst. Again poor Clint for Phil's reaction. Nice dash of humor overall. Aww for Tony trying to cheer Clint up with a miniature crossbow. Sweet ending. Normally, yes, stalking is skeezy, but Clint's version is cute.

Deep as a secret nobody knows by This Girl Is (non_sequential)
AU in which, on a dare, Steve calls a sex phone line. The guy on the other end, Bucky, is very nice. They hit it off and Steve keeps calling. But in the end, Steve wants more ... Because he really, really doesn t want to be that creepy guy who starts stalking sex workers because he thinks he s in love with them. I liked the resolution to this fic, it works for me. Tsk, tsk, Steve for using your own name ... Really nice detail with the salsa dip.

Diamonds by iloveitblue
Clint has been passed from handler to handler - he's had 36 handlers in 6 years - and Fury's running out of patience. Clint gets one last chance. His new handler is even worse - but what the handler does is witnessed by one Phil Coulson, who Fury has tried to push Clint at for years. Maybe Phil will finally take what is offered. Before he did, he managed to hear Coulson sermoning Jensen, you should know that any and all concerns regarding a specialist s behavior should be discussed during the debriefing and hitting your specialist to assert your authority is just pathetic. Cute story that made me smile. Good with Phil to the rescue. I liked Fury in this one.

Digging your own Grave by iloveitblue
Fury makes Phil get an intern, Mr Fink. Phil brings him along to meet the Avengers. Well, all the Avengers except Clint, who is not there at the moment. But that's perfectly fine with Fink - as Fink thinks Clint is unimportant anyway, not a useful Avenger, more of a burden to them, really. What will the Avengers say to that? And what will Coulson say? They all turned to the source of the projectile to find that Natasha still had her hand on the table where she was supposedly playing with the knife while Phil was standing up, his hand outstretched and posed as if he just threw something - a knife maybe. Highly amusing. Good reactions from all Avengers, with Coulson as the icing on the cake. Heh for Clint at the end.

Distant Feeling by AdamantSteve
The treatment to his brain left Phil a little ... different. He realises that he can hear thoughts. Which can be both good and bad. And then he sees Clint again ... and some of Clint's thoughts have an unexpected emotion to them ... So it s true, you love paperwork so much you came back from the dead to do more of it, he says, sitting in his familiar chair and putting his boots on Phil s desk. Internally, Clint s barely holding it together, his thoughts a stream of holy fuck it s true oh god oh god oh god. Interesting set-up. Made me smile. I really liked Clint's little "oh"s and all. I also found it believable that Phil might want to keep the change to himself. And also that it might have been orchestred especially to get a telepath to SHIELD. Awww for Clint thinking Phil might be bored of him. Good feeling between them.

Distractions by florahart
SHIELD agents are taught to take things as they come and plan contingencies. They also believe in distractions and that if one of their team does something unexpected it's best to roll with it and not block a possible distraction. Barton, for one, kisses someone. Wet, dirty and distracting. It works. Coulson approves, apart for one thing: Barton never, ever kisses Coulson. When Barton has to distract and Coulson is the only one there, Barton changes his MO and they fight instead. Coulson wants to know why. If I kissed you in the field, I would completely lose track of the distractee, any targets, and possibly my own name. Poor Phil thinking Clint don't want to kiss him (for any reason). I like the way SHIELD trains their agents. Good humor.

Diverse Skillset by Pewter_Chatelaine
In SHIELD there are some varied opinions whether or not Agent Coulson is a good stripper. Date (redacted) - Senior Agent Coulson is expressly forbidden, from this date forward, to use any ability he may possess, real or imaginary, of removing his clothing in a sexual manner, especially on, but not limited to, any current or future active SHIELD operations, no matter the circumstances. (redacted), Director. Very cute, short story that made me smile. Nice power of three and good with the redactions.

Dog Days of Winter by fangirlSevera
Clint takes Lucky to the park - where they meet a man in a grey suit, a man who's walking an english bulldog bitch called Captain. The dogs like each other, so they start meeting up. Then one day it's not Phil walking Captain, it's his friend Marcus - or Fury. Because Phil's gotten himself kidnapped by Hydra. Would Clint like to tag along to help rescue him? "I've found Phil's cell, but it looks like we got ourselves a self-rescuing princess." Sweet meet and I like the dogs. Nice dash of angst. Heh about the Cheese thing, really amusing and my favorite explanation of that nick name as of yet. Phil and Nick went well together. Yay for self-rescuing Princesses!

Dogs of SHIELD by TheGirlInTheB
Lucky is a good dog. He lives with his person, who he loves very much. His person is not that good. He often has to go to the human V-E-T. Then one day he doesn't come home! And when he finally does - he's a corgi! Obviously, Lucky needs to put things right. Because Lucky is a good dog! Beating a quick retreat Lucky snatches his human up by the scruff of his neck and prances over to Phil Coulson, the man-turned-pup yipping frantically in his jaws. Very cute story. Go Lucky! Such a good dog! Poor Clint ... He's not a good dog. He's cute, though. Long since I read a corgi!Clint story, so that was nice. Heh for Lucky peeing in Clint's shoe. And calling Nat a cat. Strong about Lucky's name sound. Aww for Lucky trying True Love's Kiss -even - and thinking it works. Sweet!

Dominion by astolat
Loki finally sits on the throne of Asgard. Thor kneels before him. Not unexpectedly now that Loki has almost all he ever wanted, he wants the rest too. And Thor is already so nicely placed ... And then they were all gone; the throne room was empty, and there were thunderclouds massed overhead darkening the windows, and Thor's hands on his thighs, tension swelling out the veins on the back of those beautifully muscled arms as he bent down. Hot. And fully believable.

Don't Drink the Green Beer (Drink the Guinness Instead) by Ralkana
Natasha gets Clint drunk and then offloads him on Coulson. Clint says some things he never would have said sober. How will Coulson react? And what will happen in the morning? "Hey, Coulson? You think if I was smarter, you might want me?" Clint mumbled, his eyes closed, and Phil stared at him, stunned. "'cause sometimes, you make jokes, and I don't get them. I think if I got them, you might like me more. Might make you want me. That'd be nice. It'd be really good." Sweet, with nice dash of angst. Poor Clint. Clint is a very sweet drunk. And I like Coulson standing up for Clint (even if against Clint himself).

Don't hurt the ones I love. by Celticas
Clint Barton had an imaginary friend when he was a child. But as he grew up, the friend stayed. The man in the fitted suit is Clint's guardian angel. But will even a guardian angel always be able to keep Clint safe ...? Milly Barton had thought it was adorable that her little boy s imaginary friend had such a proper name Phillip J. Coulson, and beware if you forgot the J or tried to shorten it to Phil. Death story, but in an interesting, nice way. Still a bit sad, but sweet too. Good ending.

Do you know how it ends? by whitchry9
Soulmate AU in which the last thing your soulmate will say before they die is written on your skin. Phil Coulson has a problem. He has a massive amount of marks. Not just one, or two, but he's veritably plastered with words. Then he meets one Clint Barton. Who has a habit of dying. A lot. They were the longest twenty minutes of Phil's life, and if it wasn't for the phrase on his back (I've got an arrow for that, sir) Phil wouldn't have been sure that Clint would make it. For the context of this story the soulmate tattoes work - but it's a really bad way of the universe to work, so I wouldn't want to read a lot about that particular version. But here it worked. Very moving, but also amusing in places. Really sweet end. I can hardly ever stomach deaths in fics, but this was almost sweet. Though I'm graceful for the lack of details, as one can imagine them in bed at their old age or something (perhaps not really, but perhaps).

Dragons Don't Drink Coffee by orderlychaos
Clint wakes up with a weight on his chest and finds himself nose-to-snout with a dragon. A small dragon - and luckily one that doesn't seem interested in eating him. In fact it seems to be more interested in coffee. Clint and Natasha takes it for testing at SHIELD and they rest in Coulson's office - and the dragon finds Coulson's supersecret stash of fudge! Not only that, it gives it to Clint! And Coulson is strangely missing ... Nat said sharing fudge was a Coulson mating ritual, he said softly. Awww ... Sweet transformation story. Dragon!Coulson is absolutely adorable! Several nice touches, like the coffee, the fudge, the chirping. Good humor. Good on Phil to protect Clint when Williams doesn't respect him, even as a dragon. Sweet end.

Dynamic Factors by Ringshadow
Clint goes to Coulson's office - and finds that Coulson has put himself in subspace. That is especially surprising, as Coulson is a Dom. Or, rather, he was. Due to the recussitation, something has changed in Coulson's brain. He's now a sub. And Clint has always wanted to take care of him. Apart from their to relationship, there's also the rebuilding of SHIELD. The first time Brock had gone down and stayed down, sprawled on a cushion on the floor, had felt like a revelation, pride swelling through Phil's chest so hard it hurt. The sub. vs. dom situation was interesting in itself and I liked the vibes between Coulson and Barton. The universe itself was also interesting, with the symbolism of the white chokers and such, the percentages of the brain chemistry and the fostering of subs. My favorite bit, though, was the LMDs and the AIM hot soldiers. I really liked them. Oh, and I really liked poor Brock Rumlow in this one. Poor Phil too. Some good descriptions. Good touch having Phil do the chokers and things. Good on Tony to help them out. The story with Micah was very moving. Heh for "hot soldiers". A "cremello" is a very pale horse, white or nearly white with blue eyes (the result of two copies of the "creme" gene). If Emmet is "golden", he's likely a palomino (gold body, white mane/tail) or buckskin (gold body, black mane/tail), the result of only one copy of the creme gene. Sorry, a special interest of mine. And while both a cremello or a palomino/buckskin would look lovely in arab gear, the arab breed does not carry the creme gene, so they'd never be an actual arab. Not that it's said he is supposed to go as an arab, just a side-note. But still very pretty!! Go Dummy for taking on General Talbot.

Dyxlexia 'verse by hoosierbitch
Clint joins SHIELD, but he knows it'll only be a short while before they find out how dumb he is and kicks him out. But when Coulson finds out, he doesn't think Clint is dumb at all. Clint is dyslectic and Coulson sets out to help him. It's not easy, though. And then Clint finds out that Coulson's a homosexual. Brought up by a bigot father, Clint's initial reaction isn't good. Will things get better? The only thing Clint s ever wanted more than he s wanted words is Phil Coulson, whose name he cannot spell. I know little of dyslexia, but I found the description here believable and the various techniques described very interesting. Poor Clint ... Good emotion. I really did feel with/for him. Nice angst. I really liked the touch of homophobia and Clint wrestling with the problematics thereof. While the story isn't non-con in itself, the tiny bit of Clint considering repaying Coulson, keeping their deal "steady" after he finds out that Coulson is gay, that was nummie. I would have liked more closely see how they actually came together after that (before Clint ran away), but then, I'm always greedy for such details. Aww for Clint stealing the things he needs when he can't fill out the forms. Heh for his view of the reject letters of the alphabet. Another cute detail was Hill seriously considering Clint's crack about Coulson being replaced by an alien doppelganger - and SHIELD having procedures for this (even if Coulson wrote most of them). Aww for Coulson being Clint's first date. Good use of Fury in this one. I like this talk to Clint. Good dashes of humor. Sad about Barney. Good fix-it. This was the first story I read that intersects with Agents of SHIELD and the Tahiti magical place reference made me smile, also went well with the hints of "not quite right". Very sweet in parts.

Easy to Blur by foxxcub
The mission had gone well, apart from Coulson getting shot by the alien's heat gun - and, unfortunatelly, by 'heat' they didn't mean temperature. Coulson gets very horny. He manages to get to the mansion, intending to lock himself in his room and take the matter into hand. Unfortunatelly - or, possibly, fortunatelly - Barton waits for him by the door, wanting to know what's wrong - and Coulson has no strength to resist him. But is Barton really unwilling to help out? Fuck, Barton breathed, please tell me you ll speak to me again when this all over. Classic alien made them do it-story, but nicely written and an interesting pairing to read it in. Poor Phil. Well handled by Clint. Nice dash of angst and good end.

Eating Habits by iloveitblue
Phil Coulson eats like a student. Or, rather, he doesn't eat, just like a student. Breakfast is coffee at best, lunch something like a sandwhich and donuts and while he can cook, he's usually too tired for all else it entails. Barton worries - and starts to do something about this. How will Coulson react? The plan was to ask, get rejected, eat ice cream and drown in beer and hopefully by next year, he d be able to get over his handler. Cute. They do say that the way to man's heart is through his stomach. I do like Barton's - if a bit clumsy - attempts to take care of Phil. Nice breaking of the 4th wall.

Education by androgynousclintbarton
Clint is studying to get his GED, as he believes it's a must for SHIELD, when Phil reveals something unexpected: he doesn't have an higher education either ... It was a true fact: their janitor was an extremely intelligent man and Phil was thankful for the fact that he was one of the few people who knew that the janitor was also their chief of security, who had built and monitored all of their security measures for years Cute. Interesting aspect of Coulson. A bit sweet, really. Nice dash of angst. A detail I really liked was about the janitor, nice touch.

Eight Lovers by flatbear
As a lover, Clint has many different aspects. Phil might like some of them more than the others, but the whole packet is his. He shows him how to roll his hips down, how to breath through his nose and keep his teeth back when there s a cock in his mouth. Their relationship might have its rocky moments - and maybe not entirely healthly in all aspects, but the story has a nice feel to it, elegant with the different descriptions of Clint. Something about Phil being Clint's first really works for me, especially when Clint has to point it out when Phil is practically all but in him, poor boy. Hot, but nice dash of humor too.

Environmental Control by lasergirl
Phil Coulson works for Stark Medical. He also has OCD. He's mostly touch-phobic with some germ-phobic, and has some other aversions. One day he meets up with one Clint Barton, who works as a courier for Hawkeye Courier. They fit very well together. So I meet a good-looking guy with a cool job who has maybe the nerdiest hobby ever, who is the sharpest dresser I've ever met, and he agrees to go out for drinks with me even though it's pretty obvious he's got issues around that? And then he's surprised when I like him? Sweet story. Phil's OCD is very lovingly described. Several good details that makes the story interesting to read. I felt I learned something from it. I liked Thor in this one. Heh for Fury as Dr Fury. Also for Coulson paying for the coffee by Starbucks account numbers. And I also liked how Clint made a rule for each of Phil's, felt very fair.

Every Me Loves Every You by Cyanide_Kettle
Clint is freed from Loki, but not before Loki told Clint a terrible truth. There is a multitude of other universes. And in each of those universes, whatver their jobs or statuses or species - the Clint Barton of that universe is in a loving relationship of some sort with the Phil Coulson of that universe. Except in one. This one. The Clint Barton of this universe is not worthy of Phil Coulson. But is that really the full truth? He kind of wished he was brave enough to wrap his fingers around Coulson s, just to have that single taste of how touching the man could feel. Aww ... Sweet. This made me smile. Very nice angst and good feelings too. Nice humor. Heh for Clint's exposing SHIELD's weaknesses being good for his next employee evaluation and Fury being proud.

Exceeding the Scope of the Contract by florahart
Phil is back from a mission and in desperate need of human contact. So, he calls an agency and have them send over a snugglebuddy. When he goes outside to turn off the sprinkles he finds this snugglebuddy outside - and he's gorgeous. The man - Clint - seems a bit taken aback by Phil's attitude to his presence, though. Possibly because Clint wasn't hired to Phil's snugglebuddy. Clint was hired to kill him. Now what? Yes. I think there s a small chance, like maybe 99 and a half percent or so, that who I am and who you think I am are not the same thing. Oh so cute misunderstanding. Poor Clint. He is oh so cute, though. This really made me smile. Heh for surprise ninja cuddling. I wouldn't mind hiring a cuddler on occasion. Good use of Grant. Good detail of Phil having zip ties in his pockets just because, even if off-duty. Heh for Fury knowing everything.

Extraction Plan by Luniana
Coulson and May are captured. The rest of the team don't know how to proceed. They go to Clint, to have him help them. He's not too interested, though, as Coulson haven't spoken to him since Loki ... But why haven't Coulson spoken to him since then? Clint, he whispered, his brain firing memories, images, words, scents...anything it could to both strengthen and hide from the overwhelming cold sense of loss threatening to stop his heart. Very cute with Agent Lucky. I also like Clint and the tenants. And nice to see another TAHITI fic, there are too few of them. Very nice to see when Coulson realised what he was missing - good emotion. Good details about their exit strategies too.

Eye of the beholder by Skysbringer
Phil is injured on a mission. Clint wasn't able to help him. They wait for Phil in the hospital. But when they get words from him, he's asking for his hero. Clint is disappointed, but is Phil really asking for Steve? "He's asking for you, Clint," Steve explains, tentative, and Clint's first instinct is to plaster on a smile and laugh along as always, because it has to be a joke. Sweet story that made me smile. High Phil is cute. Nice dash of angst.

Failure To Communicate by concertigrossi
Coulson and Barton keeps ending up locked in together. Maybe it's the universe's way of trying to tell them something? Because Clint thinks the chances of Phil Coulson looking twice at the Ex-Carnie high-school dropout are pretty nil. He'd watched once, from his perch, while Coulson knocked out five HYDRA goons in four minutes that part was to be expected but the way he straightened his tie and adjusted his cufflinks afterwards had brought about Clint's most inappropriately-timed man-reaction ever. Nicely formatted story, with good humor. Good view of especially Phil. Heh for him stop-watching Clint to get them out of the first jam. Several nice details. Awww for Tony chipping his team mates to keep them safe.

Falling in love by iloveitblue
Coulson has an epiphany. He loves one Clint Barton. Barton, however, had the same epiphany a long time ago ... That night, Phil Coulson found out that he s in love with Clint Barton but that didn t mean he was delusional enough to think that he had a chance. Very nice descriptions from both POVs. Elegant, too.

Falling With A Purpose by Meloenijs
For their unofficial two year anniversary, Clint asks Phil to move in with him. Things might have gone differently if Phil had been aware of that it was their two year anniversary. Or, indeed, if Phil had been aware of that they were in a relationship to start with. Looking further than that top layer though, Clint found a man with a gentle smile and the nicest calming blue eyes. Cute story that made me smile. I like Clint's view of Phil's possible reasons for them not having had sex yet. And I have a soft spot of "unaware relationships". Nice pressies Phil got. Heh for Clint climbing the buildings and circling Coulson. Aww for the offered Captain America shrine.

Father Figures by Westgate (Harkpad)
A man is following the Avengers. He's a blond, older man with kaleiodoscopic eyes who looks strangely familiar. A man who used to live in Waverly, Iowa. A man who used to know Clint's mother ... Can he really be Clint's father? And, even if he really is Clint's father, what does he really want? When I saw your picture after the Invasion last year, my my partner jokingly said you looked like my kid if I ever had one. Good feeling and a nice OC. I was glad for Clint's sake. Neat touch of him being a physics professor and I like how proud Clint was of that. I enjoyed the sequel too - high Clint is so sweet - heh for the dragons. I did like Nat first considering time travel - that would also have been an interesting story. Heh for Nat also having already fixed the DNA sample.

Fault by projectoverlord
So, Coulson dies. Clint mourns. Then Coulson's back. Clint's not about to let him die again without declaring his feelings - so he kisses him. Only later does he find out that, apparently, Coulson was in love with a cellist ... Just someone good with a bow. Sweet story that made me smile. And I do have a soft spot for cellist-misunderstandings.

feet over head by visiblemarket
Clint is out on a mission with Coulson. They're waiting at a cafe for the dismantling of the doomsday device Illuminati-obsessed art thieves built in the catacombs. Clint's feet hurt, so he stretches out his legs and plops his feet in Coulson's lap. Coulson doesn't react badly at all - and suddenly Clint finds himself giving his handler a foot job. It was one thing to enjoy watching Coulson get off on whatever kind of foot thing he was into, but discovering that his own fucking ankle could become an erogenous zone just because Coulson was tracing his thumb over it was total bullshit. Interesting situation, cute. I'd like to see more of the aftermath of this. Hot. Cute set-up with the art thieves. Aww for the earth moving, but not in a good way.

Film Studies, or, Four Films About Captain America and One By Him by Copperbadge
Five films about Captain America, with him or by him. After Steve disappeared they made films about him. Tony tells him and later Steve watches with Coulson. Some of Steve's old movies show up - including one where he fights Syphilis. And then Tony starts filming one himself about the Avengers. Oh, and there's a porn movie too. Now, let's go back in and not think about why Coulson would want a Captain America costume, okay? Good idea with the film setting. My favourite part is how Steve finds out about Phil and Clint, so sweet. Good feel. Awww for Tony adopting Bruce (and Clint wanting to be adopted). Interesting with the Noir movie with Steve.

Find. (me. please.) by TakeTheShot
Everyone has their soulwords on their skin. Their soulmate will say them to you and you'll bond. The words have to be said in the right way, though. When Phil meets Hawkeye, Hawkeye says Phil's words and Phil is bound to him. But Phil can't say Hawkeye's words. So while Hawkeye is Phil's soulmate, Phil isn't Hawekeye's. He is an Unrequited find. Normally this is really bad and they must stay away from one another. But Hawkeey joins SHIELD and he and Phil does become friends, of a sort. Can they work things out anyway? To his astonishment, Coulson smiled, a mildly proud smile that hit Clint in the chest like a fucking victory. Interesting take on this thrope, well written. I liked. Good read with nice play on the thrope. Aww worthy in places. Good set-up for the resolution. Heh for Coulson's soulwords - tsk, tsk, Clint. Heh for Coulson's attempt in return, even if it didn't work. Some lovely angst. Silly boys ... Nice dash of humor too. Great voice for especially Phil and he is in good form, coolest in SHIELD, very impressive. Poor Clint with Phil not listening when Clint try to tell him that he already knows where the drugs come from. I liked Phil being quick enough - and smart enough - to take advantage of Hawkeye's surprise when the flare came. I liked their banter, too. Nice end.

Fish out of Water by kungfunurse
The captain has a closer relationship with his shield than most realise. They are very atuned to one another. After he has woken up in the future Fury takes Steve to the SHIELD weapon storage and there are many nifty things there - but only one thing he truly needs. He bent his head to the topmost curve of the shield and touched his lips to the cold metal. Oh so sweet. Steve humming to his shield is, just, aww. Fresh idea. I liked it. Good use of the vibranium. A universe I'd like to read more stories in. I liked the view of Steve and his past in this one too.

Fire on the Mountain by abigail89, starry_eyed_fics and weepingnaiad
Clint was born a Barton, but his mother was a Crowder. After being left for dead by his brother he lives with Bow, Bowman and Boyd Crowder in Harlan. His first crush on a guy was on one Raylan Givens. He's an Avenger now, but one day his cousin Boyd calls. Something strange - very strange - is going on in Harlan. Coulson sends him on a reconnaissance mission. As backup he sends along Thor. What will they find? "You're a very large specimen of manhood, sir," Boyd says, warily eyeing Thor. Nicely written crossover with good views of both fandoms. Especially good voice/feel for Thor. Good humor overall. Interesting background for Clint. I'd like to read more in this universe. Heh for Clint meeting Natasha in a Harlan laundromat. Poor Dewey Crowe ... I like the way Clint's preparations for the mission anc hanging personality to suit is described. Very cute with Raylan calling Clint on about Clint's Suit objecting to Clint's eyes anywhere near Raylan's ass.

First We Take Manhattan by thefrogg
WIP in which Clint gets transformed into a duckling. Coulson sees him - at least after Clint tried to climb his shoe - but instead of recognizing him, he puts him into central park. It's now up to duck!Clint to traverse the city, trying to make his way home. Luckily, sharp eyes sees this highly unusual duckling on its way. Then, when the traffic light had changed and the crosswalk signal had gone from red hand to white figure, it looked left, then right, then left again, and darted across the street, wings flapping madly. Adorable story that I'm very sad there isn't more of, as I'd love to read more in this universe. Poor Clint, especially afterwards. But during too. And poor Phil, not recognizing him. But Clint as a duckling seems completely adorable. Aww for him peeping. Nice crossover too.

Five anonymous birthday presents in the life of Clint Barton (and one time he knows exactly who it's from) by sirona
AU in which Clint goes to high school. Nat's his only friend to start with. But on his 15th birthday he gets an anonymous birthday cup cakes present and from then on his birthdays always bring something good. An anonymous benefactor sends nice things his way - such as Bucky - or an archery scholarship. He hears the name "Phil Coulson", but he never sees any such guy. Until college, when a young man sits down at his table on his birthday, carrying birthday cup cakes. "If I find you creeping into my bedroom just to watch me sleep, we're gonna have to have a talk," he says when he's done, striving like hell to keep his voice calm and even and as matter-of-fact as he can, rather than letting it break from excitement like it wants to. Sweet. A hint stalkery, yes, but in a way I can get behind. Nice doubling back at the end. Good feeling between Clint, Bucky and Steve. Nice description of Clint with his bow. Nice guest role by Xavier. Clint a bit bad for not digging more into the Coulson situation earlier, but, then, he's a teenage boy, so it's understandable.

Five Ill-Conceived Valentine's Day Schemes and One Perfectly Romantic Gesture by laceymcbain
Valentine's Day for one reason or another does not tend to work out well for Phil in terms of what happens with the Avengers. Dressing Clint up as cupid, fine, but having him shoot love arrows at SHIELD agents might not have been all that well thought out idea, considering what happened earlier. And who told Thor that it was a tradition to give away hearts at Valentine's Day perhaps should have been a bit more specific what kind of hearts are given away. And so on. But maybe there's one Avenger Phil wouldn't mind a bit of personal Valentine's Day time with. And one Valentine's Day, Clint Barton shows up in Phil's office ... The truth of the matter was Agent Coulson would rather have Barton on a rooftop with a bow and arrow watching his back than have Clint on his back in Phil's bed; he'd never allowed himself to imagine the possibility of having both. Aww for Tony blaming Steve's puppy face. I have a very weak spot for sex pollen stories, especially ones like this, when the strong feeling is there, but is overwon. Nice dash of both humor and angst, good feelings. Yay for Phil cancelling Valentine's Day.

Five People Who Flinched From Phil and the One Person Who Never Did by infiniteeight
Everyone's telepatic. Phil's special, though. His mental voice hurts people: really hurts them. Putting your tongue to a metal railing in winter-kind of hurting. And it only takes a touch to set it off. Coulson's ever been kissed once. The military sees the possibilities in this and develops his mental voice to a weapon. The only one who could stand him was his parents and Nick Fury, but one day he meets one Clint Barton. Clint's mind-deaf, so Phil can't hurt him at all. Which was how Phil got into the habit of unwinding himself when he and Barton--Clint--were alone together and wrapping his mind around the quiet, still place where he should have found Clint's mental presence. Nice universe that I'd like to read more in. Interesting set-up. Good feeling and imaginative, feels fresh. Poor Phil ... I liked his parent's love for him, despite the pain, nice touch. Interesting with Phil's problems fitting in, even in the army. Poor baboon. I like the inexperience of Phil, it takes a lot to work up to that.

Five Things About Clint's Love Life by uofmdragon
In his life, Clint loved five women - for different reasons and with different outcomes. He also loves one man. Clint gets it suddenly: trick arrows, because he has no use for flowers, missions that challenge him, which are more interesting than any movie out there; dinners during debriefing. Nicely structured story. While I like reading about the set-up in the first part -and very sweet with Date Night and Coulson's little "courting" of Clint, so very sweet! - my favourite part was how the Avengers stood up for Clint against the sniper girl, very satisfactory.

Five Times Clint Waited for the Other Shoe to Drop and the One Time He Realized it Never Would by AvaKay
All Clint knows of relationships is heavy abuse, physical and emotional. When he and Coulson starts dating he's terrified that he'll mess up so that Coulson will beat him. And then he does mess up ... How will Coulson react? He wouldn't hurt long as Clint didn't give him a reason. While I do have trouble seeing Clint being abused in general, I do enjoy stories with low self-esteem and him being worried about Coulson hurting him (needlessly worried, of course), that I find sweet, so for the read of the story I could believe that. Strong with the flashback.

Five Times Phil Coulson Made Clint Barton Feel A Lot Better (Not Like That) (Okay, Maybe Once Is Like That) by florahart
Phil Coulson has a habit of making Clint feel better despite nearly any circumstances. Such a man is worth hanging on to. It occurs to him that usually when someone is two knuckles deep in him, it's a whole other kind of happy feeling and goddamn if Suit Guy can make him feel this good with this one, they should totally go for the other one some time. Nicely written. Lovely banter. I really liked the end: very good. Awww for Clint not really caring if Phil's a clone. Good ending.

Five Times Phil Coulson Unwillingly Spent a Night With an Avenger, and The One Time He Didn't by soniclipstick (veriscence)
Phil has an odd habit of ending up in bed with Avengers. Mostly unwilling (though not in a sexual sense, just sleeping). The reasons varies. And then one night he returns early from a mission to find a very welcome Avenger very unexpectedly in his bed ... Hulk, we haven t met before, so first of all, my name is Phil Coulson, and I promise, I will do everything in my power to not hurt your Buddy like that again, and if I do, Hulk can smash me all he wants, do we have a deal? Strong with Natasha. Heh for Phil (eventually) getting a bit bored with watching Steve sleep. So sweet with Hulk and giving Phil the "shovel talk" about his "Buddy". I think my favorite was Thor, though, very amusing. And silly Phil, of course you're more than the suit that lives down-stairs and brings paperwork. Heh for Clint having a problem with forgetting his cell is on when he's in the vents.

Flying Haggard by House_of_Ares
Clint acts out after the abuse suffered by Loki. Phil decides to call him on it and give him help in a somewhat unorthodox manner. Clint has a problem with choices, so Phil takes them away from him and controls him completely, hoping that one day he'll be able to release his hawk again. Will the approach work - and will Clint let him? They all know he s weak and only here because Coulson likes to fuck him and they ve probably all heard his slutty moans and Tony, at least, Tony and Banner in the lab, they can see it all because of JARVIS and they give him those looks and they re mocking him when he s not around, poor Barton, he s such a bitch that he gets freaked out and needs a cock in him, and he can tell even Natasha knows and hates him for what he s become. I'm a bit unsure to the rehability method as such, but seen as a pure fantasy I found it hot and I firmly believe that Clint could have gotten away if he had wanted to. I did like the manhandling and submission, but when it came to the sex I'd like to have read more from Clint's POV as it came a bit easily for their extreme situation. But then, I'm rather vanilla when it comes to such things. It would have been interesting to see how the relationship develops in the long run. Strong the bit with Loki and I did like the first time Clint went to Coulson's bed, in the dream of Loki. Heh for telling the psychiatrist his name isn't Phil. Good voice for Tony. Aww for Clint not being allowed in the duct work. Also for Coulson willing to eat pigeon for Clint. Good use of Thor. Cute image of Clint on Coulson's lap. Yay for the Avengers standing up for Clint.

For I will always stoop to his lure by shovel_bunny
One night Barton is unexpectedly transformed into a hawk. As it turns out, he was always a hawk, only transformed to human shape. This is the start of a classic quest to see if the Avengers can regain their lost team member - and Phil Coulson the man he loves. Barton bends his neck to nibble very gently at Phil s fingers and then begins to run his beak through Phil s hair. Nice, classic story build that works well. Interesting angle to the transformation thrope. Good use of Allspeak. Aww for Clint preening Phil. Cute with sleepy Tony - I would have loved a take-out of pillow!Coulson for Tony, just because the cuteness of the image. The birds really didn't give Clint a fair chance, bad of them. Good search quest. I especially liked the dragon and I'm glad it worked out for him. Feels fresh and imaginative. Aww for Clint wanting to go back with Phil even if he forgets his life as a human. Nice detail with the nanotech working harder and with better result therefor.

Four (or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark by scifigrl47
There are four reasons for kidnapping Tony Stark: money, leverage, to get him to build something for you - and revenge. This time, when Tony gets kidnapped, it turns to it is for all the above. And then there's the fifth reason, which Tony so far has only dreamed about: Steve saving the world and demanding Tony as his reward. And just maybe this story is about that too. We'll follow the screams and the smell of homemade napalm and the reports of gigantic coffee purchases, and any and all of that will lead us straight to Tony Stark, because he is a crazy ass son of a bitch who is probably cackling like a maniac right now, and the fucking morons who were dumb enough to snatch him are wailing and regretting that they ever bought a Kurig coffee machine. I underline stuff I like in a story on my kindle - this one got 126 underlines - several of them pages long ... More action and adventure than many of the other stories in the series, but several interesting plot twists. Still very amusing, but highly inventive and lots of feeling. Sweet that Tony alerted Steve what happened by pretending he's Pepper and telling him he loved him, aww .... Nice follow up from previous stories. Poor Tony with the lack of coffee ... Interesting ending with the box. Nice language. I love Clint's prediction of how easy it would be to find where Tony was, just follow the carnage ... Yay for Jarvis to the rescue. Great about Tony leaving a message through iTunes. Neat when Steve and Clint cooperate so that Clint can tell Steve where to throw his shield - very useful. Aww for Steve counting his ducklings. Coulson and JARVIS for world domination! Nice also with the finally budding relationship. Heh for Clint's role in saving the world, that really made me smile. TOASTERVERSE.

Friends Are The Family You Choose For Yourself by lilsmartass
Clint and Phil are in a relationship. Clint really wants to meet Phil's family, so he blackmails and wheedles until Phil takes him with him home. But once he gets there, Clint realises that something is horribly wrong. It wasn't that Phil was ashamed of Clint that Phil didn't want to bring him home - it was that Phil was ashamed of himself ... Phil's family has no clue that Phil is the awesome Agent Coulson, savior of the world. To them he's just Pip, the baby of the family, and the only one without an exciting, high powered executive job. They think he's just a pencil pusher and not living up to his expectations - and what's more, they tease him for it cruelly. And to Clint's utter amazement - Phil just lets them, drawing in on himself and is diminished. Clint forces himself to not blow Phil's cover with his family, no matter how much he wants to tell them all that no matter what they've done, Phil's the real hero of the family. Will he ever get the chance? In the sequel, Phil is transformed to the 12 year old version of himself. As Clint never signed the papers that would give him rights to decide what to do in such cases, they're forced to return Phil to his family. Clint goes with him. It's supposed to be until a cure is found, but Clint soon discovers that the family is not happy to find out about Phil's dangerous job - and they intend to not alllow him the cure, as they want to give him a chance to grow up to a regular life. And they don't approve of Clint staying part of his life. What will Clint and the others do? And what does the young Phil Coulson want? He is not above using Tony s money to see to that if he has to, and failing that, an arrow through the eye of anyone who tries to come between him and Phil will work just as well. Oh, lovely. One of the reasons I really like Coulson is just how much he is one of us, a fan and a "real person" among the super heroes. He's utterly awesome and great and a magnificent agent and all that, but he's still "one of us". And, as such, it is amazingly satisfactory to see him be underestimated and even ridiculed by his abusive family (sorry, but they do come off as abusive jerks), and then they finally realises just how badly they've underestimated him. I'd love to read more in this universe. A sequel in the works is mentioned and a looking for a beta - if that's still on the table, I so volunteer. Heh for Clint almost attacking Phil's mother when she tries to hug him. Aww for Phil's room with all the Captain America things. I like stories with Clint and Coulson's family - normally the family's nice and lovely, but this was a fresh change - I wouldn't want them like this all the time, but it was nice for a change. Yay for Steve being so quick to see what's going on and playing along. Good detail on how great at paper work Phil really is. Aww for young Phil meeting Captain America, though bad Clint for getting jealous of young Phil's interest in the good Captain. Good use of the military and Ross. Again, Coulson's family is really bad - especially Mike, but also his mother. Heh for young!Phil calling his brother a boring doctor. Oh so sweet with young!Phil trying to impress Clint. And heh for him outsmarting his family to leave him behind.

From a Distance by VolceVoice
Phil and Clint are in a relationship. Or at least that's what Clint thinks. Even if they are not open to the others. Until Phil starts acting up and one night, when they're having sex, it's not Clint's name Phil screams. It's Steves's. And then Clint hears from the other Avengers that Coulson's in a budding relationship - with Steve. Clint quits. Or tries to, as Fury won't let him. Fury sends Clint to inspect SHIELF offices around the globe. Will he ever want to return? And if he does, what really happened with Steve and Phil? Clint had laughed, too, until he'd choked and Gregori had brought him into a hug and said nothing about the tears that froze in a silvery patch on the shoulder of his coat and burned red streaks on Clint's face. Interesting set-up, the plot feels fresh. I really liked the OCs. Poor Clint. Silly Phil. I'm glad that Clint got the recognition for his work during the inspection as Huntington. I liked Gregori - and Yvonne, awww for them wanting to adopt Clint. I liked seeing Steve interested in Phil, poor guy. Sweet with the rings and the inscriptions. I liked Tony in this one. Awww for Clint and Phil doing paper work together. I liked the cab driver and "Hawk-guy". The jokes about the files (M914-c vs. M914-d) also amused me. Awww for the guy requisitioning clones of Barton - and Furty turning him down for his blood pressure's sake.

Gentlest of Love Bites by candy_belle
Clint wakes to find Coulson dishevelled and very pale. So Clint offers him a bite to eat. Or rather to drink. Of Clint. Since Coulson is a vampire. Pressing a loving kiss to the scarred skin, he looked up and held Clint s gaze as he bit down into the offer skin. Good, warm feeling to the story. I liked that Clint has a leather cuff to hide the bites. And I like stories with Coulson being more than he seems.

girls will be boys and boys will be girls by phae
Girls might be boys and might be girls. Clint, however, is transformed into a lovely, red '62 Corvette. Since all cars are "she"s, he no longer wants to be called Clint. Coulson indulges him. Don't touch Lola. Coulson takes a moment to mourn the fact that a car is flirting with him and it doesn't even make the top ten for oddest events of the week before he steps forward to open the driver s side door. Very cute Lola story. And I could very well see Clint all excited about being a "Transformer". Aww for hoping/guessing he'll be purple.

Ghosts Love Elevators by thecommodore_squid (orphan_account)
AU in which the Winter Soldier is sent at a level 7 threat - a small, thin man in Brooklyn, a Steve Rogers. The Winter Soldier doesn't understand why the man would be a level 7, not at all. Level 7 are presidents and the like. Steve Rogers is just an artist. The Winter Soldier studies his target - will he get too close and be pulled in by Steve Rogers? Analysis: The Asset should probably stop talking to himself in his head. Cute story. Bucky bickering with himself is so very cute. Yay for Sam. I would like to read a continuation of this universe, but the end was sweet too. Aww for Steve giving Bucky the sandwich. A bit sad with Nat. Nice dashes of humor. Awww for Steve's opinions re: purple.

Ghosts of Christmas Memory by scifigrl47
Three Christmases for Clint and Coulson: how Phil became Clint's handler, one they didn't get together in - and one when they are. All tied together with a song. While I would not ordinarally encourage anyone to attempt marriage with Tony Stark, you might be the only person on Earth who could survive the experience with your sanity, your morals, and your limbs intact. Three different stories, but works well together and gives a full, nice view of their relationship. Vivid, especially the first part I'd love to see on film, that could have been made so nicely ... Aww for Clint being Coulson's Christmas present from Fury. I like the image of Coulson throwing an applet for Clint - really nice image that made me smile. Cute with Coulson's mom too. TOASTERVERSE.

Good Timing by Printed_Soot
AU in which Tony Stark, 17, woke up from an invention binge having invented something. He figures out that it is something that if your true love has a similar device, the timers will count down to the first time you meet. Tony's own Timer, however, many years later, still haven't registered his mate. When Steve went into the ice, there were no Timers. Might he be interested in getting one? Steve s had the pleasant, market-tested musical bings, but there he was with the EEEENT EEEENT EEEENT of a damned 80s alarm clock. I had read some Timers thrope fics before, but before reading this I actually did watch TIMER. I was a bit disappointed by the movie. This fic, though, I liked. Poor Bruce. JARVIS in good form. Heh for Tony building in his college alarm clock in the Timer and forgetting about it.

got you stuck on my body by DizzyRedhead
When your soul mate touch you, you get a tattoo for them. It's black and white, unless they accept you, then it turns to color. When Phil touch Clint for the first time, they both ignore the pain of a new tattoo, hiding it from the other. When they look, their tattoos are black and white. They both think they are mismatched. Is there no chance for color? The bathroom filled with steam, the mirror finally fogging over, so Clint stepped into the shower, resolutely not wondering what color Agent Coulson s soulmark would turn if someone like him could actually be Clint s. Interesting addition to the soulmates and tattoos. Beautiful descriptions of the tattoos. Sweet angst. Good structure to the story. Sweet with the sub-dom interaction, especially before the club action. Aww for Phil paying for the cuffs and collar himself.

Guarantee by infiniteeight
The world is a few degrees darker. Fury has sunk his influence into the goverments of the world and rules SHIELD by lies, manipulation, seduction and blackmail. He has hooks even in loyal Coulson (a small matter of murdering some incompetent commanding officers). He wants Coulson to recruit one Clint Barton and secure his loyalty. They find Clint's weakness. Clint really gets off on killing people ... SHIELD has no problem with that. Neither does Coulson. Watch me sink an arrow into some bastard's eye socket, all the way up to the fletching, and sink your cock into me after. Dark and delicious. Very interesting AU that works well in one of those strange AU ways. I wouldn't want it like that all the time, but as it is, it was a nice change. I'd like to read more in this universe. Nice description of Clint using the bow. Also of Coulson's ruthless efficience about what they do. I would have liked to read what they do/did the first time Clint used the bow to kill. I also liked how Coulson, even in the midst of finding the missing Clint, still noticed a lot about his co-workers, evaluating, believable. Nice dash of humor too.

Guide You Home by Misachan
Ever since Coulson's funeral Clint's been seeing Coulson - and hearing him. It gets more intense, though, when Coulson says things so typical Coulson yet would never occur to Clint. And then Coulson tells him things about himself that Clint doesn't know, only for Clint to later realise they were true. What is going on? "What if they have an EMP?" Clint heard him say, and it only took a quick glance at the blueprints Stark and Banner were gesturing over to see that yeah, that would be a problem of the "members of the team falling to their deaths" variety. Nice fix-it and awww for Coulson getting embarrassed when he finds out that he hadn't been dreaming it all. Heh for Coulson and Fury betting on Clint. Poor Coulson. I went awww at the quiet-commend and asking if he can stay, so sweet.

H-943; or The One Where Phil Gets Hit With Sex Pollen by raiining
Coulson gets contaminated with sex pollen and when he gets to his office, Clint's there, so Coulson kisses him. Clint has sex with him, but when Coulson looks at the security tapes later on, Clint's not touching him more than necessary, so he concludes that Clint was just helping out a friend. Was that all it was? And will Coulson be able to look Clint in the eyes again? Not only has he now outed himself to the object of his four-year long crush in the most spectacular and embarrassingly way possible; but he now has proof, saved forever to his hard drive, that Barton has absolutely no feelings toward him that aren t strictly professional. Good trope. Nice with the numbered fantasies and nice angst too. Awww for Coulson having a crush on Clint for so long. And for him keeping the tapes. So cute with Clint trying to be there for Coulson the next time the pollen is moved, just in case ...

Hail Hydra by tawg
One of the worst enemies of SHIELD, number 7 in the list of all time bad guys, is one Phil Coulson, scientist of Hydra. Clint keeps encountering him, though - and while Coulson certainly is evil on occasion, he's not especially mad. Or maybe he is. He often ends up saving Clint - when he doesn't shoot him in the face - and Clint often ends up letting Coulson go. But Coulson really is an enemy of SHIELD and he really is evil. Will things work out for them? And does it still count as Stockholm Syndrome if you like the guy before he kidnaps you? Neck, Coulson ordered, and Clint tipped his head to one side obligingly, exposing the side of his throat, exposing any part of him that Coulson would care to take. Lovely WIP that I hope to see continued. Coulson's great as the evil, semi-mad scientist and he and Clint plays well off one another. Great humor. Good language. Several good lines. Sweet with Coulson listening to Clint over the comms. Aww for Clint getting trapped in the vent, I've been hoping for that in stories. I'd love to see this on screen, it'd be a lovely show. Lovely ad-libbing, like when Clint shot Coulson, so cute. Coulson still very much Coulson. Heh for him breaking into SHIELD wearing an AIM polo shirt. Awww for the bunnies. I want Clint in Coulson's army of three! Heh also for Coulson double bluffing Steve with the poison. I really like Coulson being efficient and unflappable, even if on the side of evil. Poor Clint, especially towards the end of the main story. I don't now what it says about me (especially considering Loki), but I really adored the bit where Coulson had drugged Clint to keep him obedient and Clint tried to take care of him and worried -awww ... The kiss was really, really hot. So sweet with how Steve and Tony captured Coulson, poor man - but lovely story that really had me smiling. Aww for the minion breaking into SHIELD for the bunnies. Heh for them asking Bruce as the expert on anger management. Icky with the eye pulled out thing. My absolutely favourite part though is Tony telling Clint they stopped reading his reports once he started drawing hearts in the margin ... I usually don't rec WIPs unless they haven't been updated in over a year, so I had been waiting for this one for a bit. Then I finally reread it and wrote the rec and went to add it to my rec page - when I saw it was now in a series with a new part (almost half a year old ...), "All Torn Down", which was wonderful too. Intense and very intimate without (almost) any sexuality, still very gripping. Great end. I still hope for more. Fresh plot. Aww for the image of Clint holding on to Coulson's leg. Good bantering. Very thorough way of claiming someone. Good detail with the surgical soap.

Hand to Hand by Lillyjk
Clint joins SHIELD. He's 19 and a virgin. And very into Agent Phil Coulson. Coulson considers it highly inappropriate to be with Clint when Clint is so young and also his subordinate. Clint, however, is wiling to wait. He's good at that. Clint will wait him out, he'll wear him down and when he gives it up it will be to the man with the kind blue eyes and the steady hands. Sweet story. Bad Clint to tempt Coulson so. Nice with the shooting scene -not easy to pull off, given the circumstances. Good on Coulson to be so understanding about Clint's physical reaction of the fight situation.

Happiness is a Warm Puppy by TuckerMuratore
Bucky has a new love in his life. She's blond, happy and, like him, has lost a limb. She's a labrador puppy that Bucky wants to adopt. But living with the Avengers isn't exactly a stress free environment. Make sure she s got space to play and to walk and there s nothing hazardous and I know I have the first two but the second they meet Tony, and Thor, and while Jane and Darcy and Steve and Bruce minus the Other Guy are about as normal as we get I don t know if they can balance Thor and please keep Clint out of the ceiling and oh, God, Tony engineering a leg for her although that might be a point in my favor although maybe between Steve and Pepper we can do something with Tony? Sweet series with warmth. Nice humor too. Tony was very sweet with her. Poor Bucky, the Avengers really are not easy to get to behave.

Haunted Heads by Tawabids
Macintyre has developed a mind controlling device. Only it needs to be inplanted in the recipient and they don't have a good way to do that from a distance. However, the world's best marksman could do it easily. In return, Macintyre promises Clint what he most desires: Coulson. A willing Coulson who will love him forever and without questions. Will Clint be able to resist? Or is it already too late to say no? I would die before I so much as touched his hand without knowing he wanted it. Interesting possibility with good feeling, nice dash of angst but also humor. More would have been nice, but then for me I always want more of a good set-up. Interesting with the epidermal microchips too. I liked Clint's short description of how he got away from Macintyre. Awww for Bruce covering his eyes.

Have A Good Time by sabinelagrande
It's Phil's birthday. As his present he gets Clint. Which would be Thursday, as they've been together for a long while. But to make things more special, Clint gives Phil a different version of himself: a younger, unexperienced, virgin version of himself. It might not be real, but it's damn hot. Phil finds the lube on the nightstand, putting it into Clint's hand, and Clint stops, looking at it, looking up at Phil wide-eyed. Nice idea, well executed and, yeah, hot. I do have a bit of a kink for first time sex, and this was a nice make-belief, including the bit of persuading the skittish virgin bit, that was nice. If it had been a real virgin!Clint story it might have been a bit skeevy, but this way it was a sweet read.

Hawk!Clint by infiniteeight
Loki strikes again. This time he gives the Avengers animal-like qualities. Tony becomes more like a hummingbird, Steve like a dog, Bruce like a rhinocerous, Natasha like a snake and Clint, well, Clint turns more like a hawk. Gradually, though, they go back to being more and more human - except for Clint, who remains hawk-like. What now? Phil steps in front of him, clamps one hand down on the back of Clint's neck, and covers his eyes with the other. Interesting transformation story with several good details. Good choice of animals. Heh for Fury using Clint as a measure to see if other agents can work with him. Awww for the sharing food gesture. Heh for the Twilight thing. Nice dashes of humor, hot too.

Hawkeye and the Furball by blackchaps
Clint hates Furballs - the werewolves, that is. They killed his brother, and ever since Clint has killed them any chance he gets. He's with the circus when Fury comes to recruite him. As most of SHIELD are werewolves, Clint flees - and meets a very strange indian, who claims to be his grandfather. Seeker brings him to the Yakama nation, where Clint learns that not only is that true - Seeker is a Thunderbird - and Clint himself is able to shift into this magical bird. But eventually Fury finds him, and he expects Clint to join him. Clint can't reject him any longer, but he needs to stay with his relatives for a while longer. So Fury leaves the heart of his pack, the omega Coulson, with Clint. And maybe there is one werewolf that Clint can learn not to hate ... Do any of you have even the slightest idea why the Yakama nation has declared war on, as they put it, the werewolf nation ? Bran s voice dripped with anger. Highly interesting world. I like Clint a lot in this one, the young seeker who finds a world he doesn't know, but which welcomes him. I couldn't quite get into the books, but this makes me want to give them another try. I adore Lucky, he's so sweet! I liked Bug too, nice detail. Sad about Betsy, regardless. I would like to read more in this universe. Heh for the image of Lucky in a little jacket for Coulson's cell phone. Nice dash of humor - and angst as well. Heh for Lucky checking that Jim wasn't an alien replacement. Heh also for the wolves thinking that Thunderbirds smell bad. And for Clint forgetting to shift when he jumped off the porch - so very Clint ... Nice touch with Betsy kicking him up in the air for a launch.

Hawkeye's Hospital for Abused and Ailing House Plants by BeneficialAddiction
AU in which Phil's mother is trying to convince him that he could be a loving and caring father. After the goldfish died she buys him a cactus. It goes badly. When she wants to come and visit the plant is all but dead. In panic Phil finds a plant doctor - he takes the plant to Hawkeye's Hospital for Abused And Ailing House Plants. Run by Hawkeye. Who Phil thinks is ... really hot. Will Hawkeye be able to save the plant? The man in front of him suave, dapper, somehow all control despite his previous flailing makes a sound like a whimper that makes Clint want to wrap him up in a hug. Awww, cute story. Nice flower description and what is done to them. I know little of such things, so it was interesting and sounded believable. I especially liked that they built together, that sounds very nice. Good descriptions overall. So cute with the scones and hiding them and all. Sweet end.

He's a Beast by faeleverte
A one-l lama is a priest. A two-l llama is a beast. And Clint's convinced that the same is true for Coulson: he's a Phillip, not a Philip. Clint wants to get in a relationship with Coulson, but Coulson thinks the timing is wrong. So Clint starts to court him with llamas. Will it work? As if Phil hadn t sent him a file that was practically a fan dance that translated to Get in my bed and stay there, you sexy thing. Amusing plot. Good humor. High Clint is very cute. Someone kinda forced a pig collection on me - not for romantic purposes, but I still adore the little dears. The llamas sounds really cute. And Clint at first not being able to tell a llama from an alpaca. Good emotion between the boys. Cute with the llama festival, I'd like to go to one. The engineered animals were also neat. Aww for Phil giving Clint the key with the llama. Good lines.

He's Gotta Be Fresh From The Fight by nerdwegian
Clint rescues a civilian who knows Coulson. This makes Coulson behave a bit more open than usual. One might even say, showing off ... "Just someone I knew in high school," Phil says, but that look is back in his eyes, and Clint suddenly realizes that Phil looks smug. Aww ... Cute with Coulson letting the guy see a bit more of how awesome he is. Bah for not reacting to alarms, thinking they are drills, that way lay Darwin Awards. And oh for Phil (or Clint) fresh from the fight ...

Heartaches and Hellfire by morganoconner
Set in Supernatural universe. Natasha and Clint are demons who has escaped to Earth. The king of Hell are trying to get them back, as part of marshalling his forces. They have no intention of going back, but they're forced to tell SHIELD the truth. How will the Avengers react? And how will Coulson? Clint and Natasha block their ears when Phil reads the exorcism in goddamn perfect Latin that Clint should not under any circumstances find sexy as hell. Nice idea. The crossover works. A universe I'd like to read more in, it has good potential for other interesting stories and development. I liked the backstory to Clint.

Heathens by iloveitblue
The Avengers gather to watch Accepted. But Clint is tired and falls asleep. He talks in his sleep, though - about Coulson. The other Avengers (except Natasha, who just wants to watch the movie) are very interested in what he has to say ... "If he starts narrating your sex life I will not hesitate to repulsor his ass awake." Tony warned. Aww ... cute! This made me smile. Both what he says about Coulson and then about Tony ...

Heel! Bark! Kill! by panhomarek
WIP in which Sam and Steve finally finds Bucky - only to find out that he's been hurt and abused until he's become like a dog, almost literally. He's terrified that he'll go back to his old master and be punished for being a bad dog. They terrified him so much Sam has to step and assume the role of Bucky's master. Hopefully that'll be enough to calm him down. His new master was here for him and small part of Bucky began to believe his words were true, began to hope that it would be better now. Highly interesting, intriguing story, sadly it appears abandoned. Poor Bucky. Hopefully he'll know for sure now what a good boy he is. Interesting with the cold making it difficult for Sam to fly. Good use of Bruce.

Heists Don't Always End Up Bad by Shinichi17CP
AU in which Clint just goes to a bank to take out some money. Of course, it's bound to end badly. He ends up in the middle of a heist - and there's nothing that he, alone, can do about it. Except he isn't alone. There's a charming, intelligent man there, one Phil Coulson - and maybe the visit won't end badly at all. Maybe it will end wonderfully. The guy had a handsome face with his visible laugh lines at the corner of his piercing blue eyes, a crooked nose indicating it was broken at least once, and a nice body, Clint guessed from the way he filled his suit, which was concealed by his clothes but nothing escaped the Amazing Hawkeye s eye, that s a fact. Cute story that made me smile. When I want to rec a story I reread it and underline interesting parts in my kindle. In this case I ended up underlining nearly half the story. Good that it turned out well for Clint in the end.

Hell Hath a Fury by blackchaps
Clint and Phil are playing at being in a Dom/Sub relationship, but Clint is very irresponsible and he doesn't realize that Phil also needs things from him. Clint has even made clear that he doesn't want to be collared. One day it gets too much for Phil and they end up apart. Fury steps in to make Clint realize what is going wrong between them. Rocking up to his feet, Fury put his hands on his knees and whispered in Barton s ear, If you did care, Coulson wouldn t be passed out on his bed with only one shoe on! Interesting take on the Dom/Sub 'verse. Poor Phil ... Poor Clint too. Actually, poor Nick as well, but he really saves the day and I enjoyed following how he steers things. Good feeling and intense in places. I really felt how tired Phil was in the beginning. Good misunderstanding and angst. Good detail with the Director's Code. Heh for Barton actually getting a rash. Nice end.

Here's to Many Happy Returns by Ralkana
Clint finds out Coulson's birthday and decides to give him things. He does. Coulson is happy with this. Can things turn even better? "This week is incredibly busy, and I'll probably be working late every night," Phil says, thinly-veiled frustration biting at the edges of his voice and Clint is staggered by the realization that Phil -- dedicated, workaholic, completely unflappable Agent of SHIELD Phillip J. Coulson -- is annoyed because his work is keeping him from spending time with Clint. A sweet story that made me smile and wish I had someone who would do nice things for me. Cute with the cafeteria serving Coulson's favourite food and all.

Hey Baby, Where You Going? (can I give you a ride?) by raiining
Clint has a date with Michael Donaldson, a phys ed teacher. But Michael stands him up - in fact, calls him to let him know he's got a better offer. Clint, hurt, retreats to the range. After a while Coulson shows up and wants Clint to go with him. Maybe Clint, too, has got a better offer. It's a good thing that Clint's a quick thinker because it takes him less than a second to realize that maybe his inappropriate, completely-one-sided, this-guy-is-completely-out-of-my-league crush isn t quite so hopeless after all. Poor Clint ... I like the way Coulson just takes Clint home, very sweet (though it could have been a bit creepish). Tsk, tsk, Clint - Coulson has a much better ass than any Michael. Aww for Clint treating Lola well. A detail I really enjoyed was the safety measures surrounding Coulson's apartment - and also around Clints, even if he sometimes take the window instead, that was both a good, working detail and highly amusing.

High Low by LadyDrace
Barton has a considerably higher sex drive than Coulson. They make things work anyway. Phil will give Clint a blowjob or a handjob whenever he has the time. In return, Phil can have Clint whenever, wherever and however he wants him. But one day a horny Phil comes home to find Clint deeply asleep. What now? Just because he was horny, and for one time in this relationship had to ignore it, didn't mean he should take leave of his senses and molest his boyfriend in his sleep. I like stories with uneven sex drives and how the situation is handled, so this was interesting to read - and well handled. And I seldom see somnophilia in fics, so that was interesting too.

Hollow Your Bones Like A Bird's by scifigrl47
Even if Coulson was killed by Loki, life goes on, no matter how much a certain archer might wish differenty. Clint mourns. He has all but given up - but he's needed and there's a place for him in the team if he can only bring himself to take it. And maybe there's a very important reason to hang on ... He's dead, and what faith I had in SHIELD died with him, because everything ended when he died. Lovely, long, angsty story, full of feeling, love, pain, yet still adventure and character development. Of course, it could have been bitter-sweet, but as it is, it is just great. Very nice ending, aww-worthy and in pieces tear-worthy too. With a lovely humor and a good read overall. As I read I underline good parts and this got what I think is a record for me of 139 underlines in my kindle - many of them long. Nice sub-plotline with the birds, interesting in itself. Awww for Clint wanting to listen to Phil's voice on the voice mail. I also found the idea of Clint being uneasy with Thor in the beginning very fresh. Aww for Phil trading all he had on Fury for SHIELD to take care of Clint. Apart from the ending, my favourite part was the interaction between Clint and Bruce. Both when Bruce was the Hulk and he helped him sleep and when General Ross comes for Clint - oooh, that was an epic scene: lovely, lovely, lovely. Great to see everyone to Clint's rescue, each in their own way, but each with such perfection. Excellent point of what Clint shot Fury. So sad of them cleaning Phil's apartment from everything Clint - would be great to hear more about Clint later on meeting Phil's family. I liked Tony's appreciation for Clint's talent, good for him. So much lovely angst in this story, very well done. Everyone well in character. Interesting take on Phil's wound. TOASTERVERSE.

Home by amireal
WIP in which Phil and Clint has been colleagues for nearly 15 years and friends for 11. Clint often comes over to Phil's to watch television and spend time. When Clint has problems with his apartment feeling too large to go home to, Phil simply offers that he can stay. So he does. And after a while, when things get a bit cramped, Phil suggests that they get a bigger place together. So they look at a nice place. What they don't realise is that the co-op board believes them to be a couple - and thinks it really fashionable to have such a good, gay couple in the building. Clint's solution to the situation is fairly simple. Clint suggests that they get married. Now what? When dealing with civilians he s required, by law (not that he follows that law 100% of the time, he likes being unobtrusive) to explain that technically, he s a deadly weapon all by himself. Lovely, warm story. They go well together. I hope for a continuation. Both boys are very nice in this one. Lovely feeling and great use of this thrope. Good descriptions of their relationship, both before the fic and after.

Home by GlassRose
Venom is gone. Eddie mourns him. And then Venom returns. As he polished off seven plates piled with meat and vegetables and abused the chocolate fountain, Venom seemed to grow a little, melting down the inside of Eddie's back like wax. Sweet story that made me smile. And I wish I could eat seven plates ...

Home for the Heart by ShippersList
Coulson's walking home just before Christmas, when he finds an abused omega, distressed an confused, in an alley. Coulson, who is a certified emergency alpha, takes him in. The omega is badly abused, but slowly grows to trust him. Especially when Coulson takes him home to meet his family for Christmas ... He had meant it more like It would mean anyone insulting you would risk the wrath of a mature alpha and their family instead of a blatant declaration of possession, but since Clint seemed satisfied with his own interpretation, Phil didn t correct him. I have a very weak spot for abused Clint slowly warming up to Coulson, which lots of hurt and comfort and lovely angst, so this was nice. Coulson's family is also a treat. Several nice elements to the story, well put together. Good use of scents. Poor Clint ... But things are better for him now. Both Phil's and Clint's POV worked well. Aww for the compound bow Phil gave him. And I really, really liked the Howler with Steve and Buck and their special circumstances and adopting Clint - very nice.

Home Improvement by pagination
Clint is not very good at this landlord thing. He tries, but stuff happens. He starts hearing about this guy, Phil, who helps out his tenants. Apparently Phil has moved into the building and just helps out. Phil is a writer. Clint likes him. He tries to fix Phil's sink - and when doing so takes out his wall. Phil ends up living with Clint. They get closer. Also, when Bucky is a vigilante, he runs into this Phil - who proves to be an excellent support personnel. After a while Clint realises that he sort of forgot to fix Phil's apartment ... Maybe Phil doesn't mind. Are you pimping him out? Phil asks quietly, when Clint wanders off to get another beer, half-naked and bouncing like an over-caffeinated bunny. Lovely world building. Clint is very sweet (and Phil's competent at usual). Good humor, too (especially when Clint's so tired). I would like to read Phil's books - and more in this universe too. Aww for Phil letting Harris rob him for dog food. Harris also sweet. Heh for Phil not twigging to Clint being an Avenger at first. Good language, several good lines. Lots of aww-moments. I liked Bucky too, quite strong and interesting character. Heh, and of course he doesn't want all the Sams, silly question. Aww for Phil being awkward with Bucky too. So sweet that Clint doesn't realize that Phil has been making the coffee for him, but thinks he remembers turning on the timer ... Yay for the boomering arrows (oh, Clint ...). Heh for Natasha trying out paralytics in Clint's coffee.

Homeless Clint 'Verse by torakowalski
Abandoned by his brother and by the circus, Clint ends up alone on the streets. It's getting cold and dangerous and he's sick. One night he coughs so hard he calls the attention of a man in the apartment above. The man helps him - and continues to help him. Clint is very, very suspicious about the man's intentions, but slowly he's pulled in closer, until he's living in the man's apartment. The man is an army vet, suffering from PTSD. His name is Phil Coulson. What is Coulson's intentions and what will happen to them? Agent Coulson? Looks like an accountant, kicks ass like a devil? I ve heard things. Lovely, warm story. very satisfying read. Good blending of the different canons, with the tracksuit mafia and Arrow/Lucky and Bucky and all. I'd like to read more in this universe. Good descriptions. Several nice details. Interesting backstory with Natasha, though I wasn't quite sure how old she really is if her grandmother really is her grandmother and so on. Bad Barney, but I like how he was a bit redeemed in the second story. Heh for Clint getting Nick to help him when he needs it. Good language. Nice touch with Clint in SHIELD academy. I even started liking Grant a bit again, before he showed his truer self again. Sweet with Nick taking Clint flying. Nice twists. I really liked the including of Bucky and hope for more of him in future parts (and yeah, I would have liked to see what Phil'd do if a monosyllabic dude with a metal arm shows up at his door). Tony is not "out" as Iron Man in this universe?

Hooded by Mikey
Clint gets attacked by welder's light and develops photokeraltitis (arc eye or snow blindness), as blisters form in his eyes. He goes blind. Most often this is a temporary affliction, but sometimes it can be permanent - and Clint was subjected to very strong lights. Will he remain blind - and, if so, is there any place for him at all, with SHIELD? Or with Coulson ...? Clint would have sold his soul to open his eyes and see Coulson next to him, but he knew his soul wasn t worth that much, so he stayed still. Good story set-up and lovely angst. Fitting title. I know little of snow blindness and found it interesting to learn more about it. Powerful description of Clint's pain, poor boy. Good feeling between Clint and Phil. Interesting with the 20/20 vs. 20/4-figures. I enjoyed Coulson's confidence of Clint, even as blind. That might also have been an interesting story, but I'm glad how this one worked out. Nice description also of Clint's feelings for Phil. Good how the other Avengers support Clint. Neat massage, that sounded lovely - hot too. As is Phil later describing everything in detail. I did like the way not the entire process was shown in detail, that would have been a bit much.

Hookline by harcourt
also work inspired by it (Hook, Line) and Sinker by raiining
Coulson's team are after Hawkeye, criminal and assassin. They've got him. Now they just have to kill him and then Coulson is looking forward to going home - when he's called in for new information. Hawkeye isn't the Dominant they all supposed. In fact, Hawkeye is a Submissive, drugged and forced to kill. Will Coulson still be able to kill him? Phil's never seen a sub so fucking desperate for approval before. Strong story with interesting set-up. I'd love to read more in this universe - maybe see "Agent Dumbshit" get his due and -of course -more about Phil and Clint. Clint's so sweet. Very strong scene with Phil almost shooting him. Raiining's work was lovely to read more in this universe and get more of what (could have) happened to them. Interesting self-insight on Coulson's part. Awww for the pancakes.

Hope on Fire by dragongirlG
AU WIP in which the Asset hides on the streets of Washington after the fall of the Triskelion. A skinny blond man named Steve first feeds the asset and then defends the Asset from a handler. The Asset stays with him. He rarely is allowed to speak out of turn without punishment, but this is the second time tonight he has done so with Steve, and no pain has followed. Cute story that made me smile. I would love to read more in this universe. Good feelings.

Hot Bunny Pursuit by iloveitblue
Clint is transformed into a rabbit. That's no reason to underestimate him. He looked up at Phil and scrunched up his pink nose a couple of times. It was adorable. Very amusing. Go Clint! And rabbits can be more trouble than some might think. Poor scientists ... Sounds adorable for sure. Cute end. The good kind of crack. Heh especially for the paperclips.

Hot Mess (or three years, seven months and eighteen days. Give or take) by lola381pce
Coulson is competent and professional. Except when he's in the same room as Clint, when he turns into an epic hot mess. It's rather a horrible, sad sight. Will he ever be able to get himself together? SHIELD Director Nick Fury had the privilege of the first disastrous encounter when he watched in horrified fascination while Coulson face planted himself into a meeting room wall instead of walking through the open door. Awww, so sweet. And considering Coulson's reaction to Steve, not unbelievable. Poor Coulson ... Good humor. Nice end.

How Clint Barton got to be Clint Barton
Jem is picking up money for Fergie, when things go to hell. He ends up outside a gay bar and is kinda hit-upon by a man in a suit. Later, as Jem is badly off, the same man takes care of him. Jem's horrified that the man might want to get into his pants. Is that the only reason why the man helps him? But believe me, I m really not into the injures-all-over-the-other-guys -body-kind-of-thing. Interesting crossover. Jem deserves something good to happen to him. Poor boy before that, though. And I found his homophobia sweet, given the circumstances. Heeh for the background story they gave him. I would like to read more in this universe. Good touch with Phil explaining to Clint about how gay sex can be without hurt and cruelty.

Hug Therapy by astolat
Thor takes help from the Avengers therapist, who suggests he should try hug therapy. Loki is not appreciative and instead starts up a game of gay chicken. How far is Thor prepared to go to save his brother? Also our PR firm is going to quit over having to explain why one of us keeps snuggling the bad guy in public. Very amusing. God view of the alien mindset of the Aesirs. I liked the interaction with the poor therapist - cute ending. Heh for Thor pragmatically getting a breastplate for added protection from Loki stabbing him. And I like Thor having Loki explain things for him (or not, if it is enough that Loki understands).

I Claim My Territory At Your Front Door by Paraxdisepink
Bucky approaches Steve's apartment like a skittish cat -and Steve treats him like one, slowly getting Bucky to trust him more and more. But SHIELD is still looking for the Winter Soldier -and how much does Bucky really understand? It hurts, watching him hunched over the blue plastic bowl with his hair in his face, frantically shoveling milk and cereal into his mouth. Adorable story, aww-worthy. A good read. Poor Bucky ... Good on Steve for the handling. The petting at the end was especially sweet. I liked the view from Steve butter, I think, but it was interesting to get Bucky's POV in the second work as well.

I Could Make a Career of Being Blue by LinguisticJubilee
AU in which the first thing a person say to their soulmate shows up much earlier, as a tattoo, so people can know when they meet them. Steve used to have something borderline blasphemous on his shoulder, courtesy of Bucky. But when he wakes up in the future, he finds out that his tattoo has changed. Who will say it to him? Steve closed his eyes and sank into it, because Bucky had clearly had a psychotic break and if this was going to be Steve s only chance of kissing him he was going to give it everything he had. Interesting soulmate practice. Cute story, believeable. Sweet with Steve giving his responce serious thought. I would have expected changing tattoos to be known to Steve, though, even as just rumors or myth, because the "practice" probably wouldn't have changed that much while he was unconscious, it must have happened much as now, then, even if it was hushed up far more then.

I Know This Much Is True by kellifer_fic
Coulson's twin sister is arranging a birthday party and she wants him to come home for it, even though their cousins will have a field day with him still being single. That's when Hawkeye drops in (literally) and tells her that Phil's boyfriend (i.e. Hawkeye) will accompany him. So, they go back to Coulson's home town with Clint undercover as Phil's lover. Will they be able to fool anyone? And did Clint have any secondary motives for his willingness? Won't it shut them up to bring home a hot, semi-famous guy as your main squeeze? A trope I enjoy, nicely done and good resolution. I also greatly enjoy stories about Coulson's family and this one felt nice and natural. Good adlibbing between them. Cute nickname for Coulson from his family.

I love you like rlb by tolieawake
Steve sees the letters rlb and is shocked. No one really knows what the letters stand for, but since the war to say "I love you like rlb" has become a way to say I love you especially much. Not just in America, but in France and other allied countries too. And when the Winter Soldier attacks, the sight of those very letters are enough to break his programming. But what do they really stand for? The meaning of the letters 'rlb' is unknown, but is uniformly considered to be a statement of a great romantic love, commitment and sacrifice. Very sweet story. Nice set-up and interesting, fresh idea. Good humor. Sweet end.

I never miss by iloveitblue
When Coulson gave Barton the order to kill the Black Widow, Barton made a different call. They recruits the Black Widow instead and all is well. Except ... Barton didn't make a different call, that's just what he pretends. Barton missed ... I don t remember the last time I laughed when I wasn t in SHIELD. Interesting idea, well executed. Poor Clint ... I liked Coulson's defence speech.

I Work For A Man... by Atlanta, KaliTracer, viralguardian
Clint's captive and is being interrogated. Instead of spilling any real secrets, he tells them about the man he works for - everything he thinks about this man, or is that "his man"? He walks with the grace of a panther and just as deadly. Great descriptions of Coulson. Good idea and good humor too. Heh, good timing on Coulson's part. And yes, Clint, be proud of your man ...

I'd Add Sugar, but You're Too Sweet by raiining
Coffee shop AU in which Clint Barton is a famous novelists who often sits in Coulson's Confessions, a coffee shop belonging to Phil Coulson. He's been coming there for a long time, but they're not really friends. Could they ever become something more? Phil peeks around the corner to check in, and sure enough, Clint is still sitting in what he affectionately calls 'his' chair, a corner Phil has to admit feels empty when the author isn't there. Sweet coffee shop AU with good feeling. If I were a writer I'd love to have a steady table at a coffee shop somewhere. Nice. I liked the name for the shop. Aww for the Coulson rolling his cookies in cocaine joke. Some nice descriptions.

i'll be at your door tonight by phae
When Phil isn't looking, Clint moves into his apartment on the sly. Pots and pans appear in Phil's kitchen, DVDs in his collection, flowers, a special shampoo ... Does Phil mind? It isn t until Phil is snapped awake by his gut-instincts telling him that something s flying towards his face, and his hand snatches a Velcro-tipped arrow out of the air, that he visits the nearest toy store and invests in a battery-powered gun and sufficient suction-cup ammo. Sweet. Made me smile. Clint's good. And Phil's very patient. Heh for Phil talking to the airvent in his office.

I'll take the shot for you by Vakaria
Coulson grew up wanting love, but time and again he was scorned, too boring, not handsome enough, not good enough in bed, nothing. He might love Clint, but Clint would never be interested in someone like Phil. They're friends, though, and Phil's happy about that. Then another man expresses an interest in Phil and they start up a relationship. Phil knows this is the best he'll ever get. Even if the man flirts with everyone and Phil's starting to wonder if he's cheating on him. It all comes to a head, but is there really no one else who loves Phil just as much as he deserves? But he has never done more than engaging in daydreams about telling Barton how he feels and stuff like eating pizza together or just sleeping together (not in a sexual way, he always snaps himself out of it before he comes to that. He'd feel like a pervert otherwise.), but he never made a move, so he sure as hell has no right to feel angry or betrayed. This story really worked for me. In parts because I've kind of been where Coulson is (though the guy calling me boring didn't leave me, but he did say he considered slipping me drugs to make me less so, so I left him a few days later). Strong with the abusive woman and yay for Maria helping him. Also with the brief misunderstanding about if they were friends or not, I liked that too.

I'm falling for your eyes (You kiss like you want to be loved) by Skysbringer
The finding of Captain America leads to a party at SHIELD. Maria and Jasper drags Phil along to celebrate. He's not all that into it, until he meets a handsome man with intense, kaleidoscopic eyes - who suggest they move the party to Phil's place. So they do. The night has some surprises in store. He quickly hides it behind a small smirk, weaker than before, but Phil has always been good at reading people, is rapidly becoming attuned to Clint, and he can see the raw emotions disguised in Clint's eyes, awe and anxiety and pure astonishment, as if Phil is doing him the greatest honor by trusting him, by letting Clint have his way with him. The casualness amused me. Hot night too. I don't party myself, but something like that would make worth the bother for sure. Nice angst. Vivid descriptions. Phil being of size is a favorite of mine and I liked how Phil handled the situation when he realized there was a problem.

I've Got Your Blood Under My Fingernails by lanyon
Twenty short stories telling the story of Coulson and Barton's relationship, from when they danced around each other until they have forever together before them. Coulson says that Stark s thinking of buying it yes, all of Latveria and he tells Barton to stop trying to scratch under his cast and Barton can t quite conceive that fingers this gentle could have wrung secrets from the throats of Barton s captors, for all that there s a trigger finger callus and slightly grazed, slightly swollen knuckles. Some really sweet parts in this. I like clueless Clint and a hint of insecurity on Coulson's part. Nice intimacy between the two: aww for Clint running Phil a bath and them finishing each other's sentences. Several funny parts: Coulson pre-arranging his own kidnapping and Clint winning a fish were among my favourites. I have a Hot Toys Hawkeye and can attest that it is very posable (as is the Coulson one). Nice touch with the name of Coulson's last relationship, the name being redacted.

I've Got Your Words In Me by eleanor_lavish
Fury decides that Steve's virginity might cause trouble in the team, so he orders Coulson to 'just get it the hell done'. Coulson won't do it himself, so he gives the mission to Barton. Clint agrees (mostly as doing so will give him time alone with Coulson for the debrief after). Steve, however, is not at all amused when Clint comes on to him - as "everyone" knows that Phil and Clint are practically married. Everyone, that is, apart from Clint and Phil. So the good captain gets Clint drunk and then drops him on Phil. Now what will Phil do? I m gonna kiss you now, he says, because he s a gentleman, and because the last person on earth he wants to startle is Phil, who could probably incapacitate him with a paperclip. Interesting setup (bad Fury!). Nice dose of double angst. Cute with Clint and Phil watching TV together. Nice dose of humor too. Several good lines. A little sad about Clint's expectation that he'll probably be the first to go. Heh for drunk Clint talking about Phil's mouth to Steve. Heh also for Clint suggesting Coulson do the seduction himself. Awww for Clint being a little insecure with the other Avengers - and Natasha breaking into the NY State registry to try to verify if they're actually married. Hot, but my favourite part is when Clint offers Phil to fuck him and when Phil asks if they can do it the next time how happy and surprised Clint is that there will be a next time.

If Found by iloveitblue
Christmas at Avenger Tower and Pepper has arranged a Secret Santa exchange. Clint and Phil each get something appropriate. If found, return to Coulson. Made me smile. And awww for Tony's idea of simply giving Phil Captain America - though I'm sure Phil would have appreciated that gesture as well.

if i reach out (will you reach back?) by stupidmuse_hatesme
Some special people, the Marked Ones, have stars on their knuckles - one, two, sometimes more. With these, they can do magic. Clint doesn't have marking on his knuckles. He has markings on his fingertips. They help him shoot in special ways. Natasha knows - nobody else. Not even Barney knew. Then he joins SHIELD. Coulson also has marks ... He kept their eyes locked as he lifted his own hands and pressed his fingers to Clint s, dragging the calloused pads across the sensitive and tingling marks before he twisted their hands together, weaving their fingers around each other until Clint s marks touched Phil s and the energy jolted through them. Interesting idea, feels fresh, imaginative. An universe I'd like to read more in. Cute how Clint is captivated by Coulson before he even knows him. Coulson's powers are really cool.

If only, if only by starsapphire
Clint works as an assassin. His new mark, though, turns the tables on him and catches him. SHIELD has had an eye on him for a while. His former mark, one Agent Coulson, gives him a choice: work for SHIELD or go to prison for 58 counts of first-degree murder. So he works for them. And even if it's not his choice, he begins to trust - and like, even love, Coulson more and more. But what does Coulson think of the man who was going to assassinate him? "I'd rather have you thinking that I would fuck you to protect myself than to advance my career," Clint clarifies. "It shows a little bit less of a trust issue." Interesting backstory to them. Good angst and feeling. Good images of Coulson. Awww for Coulson not wanting Clint in the vents - but doesn't order him out (and in fact rewards him). And for both of them pining, if differently. I really enjoy Coulson worried that he's taking advantage of Clint's vulnerable situation. And I'm amused by Clint and Natasha in Stockholm, they'd be welcome here.

if the bad times are coming let 'em come by suzukiblu
The Asset is found by pre-Serum Steve Rogers, who takes him home. Maybe Rogers will kill the asset. The asset doesn't mind. But Rogers takes care of the asset instead. The asset is Steve Roger's weapon now. And if anyone could love a weapon it's Steve Rogers. The asset would follow Steve Rogers barefoot over barbed wire, guiltless over the bodies of the fallen, across the slopes of Hell on broken legs; following him at arm s length is nothing. Very interesting set-up for the story. Good, suitable language that works well for the story. I really like Bucky here and the position he takes with Steve. Strong. Good emotions. Aww-worthy. Sweet too. Several good quotes. And some lovely angst. I like how Bucky just melts into giving Steve his all, accepting everything. Interesting with the different versions of Steve and Bucky. Also, hot.

In Like A Lion by GilesFarnaby
Phil was dead for two minutes. Then he spent a month in a hospital. This had some unexpected side effects. Most of them were negative. His suits not fitting quite right, for one. There are some good effect too, though. Apparently Clint missed him a lot. Fury told me what he did and why and I tried to punch him and got my ass handed to me and spent a night in a holding cell and yelled at Captain fucking America and the richest man on the planet about what selfish pricks they were, Dr Banner, the goddamn Hulk's alter ego, spent forty minutes patting my back and telling me to calm down while I cried all over his lab coat, and Natasha said that if I didn't do something about this, she would. Sweet story with nice details. I loved the suspenders and Clint so sweetly correcting them for him. Aww for Clint wanting to stay with him even if they can't be active yet. Good dashes of humor. Heh for the "lizard in a tie"-thing.

In The Middle Of Your Picture by TheCheerfulPornographer
After a mission Clint needs to calm down from the intenseness of his sniper concentration. Normally he does that well away from the others. Circumstances forces him to compress in a different fashion than usual and Phil overhears something he shouldn't - and when Clint come to him for debriefing Phil has a very important decision to make. And he'll freak out about it later, he knows that, but even that's okay really because Coulson gave the order, Coulson made the first step and all he had to do was say "yes, sir", and my god how is the man so perfect, how does he understand? Hot. I do like a bit of sub-Clint. Nice bit of angst too. Nice with how Coulson helps Clint with his concentration. I liked how neither Phil nor Clint was able to view each other's faces before the fact. Very good with Coulson keeping track of everything with his spreadsheets, note books and lists. Several good detals, such as Clint being able to shoot off the reflection of Coulson's shoe. Coulson not being in control would be scary, especially for Clint. Sweet how Clint wants to please Phil. Another nice touch was Clint's shot rating system. Bad Coulson for listening in, but it worked out well in the end.

In Wade We Trust (We Are So Screwed) by dentalfloss
Clint finds a man drowning in a tank. Drowning over and over again. So Clint rescues him - and gets a friend/stalker in Deadpool, who is now his new bestie (not that Clint has a choice in the matter). Deadpoool recognizes that we'll all see them as an epic love couple, but Clint is with Coulson and Wade's not coming between them. And people who take on Clint or Phil just might have gone up against someone rather unpredictable ... "You are a singular individual, Clint Barton, and I hope that you never change," Wade announced, but there was an unsettling level of truth in his voice and Clint stilled with his mug halfway to his lips. Highly amusing. I hadn't seen Deadpool before reading this, and had only read him in some fics, but I adored him in this fic. Good connection between him and Clint - though between him and Coulson too. I especially liked how tolerant Coulson is about the two of them. Several good lines and good humor. Good voice for especially Wade. I'd like to read more in this universe. Wade's holo imager was reallly nice (again, have not seen Deadpool, so know little of canon). Nice dash of angst. Heh for Tony providing bulletproof suits without mentioning it. Sweet that they get (platonically) domestic/cuddling. Yay for Wade to the rescue, that was really nice. Overall a good read. Heh for Wade sneaking in to make pancakes. Also for Clint's "Kiss the assassin - or he'll poison your food" apron. The Wade trying to give guns to the chickens also amused me. And more coding about ducks to get rescued. And several other details. Like Phil and Wade bonding over Captain America. So sweet when they take Wade in. I also have to mention that I was awww-ing when Clint didn't notice Wade not wearing his holo imager. I loved the title.

In Which Clint Barton Saves the Day by BonitaBreezy
AU in which Clint is a pool lifeguard. He spends most days off at different pools around the city. His current eyecandy is a cute man in his mid-forties with thinning, brown hair and a really sweet smile - and two daughters. But as Clint is admiring the view disaster strikes. Will Clint be able to save the day? The tips of his ears went a little pink, and it was the most adorable thing Clint had ever seen, even though he was embarrassed at having been caught being creepy. Cute AU with good feeling. I like how they both came back to the pool, hoping to spot the other. And yes, if you bury your fingers in the man's chest hair without even being introduced he will find it weird, Clint.

In Which Phil Coulson Becomes Jealous of (and gets Advice from) Tony Stark of all People... by BeneficialAddiction
To Coulson's surprise Clint and Natasha has a friend. It's Stark. And Coulson's cool with that. At least he is cool with Tony being Natasha's friend. He is starting to get jealous of Tony's friendship with Clint -and how Tony is able to give Clint really incredible things. But what could Clint want from Coulson that means more than anything Tony could give him ...? Hell, a shitty cup of two dollar coffee would mean more than anything I could throw at Merida so long as it came from you. Sweet story that made me smile. Awww-worthy. Nice structure too. I liked Tony in this one.

Indiana Jones and the Agents of SHIELD by coffeesuperhero and sabinelagrande
Two separate stories. In the first Clint likes to makes costume and dress up. He looks good with a whip. Phil looks good in a suit. In the other an undercover mission reveals unhidden talents of Phil, also involving a whip. They have their kinks, but they're also very happy. He's trying to articulate how he feels, how impressed he is by Coulson, how mindblowingly hot that was, how much he wants to do it again, how connected he feels they are at this moment; of course, what comes out is, "I really want to suck your dick right now." Phil's costume really made me smile, lovely touch. The cosplay kink part was cute. I rarely like BDSM stories, but sub Clint works for me. I don't know much at all about BDSM really, apart from what I've read in fic. So I have no clue how accurate this is, but it felt realistic and understandable, so it was an interesting read. Several good lines. Cute with Clint in over his head, trying to top at first. The 'sir' thing was really sweet. Aww for Clint running naked with a sniper rifle and the cops cuffing him with his own cuffs.

Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by owlet
The Asset's mission resets abruptly. The object had been to kill the Target. The new mission is to protect the Target. The Target is one Steve Rogers. Apparently the subset of the Asset that is mission command is SELF. The Asset does his best to protect the Target - but the Target is not making things easy for the Asset. Luckily, the Asset manages to aquire several mission assists, such as Building, the Old Ones, Eleanor the Cat and Flying Sam. Also, Asset had discovered the near-magical properties of a three-shot, two-pump white mocha with extra whip. Will this be enough? A piece of the giant cake would probably help, but no one brings cake to amazing bodyguards secretly sitting up in a tree across the street. Absolutely lovely story with a slew of lovely details, good emotion and good language. Heeh for Steve being an excellent cheat at cards (and sneaky in general) - I approve. Excellent development on Bucky's part to integrate in the society (in his own way). Very amusing. I also liked the bit where Steve had sex with Peggy - very well described. Awww for poor Bucky when mission won't talk to him ... Yay for Building, that was so well done, I really loved JARVIS in this one. Oh, and for the security guard's reaction when he realises who Bucky is - so lovely. I liked how Bucky curses with Russian sayings and such. Cute with Clint and Bucky bonding, I liked that part. I completely agree with Bucky - only morons wake up dragons. Cat Eleonor is completely adorable, as are all the old ones, some of the best OCs I've read of. Another detail I liked was the tailor who made the clothes and adjusted for the guns. I'm not American and we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I enjoyed the version described in the story, both warm and tempting. Almost heart-wrenching when the old ones discuss how they can afford Thanksgiving. Great with Bucky's meticulous planning and poor boy for the complications that occurs. So sweet when they all want to sit next to Bucky. Awww for Bucky giving Sam an apology plant - also for Tony dubbing Bucky Steve's evil boyfriend and other times they are mistaken for a couple before they are, like with the Running Regular 1 and 2. One of the very few lengthy stories I probably would have liked even if it didn't turn slashy, but I'm very, very happy it did, because it seemed like a natural development and very well handled. JARVIS is a great buddy. Heh for Steve "denying" Bucky. Bucky is very sweet and I enjoyed seeing the world from his angle - and his obsession with Starbucks. Let's hope Steve doesn't use 'Velveteen' accidentally ... Good on Steve letting Bucky know the address, in case he was listening and interested. Lots of other nice things.

Insecurities by Elvarya85
Coulson is insecure. He has arranged his life so that he's within his comfort zone. Which works just fine - until Barton waltz in and offers a date. But then one day he overhears Barton flirting with newbie agents just outside Coulson's office. Does Phil have anything to worry about? Phil was just starting to wonder if he should mysteriously have them weeded out of the crop of baby agents when one of them, a bit too loudly, asked if Clint was busy Friday. Normally I love totally BAMF, secure Coulson, but just once in a while a more insecure version is sweet in contrast, especially in his relation to Clint. Intimate. Cute end.

Intermission by mrasaki
A year after the New York attack, Coulson returns to life, courtesy of the Aesirs. Not knowing what to do, Fury sends him off to review a SHIELD office in Idaho. He's a bit disappointed that none of the Avengers are in contact whim (though he did meet them before going to Idaho, so they know he's alive). But then Hawkeye shows up in his vents and it turns out that Fury claimed Coulson was on vacation. Coulson fully expects Clint to be bored and leave shortly. But Clint has something very important to tell him ... "Barton. Many office buildings, as I may have mentioned to you in the past, do not have ventilation systems large enough to fit a normal sized man, much less you, and SHIELD won't give compensation for vent-related injuries sustained while you're not on an officially sanctioned mission." Sweet. I like the humor. Heh for Medic 98% sure Coulson isn't a zombie. Oh so sweet Clint getting stuck, ah, "strategically wedged" in the vent. Heh also for Clint telling the junior agents tall tales. Nice with Steve being so patient with Phil's fanboyishness. Phil commissing an analysis why bad guys like to tazer Clint really made me smile. Nice connection between Clint and Phil.

Is There A YouTube Video For This? by KuriKuri
Coulson wakes up after New York. He wakes up to Agent Jasper Sitwell. Jasper is very annoyed with him. And he has a vaguely threatening ballpoint pen. Not good. Fury had once asked why Jasper wrote some of his reports in blood, and if he d gotten the discarded stuff from the blood bank or if he should consider sending Jasper to an isolated outpost in Antarctica. Awww ... Sweet crack. Coulson on the good stuff is always funny. Great touch with the pen, with Coulson checking the pen (and more than once). Heh for the Juliet/Romeo thing.

Isn't It Neat? by illa_dixit
Phil is a little merman prince, son of King Fury. He and his fish friend, Jasper, often searches the ship wrecks for interesting human things to show Tony the seagull. One day, though, he spots handsome human prince Clint and even saves his life in a storm. The Kraken Loki offers to turn Phil into a human, temporarily at first, but then in exchange for a shiny blue box Phil found in a wreck ... But there's a price ... And clueless Clint would be the first person to admit that whoever he married would have to be way more responsible about paperwork than he was if the kingdom was to have any sort of success: a match between himself and someone even less responsible was really just a bad plan. Oh so sweet. I was amused especially by how Thor had been accidentally summoned. And Phil actually reading the contract, good boy. But also a very nice feel between Phil and Clint. Poor tone deaf Phil. But I was amused at his skills for choreographing. Jasper was cute. Aww for Phil rambling to Clint about trade and paperwork (and smart Clint for knowing what he needs). Sweet with Phil's soundless laughter, I liked that.

It Just Has to Be by skidmo
Clint's an omega. He's on suppressants, but for an op R & D gives him pheromones to tempt an alpha. The op goes well. Afterwards, though, the pheromones starts acting up - sending him into heat. By then he's in a safehouse - with Coulson ... And Clint knew he was damned. It was too late for him, and he d never find another Alpha who could be half the Alpha Phil was, and he didn t care because if he could have Phil like this just once, he would trade that for all of the heats for the rest of his life and live off this memory forever. Nico ABO. I like the plot with the forced heat and only Alpha there. Nice misunderstandings. Good view of Coulson and I like the contrasts between him and the other Alphas Clint's been with. Good with emotion - and hot too.

It Takes Marvel by The_Marron
Steve and Bucky went away for a year and when they returned it was with a baby boy, Jake. The Avengers all adore him and help raise him. He takes the last name Jensen. When he's grown, he leaves and eventually he has a team of his own, The Losers. And possibly, according to Tony, an Oidipus complex. Everyone seemed to be in favour of Jake dating a Black Ops member ("At least he knows what to do when they kidnap him" said uncle Clint) and Alice decided she liked Cougar, especially after the match the whole team went to watch, so there was that. Nice crossover. I'd have liked more on the Loser's side of things, but yeah, Tony might just be right in that Jake's taste in men comes from Bucky. Made me smile, especially poor Tony when Jake wanted to work for Oscorp ... Heh for the fight for Best Uncle status. Aww for Clint-Dragon and the rest. I also liked Clint sewing merch for those that don't have them, for Jake. Good solution for Jake's niece with Alice.

It Takes Two by DoctorTrekLock
Phil's rather patient - and Clint asks strange questions sometimes anyway - so he answers the questions with little thought: Gold or silver; Hill, Sitwell or Fury; Blue or purple; tulips or roses ... Maybe he would have been less surprised if he had remembered Clint's first question - the one about what he thought about getting married ... Clint, he said carefully, are we getting married? Aww, so sweet ... Silly boys. But Clint did his best and rallied beautifully when he realised the problem. Aww for ceiling!Clint too.

It Was a Dark and Not Quite Stormy Night. Mostly Just Dark. by infiniteeight
Sitwell, Melinda, Fury, Coulson and Barton ends up locked up in some hotel room for 12 hours during a blackout. They can't sleep, so they end up playing a game of Truth and Dare. Only Melinda (who's temporarily telepathic) spikes their drinks with truth serum. Some very interesting truths are reveiled. "The kitten in Phil's office was me." I liked the feel of this story - and each truth was interesting. I admire Sitwell. My favorite secret was Clint's, though. Kitten!! Aww! I want to read that, it sounded adorable. Heh for Fury being overdue for the next code rotation schedule. And I really liked how Melinda's forced telepathy helped them escape. Poor Sitwell, sleeping in the bathtub.

It's a Magical Place by infiniteeight
Phil Coulson died from getting stabbed by Loki. Phil knows that. He knows he's an LMD. But that's not so bad. He still thinks and feels just like Phil. So, yeah, things are not all in all bad. Except for that he doesn't know what this might mean for him and Clint. How can he tell Clint that he's basically an action figure and still hope Clint will want to be with him? But maybe things will work out after all. Tahiti really is a magical place. But Phil knows his body better than anyone, and he knows this isn't the body he started out with. I really enjoy these alternative Tahiti stories. This is a nice one and with a good story question and set up. Good end too. Interesting with the shifts in colors from his memory. Very Coulson to check himself with the ultrasound machine.

It's Too Big, I Can't Take It! by AdamantSteves
Clint keeps asking Coulson about his cock, speculating about it. Finally, he teases Coulson too far - and Coulson not only shows it to him, but fucks Clint with it over his desk, despite the cock's daunting dimensions. Only afterwards does he realise what he has done. He got a thrill just watching Coulson go about his day in his little everyman suit, with his everyman face, knowing that underneath that everyman mask there was a really big dick right THERE, and no one knew about it but him. This was an unusually difficult story for me. Not due to the heavy sex or semi-non con issues, but because while I really like a lot of the aspects, there are some character issues that jars me. Normally when I don't like parts of a fic, I simply don't rec it, but in this case the rest of the story carries enough that I still like it, so I will rec it anyway. What jars me is the rather porny dialogue in primarily the first part. I'm not a prude: I've read slash for several decades now and I do like to read hot and heavy on occasion, even dirty talking, but this twigged me as a bit porny in a way I found out of character for men of their respective ages in the circumstances. Yes, it's labelled as crack, but I love crack stories, I just feel they don't excuse OOC behaviour: for them to work they should still be in character. Both Clint and Phil could benefit from a bit of general sex education regarding how STDs spread. Also I did note it was not betaed, which is a shame, I think the story would have benefitted considerably from a good beta. I can see Clint trying to push Coulson until he snaps - that's a great idea and I could even believe the way Coulson snaps. Clint acted immaturely and Phil's reaction was a bit much, but mostly the language pushed it a bit too far for me. On the other hand, I found several details in character, such as Coulson taking exact notes on Clint's references to his penis and numbering his fantasies (and so many of them playing out!). The story has a good foundation, good basic plot. Interestingly, I enjoyed the told bits more than the shown bits, which is rare. Several humours parts - heh for Coulson's dick being "Mjolnir sized", among other things. And I did like the angst a lot and the sweet misunderstandings. While I have no experience in overly large cocks I found the descriptions of Phil's problems believable and interesting.

Just an Asset by soniclipstick (veriscence)
Clint has an ugly revelation: he's been replaced. By Thor. Coulson spends time with the god of thunder; they watch shows together; they have inside jokes and they go out together with Jane and Darcy. Clint, on the other hand, is just one of Coulson's assets. He's not the man's friend or anything else. It's just facts, he just have to adjust to that. But is it really true? Who would want Clint as a friend when they could have Thor? Awww ... Sweet. Nice angst, good emotions. Poor Clint, hanging out in the vent above Coulson's room as he misses him. The Dog Cops bit was especially moving. Nice detail with the coffee.

Just Lucky by florahart
Some people has their soulmates name on their body - but blurred until they are ready for each other. Clint has such a blur. He doesn't think much of it any longer, until an anonymous hook-up asks him if Phil is aware of that he's stepping out on him. Clint recognizes Coulson's handwriting. But Coulson is dead. Isn't he? Only, JARVIS has a theory on that ... He wants to say hello, or hi, you're not dead, or never leave me again, but it's been a hell of a day, so instead he makes do with just pulling him close, chest to chest, for a minute, and murmuring, "Sir." Sweet. I really liked JARVIS in this one - and Coulson's determination. Poor Kurt. He seems cool with things, though. Bad Fury. Interesting with the age difference possibilities. Awww for Clint needing a responsible dog-parenting partner.

Just My Type by Devilc
Loki escapes, grabs Steve and replaces him with ... Jake Jensen, a Steve-look-a-like from another universe. As the others deal with trying to get Steve back, Bucky cares for Jake. He misses Steve, of course, but apparently he has a type. That's okay. Steve-like men apparently also has a type. He glomps onto Bucky as soon as Stark gives him the run of the floors where people's quarters are located, because "You have that silent but deadly with a gun more than a mile away vibe." And, "I kind of have a thing for your type." Cute story that made me smile. I like crossover and this worked. Heh for Howling Avengers. Also for the movement against overbearing Jewish-Italian grandmothers. Fun. Cute with Jake messing with JARVIS. Tony and Jake would be awesome buddies.

Just Right by Ralkana
Clint's back from a long mission. He just needs to sleep. But he can't sleep in his room at SHIELD, so he goes to search for a better place to sleep. But he finds nowhere - until he gives in and breaks into Coulson's office to sleep there. Coulson's supposed to be gone for several days - but Clint's barely fallen asleep when Coulson enters. Clint know he's truly fucked now. How will Coulson react to Clint's violation of his office? Now he was going to have to sit and listen as Coulson told him how inappropriate this was, how far over the line he'd stepped, and then he'd have to watch as Coulson sent him away, assigned him another handler, washed his hands of him. Really sweet. Good dash of angst. Made me go awwww ... Poor Clint. Good feel to the story. Nice touch with the white noise generator. Nice end, I really liked.

Just Twinny 'verse by ObsidianJade
In the middle of a fight involving Loki and giant wolf-creatures, a doppleganger of Clint shows up. William Brandt is in town, accompanied by Ethan Hunt. William and Clint are not related. Unexpectedly, though, Ethan has a close relative amongst the Avengers. I ll agree to stop showering in acid if you agree to stop walking in it to get to me, Barton countered with a grin that could only be described as shit-eating, leering down at what were clearly his boots on Coulson s feet. Well-written, humorous story with several good details. I like the descriptions of the differences between Clint and William. Cute with Phil in Clint's shoes. Aww so cute with the Hulk and his nicknames for everyone. Good voice for Coulson especially. The LMD-joke with twin fantasies made me giggle out loud. Nice feeling and working crossover. Cute with the killing people with everyday office supplies and Clint getting hot from Phil's skills. Sweet dash of angst between Steve and Tony. I'm a bit envious on Tony's no-sleeping streak, the most I've managed would be about 50 hours. I really like Clint in the vents - and sweet of Tony to fix them up for him. Nice touch with Clint being their second best quick tactician.

Knife Skills by Hark_bananas
Bucky is in New York and sees Steve, but he never approaches him. The money Bucky took when he chased Hydra is coming to an end. One day he sees an advert - someone with knife skills is wanted. And Bucky is oh so verygood with a knife ... But what kind of knife skills are really needed ...? That s not what he wants, but it s not what he doesn t want, either, and he s not trying to tease Steve or string him along, but he has to get this right so that Steve doesn t get the wrong idea, but also doesn t jump to conclusions and fireman-carry Bucky to the county clerk s office for a marriage license. Warm story with a lot of nice details. I especially like the descriptions Bucky uses to describe how he tucks away his memories. I would like to go to Bucky's courses. Good dashes of humor. Sam is a good friend. Awww for Flannery using Steve like a human forklift.

Knives and Yogurt by Kaiyoz
The Avengers (Steve, Tony and Natasha of them) are trapped by HYDRA. They share a cell with a strange individual, grimy and squirrely and not talking. Tony dubs him Creeper. Creeper helps them escapes and proves very good at shooting. His name's Clint Barton and he's deaf. Clint joins the Avengers. I have a room for you too, Coulson and I was trying to decorate it but Cap kept taking his underpants back. Nice alternative way of bringing Hawkeye into the fold. Good team spirit. Heh for Tony treating Steve as JARVIS. I like the arrow-dividers. Bad Phil for drugging Clint. Heh for them being surprised he's blond. I like the sex-expected bit. Good on Phil for taking care of him. Neat gadget to have JARVIS display sound for Clint. Good humor.

Knocked on his Ass by Boxstorm
AU in which Clint works at a pub. He and Phil seems to have a strange attraction going on, which manifests in Clint accidentally knocking Phil on his ass every time they meet. Still, it's some sort of attraction. I m not straight! Clint blurts into the ensuing silence, attracting the startled gaze of both the zucchini salesman and a young couple walking past. Cute story that made me smile. Poor boys. And bad, bad Clint with Bobbi. Groggy Phil is sweet. Aww for his co-workers wanting to escort him home - that's good buddies. Clint especially well in character.

Learn How To Tell You Goodbye by torakowalski
Coulson didn't die -it was just a LMD. The Avengers still thinks he's dead, though. He's sent to Russia to break into Department X, where he meets the Winter Soldier - and they team up. Phil hasn t let himself think about the possibility of going home after this mission now that the WSC has a completely untraceable operative, they re not going to give that up without a fight but now he can t help imagining what it would be like to be the man who brings Bucky Barnes home to Steve Rogers. Awww for Clint's messages to Coulson ... Sweet and sad. Nice dash of humor. Interesting mission on Coulson's part. Nice touch with Steve and Clint. I really liked Barnes and Coulson's interaction, though. Awww for Indy, really sweet. And I love the care Tony takes with Clint's room - and Indy's. I liked Bucky in this one. Fresh idea with the amputation thing. Yay for the Avengers to the rescue. And Clint thinking Phil is a hallucination was very cute. Hot sex too. Aww for Dummy.

Leave The Light On by hitlikehammers
Coulson's dead. So when Clint, dead tired after a mission, forgets this and heads to Coulson's office to unwind, only to realise at the last minute and yet see a light on in said office, he's furious. How dare they let someone else use Coulson's office? So he storms in. What does he find? So, rage: rage is what he runs with, indignant, violated how dare anyone take Phil s office, not now, so soon; how dare they try to replace a man like Phil Coulson, the most irreplaceable human being in the whole goddamn world, Clint s sure of that, because of the way he walks and the pitch of his voice and the calm in him with all that bubbles beneath the surface, and the color of his eyes when he s tired, and the strength of his grip as he s bleeding out and still pulling Clint s battered body through the Hungarian countryside, running on adrenaline and sheer fucking will: you can t replace Phil Coulson. Nice description of strong emotion. It resonated with me as it made me remember my grandmother's death and how I sometimes very carefully did not call her old number (though I remember it to this day), in a strange feeling of how horrible it would be when she didn't answer and how horrible it would be if someone else did, yet a tiny little thrill that she hadn't "not" answered yet, even if I knew oh so well she never would.

Lemme Grab A Seat And I'll Tell Ya About Our Hard, Hard Day by Sidney Sussex
Christmas with the Avengers at Tony's place. Clint has never really celebrated Christmas before. He's a bit outside the bustle. Luckily, Coulson is also there and for some reason he seems to always be where Clint is. And Jarvis seems strangely intent on keeping them together. Coulson gives him that smile again, that knowing one that says he has all your secrets and he's better at keeping them than you are, and Clint suddenly recognizes that confused feeling and aw, man, aw, crap, no way, because it's Coulson and Coulson sees everything and he can take you apart with a paper clip, and Clint knows he's totally, completely, one hundred percent screwed. Sweet story with good feeling. Aww for Coulson courting Clint with coffee and all. I also liked Jarvis getting credit for all he does - good on Clint for acknowledging that. The morning conversation about synchrotrons and relativistic gamma was also amusing. Nice dash of humor overall. Sweet with Jarvis matchmaking. Heh for Coulson slipping in the question to go for coffee in his statement that he does not run the world.

Less than $10 (minus costs to SHIELD) by FlatlandDan
Phil's not on the Secret Santa list. Well, naturally, as most people think he's dead. He enters the exchange anyway, under an alias. But when he draws Barton's name - what will he give the man? Clint doesn t talk much about what he got that year for his Secret Santa present. Amusing. I do hope Clint will be very appreciative. And tsk, tsk, Phil for the SHIELD costs ...

Let Slip the Dogs of War by MidniteMarauder
WIP in which Clint's in the middle of a mission, when someone attacks him, waving a stick - and transforms him into a Corgi. Clint flees and is lost in the city. But then two men walks by, talking about strange things like muggles and magic. They find him. Their names are Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Lick Coulson's face or bury his nose in Coulson's crotch? Clint-as-a-Corgi-stories are just so cute and so is this one. Sad it's a WIP, but I hope more will be posted, as it has potentials and broke off as it was getting interesting. Nice cultural crash. Poor Clint. I also liked the use of the wizard world in America. Heh for the Starbucks things. Cute image of Clint with his paws up on the bumpers to check car licence plates. Good point that Thor could be of use with Allspeak.

let's do this one more time by phae
Phil comes home to find Clint in his apartment. Still in his apartment. He had assumed that Clint would be gone. Is he disappointed? He hadn't expected Barton to fall into bed with him in the first place, much less to stick around, and so he'd spent his coffee breaks throughout the day convincing himself that once was enough to get Barton out of his system, as if there weren't a multitude of feelings tangled up with his avid appreciation of his asset's physical attributes. Lovely little dash of angst. I liked the set-up, nicely executed. Good reaction of Phil in the beginning and aww about Clint's reaction when he thinks he's not wanted. Nice layout of Phil's place with the identifying sounds.

Let me see you stripped down to the bone by smaragdbird
Phil forgets his and Clint's dinner plants. Clint comes to fetch him - and is confused when Phil overreacts to his own mistake. He's even more stunned when Phil apparently has no clue why Clint puts up with him. Obviously, someone once hurt Phil badly. Clint needs to do something about this. I want Phil s ex s head on a spike , Clint announced as he marched into Fury s office. Poor Phil ... And good Clint - and even Fury - to want to protect him. Nice speech on Clint's part why he does put up with Phil. Also nice dash of angst.

Life Should Not Resemble a Fairytale by Jade_Dragoness
Aliens are invading - and they're coming too quick for even the Avengers to handle. Loki appears and offers to take the Avengers to the Aliens' mothership. Of course, not for free. In return, Loki gets one of Fury's "subjects", transferring their loyalty to Loki. Fury agrees. The invasion is stopped and Loki claims his prize. Phil Coulson, Agent of Loki. Now what? He couldn t lose because no matter what because he was certain of this fact: no one else in the entire universe wanted a claim on Phil Coulson s heart as much as he did. Nice set-up, fresh plot, though with a classic use of true love's connection and the whole loyalty thing - I liked it. Very nice angst, but also good humor and many nice touches. Nice built-up betwen Clint and Phil. Oh so sweet with Loki getting a bit tamed by Phil, that was cute. Several good lines and descriptions. I like how Clint could read the severity of the situation by looking at Coulson's calm, that sounds about right. Good use of Asgardian magic. Good voice on Thor. Awww for Clint calling dibs on Coulson with Natasha. Several good details. Awww also for Hulk's reaction to Coulson. One of my favourite parts was how things started to slide for SHIELD once they lost Coulson. Also sweet with Clint's eagerness for Phil.

Lights on the Water by Kisleth and Sidney Sussex
AU in which Coulson is the best fisherman on the North Atlantic. He works alone, but sometimes he likes to hear a friendly voice. He calls the lighthouse and Clint Barton, the lighthouseman. Soon their conversations becomes more and more intimate and perhaps neither of them have to be alone anymore, even with an ocean between them. For five minutes as soon as the sun touches the water, put your hand in the sea, and I ll do the same, and through the ocean our lovely ocean that doesn t part us hold my hand. Sweet, warm story, one of those you just enjoy reading and just want to keep reading. Good feeling between them. Full of nice details. I'm normally not all that keen on AUs, but both characters works well here. Coulson competent and strong as usual. I love the sign of insecurity in Clint, I always like that. Good details on both professions. Even sweet, in parts. Good ending.

Limericks Are Romantic by McEnchilada
When Clint gets bored (or just because he wants to), he writes limericks and gives to Coulson. Coulson finds this (and Clint) adorable. "So I finally got into Phil's bed, and discovered that he gives really great he--" Sweet how Coulson saves the limericks. I like Coulson praising Clint. The limericks themselves were cute and made me smile, but several of them were also good and clever. Aww for Coulson being the only one Clint'd miss at SHIELD.

little windows by sheisraging
Bucky is staying with Steve. To help him adjust, Steve draws to cover the star on his arm, with a different symbol each time. But there's one, special symbol that would really fit there. And other windows into their lives. Bucky nods, still looking at the image of Steve s shield on his arm. Interesting stories. Some very heart-warming. Good feeling. And I'd love to have Steve paint Bucky's arm. Sweet with the dog. Bad, bad, bad Thor for snatching Steve's food. Heh for the cabinet of shame, I have a little shelf of shame myself, it's not a bad thing. Heh for Clint slapping Bucky's arse. Good humor too. I found it highly amusing with Steve getting back at the others, especially Clint. Awww for Dum-E and Bucky's arm - so sweet!

Living It Up by nerdwegian
Phil takes the elevator down. He got company by a man who just got away from a bad date. That's when the elevator stops and they're stuck. Clint's having a bad night. He just wanted a blowjob. It was a long time since Phil got laid. Maybe they can help each other out. "Nice," he says, which nobody's ever told Phil's dick before, and he's just wondering how to respond--Thank you?-- when Clint bends down and sucks the head into his mouth. Amusing story that made me smile. I like how they come together. Clint's very Clint. Heh for the date question, very cute.

Long Range Reconnaissance by shell
When Clint learns that Coulson died, he almost breaks. Steve confesses to him his own relationship with Bucky. They find out that Fury lied and they get Coulson back. And then Natasha remembers the Winter Soldier's name. Will they be able to get Bucky back as well? "I don't know how a wife would feel, but if you want to ask my husband how he feels about it, he's right over there," Clint said, pointing at Phil. Good emotion. One of those long, nice universes that is involving and is just a nice read. I'm mostly a Coulson/Barton-girl, but I enjoy other pairings when they show up in their stories and this was a nice one. Sweet story between Bucky and Steve and how they got together. Bad Bucky going for the kissing practice line. I like Jarvis always near Tony. Good teamwork (and nice that Jarvis is included). Nice dash of humor too. The cellist thing never gets old. I greatly liked the friendship between Clint and Steve. And yes, I bet Steve's hugs are brilliant. I really liked everyone helping out when the Council tried to make Coulson the scapegoat. Heh for FBI in awe of SHIELD's training range. Yay for Clint helping Bucky and wow for him showing off his shooting. And bad ass Coulson in Clint's defence. Good resolution to Bucky's dilemma. I liked Tony's voice. The Coulson/Clint part of the story was beautiful and sweet. Aww for drugged Coulson - and Coulson finding "Mystery co-worker" hotter than Captain America. Good angst. I like stories with Coulson's family.

Looking In From the Outside by desert_neon (sproutgirl)
Phil is in a loving relationship with Kelly Cooper, a Cellist. He told her he's in the FBI, but she suspects otherwise, not the least since one of his agents tends to break into his apartment when he sleeps. And who is in love with him ... She likes Clint still, but how can this ever end happily? So Clint Barton is Hawkeye, and he s in love with your ex-boyfriend, who is now his boyfriend and also his ex-handler, and isn t actually dead. Not my usual type of story, but interesting OC (though I was very glad it didn't end up as a threesome). She's strong, but not too strong, so she works for me. Heh for "The Hawkeye method" of using the vents. I liked Jason. Bad Nat (and Clint). Good interaction between Kelly and Clint. Awww for the bit when Kelly asks Clint if Phil ever got to meet Captain America.

Losing Sight of the Shore by casspeach
Freyr sends his blessings onto the son of Coul. Unfortunatly, this takes the form of what essentially amounts to alien sex pollen. Coulson needs to have sex. The team gets him back to the tower, where he hides in his rooms. Barton breaks in to help. Will Coulson let him? And what will happen then? "And the reason you like me best," he continued, because he didn't want to actually hear Coulson say he'd've rather Steve was here for various reasons, none of them important right now, "is because I am a proper SHIELD agent, with an appreciation of the necessity of protocol, because of which I can tell you that I am now invoking Directive 1582, section three, clause D, subclause iv otherwise known 'fucking Asgardians' and relieving you of your command." A trope I really like, well executed. Interesting use of Frey. Good on SHIELD to have a protocol, even if they should have thought matters through some more. Sweet of Tony to offer to go out and get a rent boy. Good angst. Hot too. Nice emotions. Cute with the files, both the 281 and the mission reports later. Awww for Coulson leveraging with Fury to get Clint. Nice handling of the consent issues.

Lost and Found by Shadowy_Dumbo_Octopus
Venom is gone. Eddie is all alone. He misses Venom something fierce. Only one day when he comes home there's a strange man in his apartment. A very strange man ... Neither felt like doing the washing, so they just got out of the clothes and showered, threw on some reasonably warm pyjamas, and crawled into bed. Then they crawled out of bed, got rid of the dead body, and crawled back in. I like this type of reunion stories. This was a good one. Nice dash of humor too. Them forgetting about the body made me smile. Good feelings. Aww for Venom having to search for Eddie.

Love and the Single Porcupine by Kathar
Clint gets transformed into a porcupine. It's more or less a rite of passage in SHIELD. Coulson got transformed into a llama; Hand into a swan ... And he's with Coulson and Nat, so things could be worse. Except that he can only communicate with them by way of Ouija board. And then Coulson takes that moment to let slip that he's attracted to Clint (in his human form, even if he has a killer ass in both). Killing a man with your weaponized ass ought not to feel worse than killing a man your hands, and he d done his fair share of that. Highly adorable, nicely written, well structured story. Good dash of humor and a nice bit of angst too. Clint is so cute! Bad Nat taking pictures of him (but I would have loved to see them ...). And I bet he looked cute playing cyborg too. Nicely described sensations of Clint's quills. Smart Clint with the planchette.

Love, Lust, and Honor by twangcat
Phil was wanted Clint for a long time, but he knows Clint doesn't see him that way. He knows because he overheard Clint telling Natasha so: that Phil is the best combination of dad, grand-father and Santa. So he keeps his emotions incheck. But did Clint really mean what he said? Dance little HYDRA goons dance! and he pictured everyone as little chess pieces being moved across the board by Coulson who was playing both sides. I like this kind of misunderstandings. Poor Phil ... Nice detail of sending Strike Team Echo to be caught to give Delta a better chance. Good feeling between Nick and Phil too. Clint really does have a mouth on him ... Poor Sitwell too. Well ... poor Clint too, I guess. But nice story.

Lunch by Chase
When Clint realises just what Coulson has to pay for very meager lunches at the SHIELD cafeteria - and why Coulson doesn't just bring lunch with him from home - he takes the matter into his own hand. Soon Coulson's lunches are the wonders of the SHIELD lunch hour. Today, as the crowd of agents holds their breath for Coulson's famous lunch, the senior agent smiles, pulling out a little tupperware container of lemon and asparagus risotto, a cellophane wrapped cucumber and dill sandwich, and a baggie filled with sliced fruits. Very cute, it made me smile. Nice food - and they do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ... (well, or through his ribs, but still ...) Very thoughtful and good end too. Cute as always with Clint hiding and earsdropping.

Made Omega by infiniteeight
Coulson is an alpha. Clint is a beta, though, so while Coulson might want him for his omega, there's no use wishing for that. Until Loki comes along and makes Clint into an omega. It's only two weeks to his first heat and now what? Clint makes gorgeous, breathy noises as Phil's knot grows and it's perfect, it's everything Phil ever wanted, and he would say that this couldn't possibly get better, except then Clint wets submissively. I got bored with the whole A/B/O thing very quickly, but I still try the stories for a few select pairings. I'm very glad that Coulson and Barton is one such pairing, because this was one of the very few such stories I've enjoyed. This set-up sounded interesting and it also delivered well. I liked the differences between omegas and betas in terms of scenting and attitudes. Smell is often an underrated sense in writing fic, so this was a nice change. Lovely connection between the two and I like how Phil was taking care of Clint. Nice use of Tony and I like the touch of him working for omega rights. Several good lines and descriptions. Good on Steve for offering. Aww for Phil wanted beta-Clint, treating him like his omega, and temporarily worried that it might all be his fault. Heh for him using Lola.

Malibu Avengers by cy_chase
Hockey AU. Phil Coulson gets traded to the Malibu Avengers. In his first game he assists Barton to score with 34 seconds left, winning them the game. Goalie Tony Stark invites him back to his house for a post-game party. Coulson is invited to stay the night and when he retires, Barton comes to him, revealing that he's followed Coulson for years, indeed has had a thing for him - for years. It can t hurt to talk to him, and after being forced to DVR every single one of the man s games for four years, I m going to have to insist that you man up. A friend and I was just talking about Hockey RPF and the relative lack of crossovers to hockey, so I was happy to find a nice Hockey AU. I'm not into hockey per se, but I'm Swedish, so I have no choice but to follow it, at times. Nice feel here, I especially liked the backstory of Steve, Clint and Natasha. Go Avengers! If he's Swedish Thor would be Odinsson (or possibly Odensson), but I'm nitpicking, I know. I liked the story of the purple hat.

Mama Coulson Knows Best by BeneficialAddiction
WIP in which Phil ends up bringing Clint with him home to his parents. Clint gets a taste for how it would be to have a real, loving family - and Coulson's family too ... Clint loves Phil very much - and Phil loves Clint. They just haven't told one another. But Mama Coulson knows best. The older man is on his back, one arm thrown up over his head in unfairly peaceful sleep and Clint is curled up against his side like an octopus, head pillowed on the older man's chest, heart thumping along steadily beneath his ear like some kind of soothing drum cadence. Lovely family story, warm and a good read, lovely OCs. Boris is very cute. Would be lovely to read more in this universe. Heh for Clint reading Coulson's mother's Harlequin romances ... Many nice little details. Sweet angst. Aww for Coulson lending Clint his old Army hoodie after having refused his sisters to borrow it.

March 32nd by coulsons-hawk (allyoop)
SHIELD doesn't acknowledge a certain date. When the Avengers find out, they decides to take advantage. But is it really such a good idea to try to prank Phil Coulson, King (or possibly galactic emperor of all and in between) of pranks? SHIELD does not recognize April 1st. It is official recorded as March 32nd since 1963 and the incident with the nationwide gopher plague. Cute prank. Stark's joke about Clint's face made me smile. I really enjoyed the whole not acknowledging the date thing. And meek Clint was cute, as a change. I really liked Phil finding out and calling them on their inconsistency. I would really have liked seeing Phil get even with all of them, from the sound of things he would have been awesome at it.

Match Made in Heaven by Selenay
Phil Coulson works for SHIELD - Strategic Heart Enamourment and Love Department, the Miracle division. He is an Angel of SHIELD. SHIELD works with matching people in love. That's not always easy, but Coulson never fails. Now Fury has given him a very difficult case: one Clint Barton who, among other things, has sworn off love. Will this be the first time Coulson fails? Then Barton starts seeing someone - literally seeing someone - he can see Coulson. Something he definitelly shouldn't be able to do. What is going on? And if Barton could see him, then he'd probably noticed the way Phil's eyes kept getting drawn to the droplets of water trickling down his chest to the towel around his waist. Long, interesting read with good mysteries to keep up the interest. Nice development and good feelings. Feels fresh. A bit strange that in eight centuries Coulson's never seen a matched pair of angels, even with the explanation. Nice with the silver vs. gold auras. Several good details. Good use of the senses too. I liked Fury in this one. I was very glad Phil got wings again, otherwise I would have felt sad for him.

Match Made in the U.S. Government s Labs by BC_Brynn
The Hulk - and Bruce - gets a very unexpected suitor: Deadpool is convinced they're a good match. Bruce's teammates disagree - violently, lethally so - or as lethally things can get for Deadpool anyway. At first Bruce disagrees as well - but Wade is very persistant ... You could tell it was a mad scientist s coat by the sticker on the back that said MAD SCIENTIST . Cute. Deadpool in good form and well in character. Tsk for the others how they treat him, though ... Good humor. Heh for Tony and Deadpool adlibbing. And Deadpool's Valentine's gift really was sweet (for Deadpool. And in November).

Means and Mendacity by so_shhy
Regency AU. Young thief Clint Barton saves the lives of Lord and Lady Stark. They reward him handsomely. Clint's brother, however, wants more. He tells Clint to ask the Starks to help make him respectable in London, so he can get into parties and confidences and find out secrets they can blackmail the rich with. Clint's not prepared for Lady Stark's - Pepper's - solution. She gets an old friend to marry him, a Captain Phil Coulson, who is in need of the money Clint was awarded with. But what would happen if Captain Coulson finds out the truth about the man he married? Clint himself could barely hear the pronouncement that they were wed over the rush of blood in his ears, and he certainly missed the permission to kiss, until Captain Coulson took his hand and bestowed a chaste salute on his cheek. I enjoy a good regency and this was nice. Good set-up. I liked the language. Nice tension of what would happen. Interesting background for Clint. I liked Pepper and Tony a lot in this one. I'd like to read more in this universe. Good angst. Clint's refreshingly naive about some things. Nice slow build between them. I found it very sad and moving how all Clint really wanted was a house with space for horses. Good use made of all characters. I enjoyed the sub arch with the Winter Soldier, nice backstory, and the confusion when they think Clint is in love with Natasha, I like such misunderstandings.

Meddle Not in the Affairs of Dragons (This Means You, Nicholas Fury) by gwynhefar
Phil wakes up. On a cold metal table in the helicarrier morgue. Nick is waiting for him. He's not too surprised. He knows Phil's secret. Phil's a dragon. Nick's more surprised to find out that Phil has a mate. Will the Avengers be surprised? Nick rolls his eyes, and Clint grins, scrambling up Phil s foreleg and vaulting from his knee onto back of his neck, where he settles himself between the golden spikes down Phil s back. I like alternative fix its and this was a neat one. And I liked how Tony intended to protect Clint from being the Council's scapegoat, if need be. Heh for the end.

Meet Embarrassing by varjohaltija
When Clint meets Phil for the first time, he's not his best. He had had four helpings of the Tex-Mex buffet and his stomach is revolting. He manages to get to a stall in the public restroom, though. But it's bad. And then he doesn't even have paper ... Phil is in the next stall, and luckily he has at least some paper. I can check if there is more paper in the other stalls, the man says, now standing in front of Clint s stall. Very special story with the circumstances. Yet oddly sweet. Poor Clint ...

Midnight is No Time For a Party to End by illa_dixit
Phil lives with Fury and his step-siblings, Jasper and Maria. There's also Happy the Horse, Thor the bloodhound and Loki, the cat. Oh, and the mice: Bruce, Steve, Rhody and Pepper. The mice can talk, but only Phil can understand them. When the king holds a ball for his son, Prince Clint, Maria and Jasper goes. The mice wants Phil to go too - and then a very strange person shows up. He calls himself Tony and he claims to be Phil's fairy godmother. However will this end? Phil put two and two together and got, shit, Clint is trying to find me and also shit, my siblings are going to be all over this I think Jasper and I have the same shoe size. Sweet. Very nice retelling of a classic story. So cute with the mice. Heh for Clint suggesting an archery contest instead so he can win his own hand. I also liked Natasha in this one (and yes, pea soup is also classic). Heh for Bruce as little science mouse. Very typical of Tony to not set the boundry at midnight. Dear Clint, possibly not so bright always, no, but sweet and with sense enough to find someone who can run the kingdom, I approve.

Mint In Box by copperbadge
Phil visits his sister to give her newborn one of his favorite toys from when he was small - his Captain America boardgame. He doesn't expect the Avengers to come as well to check what he's doing. Perhaps he should have told his sister about the Avengers. And why is Clint so anxious when Phil's sister invites him and Steve home for Christmas? "I know he's better lookin' and likes babies more but don't pick him, pick me." Sweet. I like the Avengers following Phil like a herd of curious, protective cats. And cute angst when Clint thinks he's pit against Steve. Awww for Hawkeye purple. I liked Clarissa. And awww for Steve adopting Jack as his sidekick. Cute with the Hawkeye onesie with the painted quiver on the back. Heh for SHIELD helping Clarissa when she calls, as she's Phil's sister. The Coulson family seems nice. Good humor. Nice dash of angst.

Mirror, Mirror by cakeisnotpie
Clint accidentally switches universe with another Clint. In the other universe, things are very different. The Avengers are bad versions of themselves. Steve's the worst of them - and Clint is a submissive to a dominant Coulson. Which he isn't in his original universe, they're not even together. The very possibility is an eyeopener, though. Will Clint be able to get home before something actually happens? And what will happen if he does go home? No one seemed bothered that Steve Rogers had just killed some SHIELD agents in cold blood. The mirror eps of Star Trek was always some of my favorites. To see the mirror Avengers is very interesting. Mirror Coulson was interesting too, even if I couldn't want him like that all the time. I did feel a bit sorry for Mirror Clint, but at least Mirror Coulson did seem to care for him. Good angst. I did like both submissive Clint and dominant Phil and the crash between them and "our" versions.

Misperceptions by afineedge
Coulson summons Clint and Clint is always glad to see him. Except - this time Coulson has some truly bad news. He will no longer be Clint's handler. Clint is very upset about this and wonders what he did wrong. But why did Coulson really request a new handler for Clint ...? Clint's joy coalesced into a ball of dread and confusion that pulsed behind his sternum. Aww, sweet story. I really enjoy such misunderstandings. Lovely bit of angst. Poor Clint ... He's so cute, being happy for Coulson's praise. Good descriptions of emotions. And awww for Clint wanting to do better so that Coulson doesn't send him away. Good boy, Phil.

Mission: Matchmaker by infiniteeight
Clint is easily annoyed and short-tempered. They figure out why: he's single. Something must be done, so naturally Fury gives Coulson a somewhat unusual mission: to find Clint Barton a boyfriend. Of course, Coulson always succeed in his missions, but ... maybe to find a good boyfriend is much harder (or much easier?) than Coulson thinks. I have spent most of the last couple of dates thinking more about what I was going to tell you afterward than about the guy in front of me. Awww ... Interesting predicament and neat development for the two. Heh for Fury getting the balls rolling - both times. Interesting possibilities with the difficulties for Clint, especially with the Hawkeye groupies. I liked the portrait of Phil too. Nice dash of humor - and even a hint of angst. Yay for Clint having a better ass than both Captain America and Thor.

Mission ID: CH041 by so_shhy
Hydra's latest plan is to take over the North Pole, forcing the elves to make guns and then have Santa Claus deliver the weapons in his magical sled. Clint and Phil finds themselves in Santa's workshop, able to communicate with the others only by way of magically appearing fireplaces. Will the Avengers save Christmas? Captain America knew about Phil s hopeless, pining, unrequited love affair with his asset. Nice crack with vivid images and good feelings. Neat touch with the magically appearing fireplaces. I liked the description of the North Pole. Heh about the Subordinate Clauses. Lovely angst. Heh also for the Hulk liking the elves. Yay for Clint's shot to save Santa.

Mission Reports by raiining
Phil never wanted to be a superhero, though he always believed in them and loved them. He collects Captain America, but when he realises that Clint is a superhero there is nothing he can collect. So he collects Clint's mission reports. How will Clint react when he finds out? Captain America would always have a special place in his heart, but Hawkeye was quickly becoming Phil's favourite superhero. Aww for Phil referring to Clint's history as his 'origin story'. I like this version of Phil, very geeky in a nice way. Awww for him feeling bad about his heroes adopting him, even if he deserves it so well. And how they act with him later. And for how Clint shows off for him. Clint is so sweet, hiding in Coulson's ceiling.

Mittens by LulaMadison
Loki has been worryingly silent lately. Finally the Avengers find him again - playing with a kitten. Naturally, Thor draws the entirely logical conclusion that he is once more a proud uncle. My brother has birthed many different and wondrous creatures Captain, Thor replied, placing a hand on Loki s shoulder and beaming with pride. Cute story. Neat idea and it really made me smile. Good humor. Heh for the panic at the veterinarian's office.

Most Ardently by 74days
Steve Rogers, 8th Baron of Grant, is a country gentleman with no fortune and a sickly nature. He earns some small coins from painting for London houses. Lord Barton gets him invited to a gathering where Steve manages to spill claret over one James Buchanan, Duke of Barnes, one of the wealthiest men in London. It's the beginning of a great friendship. Only Steve realises that the world might misunderstand the company they keep for something romantic, which would be a scandal. So he must break off their aquaintance. Only ... what is Barnes' intentions really? I thought I had been very clear in my intentions I like you a great deal, and although I am aware that your heart is not mine, I have been endeavouring to show you that being married to me would not be a chore. I love a nice regency. Good feeling, good language too, nice angst. I even liked Bucky's sisters, which is rare for me. Harlequins should be more like this. The boys are very sweet. Nice end. Good use of Erskine. I liked Bucky's description of how he sees Steve. Possibly flowery, but very suitable for a story like this.

Motivational Rumors by florahart
There's a rumor going around in Logistics that Clint and Phil are banging. Hill takes it upon herself to inform them of this. They both react with astonishment as to why the other would ever want to have sex with them of all people. Is it really so strange, though? Train wreck I d take to bed every night if I thought I had what it took to hold his interest. Tsk, tsk, Hill ... Amusing. I do like mutual confession and thinking not good enough. Heh for murdering people with stationary in tandem. Awww for Clint and the Valentine Day thing, typical Clint ...

Moving easy by Luthien82
Coulson and Clint are sent undercover as a couple to a prestigious high roller gay club for the elite. There, they have to persuade the patrons of the club that they are really lovers. Clint is very happy with his assignment. He got to grope Phil Coulson without any repercussions, that was a pretty sweet deal in his books. Cute set-up - and very hot when they make out. Undercover as gay is always a cute thrope. Author wrote no sequel, but it would sure be nice with one ... Sweet deal indeed.

Moving In or Moving On by desert_neon (sproutgirl)
Phil has been invited to move in at Stark Tower as the SHIELD liaison. Before he accepts, though, he decides that he must confess to Clint that he loves him - and see if Clint still wants him living in the tower. Clint does - but that's only the beginning. It's going to get worse before it gets (hopefully) better. There is and always will be someone who loves you. Interesting set-up. I like issues with (internalized) homophobia and insecurities and misunderstandings, so this is nice. I think Phil did well with the talk. Awww for Clint being weirded out at first when Phil uses his name like that. Nice dashes of humor. Lovely angst. Bad Clint, at times. Hot too. Douche behaviour, sigh, yes, there are far too many people who unexpectedly behaves really ... douchy. I did feel sorry for Phil to have had to experience a lot of that. Nice detail of Clint getting hurt from his own bow. The whole Clint never been loved/wants to be loved/know that someone loves him really moved me - and especially how he's willing to try to love Phil just for that.

Mr. Hawkeye by FestiveFerret
Clint is on one of his most demanding undercover missions yet - substitute teacher for 15 children. All in all, he'd rather be tortured ... Clint lined up his shot carefully, sniper s eyes calculating angles, air quality, and raisin aerodynamics. Sweet fic, made me smile. I would have recced it on Hawkeye flicking the raisin alone, but it was nice overall. The children very childlike. Poor Clint. But all in all he handled things well, I think. Awww for the guy who wanted to be the Avengers when he grows up.

Mugshot by Serenitala
Clint knows why Coulson puts up with him. Coulson puts up with him because he likes him. As he watches Coulson's fingers fly across the keyboard, he is seized by the urge to say something - anything - about how much he appreciates Coulson, how glad he is that Coulson puts up with him and is his handler and his friend. Simply a sweet story. Good voice for Clint.

My Immortal by sirona
When Coulson gets seriously wounded there's no way to hide the truth from Barton. Coulson's a vampire. One in need of blood. But if he eats, he might not be able to stop in time. Or even if he does, he might bind Barton to him forever. Now, Coulson might not mind, but he knows Barton is a proud man, fierce in his independence. And will Barton ever be able to trust him again? The smell of his blood hit Phil like a sledgehammer; Clint had bound his leg with a makeshift field dressing, but it could never dull the strawberries-and-honey smell of him, like a sun-drenched meadow, lying on a picnic blanket under the shade of an oak tree, relishing the sunlight glinting through wide green leaves. Coulson being different is one of my favourite things. Nice one. Good humor. Lovely description of Coulson's impression of Clint's smell. Good details, like Phil's own blood smell. Clint's guesses about vampires based on films and books was lovely and highly amusing. Also his practical sense and trust. Very nice how well they fit together. I'd like to read more in this universe. Good use of the senses. Heh for Phil's "epic lovebites".

My Tiny Plastic Heart In Your Hands by Ralkana
The Avengers get a box of action figures of themselves. Clint gives Phil a copy of the Captain America one for his collection. But he also gives him a Hawkeye, hoping for Phil to want it to his collection as well. But he doesn't see the little Hawkeye again. Did Phil throw it away? Clint is ecstatic that the arrows are launchable until Bruce points out they're a choking hazard, only to promptly get a little plastic arrow to the nose, courtesy of both Hawkeyes. Sweet story that made me smile. Cute with the Avengers playing. Aww for Clint wanting to be treasured. Cute angst. Good end.

Nathaniel Hamschel Barton by iloveitblue
Barton finds a dwarf hamster and keeps it. But one day Nathaniel Hamschel goes missing at the HQ. Clint can't find him anywhere. Finally he enlists the other Avengers. Will they be able to find the hamster? Clint almost squeed when he opened the door to find Nat on Coulson s desk, eating his way through a mountain of sunflower seeds, but of course he didn t. Because Clint Barton did not squee. Awww! What an adorable little OC. Warm and amusing story. I'd love more Nathaniel stories. And Clint, oh Clint ... a quiver - and still you sent them all pictures ...

Never Miss a Cue by infiniteeight
Clint never had anything that was just his, but he always wanted someone who belonged only to him. Coulson giving him a personal card with his home phone number as part of trying to recruite him is the start of a story of how Coulson becomes Clint's own. And Coulson--Coulson, who never let anyone see him sweat, who juggled the myriad tasks of mission command without a single hesitation, who once took a bullet to the gut and reported "Agent down" so calmly that the medics didn't realize he was the downed Agent until they arrived--came apart under Clint's hands. I normally prefer a more dominant Coulson and Clint belonging to him, if anything, but this is one of the very few; if any, stories in which the reverse worked well for me. The explanation works and turns the story almost sweet. Good emotion; hot too. I really enjoyed the Clint to the rescue with Coulson telling his captor he already belongs to someone. Yay!

New York Pack by Luniana
They're werewolves. Clint is fleeing from his brother's pack. They enter the territory of the powerful New York Pack and just as Barney finds him, they're approached by three wolves of the New York pack, led by the pack's enforcer, Coulson. Clint does the only thing he can - rolls over and shows Coulson his throat. Will the enforcer rip it out? He resembled the high-powered lawyers in the crazy cop drama s that Natasha always used to watch, but there was no mistaking the power in those arms, the strength in the man s shoulders. Interesting set-up. I hope for a continuation to bring it to it's full potential. Good image of Coulson and his strength. Clint is sweet when he's worried about being tripped into breaking protocol with the food.

New York State Of Mind by annagarny
When Coulson and Barton first met they don't even know that the other is a SHIELD agent, only that they share a taste in coffee. Only at Thor's Hammer do they realise who each other is. Later, they get together. Of course, life is never boring amongst the Avengers. "Considering that about an hour ago you were telling me that you're planning to move into my place in New York by either stealth or force, I'd have thought you'd be more than okay with the arrangement." Sweet story with plenty of good details and humor. I smiled a lot while reading this. Heh for Barton using people's clothing against them in hand-to-hand combat. Nice intimacy between the boys. Really sweet how Barton intended to move in with his man regardless - awww. The Avengers would need an on-site infirmary, heh. Also Tony having a Cap tattoo - heh! I'm not entirely sure of the time line between they meet and them getting together, but I really liked the first meeting like that - and how Coulson just keeps the shiny new pet sniper he's found. Very sweet with mini-Barton. And I really liked Coulson pulling rank with the doctor. Cute end. Him calling Tony Daddy before the paparazzi would have been epic.

Next to Normal by heartsdesire456
Phil is going home to his family for his sister Erika's marriage. Alas, he's been lying about being in a relationship and his sister has promised their mother that he'll bring his man. Short of hiring an escort, he instead bucks up and asks Clint to go with him as a favor. Clint agrees. After all, he's had a stupid crush on Coulson for a long time. How will the visit go? I mean, I thought you were pretty awesome before that, but if anything was gonna win my heart, it was going to be the G-man leading a body-armored rescue team in an Armani suit and aviators A plot I enjoy. I liked stories with Coulsons' family and also pretend-relationships-leading-to-more. Poor Phil ... Clint's very sweet and I really liked him standing up for Phil to his brother-in-law and showing off. Nice dash of humor. Good voices for them. Heh for Coulson making time his bitch. Cute with Phil trying to take down the photo of him in a Captain America costume. Awww also for Coulson being the coolest person Clint knows, the dangers of cuddling - and for Clint and Natasha to have claimed Coulson as "their" agent. Nice end.

Nine Lives by Jo (jmathieson)
Coulson is transformed into a cat. That kind of thing happens way more often than it should, at SHIELD. Clint's unwilling to leave his handler to SHIELD's scientists overnight, so he brings Coulson with him home. His handler being a cat lets Clint get closer. Coulson as a cat is fairly cuddly, at least with Clint. What will happen when Coulson turns back to a human? "I climbed into your lap because I thought it might be the only chance I would ever have to be that close to you." Sweet story. I like cats and Coulson makes a nice one. Believably described. Cute how he still shows Clint who is boss. I liked how Clint could still read Coulson's tells in the cat. I'd love to read the story hinted in Clint turning into a hawk. Aww for the image of Phil the cat eating pizza. Several nice details. Hot end. Nice dash of angst.

No Assembly Required by Saone
Clint calls Coulson to let him know about the new Hawkeye action figure. Coulson might, possibly, be a bit turned on. "Well," Phil says, "since the real deal will be sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future, I suppose I'm going to have to get my Hawkeye fix somehow, won't I?" Made me smile. Nice reaction of Coulson to the call, both before he realises what Clint's talking about, and after. Heh also for Natasha's confusion about her figure. And I'm fond of my own Hawkeye action figure (Hot Toys). Clint in good form too.

No Gift to Bring by msraven
Phil is in his senior year of high school. He still lives with his parents, when they get a foster child, temporary, as his foster home burned down. They grow closer, but when his parents finally figure out how they could keep Clint, he's already gone. Many, many years later, the masked Hawkeye saves Phil's life and speaks of an old debt. Phil worries for a second whether the surprise is too much for his dad's aging heart, but then he steps forward with a tremulous smile to run a hand over Clint's hair before wrapping them both in his arms. Sweet story. Several strong scenes. Very satisfactory end - and aww-worthy. Lovely description of the Christmas they have.

No Magic Would Save Me by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
Clint is a young child at the circus. Maybe seven years. Or eight. Or, maybe, nine. He's abused and hurt. Then one day a ghost comes to the circus. Or an angel. Or a queen, maybe. Her name is Peggy. She, and her husband Tony, takes Clint far, far away, to a place that might be heaven. He knows it's not for him, of course, but it's a wonderful place anyway. He goes slowly, as requested, but they never even try to take the bowl away from him, not even when he rests for minutes upon beginning to feel full. Little Clint is oh so sweet and it's aww-worthy, almost tear-worthy. Warm, loving world. Satisfying story to read, of a child going from abused to thoroughly loved. Nice with Tony's inventions in the era. Aww for Clint worrying about being sold as the horses are sold are turned to glue. Nice use of the cast. I liked Coulson's attitude when Clint tells him everyone says he's stupid - only everyone Clint knows and as Coulson doesn't know them, he doesn't trust their opinion much. Story, the cat robot, is really cool. Awww for Clint comparing Natasha to the lady lions.

No. 10: Find a Hobby to Do Together by CallipygianGoldfish
Clint comes home with a box of ducklings. Will Phil let him keep them? Clint trailed off, looking out under his eyelashes at Phil, who surrendered to the puppy dog eyes. Awww ... Cute! This made me smile. Good Phil. Good boy Lucky too!

Now I'm Thinking by brassmama
Clint owns a coffee shop. He has a crush on a Phil Coulson, who owns a comic book store close by. He's understandable very confused when he wakes up one morning in Coulson's bed - and they appear to be married. Not only that, he can hear without hearing aids and he's apparently a super hero. What is going on? Phil was super sweet really, when he wasn t angsting over Clint not being his Clint, and he d absentmindedly kissed Clint s head one morning after a run. Poor Clint ... But at least he got a chance to know that he and Phil could be very good. Poor other Clint too - I would have liked more on his end of things (but the story worked well without it). Sounds fully like something that might happen to Clint. I liked Clint's thinking of possible other explanations - some of them would also have been interesting to read.

Occupational Hazard by windsweptfic
Coulson (aka Philip the Patient) is actually from Berk. When SHIELD rescues a young Night Fury dragon from Doctor Doom, Coulson is called to take care of the dragon. However, in the process Coulson learns a great secret of the dragons: they can take a human shape. In fact, he already knows two: Nick Fury and Natasha ... The young dragon seems to see very well, so Coulson calls him a little hawkeye. The Night Fury let out a little chirp of approval and wriggled until he could nestle against Phil's side, wrapping his tail around him and effectively preventing him from leaving. Sadly discontinued story that had great promise and is still very amusing. An entertaining and thoughtworthy read. Very interesting crossover. So sweet with Hawkeye latching on to Coulson and being possessive of him and wanting to go with him. I liked the end of the story as it is (even if, of course, I would have liked a full-length, non-discontinued version too). Awww for Clint being so sensitive as a human.

Of Signs and Erring Stars by windsweptfic
AU WIP. Clint's pimp sells him to a strange group of customers, including Baron Zemo and Black Mamba. They perform experiments on him, building up his body and strengthens him. They also have him brutally used by Avenger look-a-likes. Then one day the Avengers crashes their operation. Their presence terrifies Clint - all for the unassuming man in a black suit. But since Captain America himself does the man's biddings, maybe the man's more dangerous than them all? Rogers radiated power, and you didn't command someone like that without wielding significant power of your own. Interesting and I'm sad it's discontinued, as it held considerable promises for a nice build up and it would have been neat to see where it had gone. Gritty and dark, but in a good way, which is rare for me.

Ohana Means Family by TheColorBlue
Bruce Banner is in a relationship with Tony Stark. The Hulk, on the other hand, is in a relationship with Clint Barton. How will this work? Well, what he wanted were things he couldn t say out loud, because these were not the things you were supposed to want; no normal person anyway. Interesting set-up. Good emotion. I especially liked the touch of angst when Hulk turns into a human version of himself and thinks the others might prefer him so. I seldom like Clint in other pairings than with Coulson, but this worked well for me. Nice interaction between Bruce and the Hulk too and with how Hulk lets Bruce out more and more. Good dash of humor too.

On the Air by debwalsh
New Year's Eve and Steve has dropped the ball in Times Square. In the heat of the moment he gives in and kisses one of the other guests. A male guest. On national TV. Some people don't like it. Sadly, one of those people is the love of Steve's life - Bucky. Bucky reacts very badly. Though a bit later Bucky starts regretting what he said. But by then Steve has agreed to be the bachelor on The Bachelor ... Men and women from all over the country will come to court Steve. Will Bucky have any chance to get Steve to forgive him - and maybe more ...? A part of him wanted to turn around and race back up the stairs, two at a time, and beg forgiveness, beg Steve to let him back in, beg Steve to forget he d ever been a cruel and vile fool. Lovely angst and tension. Tsk, tsk Bucky ... I could understand Bucky a bit to have the rug swept from under him ... I liked Sam and Bucky going to meetings. And good on Sam to make sure the others didn't pressure Bucky too much. Aww for Steve arranging the brownies for Bucky. Steve should definitely be on Society6, good site! Awww for when Steve came upon the chibi-sized Captain America movie and called up the artist, that made me smile. Cute with Ian's grandfather and good use of the connection. Again, really nummie angst. Heeh for Steve drawing porn sort of of Bucky. Nice contestants. I couldn't place all of them, but some. Cute with Hiro. I did wonder of Bucky's line of "torture, rape and degradation" would lead to anything to explain part of his homophobia, but not sure if he meant that he was raped.

On the Care and Feeding of a Not-Quite-Proper Dragon by BeneficialAddiction
WIP in which Clint has a secret. Natasha is the only one who knows. Clint's father was a dragon. Clint can also transform into a dragon. A small, purple dragon, but still a dragon. In a fight he gets transformed into his dragon-shape - and now he can't turn back. The cat is out of the bag now ... or the dragon ... Sill, he isn't very confident in the trap she's set, but five minutes later when the enormous bowl of jelly beans she's set out on the coffee table explodes, sending Stark shooting toward the ceiling with a shriek like a girl, he has to re-evaluate his opinion. Sweet WIP, I hope for a continuation of. Clint sounds oh so sweet! Cute that he is able to change size (if not very much). Bad Natasha! Overall just very sweet. Nice dash of angst. I liked Thor in this one. Awww for the jelly bean bath. and Clint's attempts to woo Phil.

One in a Million by FlatlandDan
Coulson notice Clint's mouth moving when he shoots. He's counting. He's up to well over 600.000 and counting. He's counting arrows. But why? Someday I ll have to make a shot with a million to one odds. I want to make that shot. Cute idea and nicely executed. Nice description of the shot too. Good feeling between the two of them.

One Tie, One Kiss by Sunnyrea
Disaster strikes. On interrogating a suspect, Coulson break three of his own fingers - and now he can't tie his tie. Hawkeye to the rescue! Clint lifts up Coulson's injured hand and bows exaggeratedly over it. Just so sweet with Clint making Coulson blush - and the knuckle kiss made me go awww a little. Sweet end too.

Only One Thing I Need To Know by sabinelagrande
and following series Young Vampires In Love
When Clint's recruited he starts dropping odd lines to Phil and being amused as if they share a joke - or a secret. They don't. Phil's confused. But not until much, much later does he find out. Clint's a vampire. He was convinced he was still going to die, but it felt better to go out like this, Clint's lips against his neck, Clint taking him away, instead of just bleeding out on the cold floor. Good humor. I like this type of misunderstandings. Heh for Phil forcing Clint to "prove" he's a vampire. Interesting background story for Clint. I liked the vampire mythos used, especially the thrall bit.

only put the idea out there if i know it s gonna float by phae
WIP. With Phil on the bus and Clint an Avenger, they see one another less and less. When Clint calls him about something serious that he won't discuss over the phone - and is acting a bit odd. Phil thinks that Clint is about to break up with him. Is he? Or has Clint gotten himself mixed up in something else entirely? He s kinda, well, ours now. I'm terribly weak for such misunderstandings with some nice angst. And children. Nate seems really sweet and I hope for a continuation. Awww for Coulson tapping morse code to keep calm (at least that's how I read it). The scene with Clint splurging at the automate for all kinds of stuff was adorable.

Operation Home for Christmas by Kitsune_Scribe
It's Christmas and most everyone has left. That's when Coulson comes up to him with a new mission. He's to follow Coulson home for Christmas and pretend to be in a relationship with him ... Clint's a bit sceptical. But at least he's in love with Coulson. Supposedly Sitwell got his first time leading a mission because Phil was already back at home and not even Director Fury was willing to face the wrath of Grandma Coulson (founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. took a back seat to the title of Matriarch of the Coulson Family during the last two weeks of the year) for anything less than the end of the world. I would like to read more in this universe, at least this felt a bit more like an opening chapter. But the content was nice too. I really enjoyed the view of the Coulson family.

Ordinary Workplace Hazards by scifigrl47
The roombas escape and invade the SHIELD HQ. They take to the ventilation system, so Fury is forced to order Clint to go after them and then he's eaten by an air conditioning duct. Not a good thing. What will the Avengers do now and will they be able to get Clint back? The man could take out a spec ops operative with a goddamn Christmas wreath (Clint knew that to be a fact, he'd seen it), but arm the agent with an actual weapon and Clint had to seriously fight the urge to start taking his clothes off. Another sweet, very funny story with good development, nice voice for the boys. Builds well on earlier stories, but sets up future stories as well. Fresh feeling. Nice snark and interaction. Heh for Phil not minding if Clint sleeps around - as long as Clint doesn't mind his partners never be seen again. Aww for Thor trying to get Loki to help. So sad that Clint was unsure they would come for him - and Tony pointing out that his family has a history of looking for lost comrades. Many great jokes, worked in well in the story. Heeh for Steve being a great supervillain - true. Yay for the sovereign nation of Bartonia. Overall awww for Clint and the roombas. TOASTERVERSE.

Origins of a nickname by Skysbringer
Phil wakes up and Fury informs him of that the Avengers - Clint! - belives him dead. That's when Phil's had enough of Fury. He waits and he plans - and then everyone better watch out, because Phil Coulson will not be kept from where he wants to go. The aforementioned analyst team concluded that Agent Phil Coulson did not have the time, the resources, nor the mobility required in order to change into his suit. After over three hours of impassioned debate, they concluded that said suit was apparently a mass-induced hallucination triggered by the shock of seeing Agent Coulson after believing he was dead. Phil Coulson as an awesome badass with style is my favorite Coulson. Lovely. And I really liked that he doesn't obey Fury, that always sat badly with me. Not entirely sure of the title, as it seems more like the origins of an expression based on a nickname. Good style of the story, how the events are described works very well. Heh for how Coulson handled Fury. Nice dash of angst, but also good humor. The suit detail was great.

Over the River and Through the Woods by scifigrl47
An alien crashed to Earth. Clint was first on the scene. The alien kissed him and died. It turns out the alien transferred power to Clint and now his people wants it back. Clint would normally be helpful, but as returning the power would kill him, SHIELD sends him away to lay low for a while. Or possibly they trade him away to Coulson's mother for a tin of cookies, as Coulson's parents are who waits for him in the extraction vehicle. They take him home - and it's only 5 days to Christmas. Maybe things won't be so bad after all. Since we'd been nagging him for coming home for Christmas for the last few months, only to be told that there was no way he could manage it this year, we thought that keeping you as a hostage might work out in our favor. Warm story with many nice details. I like Coulson's family. Good end. Good touches of humor. Heh for the hat Jason gets Clint into, I bet it would be a sight to see. Also heh for the Chias. But I also found it deep with the discussion of Phil's collecting habit and while he might not have started collect Hawkeye things. Clint's present was lovely. Easily visualised story. Sweet with the pajamases, especially Phil's. TOASTERVERSE.

Overdose by Shinichi17CP
Coulson gets injured during a milk run. Skye makes the mistake of increasing his morphine dose. Not long afterwards Coulson's missing. The team searches all over the buss for him - but when they find him, he wants only one thing- his husband. Who doesn't even know he's alive. I might have called Clint and now he s coming over here to get me. Awww ... high Coulson is so sweet. Heh, yeah, they better watch out for him regardless. Nice humor. Yeah, Fury shouldn't count too much on Coulson's loyalties after everything. Yay for the way Clint arrives.

Papa Hawk's Collectibles by anarchycox
Tommy likes Papa Hawk's Collectibles, the store with collectibles run by an older, gay couple. It's a cool place and they don't mind him being there. Sure, he wonders how Clint and Phil gets all the cool stuff, but it's not until he realises that Phil's tall friend named after Captain America actually is Captain America that Tommy also realises that the shop owners are a little more than average themselves. Only time he has ever missed was when I asked him to marry me in the middle of a shot. Warm story with a lovely OC. I like my heros mostly forever their optimal age, but Clint and Phil seems to have a good life here as well. They're very sweet together. Good when Craig got what was coming to him! Awww for Phil and his power point presentations. Very nice humor. Lola!! Oh so cute with Clint taking the lead with the VP, since the others had never been in trouble, awww ... Good view of Coulson. Several good lines. Sigh, Clint, just like you not ot realise you're in a relationship for years ...

Paper Planes by B0WSandARR0WS
When Clint takes the train he ends up next to a man in a well-fitting, black suit. At first they clash a bit, but they become aquaintances. Maybe they have more in common than they think - and maybe they can become more to one another. Clint's jaw hangs, about to say waaaaat, are you a mind reader or something, but the suit puts a finger to his lips and says simply, "Yes, now hush." Nice buildup, sad that it is still a WIP. Would be interesting to read more. Some vivid descriptions. Nice voice for Clint. Cute with the coffee-sharing. Coulson cool as should be.

Paperwork is love by Infiniteeight
Tony gets suspiscious when he's told that not only does Clint turn in his paperwork in actual time, but it's the best paperwork of any SHIELD asset. Is something going on? And why does the tips of Clint's ears blush when Coulson praises the paperwork? He does it because he's crazy in love with you, and he wants you to smile at him and tell him he makes you happy. Awww, so sweet. Yes, paperwork of that quality is love for sure. Cute story that made me smile. Good use of Tony. Thor's version of paperwork also cute. Heh for the Colossal Cicada Caper and for Tony not being a discreet person - and for the "mating display" comment.

Passepartout by faeleverte, Kathar, Laura Kaye (laurakaye), zappedbysnow
So, Coulson died (or did he?). When his testament is read Clint inherits a key that goes to a store in which Coulson has collected things that he and Clint could have used if they were a couple. Which they were, for a while, but no longer. Clint also gets Coulson's collection of IOUs to collect. Clint investigates them and meets many interesting people. And then SHIELD falls. She was holding a scorched piece of blue stationary in her hand, on which was scrawled IOU two cookies and disposal of one body within 25 km of Tegucigalpa--Edna . Lovely, long fic with interesting OCs, interesting twists and a lot of warmth. Nice humor too. Heh for Phillip's middle name being redacted. I like Basil. And Edna. And Coulson's ducklings. Aww for zombie!Zak. And Zak and Joe are very cute. Nice touch with Code Dark Star. Poor Steve at Capcon ..., but I love the scene where he "revealed" himself, heeeh. Aww for the "What would Agent Coulson do?"

Paving Stones on the Road to Hell by raiining
Phil's trying hard to make up for Clint having been fooled about his death. What Clint hasn't realised is that Phil's been trying much too hard. Will he realise how badly off Phil is? Have you been have you been servicing me because you thought you needed to so I would forgive you? Poor Phil ... Not easy for Clint either, of course, but difficult for both of them and I felt very sad for Phil. Some lovely angst, but hot too. Strong emotions.

PENBK91-A by pollyrepeat
When they desperately need to copy a text, Coulson writes the information on Barton's skin. Later other things led to Coulson writing on Barton again. Barton likes it. Hours and hours later, Clint understands that this was because he d asked the same five questions on a twenty-minute loop that repeated forty-five times, and Phil had gotten tired of saying the same things over and over again. Sweet story. I especially liked the bit where Clint gets circular amnesia and Phil is so patient and sweet with him, that really made me smile. Heh for the "oh-shit-my-clothes-are-melting" dance.

Pet Owner of the Year by out_there
Natasha has found work for her and Clint. But it's abroad. Which would be fine. Except that Clint doesn't own a dog, so he can't turn the job down just because Lucky lives with him. But Lucky does live with him and even if Lucky isn't Clint's dog, Clint takes care of him. So he contacts a local shelter, hoping to place Lucky with them. The shelter is run by one Phil Coulson. They keep in touch while Clint is away. What will happen when he's away? Talking about bank robbery is not good date conversation (Clint knows that from experience), so he figures it s also not good pre-date email flirting material. Warm story with nice details. Tsk, tsk, Clint, you really need to plan better ... Lucky's cute. Good with the job, them going legit with what they do so well. Awww for the kidnapping joke ...

Phil Coulson Can't Keep The Avengers Out of Medical by scifigrl47
One day, one by one the other Avengers drop out, due to magic, sickness or injury. Tony does his very best to get things done - while hiding from the others that he, too, is actually very sick. Will he be able to get through the day or will he crash - literally? Thor is a zen master when it comes to dick moves on the part of his brother, Tony said. Poor Tony ... Poor loyal Tony ... I do how this show him being dependable, in his own way, behind the sometimes flightly exterior. While this story is a bit more serious in tone than some of the others in the series, due to the illness and injuries, it does have many good, humorous parts and is an interesting story in itself. Poor Thor too. I like the attitude to Coulson getting shot. Aww for Hulk playing "catch the archer" - I'd love more on that. TOASTERVERSE

Phil Coulson Does Not Bake by scifigrl47
Tony thinks it is amusing to send Steve to shop for things that does not exist. Steve is on to him, however, so Tony goes to greater and greater lengths to persuade him that the objects in question does exist. In hindsight, hiring an advertising firm to mock up a full scale advertising campaign and buy ad times during Steve's favorite shows might have been effective, but possibly just a hint too much - Steve now will not speak to him. What will Tony do? As it turns out, my carrier considers things Thor does to literally be an act of God. Tony, Tony, Tony, bad Tony ... Very amusing. Poor Steve - but great ending for him. All very amusing and I did very much enjoy the baking process. I really like this universe. For my fic rec page I only do one rec per series, but after having realised how much I like most parts of this series I have decided to make an exception (my only, so far) and do one each for these, so I can praise them to my heart's content. Awww for explaining like you'd explain to a drunk Thor ... Heh for Thor and Clint gourging themselves. And for Thor selling his name for jam. And for Thor's doings not covered by insurance, that's brilliant. As a Swede I find the whole demi-god thing of Marvel's a bit of a cop-out and heartily approve of god-status. Also the Wii battle between Coulson and Natasha made me smile. TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson Does Not Take Attendance by scifigrl47
Darcy and the two OCs that were recruited by SHIELDs in Phil Coulson is Not A SHIELD Recruiter (see below), are now in training. They are in for a few surprises - but perhaps so are SHIELD, except for Coulson, of course. This lady is under my protection, he said, and that was regal, right there, that was the voice of a fucking King, Darcy had never heard a King in person, other than Thor, but she knew regal when she heard it, and that was goddamn fucking regal. A nice mix of cute, funny scenes with a little more serious themes. So cute with Stark trying to get Harris to pay attention to him - and Harris suspecting SHIELD might help cover up if he kills Stark. Yay for Drew being a good shot - as a pistol shooter myself I always root for good shooters of all types. The scene with Shawn and Steve also sweet, yet interesting with the backstory of Shawn's grandfather. Yay for Thor showing that woman should be treated right. TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson Doesn't Work For StarkIndustries by scifigrl47
While tossing in bed in a nightmare, Steve accidentally clips Tony but good. When Tony realises how bad things are and how devestated Steve will be on finding out what he did, Tony have Pepper send him at a factory inspection. The ruse might have worked - if not for that the factory having been taken over by AIM. You were really going to try to rescue me from an abusive Captain America, weren't you? he asked, his mouth twitching. Poor Steve ... And I could see Tony doing that, no problem. Pepper's reaction when she misunderstands what happened is epic. Lovely angst. Yay for Steve going Jensen! The Losers are my favourite movie. Several good lines and descriptions. Heh for Tony coming on to Jensen-Steve and aww for Tony's geek kink. Heh for SHIELD being afraid of Pepper. Good dash of humor and emotion. Good solution in the end. TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson is Not A SHIELD Recruiter by scifigrl47
Darcy Lewis and some OCs from previous parts of the Toasterverse, are drafted by SHIELD. Not all of them are willing, but better than them have tried to tell Phil Coulson no without succeeding. Did you just get minions, Phil? Heh for Drew's scene when Coulson gets to him - would love to see that in a movie. Several good lines. The list of words to avoid was amusing - and would be interesting to read. So cute with Shawn being Coulson's Captain America fanpage buddy - I could see that, yes. Cute with the Roomba test. And the SHIELD google calendar. Very good humor overall - the author is a very good humor writer. Phil should have minions (even if Clint is his favourite one). TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson Is Not The Avengers' Matchmaker by scifigrl47
Jane Foster is coming to New York. Thor is thrilled and the rest of the team is very happy for him. Tony wants to take them all out for a meal - possibly the restaurant of his choice might not be quite what the others are used to - or Jane for that matter. Disaster is on the horizon. Man's fine, but he seems to have the attention span of a gerbil with ADHD and a serious meth habit. Poor Jane ... I did enjoy the outing and getting all the boys (and girls) dressed up. I liked the descriptions of Thor in this one - his obvious happiness and strong personality and how his mood dictates the weather even in a room. Awww for Coulson liking Clint in his new suit. My absolutely favourite part, though, was the description of Steve half-asleep after the gas attack, hauling Clint around like a teddy bear - awww ... Several awws in this story actually - like Thor reading Foster's paper - so sweet. I don't like het much overall, but it works in this story. TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson Is Not The Avengers' Public Relations Manager by scifigrl47
Steve is sent out to shop, but on the way he stumbles into a group of gay rights activists in a demonstration. Later, when Steve finds out that there are many unfair rumours about the Avengers, he decides to use his new contacts. Please don't 'friend' your brother as long as he's determined to destroy the Earth, Phil said to Thor, who gave him a half-hearted shrug. Cute, funny story. Good voices for all characters. Many cute details. Tony setting Thor up with dummy accounts on facebook to friend Loki (and Loki posting fan art on Thor) still has me giggling. Nice OCs. Awww for Steve being Tony's test dummy for phones - and as a programmer myself I can really feel for Tony when the testers do something "impossible". Bad Tony for upgrading Steve's phone on the sly. Heh for Coulson having conspiracy sited dedicated to him. TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson Knows Tony Stark's Super Villain Name by scifigrl47
Tony's pretty sure he could conquer the world if he wanted to (though he'd probably have Pepper run it for him) - and SHIELD agrees. They have a special plan (involving Steve) in place, should he ever become a super villain. That day haven't come yet. However, Fury feels they need some exercise, so it's Iron Man vs. SHIELD - will anyone survive? And who will win? And which side is Steve actually on? Step one of any evil plot: kill Coulson. Cute story that made me smile. Good voice for Coulson especially - and good that Tony knows how to prioritise when taking out enemies. Heh for Tony's supervillain plans and name. And, yes, he would make a great super villain. I like Harris. Good humor. Heh for "the Stark side". And also Steve's action. Good use of Bruce. Cute with Mr Fantastic (the Roomba) trying to get closer to Steve. TOASTERVERSE.

Phil Coulson Wasn't Grown in a Lab (He Has a Mom) by scifigrl47
WIP in which Phil got his face on CNN during one of the Avengers missions - and his family comes to town to check things out. They thought he was an accountant. Or ... did they really? I change the subject because there is no way that you're going to introduce me to your family, and I can live with that, but I don't like it being rubbed in my face. I hope for more eventually. Cute scene with Coulson trying to quit and Fury refuses. Very visual story. Awww for Clint not expecting to meet Coulson's family. Nice misunderstandings. Awww for Coulson getting Clint's former handler transferred so he could take over. Coulson for president! TOASTERVERSE

Phil Coulson's Favourite Secret Birthday (so far) by FlatlandDan
4th of July and everyone celebrates Steve's birthday. Actually, Steve's born in April, but Presidental decree changed his birthday. It's actually Phil Coulson's birthday. To give him time off properly, Fure fires him every year. So when Clint comes to celebrate his birthday with him, Phil is (technically) not Clint's superior. Has he misread Clint's signs? He wants desperately to have not miss read this, the years of flirting and barely skirted appropriate borrowing of clothes and changing of mission. Cute story that made me smile. And the book from Phil's mother really moved me. Good language. Aww for Clint knowing because he's Clint - and forgetting, for the same reason. I like the hint of "dating without realising". Good banter. Nice dash of angst.

Phil Coulson: Fanboy by Signe_chan
Coulson is a big Captain America fan. More than that, he's one of us, having lived through the classic stages of fandom. After his original discovery of Captain America, age 14, he soon joined the official fan club, then heard about conventions, visited one, found out abot fan-zines and slash, joined UseNet, made friends, wrote fics, then moved on to mailinglists and LJ. Phil is, in the best sense of the word, a BNF. Of course, his fan family doesn't know about the Avengers. And the Avengers certainly doesn't know he write homoerotic porn about Steve. Will his two worlds collide? I find that in real life I prefer my heroes sarcastic and hidden in ceilings. Cute with Phil likening his relationship to Clint with work following him home. Strong story, easily envisioned and the strong lure Coulson has for me has always been his one-of-us status, which is adorable, so I can very easily envision something like this. And I really felt for him, poor man. Sweet with Rose sending him care packages in the army: I can well imagine fellow fen doing that. Good use of fandom and on likely reactions to finding out both superheroes being real and one of us hiding something huge like that. Nice dash of angst, poor Clint too. Yeah, missing a convention on account of being dead would suck ... Aww for Phil's story with Hawkeye and the OC SHIELD agent, lovely touch. The thing that resonated most with me is the feeling after the first meeting/con of not being alone. I remember that well and for me that was huge. Part of me would have loved to see Rose meeting Steve for the first time at the wedding too, that would also have been interesting. Yay for a Tony Stark budget for the wedding.

Phil's Little Problem by Jo (jmathieson)
Clint and Phil has been dancing around each other for years. Finally Clint takes the first step - but Phil's still hesitant, because he has a little problem - literally. He has a small penis - and has been mocked for it in the past ... What will happen when Clint finds out? 'At least I've had this, once,' Phil thought, gazing down at the incredible sight of Clint kneeling in front of him. A thrope I like, nicely handled. Hot, but with a hint of nice angst and cute end.

Philophilia by second_skin
After a mission, Clint stays behind with Coulson when Natasha leaves. Coulson's got it in his head to take Clint on a picnic at the beach. Coulson loves the beach, has a topophilia for the beach he explains. Clint, on the other hand, feel most at home with Phil (and Natasha). Will he make it through the picnic without making a fool of himself? And what does Phil really feel for him? Say the word, Clint, and I swear on the patron saint of crossbows and Nick Fury s good eye that I won t ever mention it or try to touch you again. Warm story. Clever with the title. Nice background on Coulson. Nice dash of angst too. Sweet the picnic and the massage and all. Aww for Clint being so nervous and sweet. Several nice bits of Clint enjoying Coulson's nearness and touch (even when mostly platonic). Awww for the "When in doubt, listen to Coulson" - words to live by!

Phoenix Rising by msraven
When they first meet, Coulson isn't impressed by Clint. But as time goes on, they come closer and starts to trust each other - and they start a relationship. But not an open one, Coulson doesn't want anyone to know. Clint agrees, but later he realises he's in love with Coulson - and when Coulson doesn't even want to sit beside him when Steve sees, he decides that enough is enough - and break things up. Is it really over for good or could things improve? I know you don t believe me and I don t deserve another chance, Phil continues, but I thought you were dead and I...I didn t know how to live without you. While, yeah, Phil was a bit of a jerk at times, which I normally would have really disliked, I did like this story. Several good lines. Aww for Coulson being the boogie man of mercenaries. I really liked Fury using Clint to weed out bad handlers. Another great detail was the Doctor Welsh, with Clint smart enough and good enough to draw even Tony's attention. Clint often gets portraid as illiterate, so neat to see him on that side. And nice of SHIELD to use him for the manuals too. Good flirtation between them. Nice dashes of humor, but also of angst. I also love how accepting his colleagues are about the Loki thing: I think they should be prepared when strange things like that happen. Very warm and friendly atmosphere for Clint. Again nice with Tony's offer to Clint of work - I would almost have liked to see how that worked out for him too. Visual writing. Heh for the joint Avengers shovel talk. Good for Clint to stand up for himself.

PHSE by elaiel
The Hulk is jealous of some of the other Avengers for their contact with others. He wants to hug and cuddle and hang out too. Clint offers to help, so they hug and cuddle and hang out. Hulk settled himself cross legged in front of the sofa, sitting the archer in his lap and curling protectively about him. Sweet. Interesting with the emotional problems for the Hulk with the lack of touching. And Clint is a good volunteer. I like that Hulk makes Clint feel safe. Cute with JARVIS as "the house voice". Awww for Clint telling Hulk how to wank, even if it's a bit awkward. Yay for the A-team. Good point to use Thor to work with the third rail.

Pine Lake Oasis by infiniteeight
Barton and Coulson goes on a joint undercover mission as a married couple, moving in to a gated community. Only, Clint's had feelings for Coulson for a long time. Will he be able to go through with the mission without giving himself away? And how does Phil feel about Clint? After living for three weeks in suburbia with Phil, Clint's apartment somehow felt too small and too big at the same time. Good feeling. I like the description of the gated community. Nice to see their interaction with their neighbours and I like the domestic feeling. I also liked the story between Hughes and Briggs and I hope it works out in the end, even though they were uncautious in their testing of alien 'ware. Heh for Clint joking about a making a note about the hit on Stark for his retirement. Oh, and how they built the background details together. Nice end. Good detail with Clint handling the cafeteria food. Heh for them sending Clint undercover as an ex-con so often.

Politically Incorrect by Not_You
AU. In these modern days a New Age Alpha should be into reverse mounting and alternative positions and such things. Clint's an omega, but ... he'd really like an old-fashioned alpha, who'll put him on his knees and tie him for hours, maybe even take him to a family claiming ground. He's attracted to Coulson, but he's fairly sure Phil's a modern alpha. Is he? It's always a little bit of an effort, but right now on his half-dose and with Clint easing into that pre-pre-heat that Phil is blessed and cursed enough to be able to smell, it's all he can do not to just bury his face in the crook of Clint's neck and breathe it in. An ABO-story that stands out a bit for me, with the good special terms used, the going against expectations and still matching them up very nicely. Interesting details, such as the claiming ground, the knotting sleeve and the peppery smell, among others.

Pool Therapy by Mikey
Clint was hurt and put on physical therapy, including pool exercises. So he goes to the local YMCA/SHIELD hang-out. What he doesn't count on is finding Coulson there - or how hot Coulson looks in his swimming outfit. He also knows his weaknesses, which is why he manages to catch himself before doing a header into the water at the sight of Agent Coulson climbing out of the pool, water shedding down him, light glistening off of his wet skin like a thousand daggers to Clint s libido. Pool Babe!Coulson was a bit unexpected, but certainly a nice image with plenty of potential. I liked SHIELD hanging at YMCA, that really amused me - and a good idea, workable. Heh for Clint comparing relearning his bow with marathon sex. Good description of Phil. Heh for the spank stash of office supply catalogue-notion of Clint's. Good voice for Clint. Aww for everyone seeing Clint being led into the pool like a baby duckling.

Presence by theFrogg
Phil died and Clint mourns him. He's close to suicidal. He sits out in the snow too long and when one of his team mates help him back in and to bed, he hallucinates. Instead of his team mate he hears and feels Phil Coulson. He manages to get the team mate to stay with him over night. What will happen come morning? "N-never s-said I, how m-much I l-love you, s-sir, I know you c-can't--" and he chokes it off on a sob, shoulders heaving as he can't hold it anymore, too exhausted, hurting too much from the fading cold and the suffocating grief that hasn't lessened at all. Nice angst, I liked it. Good description of Clint's grief and disorientation. Good and with feeling.

Pre-existing Relationship by uofmdragon
Clint is followed by a fed. When he finally catches up to him and wants to recruit him, Clints want to know only one thing: SHIELDs fraternization policy ... Add in his thing for older guys and Clint knew that The Fed was going to hit all his damn buttons. Cute. It made me smile. I liked how Clint let the Fed see him when it could let them bust the really bad guys.

Prison 'verse by arsenicarcher (Arsenic) and hoosierbitch
When Clint's brother kills someone, Clint took the fall. He got sent to prison - or Hell. He's routinely abused - in a very bad way. He's nearly feral and broken, when Neal Caffrey comes to the prison. Neal obtains Clint's loyalty, but during his loyalty to Neal, Clint gets severly injured, basically crippled. When Clint finally is release he can find no work or a future - until Peter Burke puts him in contact with an old friend of his - Phil Coulson. But even if Coulson might be able to help him with his physical damage, Clint's still scarred from what happened - and he doesn't know in which way Coulson will want his payment. Really, as protectors go, one Agent Phil Coulson is a pretty sweet deal. Normally I don't like darker stories much, but on rare occasion prison fics are a weakness of mine - plus that the crossover sounded like a lovely idea. And the story is dark, yes, very much so, but it's dark in a way that really makes the payoff beautiful. Strong and tear-worthy, with lovely angst and nice emotions. Vivid images. I underline interesting information when I reread a story to rec it - I was up to well over 200 in this one, among the highest ever for me. Nice White Collar story too, something I find too little of. Good image of Neal and I think Clint's right that Neal could be very, very dangerous. Aww for Neal trying to take care of Clint and Clint's interpretations. I would love to read more in this universe. Aww for the ice cream. Nice rawness without getting too dark - it perhaps "should be" (for me, that is), but it worked. For some reason I really liked Peter's interactions with Clint - not to mention the lovely visit by Elizabeth, Clint was so cute with her. Good use of White Collar canon. Poor, poor Clint, but so good with Coulson later on. Cute with Clint wanting to correct spelling and grammar on signs. Yay for SHIELD's unconventional surgical options - cool with the tech in his hands. I liked the other Avengers too. Awww for Clint reacting badly for waking up on Steve. Aww also for the way Clint tries to take care of Coulson. Clint and Steve were also very cute together with Steve being "safe". Great idea about Clint's neck tattoo. Aww for Clint telling Neal that Coulson hadn't been using him to relieve his stress. Sweet with Clint's care package to Peter and trying to help him. Heh for Tony and Clint as partners in crime.

Proper Care of Your Dragon by TheGirlInTheB
Coulson is a dragon. A fairly young dragon, able to shift his size, barely able to transform shapes while keeping his underwear on. He's SHIELD's secret weapon. Clint Barton is his husband - and Clint is very, very good at taking care of his dragon. Phil s hoard wasn t as fancy, but it was important to him and he was proud of the collectibles he s obtained. Sweet. Very loving details about Phil as a dragon. Good work, Clint, everyone should be so lucky as to have such a thoughtful husband! And oh for Phil's hoard, priceless, beautiful indeed. I'm a collector myself and he should be proud. Several interesting details.

Property by LadyAJ_13
Sitwell refers to Clint as Phil's asset. Phil admonish that they shouldn't view assets as property. But maybe there's some truth to it. Does Phil mind? Does Clint? If it helps, I don t think he minds being yours. Sweet. Made me smile. I would have liked Clint's side too.

Proprioception by visiblemarket
Clint's a very tactile person. How handsy he and Phil are with one another weirds people out. However, then Tony catches them touching and accuses Clint of leading Phil on. Obviously, Clint needs to reconsider things. What will he do? Clint's expression goes from gleeful to panicked to full of righteous indignation then cycles between all three as he drags Phil around and shoves him back into his desk chair. I liked the feel of Clint and Phil together in this one, intimate without being sexy to start with. Coulson's so cute when high.

Puppy!Phil by iloveitblue
Clint is out walking Lucky, when he comes across an adorable black puppy with white paws. It's called AC. He takes it home and it's very, very smart. It reminds him of Coulson. But Coulson is dead. Or who is this puppy really ...? Hot and heavy, Needy and desperate; that was their first kiss and exactly how Clint felt right about now. Cute story that made me smile. Phil as a puppy is rather adorable. Awww for him watching TV from Clint's lap. Very cute end.

Purple by mapleandmahogany
Coulson walks in on Clint changing clothes. It shouldn't matter. He's seen Clint naked and in all states of dress. The thing is ... Clint's wearing purple panties. Phil's utterly captivated. How will Barton react when he notices? The choking edge of Phil s embarrassment would eventually go down and maybe Clint would tease him sometimes, about having a crush, but he wouldn t hold it against him. This was never a kink of mine, but the story convinced me, even if just while I read it. Very sweet story - and hot. Good, visual descriptions. Aww for Coulson gawping, poor man ... Good feel between them. Sweet with Coulson liking to select Barton's clothes on missions. Lovely dash of angst.

quickly now, go tell the Avengers that the ducklings are no longer eggs by emmypenny
When Tony learns that Clint has never gone egg hunting he arranges an egg hunt for the Avengers. He makes the mistake of letting Thor arrange the eggs. Not long afterwards Coulson finds himself co-father of 30 ducklings. Of course, if anyone can handle 30 ducklings, it is Coulson. Even if Clint is the other parent. The sound of a single duckling comes just before Coulson enters the room, followed by two very straight lines of ducklings marching in what can only be called a military manner. Adorable. Very funny, but also good writing technique. I especially like the dry, matter of fact conclusions to some situations. Several good lines. Very, very sweet. Yay for Duck-eye and so, so, so sad about poor Donald (I thought Donald Duck, but Thor is also Donner, so I thought that was fitting). I would love to read more in this universe. Some very nice, clear images. Even a dash of angst, nice. I liked the interlude with Tony talking to Coulson about what Coulson's father misses out on.

Rain by ladydeathfaerie
Clint is tired of being alone, but his job makes it difficult to date. Coulson sometimes shows up when Clint drinks alone and Clint tells him about his woes. One day he propositions Coulson, half without thinking about it, but Coulson takes him up on it. Desperate, single sniper seeks accommodating single partner who doesn't care if he drags ass in at four in the morning with a gunshot wound or if he hangs around with a bunch of men wearing tights. Good feeling between Barton and Coulson. I did like Clint's eagerness to please Coulson and the hints of angst in Coulson might worry if all is a hoax. Hot too and nice dash of humor. Good voice on Clint and I liked his descriptions/view of Coulson.

Ravening and Dire by SleepsWithCoyotes
WIP. After Will and he goes over the Cliff, Hannibal wakes up. He is on a beach, almost naked. A man tries to kill him, but that's okay, Hannibal kills him instead. What does bother Hannibal, though, is the stegosaurus. But Will is with him, so all in all he's rather happy. He knows his life is infinitely better with Will in it; the rest is just details. Wonderful wordbuilding and great voice especially for Hannibal. I do hope for more, eventually. If you have to be stranded on a dinosaur island, Hannibal is probably a good person to be stranded with. At least if you are Will. Dodos would be interesting to try. How Hannibal loves Will, in his own way, is very sweet. Aww-worthy. I really enjoyed the dinosaur's talking. Aww also for Alkana. Yes, Will, do award Hannibal's good behavior. In the same universe Survival Quotient - the Avengers and Bucky wakes up on a shore surrounded by dinosaurs. They're not on earth any longer. They have to start making a life there. The dinosaurs are amused by them - apart from the raptors, who adores Bucky. The raports sound so pretty. I especially loved the views from the dinosaurs. I wonder what hilarious thing Lasher does with his tail. But Gladthunder is just the best. Awww ...

Reading the Signs by Ralkana
Coffee Shop AU in which Clint's in college. As so many, he often studies at a local coffee shop. One day when he goes to The Grind, there's a new guy there, all around average, with short, mousy brown hair - and beautiful, blue eyes. Clint likes him. But Phil's a senior - he'll graduate soon - and then what? Couldn't bring himself to risk seeing rejection or scorn or pity in Phil's gorgeous blue eyes, unlikely as he knew it might be, so he kept his wishes to himself, drank way too much coffee, and watched from afar. Occasionally I like the coffee shop AUs and this one has a good feel. Sweet with the signing. Nice dash of angst too. Good end.

Reasons to Stay by Flora (florahart)
Both Bruce and Clint suffers from nightmares. Maybe they can help one another? Also, a lotus flower. Bruce doesn't mean to nod because Jesus, no, it's dangerous for anyone to stay with him while he sleeps, but he wants the company and he wants a friend and he nods, and when he looks up, Clint's watching him closely. Nice story with good feeling. Good voices for both Bruce and Clint, but also Tony and JARVIS. I liked Tony in this one and his talk about friendships. Good idea to sedate the Hulk through Bruce. Aww for them having three men (one hidden) on Clint when he practices - respect! I found it very sweet that Clint feels safe sleeping as the Hulk can stomp out any danger. Yay for Tony's Data remark. Heh for chidwipock. Interesting spiritual symbol of the lotus flower. Awww for Clint being able to talk down the Hulk.

Recovery by arxiver
Modern AU in which Steve Rogers is depressed. He becomes a patient at an inpatient facility, hoping to get better. There he meets a handsome John Doe with long hair. The man is traumatised, though. He doesn't tak, he doesn't like being touch, he's non-responsive in most cases. Steve dares to approach him, though - and it is the start of something beautiful. Oh, and kittens! She is not the most important person in Bucky's life, Steve is. I'm normally not keen on AUs, but this is warm and sweet. Good development. Also, yay, boardgames! I love them, but get to play very, very rarely. I've tried most of the ones mentioned and have made note of those I haven't. A slasher friend and I made a kinda version of fandom fluxx together, a fully printable version, if there's interest ( I know very little about psychology, but I found the descriptions here very interesting and understandable. As an introvert myself, Natasha's behavior made me cringe. I hate people who try to drag me into things. Aww for the kitten visit. All cat interaction very lovingly described. Aww for the phone call to Steve that Bucky was able to make. Good use of Clint. A cat cafe sounds so cute. I was almost able to go to one in London (and a gaming cafe!), but things happened. Aww for Hobbles and Calvin, they're so sweet. I hope for more. I especially liked the group therapy, with Logan and Bruce and the others.

Red (White & Blue) by counteragent
There was something they didn't tell Steve when they experimented on him. The chance of him turning out like Schmidt - a vampire. Needing to drink human blood, able to mesmerize - a monster. But that's what happens. And Bucky is there to see it - as are the marauders. What will they do? Does anyone want to be a human snack on the regular for the privilege of following a chorus girl into a war zone? Lovely story. I really like the Steve/Bucky pairing, but with all the fics out there I concentrate on Barton/Coulson, stopping by other pairings only when my guys are also in. This story, however, I got recommended by an author I really like, and I'm very, very pleased to have read it. Interesting set-up, fresh plot, strong emotions. Nice tension. Good language too, very vivid. Contained story, even if I'd love to read more in this universe. Good dashes of both angst and humor. Hot too. Awww for Bucky willing to give Steve all the Krauts in Italy to snack on - and trying to entice Steve to drink. Heh for all the Nazi's obeying Steve's mersmerism. I liked Bucky in this one. And the reaction of the rest of the company was very nicely written. I really liked the vision of them fucking and Bucky being effected by it.

Relief by infiniteeight
Clint's with the Avengers, but not with SHIELD. He often goes to cop bars - as does many alphabet agencies agents. One evening he meets Coulson of SHIELD there. They strike up a friendship, which slowly means more and more to Clint. I've spent a great deal of time cultivating a particular mystique at SHIELD, and while it serves me well in most circumstances, it also means that I don't ever get to vent about having a bad day, or watch the clock because I can't wait to get out of the office, or get excited about finding an original part for Lola. Good feeling. I like the gradual getting closer. Hot sex too. Interesting with the superhero bars of New York. Also good detail with the Archery and Clint's controversial stance while shooting. The carving sounded very interesting too, elegant. Ick for the man they tried to make like Hawkeye with the bionic eyes and all. Heh for the image of Tony driving the others around the room with his ideas. Good dashes of humor. Aww for Phil being nervous of Clint meeting Lola. Stubborn, silly Clint, of course you need help if you have two broken wrists. I fully subscribe to Phil's view of friendship: I have few friends, so I really want to care for the ones I have. I'm glad Clint found out he has more friends than he thought anyway. Yay for Clint to the rescue, even if I'm convinced Phil could have gotten out if he wanted.

Ride eternal, shiny and chrome by strawberry_cupcakes
Ever since he saw the last Mad Max movie, Clint has taken to shouting "Witness me!" in battle. Coulson either finds it adorable or infuriating. "Oh and Barton? You are awaited." I had the Mad Max movies on my "to watch" list, so I waited until I had seen those to read this story. I'm glad I did, as otherwise I probably would have been a bit confused. As it was, I found it amusing and it made me smile. Tsk, tsk, Clint. But yay for Phil playing along. I like that Clint got to ride the dragon too.

Riley's by orbingarrow
Bucky is not homeless. Exactly. He has a room in a halfway house. He gets a free coupon for a place called Riley's and goes there. He meets an ecclectic gathering of people who could become new friends - he also meets Tony Stark - who might even become more. "BUCKY'S DUMPLINGS DON'T FUCKING TOUCH. ~MGMT Good feel story with good characteristics of the boys and others. I like how Steve and Bucky are still friends. Sweet inclusion of Banner as well. I know well how it is to have a home when sleeping at a friend's place, so that spoke to me. Awww for Clint the walking disaster.

Rise by SleepsWithCoyotes
WIP. At some point Hydra threw Bucky in with an Elder Being, not expecting that the Great Old One realized that Bucky wasn't disturbing it of his own free will - and decided to help him. Only Great Old Ones aren't terribly good with understanding human physics so things might have gone a bit, well, strange. Many years later the Avengers - including Bucky - returns to the same place and Bucky introduces the others to his friend, who may or may not be Cthulhu - Bucky just calls him Charlie. And then Charlie follows Bucky home. Bucky pats the grabbing arms consolingly, even when several slide right through him, as if hugging isn't hugging until major organs are involved. Lovely AU, sadly WIP, but great read anyway. Great description of Charlie, who is neat and I love his interactions with Bucky - and the others too. Charlie might not resemble the classic interpretation of Cthulhu, but what did Lovecraft know anyway, eh? Nice tone to the story. Nice dashes of humor too. Awww for Bucky babysitting for "Shirley". The cats are also cute And I really liked Charlie helping Jarvis. I would love to read more in this universe. Heh for the "Uh, or I could just turn on the light." line. Interesting descriptions of Charlies voice. Heh for Cousin Nigel who makes great points. Also companion piece Followed Us Home nice. Heh for Deadpool taking Charlie in stride.

Room To Heal by Ralkana
After the battle of New York, Coulson is slow to heal. When they let him out of medic, he can only walk very short bits, not reach above a certain angle and he'll have great difficulties with, well, everything. He lets Clint drive him home, but he gets more and more depressed until they get there - and he sees what Clint has done. They can reach me if they need me, and I've been informed that my presence is still mandatory at all team dinners and movie nights -- one slightly-foxed senior agent in tow required for entrance. Very sweet, with many good, loving details. What wouldn't I do for a partner willing to do a fraction of such things, for me. Aww-worthy. Poor (but lucky) Phil. Heeh about the landlord thing.

Rumors by Emyrldlady
There are many rumors going on about Agent Coulson. One of them concerns when he, with a small, smug smile, brought in a limping Hawkeye. What no one noticed is that Hawkeye might be limping, but he is also smiling. Why? But when I saw the photo in your file, I couldn't believe the sweet little twink with a blood fetish was now a world class assassin. Interesting background to them. Hot too, with the younger Coulson strutting his dangerousness, attracting young Barton's attention. I also enjoyed the other rumor, the one with Coulson and the paper clip, good explanation.

Safer Sex by toestastegood
Bruce and Clint have finally worked their way up to Bruce fucking Clint. Unfortunatelly, that makes the Other Guy show up. He also wants Clint. Yeah, Bruce and Clint really need to have a safer sex talk. If Bruce hulks out, there s going to be a very ugly Clint-shaped splatter left on the bed and not a lot else. Oh, poor Clint ... Poor Hulk too. But it worked out well enough and the story made me smile.

Salted Caramels by Sinope
What do you call a guy who can deep throat an arrow? "Clint", apparently. Coulson gets an eyeful when Clint shows off a trick learned at the circus and possibly it's the start of something, but they still have some way to go. Phil can practically feel the moment that the arrow's head lowers into Clint's throat, and the complete lack of gag reflex that it implies is painfully arousing. Some neat details. Heh for some of Clint's more unusual skills with an arrow ... I really liked the "sex pollen" episode, I have a weak spot for those - and well handled by Coulson. Nice dash of angst, which I like. Hot too. Heh for many of Phil's sexual fantasies starting at the archery range. Heh also for Tony admiring him in the field suit.

Sandwiches by Cimila
Steve takes care of Bucky, even if he never knows what Bucky might or might not remember each morning - or if he'll meet Bucky or the Winter Soldier. Most days Bucky won't even remember him. What he doesn't know is that Bucky starts to remember more and more - but he decides that it's not in Steve's best interest to keep looking out for him the way he does. Is it really not? It s not enough, but then, he s never been able to get enough of James Buchanan Barnes. Very interesting format, well built and with good emotion on both their parts. Awww-worthy. Poor Steve - but poor Bucky to ... Nice with the sandwiches. Several interesting bits and phrases. I liked Buckys' neighbours. Nice with the change in dynamics. Good angst.

Sane, Safe, Alive by ownedbyacat
Clint feel safest with Coulson's voice in his ear. They're not together yet, but they're drifting closer. Warm and masculine, the memory of Phil Coulson s cologne was sometimes all Clint had to comfort himself with when he was stuck on a roof in freezing temperatures or wet to the skin while hiding in a tree. Sweet stories with good humor and nice twists. The killing of Scots with bow and arrow made me smile. And Clint babbling about carrots to let them know it's a trap. Nice rocky road for them. I always like when Coulson takes Clint's side. Several nice descriptions: I especially liked Clint's monologue on the color purple. Sweet with the snowball fight. Aww for the Hawk Chicks ... My favorite part was, though, the image of Clint shooting so close to Phil he's scratched by the fletching and Phil not flinching - but instead is revealed as an adrenaline junkie.

Say I Love You When You're Not Listening by KALA
Barton and Coulson needs a quick reason for their presence during an op - so they get married. With their own identities, as they don't have time for anything else. Then, most significantly, neither of them hurries to gets a divorce. Will they eventually or will things work out in a different way? I don t want to make you do something you don t want, He explained gently, as if talking someone down from a rash decision, but if this is real, you have to let me know. Cute with the "accidental marriage" and doing things the wrong way around. Nice with the vows, I liked those. I also liked the description of how well they know each other. Hot too. Sweet end.

Say It by infiniteeight
Clint wants to get a reaction out of Coulson, but fails. Then he realises that Coulson is attracted to him, so he teases him, using that. It's just a ploy, but one day when Coulson does react Clint finds himself in well over his head. But is it all bad? And when I'm done," Phil goes on, "when I'm done fucking you, when this op is finished wrapping up and everybody goes home, you're going to come home with me, and you're going to strip down and crawl into my bed and spread your legs for me and I'm going to take you there, where I've spent too god damned many nights jerking off thinking about you." Lovely. A very good take on a very difficult subject. I do like a touch of dub-con and while in real life I'd never find that someone deserves to get in over their head, but considering the outcome and that I could see Clint getting in on something like that, it was believable and apt. Bad Clint. I would have liked a sequel. One of my favourites in the genre. Normally I'm not all that keen on dirty talking during sex, but it worked in this case. Very hot too. Good ending.

Say My Name by storiesfortravellers
Clint is hit by a magic spell. Every time someone says his name, he orgasms. This is not fun, especially when Tony and some of the others start to abuse this. Finally he has to ask Coulson for help. Then he discovers that he now can't orgasm unless someone (else) says his name - not a good situation either. Finally, he has to ask for Coulson's help again ... Despite everything, despite how much he trusted the words that Coulson said, there was that hint of fear, terror really, that everything would fall apart once they didn t have that physical necessity, once they didn t have the incantation of Phil s voice giving him everything, giving Clint s body back to him and claiming it for himself all at once. While I do have a bit of trouble seeing Steve letting the others get away with this - maybe not even Bruce, I liked the set-up of the story. Yay for bad ass Coulson to the rescue. Heh for Tony's replacement words for 'Clint' afterwards. I also liked the structure of the story: how it was built/the writing technique. Hot too, when Phil and Clint's talks progress. Nice touch of angst. Good end.

Scolding Inanimate Objects by desert_neon (sproutgirl)
Clint has a habit of scolding inanimate objects for slights towards him - the coffee for being cold, ketchup for spilling, his pistol for jamming, and so on. Phil finds this adorable. Aw, condom, no. Sweet story - and I find Clint's habit really adorable when he says such things. Poor inanimate objects ... Heh for Phil losing his mind when Clint does it on his behalf. Awww for the time Clint praises the coffee.

Second Best by BonitaBreezy
Clint's fine with Phil liking Captain America more than him. Until they find Captain America and he's alive. Phil gets distracted and spends less and less time with Clint. What will Clint do? He wanted to put himself between Steve and Phil and growl like a feral dog, because Phil was his. Awww ... Poor Clint. And bad Phil, though I understand well how easily one can get completely distracted and overlook what's actually most important. I enjoy the alternative wakening for Steve.

Second Chance by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
An alien turns Clint into his 8-year-old self. The other Avengers must take care of him until they can get him turned back. If they can turn him back. But if they really can't, maybe it wouldn't be all bad if he gets a second, better, childhood. With real family this time. Finally, he is given to Natasha, who whispers softly in Russian in his ear, and Tony kind of wishes he didn't hear the way Clint wistfully, fearfully, whispers back, "Love you," as though it is a weapon she will use, one he cannot help giving her. Good sense of family. Kid!Clint is adorable. A bit sad about Coulson. Heh for Tony thinking it went a bit easy - until they find Clint. Sweet with the Hulk, I would have liked to see him more with Birdboy. I liked Thor, stepping back into big brother role so easily. Also cute with Tony's special waffle makers. Heh for the embryo thing. Sweet overall.

Secrets of the Toasterverse by scifigrl47
Series of small stories or explanations of things that happens in Toasterverse, such as why Thor likes to play Trivial Pursuit, why Coulson bops Clint on the head, why Coulson hates roombas and so on. But Dummy wants to be Tony s favorite, he s the oldest, he s the first born son, he s the BESTEST OF THE BOTS. Some really interesting explanations, many which made me smile. Some a little awww-worthy, some sweet and I hope for more parts. Some highly amusing and a good bit of angst too. Aww for Clint waiting to be punished when he screws up. Good language. I found the story with Steve and Bucky moving. Heeh for Tony praising lamps for turning on. Yay for the bad penny of the Avengers. I really giggled at the thought of Coulson being elected mayor due to the SHIELD operation increasing the town population. TOASTERVERSE.

Seeing Beyond the Obvious by Orithain and Rina9294
Clint's time as a specialist isn't easy. He gets a new handler for each mission and they don't treat him all that well. One day his new handler is one Phil Coulson, who looks more like a mild-mannered desk jockey accountant. Clint expects very little from this. Coulson, on the other hand, decides to keep him. Maybe they'll be the best team Nick Fury ever conceived. How will it go? "Because you're my specialist, because I'm your handler and because, most of all, you deserve not to be treated as simply a weapon because that is not the sum of your parts." Feel good, nice story. Pleasant to read. Nice dash of angst and good humor. Good feeling between them. I like stories of Coulson being a great change for the better from Clint and treating him right. So sweet with Clint's uber-short mission reports. Aww for "Heneye".

Self-Googling (maybe isn't such a good idea) by orphan_account
Steve and Bucky makes the mistake of googling themselves. They find RPS about themselves. Which perhaps wouldn't be so bad, except the characterisation in almost all fics, of Bucky as a damsel in distress that needs Steve to rescue him and fuck him better. So Bucky decides to write it like it really is. How will the RPS fandom react? Does this really bother you so bad that you felt compelled to write this masterpiece and share it with the world? Cute story that made me smile. Good work, Bucky. Heh for the reader comments.

Send More Humans by SleepsWithCoyotes
Venom learns more about humans and human behaviour. While it really puzzles him he also realises that Riot really went about the wrong way in trying to invade Earth. Eddie's work means money, but more than that, it makes Eddie happy, and Venom hungers for that the way he hungers for chocolate. Well written fic by a good writer. And yes, us humans are weird. I think I read the same meme (Humans Are Weird), the space orc thing. But yes, Venom, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Serendipity, My Ass! by Cpwatcher
Clint and Phil has danced around each other for a very long time. Until they, at the same time, gets Soulmate coke bottles from the vending machine. Can this be a coincidence? Jasper knows the truth ... You chuckleheads have any idea how many cases I had to go through to fill up that machine ... Awww, so sweet. And really cute with the toys - well done!

Sex, Lies, and Set-ups by shadowen
A mission involves Clint's brother. Barney badgers Clint about his life and any romantic attachments. Clint finally panics and tells Barney he's in love with Coulson. And then Coulson decides they must pull it off to make the mission go easier. Will it? Coulson, I m in love with you, not your penis. Pretend relationship are among my favorite tropes. Interesting (if sad) backstory with Coulson's family. Good on Barney to give Phil the "shovel talk" as it was. Heh for all of Phil's interesting (if weird) friends. I like the handling of Phil's sexuality, it worked for me. Good reaction on Clint's part. Awww for the pathetic mollusks. Good detail - and good thinking, on Phil's part - to use Clint's arrow to seal his wounds.

ShapeShifter by BeneficialAddiction
Most shapeshifters turn into fairly small, more or less harmless animals. Not so much one Clint Barton. Which comes in handy when he and Coulson gets themselves captured. But he suspects that the story of how Phil Coulson came riding a lion out of a Hydra bunker with Hawkeye's bow strapped to his back is one he'll never live down, not for the rest of his life. Lovely image of Clint in beast form - and it suits him. And well described his actions and mannerism. I approve of Coulson taking the bow along. I'd love to see an image of this, the fic was very vivid. Interesting with the views of the shifters.

shelter in a storm by AdamantSteve, dustbear
AU in which Phil was going to become a lawyer. Instead, he ended up on the streets. He still keep up appearance and does some work for Pepper. To do so he goes to a library to work at one of the computers there. At the library works one Clint Barton, who really likes the well-dressed, neat-looking man. He starts suspecting something's wrong, though - and he wants to help ... It s practically Victorian, this lust, and Clint s pretty sure that he could masturbate to the sight of Phil s forearms alone at this point, although he d really rather they be mutually and enthusiastically naked. Interesting, fresh set-up with genuine feeling. I liked the misunderstanding. Good view of Coulson. Cute Lucky. Tsk, tsk, Clint, that mouth do get you in trouble ... But he's doing fairly well, anyway, considering. Good on Pepper, helping.

SHIELD Has Paperwork For Everything by scifigrl47
Hill calls Clint to her office and explains to him the lay of the land: he's dragging Coulson down and it'll soon be down to him or Coulson and how will Clint replay Coulson's loyalty? So Clint does the only thing he can think of - he removes himself. But will Coulson and Natasha let him? He had a memory, blurred and spotty, stretched out with pain and tight with struggle, of begging Coulson to kiss him. Aww ... poor Clint. And so, so bad of Hill and Fury. Some really nice angst, with nice dashes of humor. I do like how Coulson recruited Clint at gunpoint. Heh for Nick Fury being a greater challenge than the devil. Awww for Clint clinging to Coulson when he's poisoned - and I love how Coulson wakes up when Clint holds his breath as not to disturb him - great touch. Clint snarking is such fun. Several very good lines. Heh for Coulson firing warning shots - into someone's knees: yeah, that man means business - and most of all when his Clint is in danger. Nice ending - Clint in the air duct and Coulson calling him on it was cute. TOASTERVERSE.

Shots (Not the alcoholic kind) by iloveitblue
Coulson manages to get Clint to the medics to check him over, but when Coulson himself gets there, Clint's hiding in the vents as the doctors had brought needles ... Clint will not take shots, not for any reason, not even vaccine. Can they persuade him otherwise? I can learn to live a sluggish life! I ll be a sloth! Cute, amusing story. Clint in good form. Nice use of Natasha. Aww for Clint just wanting to be alone with Coulson.

Signs and Souls by IamShadow21
Everyone can hear the sound of their soulmates in their heads before meeting them. However, Phil's soulmate's voice keeps changing. Phil doesn't understand why until much later. His soulmate is deaf. Will he be able to find him? Caffeine, caffeine, caffeine, he signs, his hands rubbing together with excitement, as he shuffles his way across Phil's wooden floors to the pot of dark liquid. Interesting setup. I don't know any sign language, but I thoroughly enjoyed learning of some of the signs, very interesting. I would have liked a bit more about the soulmate thing. Awww for the dorm vs. home signs. Hot too.

Six Degrees of Separation by cakeisnotpie
Phil's prophecy was a cruel one. In his lifetime he will be forgotten by those he loves - he will only be visible after death. He can still have friends and even have sex, but he needs to keep a distance to those he loves - or they'll forget him. Phil Coulson, level five Agent of SHIELD, never blinked, but that little boy who left Mr. Delphi s office huddled into himself later, curled in the same bed he d had when he first heard the prophecy, and laid awake, running through possible futures until he had a plan. A very cold and lonely future, but a plan all the same, one that kept Clint in his orbit but never too close. Interesting with the prophecies. I liked how Fury could still see Phil. Sad, but potent. Poor, brave young Phil. I liked the prophecies of Clint and Natasha too. Sweet story, aww ... Good read. I would like to read more in this universe.

Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47
After a fight with Doctor Doom in Latveria, Steve and Tony are shot down in Symkaria. They walk around and come to a festival, where they accidentally get married. They think it's just for fun, but what they don't know is that homosexual weddings just got legal in Symkara - that is what is being celebrated. When they get back to the states their marriage is revealed - and they are stuck together as not to disrespect anyone. But what does Steve and Tony really think about each other? And will the other Avengers be able to teach Steve to dance for the wedding reception. "Okay, I regret that I married the man without telling him I love him," he said, and it came out so easily, so naturally, that he barely recognized that he'd said it. Very sweet misunderstanding. Good feelings. Good dash of both angst and humor. Poor Tony, not allowed to buy countries to solve problems ... I especially liked Clint in this one, he's so cute. Very cute with how the scientific geniuses act as whistle blowers for one another. The rings sounds lovely. Cap's plan of making a nation of lasts was lovely, good speech.

Sleeping Sickness by lellabeth
Phil has a problem sleeping: he wakes up violently. He falls asleep on the trains and wakes up hard when someone takes a picture of him. Why would anyone do that? But the guy is kind of cute ... He nearly shot a bullet into his lounge wall last year after falling asleep on the sofa and being startled by the click of the air conditioner turning on. Interesting set-up. Poor Clint ... Well, poor Phil too, with his sleeping problems. I liked the ending. Warm feeling. Stalkerish Clint is kind of cute.

Slide to Answer by relenafanel
Modern AU in which Steve finds himself in desperate need of Sam's advice for help with a date. He calls Sam, but misdials and ends up pouring his woe to a complete stranger, Bucky. Still, Bucky gives advice. Later it happens again. They start calling each other more and more. Steve has problems with wanting a steady relationship, not being able to do one night stands. Bucky has the opposite problem. But maybe they can even things out together? He was about to get up and do something completely out of character, because if Bucky could do it, so could he, when the striking guy from the bar slid into the seat across from him. Cute plot and a nice ending (to both parts so far). Good with misunderstandings. Nice dash of humor too, like with the mashmallows. Poor Steve. Bad Steve about for the gift later on, though. Cute with the tree.

Slow and Splendored by alby_mangroves, eyres
Steve has travelled forward in time again - the hard way, by ageing. He is old now, but the fight isn't over. Not only is there chaos after the missing people are returned, the people left behind doesn't always welcome the people who left on their return. There is much to be done. Bucky is with him, but Bucky is young still. Which makes it even harder for Steve when he realises that he has fallen in love with Bucky. But that's not all - Steve also carried a secret with him, one which could lead to his death ... The feeling swells and grows until he can feel it all through his ribs, pulsing to the beat of his heart, and suddenly, at long last, Steve knows what this feeling is. It s love. Beautiful story, lovely "fix it". Fighteningly realistic with the tension between the groups of people, humans can be like that. Good tension and lovely angst. Neat with the alternate time lines and how Steve and Bucky are different there. Buster is the best, of course. Nice dashes of humor too. Very strong with Steve almost dying and Bucky almost not getting to him in time. Sweet with the Grand Canyon trip. I hope Steve sent Tony and Natasha Clint's greeting. I hope that the Steve that Bucky met back in time saved his Bucky. Heh for Bucky using his metal hand to flip patties.

Slowly Falling (Down a Flight of Stairs) by raiining
Clint never worked much with Coulson before New York. A while later he's injured and has to stay in the tower - and Coulson is also there, also recuperating. They slowly grow closer. But will their frail friendship survive when they go back in the field? Could they even become more than friends? Nights where I lay in bed doing nothing but staring at the ceiling and practising out loud all the ways in which I had to not fuck this up? Nice with the misunderstandings, I really like that. Also angst and pining. And an interesting angle for getting them together. Nice touch with Tony's coffee machine, neat. Lovely how the Avengers like having Phil among them. Awww ... Phil's so cute when he practices what to say to Clint.

Sneaking Up on Fate by KuriKuri
His name is Philip J Coulson - though he's better known as Fate. Just like The Grim Reaper's real name is actually Nick. Fate has a problem. Once someone's name is entered in his book of death, they die. Except for one Clinton Francis Barton, who's name has now appeared for the 47th time - and not even Nick himself can collect his soul. What's going on? You don t think I m scary? Phil asked, his voice soft and controlled, but he couldn t help slipping a little bit of his true power into it, delighted by the shivers it elicited from Clint. Classic plot, nicely executed. Good choice of mythology and nice crossover too. Heh for Coulson being mistaken for Heaven's tax accountant. Heh also for Tony wanting to quit as war (good solution, though he would have made a good Chaos too). A universe I'd like to read more in. Several good details. I'm not quite sure how Phil's had the job for 250.000 years if the original Fate passed the job to him when the Roman Empire split off into East and West, but maybe I misunderstood something. I like stories with Phil has powers and being (acknowledged) as dangerous. Cute comparing the mirrors (another classic touch) with Skype. Charles Xavier inventing the British accent also made me smile. Visual. Nice dash of humor.

Silver Tongue, Golden Lasso by Kadorienne
Loki is a tricky captive, a true master of escape. Even on the Raft, weighted down by Mj lner and guarded by some of the strongest super heroes in the world, he can slip away. SHIELD's resources are drawn on - and they want to know what Loki was really after. Can Thor really be devious enough to find out? And, if so, what did Loki really want - and what are the consequences for the future? I have learned that when I want to prove to someone that I love them, extravagant gestures like destroying enemy realms are a bad idea. Lovely view on Loki, rings very true. Nice between Loki and Thor with good emotions. The boys well in character. Several good lines. I like how Thor had to grow as a character to reach his goal. Twilight is cruel and unusual punishment, yes. Very suitable ending. Aww for mind-controlling Superman as a right of passage. Nice dash of humor. I liked how Loki put protective spells on the Avengers. Poor, faithful Thor, Loki is not the easiest love - aww for his attempts at poetry. Interesting comparison between Thor and Steve, to see a brother fall.

Snow Days by infiniteeight
Phil is an unbound alpha university professor. His apartment complex gets snowed in. As the alpha he is, he checks on his neighbours. Including that beautiful, unbonded omega, Clint ... And not long after, Clint goes into heat ... Clint is sure to have much better prospects for an alpha than a balding history professor, but Phil can still enjoy having him around. Good feeling. As a Swede I appreciate the dangers of being snowed in, albeit it's rare where I live. Phil would be a good professor I think. Heh for Phil infecting Clint with Super Nanny. Nice hint of possible destiny. Good detail with Clint's slick effecting Phil as it does.

So they could wake up in this future place by Sidney Sussex
Clint is taken and written off as an affordable loss. He's not, though. Not to one Phil Coulson, who makes himself a sacrifice. He takes a nanotechnology serum, Extremis, that rewrites his body into what amounts to a demiurge - at a terrible price. Will the new Phil Coulson rescue Clint - and, if so, how will Clint react to what Coulson did? Clint doesn't try to speak again, but he's watching Phil now, and his eyes are alive with a kind of fear Phil has never seen. Well-written and interesting, thoughtworthy. And if there's one man I'd trust with such powers, that just might be Phil Coulson. A universe I would love to read more stories in. Great description of the pain and the process of Extremis and waking up. The instant message between Tony and Coulson were also interesting. I found Clint's reaction believable too, that would have been a bit difficult to handle all at once, even for him and even if he always suspected that Coulson had superpowers. I like Phil's Extremis being better/more efficient at certain things than Tony's. Good angst.

Some People Just Collect Stamps by Colser
Coulson wakes up after having been stabbed by Loki. He doesn't have much to wake up to, though, as Loki took Clint and Coulson has to count his lover as dead. Meanwhile, Clint mourns his lover, who Loki killed - until Stark gets some unexpected information from JARVIS ... (Although if Rogers ever did get ideas, Clint is fully prepared to shoot him in the throat.) Nice angst on both parts. Several good lines, warm story, an enjoyable read. Good voices too. I like the cellist-bow-thing, that made me smile. Cute with the Captain America cards collecting and Steve helping. Poor Clint. Poor Coulson too. Cute that Clint avoids eating by sticking the food to Thor. And bringing Steve to make Coulson happy. Heh for Steve asking if they're all supposed to kiss Coulson when he returns. I do think my favourite part is how Clint is not threathened by Steve.

Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs by coulsons-hawk (allyoop)
Valentine's day and Clint's playing Cupid of SHIELD. He even invades Coulson's office - but only to use it to keep his stash. Everyone at SHIELD seems to have a Valentine. Except for Coulson, who's getting a bit sad about this. But is there really no one for him? Phil Coulson- I m sorry. I misunderstood and that was way past the boundaries and I m going to leave now. Cute story that made me smile, but also a good dash of angst.

Some Things Shouldn't Be A Chore by scifigrl47
The Avengers all live in Tony's tower. Steve is tired of the untidiness, so he calls to a family meeting, during which they decide on a chart for everyone's chores. Tony is very much against. He still gets a chore, to sweep the kitchen. Naturally, rather than to actually sweep the kitchen he orders 50 roombas that he upgrades and gives a hive mind. Was that really a good idea? Steve signed up for "Hugging Tony"-duty. Was that a good idea? Also, a really neat toaster. For heaven's sake, do not break the marksman, Coulson said as Thor gripped Clint under the arms, his huge hands on Clint's ribcage as he lifted the smaller man off of his feet like a toddler. Long, interesting story with depth, yet at the same time very funny. Cute in so many ways and lots of things I thoroughly enjoy. Nice language that enhances the read. Calcifer is cute, is as all the robots. The concept of chores could have been silly, but is done very well and, yes, if anyone could make the Avengers do that, it would be Steve - and he just might. Cute interaction in the gang, good voices. Aww for the "Feed Hawkeye"-chore. I especially liked the hint at the Hulk adoring Clint - I'd love to have more of that. We do get a little bit in later stories, but not definite interaction between the Hulk and Clint, apart from when Clint manages to put the Hulk to sleep, into about the adoring part. Aww for the roombas and Clint loving them. Heeh for the villains taking Thursday off to avoid the wrath of Thor. Aww for when Tony accidentally blurts out his view on being hugged ... TOASTERVERSE.

Somewhere to Belong by AndInThoseMoments
Clint has become something of the SHIELD slut, hopping into bed with everyone who leaves their room number in his locker, just to get some human contact and affirmation. When he's assigned to Coulson he's confused when Coulson doesn't want to sleep with him, but they work together and things get better and better. Can things change for Clint? He knew that the rookie was right, that he was a slut, that the only reason anyone would be trying to keep him in SHIELD would be for sex, but Coulson had seemed disgusted by the idea. A bit darkish and difficult for me in the beginning, but I liked the changes for Clint, both with Coulson and with the other SHIELD agents. Poor Clint. Good emotion and I do feel for him when he worries about having messed up. I like stories with self-esteem issues. Nice dash of humor too. And I liked the turn on Grants. Aww for Coulson hugs, they sound lovely. Moving in bits.

Son Of The Champion by sar_kaz_m
WIP in which Fury sends Coulson on a specific mission to Surrey, England. More precisely to Little Whinging and the household of the Dursleys. He's to check on a Person of Interest. On realising that one year old Harry Potter is not treated well by the family, Coulson takes him away. Back at SHIELD they meet a new asset of SHIELD's - Hawkeye, who falls for Harry at once. As SHIELD discovers the magic world, Coulson and Barton suddenly find themselves co-parents to a young Harry Potter ... In the future, London agents would gossip about how Agent Phillip Coulson had strode through the base like an avenging angel, carrying a sleeping toddler, with Nick Goddamned Fury Himself trailing along behind, a chastened expression on his face. At that moment, it was worth more than any possible hazard bonus to get in Phil s way. Highly interesting and enjoyable crossover with lovely warmth and good descriptions. Sadly seems abandoned, but I've subscribed and I hope I'm wrong and that there will be more of this lovely goodness. Great exploration of the wizardy world and what possibly could have been, if things didn't go as in the books. All the hallmarks of a work that could be epic. Heh for "Operation Witchcraft". Good first meet with Clint -and a nice image he must have made. I really liked Clint in this one (well, I almost always like him, but very nice here). Aww for Clint calling Harry chick. Great idea about Agent Services, good details. Heh for Hill mistaking Clint for Coulson, I liked that. Harry is very sweet - and especially with Fury. Good inclusion of Doctor Strange. Interesting outside view of the wizarding world. Really shitty thing to do to Clint with Hand. I liked Kragan, good use of the goblins - and interesting with the possibility to travel between Gringott's branches. Good humor and dash of angst too. Tsk, tsk, Clint, breaking Budapest ... I do hope for a continuation.

Souvenir by Cryingravens
When Barton comes back from missions, he brings Phil gifts. Strange, weird, bizarre things. Possibly well intended, but very odd. Still, Phil doesn't mind all that much. Clint's Phil's favorite souvenir. His once proud Captain America collection now contained a themed sombrero, an entire gender bent and highly sexualized set of Howling Commandos, a marionette, and countless other oddities that Clint felt would vaguely fit into his collection. Cute gifts. And I liked the end, very fitting. Awww for Clint even stopping in Australia when he forget to get Phil a gift. Really nice touch with the bullet gift.

Spatial Awareness by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
Clint and Coulson are captured and tortured. They're even kept in dog cages - blue dog cages. Clint hates blue, since Loki. He likes Coulson, tough. And finally he kisses him. How will Coulson react? Coulson, whose hands were smaller than Clint's, didn't even so much as blink before he dislocated his thumb, forced his hand through the square opening and used his remaining four fingers and palm to lock onto the guy's ear and bring his face to meet with the metal mesh of the cage hard. Sweet and nice dash of angst. Capable, efficient Coulson is always a good thing. Awww for the music threats. Good on Tony to repaint for Clint. They're sweet together.

Speechless by sc010f
Clint's mouth is so good it leaves Coulson speechless ... "You taste delicious, sir," Clint says, and fuck, his voice is hoarse. Nicely described and hot.

Stand-off by iloveitblue
Many agencies has tried to recruit Clint Barton. SHIELD, by way of Phil Coulson, is the first to offer him donuts if he joins. But Clint's holding out for the powdered ones. The man shrugs I prefer powdered donuts, so you obviously can t have those. he says like he isn t pointing a gun at Clint and Clint isn t pointing his arrows at him. Cute story that made me smile. Really sweet, very Coulson.

Stranded by iloveitblue
The first Christmas Phil is Clint's handler they end up stranded in nowhere. Clint doesn't trust Phil yet, but Phil is determined to get him a good Christmas anyway. Will he succeed? He held out his hand absently, asking for the ax, all the while still staring at the tree. Coulson took his hand and held it as they both stared at the tree. Sweet and made me smile. Good job, Phil. Tsk, tsk for the snow dump, Clint, but, yes, amusing. Aww for the hand holding, that was very, very sweet.

Standing Date by sariane
When Natasha and Coulson starts to go together to have food or coffee, Clint is feeling left out. They say they're not dating, but there's something very fishy going on. What are they planning? World domination? Say, Hello, Agent Barton, can you please turn in that mission report you owe me, I need it to write my quarterly analysis of your work performance? Oh, and by the way, would you like to go out on a date with me this Friday? Clint is being very ... Clint. Natasha and Phil for world domination, yay! Nice humor.

Starbucks Can Suck It by fuckingimpala and miss_music666
AU in which Clint owns a coffee shop. One day a Coulson, Phil Coulson, stops by. He starts going through the massive list of coffee options Clint offers (including some with caffeine tablets), intent on finding the best one. Clint is very happy about this, as he likes Coulson a lot. He wants to ask Coulson out and and then an opportunity arise: an art gala - perfect, since Coulson is an art curator. Or ... is he really? And how will the date go? Is Coulson even aware of that it is a date? Look, Phil said, sipping his coffee, Yeah, he s adorable, he s fantastic, really, but he s a barista, Maria. I have a fond spot for coffee AUs. Nice touch with Clint suspecting Natasha's in witness protection. Neat names for the coffee options. Nice bits of angst and lovely misunderstanding when Clint overhears Coulson talking to Hill. Cute off with Thor and Loki. Poor Clint with Coulson being a somewhat unreliable date ...

Steve Rogers Is A Child by LagLemon
Tony knows Steve Rogers doesn't like him much. But then Steve is hit by a deaging ray and turned into a 7 year old. And they hit it off really well. Tony loves young Steve and Steve loves him too. In an attempt to hide Steve, Tony and Coulson takes him to a small tourist town where they pose as a family. But who is the angry, possibly homophobic German that shows up? And why does young Steve keep calling one of their neighbours "Bucky"? Not to mention, what will happen when - if!- Steve grows up? The Winter Soldier, prized assassin working for Hydra and AIM and god knows who else, was tied up in their linen closet; his arm was sitting in their crisper like it was one of the apples Coulson had picked up from the grocery store. Long, lovely story with plenty of good details. An enjoyable read. Fresh feeling. Nice dashes of angst and humor mixed with some darker moments. I especially liked Bucky in this one. Little Steve is also sweet - and a bright boy. Good touch with the holographic displays. Nice angst with Clint and Phil. Maine Coons are gorgeous cats! Heh for the misunderstanding with Clint and the holo imager - though Clint could have handled that better. Awww for Bucky. Yay for Steve taking out the Winter Soldier with a frying pan -and yes, a bit of cognitive recalibration never hurts (much). Tsk, tsk for them keeping Bucky in the closet ... I was sad to see tiny Steve go, even if little Steve was also an interesting character (and needed for the further development of the story, of course). Poor Tony when little Steve throws out all the nice stuff - I really did feel for him. Good details with the morphine in Tony's suit (I don't remember if that's canon, but it seems sensible). I liked the sequel too - and yay for Doom! I look forward to the next part and wouldn't mind if it turns out a threesome. Also, thumbs up for intelligent minions not wanting to follow Red Scull when he'd abandoned them.

Stolen Relics by Kadorienne
Thor wants his brother back, so Fury sends Tony to Asgard to persuade Odin to let them have Loki - assuming Tony will annoy Odin into refusing. But what Tony sets his mind to, Tony achieves. So they get Loki, after he's been tortured in Asgard for several years. Loki is grateful to have been rescued, but he's still out for revenge. Only later he and Tony pairs up and things get more and more complicated. Hey, when a linebacker-sized guy with the power of controlling lightning and big baby blue eyes beseeched you - besought you? - you did what he wanted. Nice story, one of those long, highly enjoyable journeys to learn the characters, follow their interaction, be happy with their success and smile with their victories. Interesting plot, good emotion. Very nice resolution at the end. Good humor too. Sweet with Thor's preservance and how he has grown as a character, worthy of his destiny. I liked Steve too, cute with Tony wanted to prank him that he's been asleep again. Interesting parallell between Tony and Loki. Heh for solving "nail-problems" with Mjolnir. Several good lines.

Story Time With Thor by shadowen
An epic story of Gilgameshian proportions of how the Realm-Walker, Phil God-Defier, that bravest Son of Coul, cheated death itself to return from Valhalla, to reunite with his most beloved warrior, the fair and valiant, faithful Clinton, called Barton, the greatest marksman of all of Midgard. As told by Thor Odinson, to the children of the Avengers. In parts, it's probably even true. He told the dour goddess of his beloved, fair and fearless Clinton, called Hawk-Eyed, called Avenger, whose aim and heart are ever true and whose love is like a blade to cut through all despair, fierce and sharp as the finest sword. A joy to read, lovely turns of language, both from Thor's telling of the tale, but also for the bridging parts with the children. Good humor and a classic epos in style. Though I hope Clint's little trick (I adored his attitude to Fate) does open up for them to go to Valhalla in the fullness of time, for future legends.

Strays by Cryingravens
Clint has habit of bring in strays, be it a parrot, a monkey, an elephant or a tiger ... Coulson's patient and he really doesn't have much room to talk. He, too, brought in a stray once - and he kept his ... Phil thought briefly of returning to his office and taking a bullet from his service pistol rather than deal with the fallout from this. Cute story that made me smile. I especially liked Clint in this one. Heeh for the handler on-call laughing at Clint and sending him on to Coulson. Poor Phil ... Aww for him threatening to put a leash on Clint if he ducks off again. The monkey sounds adorable, but the tiger's my favorite. Also aww for Phil asking to get to pet the tiger.

Studio Killers by Ringshadow
Agents of SHIELD who do well get what they want. Coulson wants to kill people. He's the Kingfisher. And afterwards, he likes loud music, alcohol and sex. After a hit, Coulson goes to a bar - and finds another killer there, freelancer Hawkeye. They have really hot sex. What happens afterwards? But gods damn it all he'd had fantasies about working with Kingfisher, this hitman of myth and legend, and the ops being followed by hot sex. Refreshing change of pace and really hot. I'd love more in this series. I like how Coulson was treated by SHIELD when he warned about being "abnormal". Also how Hawkeye instinctively reacts to Coulson. And Coulson talking "dirty" to him. I liked the touch of Coulson using reverse interrogation, like Natasha.

Stumblr Fics by vodkaanddebauchery
Bucky sees his girlfriend and embraces her from behind - only he's not embracing his girlfriend, but a rather thin man. Maybe it's just as well? In another story, Jake Jensen wants to kiss Cougar, but dares not. So he does something else. And Coulson has ascended to Geek Nirvana ... For Chrissakes, Jensen needs to remove himself from this situation before he does something monumentally stupid, like lay one on his very Catholic, very likely straight, very likely heteronormative teammate. Several cute stories that made me smile. Good emotion. Good voice for especailly Jensen, and cute how he bought Mojito.

Stutter by iloveitblue
Coulson stutters. Normally this doesn't bother him at all. Until Barton finds it adorable. He seems to be under the impression that every one of his friends need to know how adorable he finds your stutter. Stuttering Coulson would be adorable. Cute story. Heh for Natasha duct taping Clint.

Sunshine and Rainy Weather (Go Hand In Hand Together) by Ralkana
Clint has a problem. A running mate of his, who works at his favorite restaurant, has asked him out. He wants to let him down easy and decides to take someone to the restaurant on a fake date to let the guy think he's in a relationship. Phil offers to help. How fake will the date really be? "It was my one chance to take you out, one night to have everything I've thought about, and make a memory to keep, and I I just ruined everything." Cute set-up. Poor Brandon, he seemed nice. Amusing, but sweet too and with a dash of angst. Nice date.

Surprise Visit by ami_ven
A masked man is playing trick or treat at the super secret SHIELD base. Why isn't Director Coulson concerned? I ll give you a treat, Barton, muttered Coulson, and pulled him into a kiss. Cute, made me smile.

Sweet Damnation by raiining
Phil's a vampire. He's old and powerful. One day he meets a boy that shines with life and smells delicious and has the loveliest kaleidoscope eyes. He's too young for Phil, but Phil waits. However, when he returns, the boy is gone. Then one day Fury sets him to recruit one Clint Barton. The boy is within his grasp, but it would be rape to take him against his will - and Phil will not abuse him so. How will it end? He wanted to do much more than taste from Clint he wanted to drain him, wanted to possess him, wanted to claim him as his own. I like stories with Phil being different. This was nice. Good angst. Nice description of Clint's blood.

Sweets for the Sweet by Jade_Dragoness
Clint discovers that Coulson has a sweet tooth. Naturally, to make himself more interesting to the other man, he starts to eat more candy: demonstratively eat more candy. Some of the other Avengers gets either confused or turned on. Apart from Thor, who instantly knows what is going on. My brother too craved sweet foods when pregnant. Cute story. Tony's reaction made me smile - and Thor's, of course. And Clint accidentally conditioning himself to get hard when Coulson says 'taze' - poor boy - but great detail, I really liked it.

Take No Prisoners by hitlikehammers
Clint was removed from his cell in the Raft before Steve could rescue him. Instead he's rescued by a ghost ... A ghost with coffee! Clint drinks slower, wills the coffee into his veins so he can feel human again because Phil s voice behind the door in his head is all fucked up, isn t making any sense, and what s a Fitz, Jesus. Coffee, save him. Good reunion. Nice dash of humor too. Heh for Phil caffeinating Clint first.

Taking Things Slowly by KuriKuri
Clint's annoyed with Natasha for not believing that Clint and Phil are dating. Of course they are! Just because they haven't had sex yet (and had only kissed on missions when Coulson described it as "distraction/evasive maneuvers") and hadn't said outright that their trips to the movies and zoos were dates or told each other in so many words that they were in love. Natascha's clearly wrong. But what happens when Natasha tells Coulson of Clint's belief that they are dating? Phil even considerately left the window unlocked whenever he was home, so Clint didn t have to force it open every time. Very sweet. I really enjoy this plot. Nicely built arguments (with all their careful flaws) and I really liked Phil's reaction. Nice dash of angst, but also humor. And I like stories that mix in Coulson's family, so that's always a bonus. Aww for Clint hiding behind Phil. Aww also for Clint waiting patiently for Phil to be ready to have sex.

Tale as Old as Time by illa_dixit
Tony wants some peace, but instead he comes to a house where strange things happen. Snarky candelabras named Barton, blushing alarmclocks named Rogers and irrationally intimidating wardrobes named Phil (which seems to have an odd relationship to the candelabra). There's also a cursed research scientist in desperate need of a science bro. Barton apparently had no such reservations, because he leapt at the large piece of furniture, which responded by opening one of its drawers and catching him. Sweet, fun retelling that made me smile. Cute how Tony agrees to help when he hears it is Bruce.

Tales of the Bots by scifigrl47
When Tony was 17 he built his first bot - Dummy. The name was a mistake and not the only mistake either, but Tony achieved a goal - with Dummy he's no longer alone. Not everyone sees what an amazing thing Dummy is, but he is - and the Avengers soon learn to appreciate, even love him. Steve smiled down at him, blue eyes twinkling in the low light; it was the blue light in his chest caught in Steve's eyes, and God, that was beautiful, like Steve took something he hated about himself and made it a little better, a little easier to accept, because it was beautiful in Steve's eyes. So much sweet bot-love. Huge amounts of feelings. Tear-worthy in places, definitely aww-worthy, but also well-written, interesting plot and sub-plots, nice humor. Lots of good lines. I really enjoyed the interaction between Dummy and Jarvis - so sweet. Nicely done kid fic too, the third part, always a treat, especially with adorable Dummy. The boys well in character. Lovely angst. Cute with Bruce keeping lollipops for Clint. Heh for the Avengers opening a restaurant. Aww for Coulson stapling with Dummy - and for Dummy trying to rescue Tony from Steve. Sweet how Steve takes to Dummy instantly. One detail I like was Jarvis planning air vent cleaning and thus notifies Clint. I also liked Clint's speech about him and Natasha. And the rest of the team already thinking Tony and Steve was together.

Talk To Me by laceymcbain
Clint doesn't work well with many of his handlers at SHIELD. But then SHIELD gets a new agent in charge, Coulson. And one mission, there's a new voice in Clint's ear, one that he finds strangely compelled to answer. It takes even longer before he finally gets to meet the man himself. A working relationship ensues - but one day Coulson wants more. How will Clint react? "Phil, do it, I'm yours, just fucking take me." Nicely written fic, good feeling between the guys. Nice dash of humor and a nice little angst too. Poor Clint, having a panic attack, silly boy. Good on Fury for not falling for the "him or me"-routine. Cute how Clint recognizes Coulson when he wakes up with Coulson sitting next to him, even if they have never met. Another nice detail was Clint knowing Coulson is alive because he knows Coulson would never carry his Captain America cards in his jacket at work - true.

Tap Out by BeBunny
Coulson decides that Clint needs a new sparring partner - himself. Clint does as told, but when Coulson wrestles him to the ground Clint has a very obvious reaction and flees. Will Coulson ever want to work with him again? He doesn t say anything as he grabs his bag and heads straight for the door but he knows Coulson is far too observant to have missed the very definite bulge in his sweatpants. Poor Clint ... But it appears to have worked out nicely for him. Vivid, especially the fighting scenes. I liked the comparison of 'Sir' to chocolate in Clint's mouth. I liked the little dash of angst of Clint thinking this alienated him from Coulson.

Thanks for the memories by coffeesuperhero
Clint is in a loving relationship with Phil. Only he isn't. All the memories are false, a "gift" from Loki. Clint is not prepared to give up on the beautiful thing he had. Sadly, Coulson does not seem interested. Is all hope lost? "It was a dream, Barton," Coulson said, crisp, businesslike, official, like he was approving a requistion instead of breaking Clint's heart. Interesting story, fresh plot with good feeling and nice resolution. Lovely dash of angst.

That Feline Beat by Tito11
Phil and Clint are a couple. They live together with their cat, Tony, and Tony's three kittens, gingerstriped spitfire, Natasha; chocolate furred, shy Bruce and longhaired, golden puppyish Thor. But one day Phil and Clint go for a vacation, asking one of their neighbours to catsit. Sadly the catsitter captures the cats and dump them on the other side of town. Luckily, they meet up with handsome tomcat Steve, who helps them. But I m not sure aversion to cats to the point of psychosis and willing to catnap to get rid of them is on the list of things background checks tell you." The nice kind of crack. Interesting look on Tony as a cat. The kittens are very, very cute. Good choice of colors and characteristics. Cute detail with Steve's socks. Awww ... so cute with the kittens voting against Tony and have him let Steve help. Bruce is especially sweet.

That Sheds His Blood With Me by Kadorienne
Thor still loves his brother. However, he has become more and more convinced that Odin is not a suitable king of Asgard. Thor needs to do something about this, but in order to do so, he needs his brother back. Only Loki has been banished for 50 years - to Jotunheim. Thor has to play a long game and be devious. Does he have it in him and will Loki even want to help him, once he's back in Asgard (provided he survives Jotunheim)? His brother smiled at him, the old impish smile he wore when he had done something Thor would be angry at for a few days and afterwards find very funny. While I'm a slasher at heart, this is a lovely story about brotherly love (and I mean that in a platonic sense). Interesting development, good plot and a nice resolution. Sweet with Thor checking up on his brother for every day for 50 years - I do love Thor's loyalty. I like this story how he does stand up to his father and does have a slightly more devious side, while still being Thor. Several good lines. I like the brothers' subterfuge about stealing Idunn's apple as a code.

Thawed Out by auburnnothenna (auburn), eretria
The Asset is on its own after the events in Winter Soldier. He starts having problems with his arm. So he goes to the one person he hopes will help him - Captain America. He knows Steve will want to help Bucky. But that's part of the problem. The Asset isn't Bucky any longer - and he might never be Bucky again. Will Steve - and the others - still help him? Will things work out? Sam reminded himself that there just wasn't a place for anything else, planet, moon, or star, between the gravitic forces exerted between two suns like that. At best, everything else must orbit both of them, far, far out. Thoughtworthy story of good length. Many good details, like with the amphetamines and painkillers and the arms and the explosives in the spine. Nice voice for James. Fresh feeling to the story. Interesting idea with the not having him being Bucky. Well executed with his physical problems. I really liked Lonnie and hoped he would show up again. Good on Sam to recognize the false cops - another good detail. I'm fairly sure an early part mentioned seduction work, but perhaps not literally. Great user of JARVIS. Lovely angst. Interesting notion that James might even be a clone - would also have made an interesting story. I liked Bucky's politenes and interest in JARVIS. Good humor too. They seem to complicate the food they try to get James to eat with too many ingrediences, in my humble opinion. I'm very sensitive to food and many "bland" things are both easy to make and lovely to eat. Good on Clint to give Steve a piece of his mind - what Steve did was questionable at least - though Natasha is also to blame. Sad about Peggy. I liked Tony in this one - especially how he helped James in the end. And James and Clint turned out to be excellent bros. Strong ending, both positive and with a hint of bitter-sweetness. Awww for the assassin kitten pile. And for James getting his hair stuck in the arm - good detail of Clint being able to more easily help him there.

The Adventures of Little Coulson by Grimmalie
Among many things that few people know about Phil Coulson is that he is allergic to Pym Particles. Well, to be fair, neither did he knew this until he got bombarded by them and the next time he gets an adrenaline rush, he shrinks to a couple of inches high. Now what? People didn t know that Phil knew about these theories and, because of his equally unknown sense of humor, would sometimes take a little too long smoothing down his tie when an impressionable young intern was watching. Interesting set-up with good potential, but sadly seems a bit abandoned. I would have liked more in this universe. I had some difficulties fixing Coulson's actual size, 5-6 inches, but sometimes he acted as if smaller. Good humor, like with the suit-sexual thing, and the favor counting with Fury. Nice detail with the 'shit kids send me'-box. And I'm sure Coulson was really cute in the barbie outfit. Really sweet when they sit together and watch TV. Poor Clint, managing to scare Phil when he was trying to make him feel good. And he didn't even get to bang Phil's LMD ... Kinda sweet, but sad, Coulson talking to the LMD.

The Air Between Us by ShippersList
During a mission Clint breaks his hearing aids. So he goes to R&D. But they don't have time for him. Luckily he finds a replacement pair and takes them. Only ... they weren't really hearing aids. They were telepathic hearing aids. And suddenly Clint overhears some really interesting things ... Even from Coulson ... He was already done with his food and on his way through his second form, when Coulson said wistfully, Gorgeous. Cute story that made me smile. Poor Clint, thinking he's going crazy. Heh for Fury's interest in Darcy.

The Anti-Christmas Season by tamnation
Clint is highly fed up with Christmas cheer. He finds a haven of peace in Coulson, who doesn't celebrate manically either, as most at SHIELD does. They drift closer and closer. Unsuspecting, overly festive agents tended to get hit by nerf darts, skittles, or on one particularly memorable occasion, a batch of festively shaped sugar cookies that he d confiscated from the HR staffroom. They go well together. And I agree somewhat, it can go a bit overboard sometimes ... Sweet with their own anti-Christmas party. I really liked the scene with other agents moving away from Coulson like little fishies when a shark moves, that made me smile.

The Barton Family by KuriKuri
Thanksgiving tradition in the Barton family is that all the brothers get together for a week. With a +1 option for people that each Barton brother considers family. After that their parents died in a car-accident, all brothers were sent to an orphanage. Most of them were adopted away. Both of the eldest brothers went to England - James to the Bond family and John to the Watson family. Of the identical sextuplets, Jason and William was adopted by the Walsh family (later William took the name Brandt), Brian to the Gamble-family, William to the James-family and poor Aaron was taken away. The ninth brother (the one they never speak of) and the last of the sextuplets, Clint, ran away to the circus. This year Clint is hosting the thanksgiving feast, as he has the entire Avengers Tower to put people up in. Perhaps he should have asked Tony first. Or told the Avengers about his brothers. And then there's the matter of Clint holding the Barton brothers record of having pined the longest for his man: 7 years and counting Clint has been in love with Phil Coulson. Is a change on the horizon? And what does Loki want? Sorry for being such a creeper I just had this overwhelming urge to kiss you, but I knew you wouldn t like that so I waited until you were asleep? Major crossovers like this are tricky: most of them will turn silly or just won't work or are so slanted they become uninteresting. This one does work and I enjoyed reading it. Good emotion, nice interaction and several good lines. When I read in my kindle I underline good parts and the main story got an impressive even 100. My only problem was Benji not knowing what Thanksgiving is, due to being British: dunno about that: I'm Swedish and "everyone" knows of thanksgiving. Oh, not in detail or anything, but of the concept as such and certainly the name, so that threw me a little. Unless he's just pretending. But awww for him being so in awe of Tony. Cute with the ongoing joke about Jason's cooking and Brian's eyeliner. I haven't seen SWAT or the Hurt Locker yet, but I look forward to them. Aww for the whole Aaron thing when he was a child, so sad. I would have loved to see the Avenger's reaction to the powerpoint presentation (nice touch). Aww, so sweet with Clint getting jealous of Phil would like one of his brothers better. Many nice details. Another one was when a brother threathened a potential suitor of another brother, that really made me smile. Lovely angst between Clint and Phil. Nice sub-plot with Loki, nice touch about the apartment and the familiar smell. Classic with true love's kiss, very nice. Heh for Sherlock asking for corpses. I really liked the sub-plot with Jim and Brian, I found that very sweet.

The Bee's Knees by Saone
AU in which Fury's a mob boss and Coulson's his enforcer. Clint and Natasha are bootleggers. When some of their deliveries come up light Fury sends Coulson to take care of things (including breaking Clint's fingers). So they need to find the real perpetrator, with Coulson's help. And that puts Clint on Fury's radar. Fury knows Coulson wants Clint. So he ties Clint up naked and gives him to his enforcer. Will Coulson accept? Phil's still looking at Clint like he has two heads, but he's also looking like Clint's second head is just as handsome as the first. I mostly don't like AUs, but this one I liked. Good voice/language for the period. Good dash of humor and nice banter. I liked Natasha defending Clint against Coulson when she thinks he's taking advantage of him. Nice solution to include Natasha (but I'm glad it wasn't sexual). And I do hope Natasha teaches Fury a lesson. I would have loved to read the story of Coulson that Fury told. Nice dash of angst too.

The Best Of Life and Asgard by scifigrl47
The team goes to Asgard. Then, during a party, Steve suddenly attacks one of the Asgardians. A fight ensues and in the aftermath Tony finds himself in the for him very unusual position of the only sober person on the team. It's up to him to help his teammates. What happened and what is up with Steve? Fandral isn't upset, Thor's parents aren't upset, if anything, between defending your lover's non-existent honor and starting an epic battle, you've raised the average Asgardian's opinion of Earth's warrior class. Another amusing story from a good, solid writer. Heh for Tony in his unusual situation. A little aww for poor Steve. Several good lines. I would have loved seeing Volstagg trying to bench Clint. Aww for Thor worrying about Tony alone with drunk Steve. Drunk Steve reminds me a little of Chris Evans character Jake Jensen of the Losers. Aww for Steve getting the "dud" Tony-like date in the game they play - very cute. Heh for Clint getting a full body Roombaing. TOASTERVERSE.

The Biggest, Baddest Kids in the Sandbox by WriteThroughTheNight
Loki comes to Earth to put humanity in its place. He has a good plan on how to handle SHIELD and other defenders. The plan probably even would have worked. If not for one thing. He hasn't counted on the powers of the shadows, which has claimed Earth for its own - the rulers of the underworld, the Agency. And he commits the grave mistake of stealing Clint Barton, the husband of one of the Agency's founders - the man called Agent ... "More importantly, the Agency runs Earth perfectly well and we aren't going to step back and let some outsider take control." Lovely AU. I enjoy such darker version of our heroes. I especially enjoyed the interaction between Coulson and those on the "heroes" side. Aww for him still being a Cap fanboy. I so enjoy Coulson's ruthlessness. I like how they built the Agency too. And I think it made perfect sense that the Agency would want to stop Loki, even without Clint in the picture - but very elegant solution to that problem. Good end. Heh for Thor thinking Coulson runs Earth.

The Binding of Loki by Kadorienne
Thor is bringing home Loki. Odin waits for them. He has a plan. There might still be one, desperate way to bring Loki back to them. Will Odin be able to pull it off and just what will he do? And now, Odin's son by birth was bringing his foster brother home muzzled and chained and injured, and Odin had one chance, only one, to divert Loki from the path he was now walking. This could actually work. I'm not too impressed with Odin in general in the Avengers universe, but I would like to like him, so if he did put his mind to it, I could see him doing something like this. Nice, suitable language. Almost a little awww-worthy.

The Body Electric by Jade_Dragoness
Clint is in a relationship with Coulson. Of course Clint heard the many rumours about his lover. He found the rumor of Agent Coulson having been created in a lab hilarious. Until he learns that it is actually true. Phil - aka Cybernetic Official Unit for Lawful Security Operations Number 01 - is a robot. Oh, and there's dinosaurs too. But Clint s real fear, a fear which kept him from just flat out asking the man out for dinner, was that once Coulson realized Clint s feelings for him went way past professional regard he would end up looking at Clint as if he was a roach crawling out of the woodwork for daring to think he could have more. I read this series after having seen only the first couple of episodes of Agents of SHIELD. I made this my head canon until I learned differently. This I could easily see. Nice story, well written, good emotion and lovely angst. I love the notion of Coulson's division of memories, especially his core identity and his ability to reprogram himself. I'm not sure if it was intended for Tony to see Coulson as a kind of brother, also made by Howard, with his 'Starks don't break easily'-comment, but if so, I thought it was great. Nice voice for Coulson and humor too. I hope for more in this universe. Aww for all the robots being happy about Curiosity. And poor Coulson02. Heh for Philistine. Several good lines. The rumors about Phil was great, I especially liked the god of field agents one.

The Cephalopod Who Loved Me by LinguisticJubilee
When Clint joins SHIELD, Coulson's been missing for a year. During a mission, Clint comes across a strangely intelligent, communicative octopus. It turns out that a villain with dreams of sea domination has turned Coulson into an octopus. Now what? But what interests Tony more than the Coulson is an octopus thing (he ll get to that later, don t worry) is the fact that Barton is currently staring at that octopus like it hung the fucking moon and then proceeded to cover it in a sub-gravity archery range. Interesting idea, imaginative and fresh. Cute with Clint's attempts to communicate with the octopus. Aww for Phil the Badass Octopus. I liked all the rumours about Coulson. Yay for Coulson to the rescue, even in his octopus state - heh, and nude! Sweet dashes of both angst and humor. Aww for Coulson inking himself. Neat version of fix-it. Good crack. I really liked the "Agent Coulson doesn't believe in luck. Luck believes in Agent Coulson." - yay! Poor, poor Clint with Natasha and the hentai.

The Convenient Husband by Morgane (smilla840)
AU in which Lord Phil Coulson is home at his estate after the Asgard-Midgard war (ended with the wedding of Prince Thor and Princess Jane) to find the estate badly off. They need money to restore the land. Things look bleak - until Coulson receives an heritage - however, it cames with a demand. He's to get married to get the inheritance. He turns to his old friend, Nick Fury, who has an idea. He's been approached by their former enemy, Natasha Romanova, who needs help to give a home and protection to a friend, Clint Barton. A deal is struck. How will it end? Especially since Clint Barton has a past that just might tear them apart. They won t share a bed Phil has to draw the line somewhere in this whole charade and he won t force himself on someone who doesn t want him, someone who s already done him a favour by agreeing to marry him. Nice Harlequin with good setting and good plot. Strong emotion at the end - hot too. I liked the added tension about the Hawkeye substory. Very nice description of Clint shooting. Sweet with Phil enjoying the dancing with Clint so.

The Courtship Rituals of Asgardians and Super Spies (And Other Acts of Futility) by heathersdomain
WIP in which one evening, Fury gets a very unexpected visitor. Heimdall. Not only that, though. Heimdall is there to tell Fury something entirely unexpected. Heimdall is there for a very important reason. He's there to court Fury, the Asgardian warrior way ... What kind of warrior God would look at all of humanity and pick him, anyway? I've never been much into Fury and while I like Heimdall I hadn't read much with him either. But I liked the idea of this pairing and the story worked well for me. Interesting start and I hope for a continuation. Also interesting look into Fury's psyche. Interesting courtship rituals. And yes, Heimdall is pretty much any secret agency's nightmare ...

The Darkling Thrush by gwynhefar
The mission went bad. Bad as in Barton died. When Coulson comes back to his office, he finds the ghost of Clint Barton on his couch and he knows he has to let him go to the light. Only ... if Clint's a ghost, why does he use the door to leave? Phil is absurdly proud that his voice doesn t break because an apology is the least of what he wishes he could say to Clint. Lovely story, nice emotion and angst. Good lead up to why Phil acts so strange - and with a good explanation.

The Demon and the Librarian by Selenay
Coulson works as a librarian at the New York Central Library. There are books on magic there. In order to prove that you can't summon imps he performs a summoning ritual and gets ... a demon named Clint. And then he can't send him back. So now he's got a demon sleeping on his sofa. Later he brings him back to the museum and sets him on reshelving books. Will he be able to return him in the end? Will he even want to? Or will he even have a choice? A wicked, lush smile curved the man's lips and he prowled to the edge of the circle where he posed provocatively, hips tilted seductively, and banished all of Phil's doubts about his demon-ness by asking in a voice that almost purred, "Hello, Phil Coulson, how may I serve your wickedest wishes?" Interesting AU. I'd like to read more in this universe. Good dash of humor. Interesting how Clint's looks seems to conform to Phil's expectations. Good description of Clint as a demon - especially when angry. Heh for the running 'demons don't sleep' joke. Aww for Clint liking Terry Pratchett. Sadly I read this not long after Mr Pratchett's death, so the whole fixing of Mr Pratchett twisted my belly (and heart) a bit. Very sweet with Clint's tail seeking out Phil. Sigh for the problems Barney gets Clint into ...

The Dog Days Are Over by sirona
In his spare time Coulson has found time to write a romance novel. It's a great hit. Of course, he used a pseudonym. The problem is that he might have based some of the characters on actual people. Such as the gentleman thief, master archer Carter Bowles - and the middle aged, NYPD detective, Patrick Cane, who loves him. Will anyone figure it out? Throw in some sizzling sexual tension (thanks, Nick, dear God) and a dash of pining and enough snappy one-liners to capsize a forklift, and it wouldn t take a genius to get suspicious. I liked the set-up. And I know I would love to read that book, really I would! And as I enjoy writing myself I guess I automatically accept that Coulson would want to do it as well. Good descriptions of his characters (elsewhere too). Nice title for the book. I want to see the covers.

The First Time Phil Stayed by AdamantSteves
Phil never stays the night. Clint really wants him to, but Phil never does. What Clint doesn't know is that Phil is afraid that if he stays the night he'll fall even harder for Clint and it'll hurt so much more when Clint leaves him. Not to mention he's not a pretty sight in the morning, which he thinks will put Clint off. But what will really happen if Phil does stay the night? Even these last few months felt like borrowed time, as if Phil was the one who d put Clint under a spell and it would only take something to knock him on the head and Clint would realise he d made a mistake. Sweet story with a good dose of double angst, which I like. Nice how Clint catalogues Phil's faces. Heh for Coulson "Coulsonising".

The Four First Years by GreenQueenofClubs
Clint lives alone with his dog, a Corgi named Hood. Each Saturday Hood insists they go to he park. There they see another regular, one that Hood calls "Paper and Ink" and Clint calls "Suit Man". They never talk, though. Until one day. Will they have something to talk about? Maybe even a future? And what does Hood think of that? The dog jumped on the occasion to get petted, and proceeded to attempt climbing in Suit Man's lap, once in a while throwing smug looks at Clint, saying "Look what I have and you don't!" Nicely put together story, good weave of the different POVs and I liked the format of the four years and the four seasons. Especially the Hood POV is adorable, I'm very weak for such things. Aww for Clint throwing Hood off the bed in the beginning. Corgis are adorable. Sneaky Coulson (my favourite). Great with Clint saving poor Hood, also awww ... And awww also (yes, lots of awww) for Hood liking being on the leash because then Clint is leashed to Hood too. Very good feeling, especially for Hood and his devotion to Clint. Hot between Clint and Coulson. Aww for rattled Coulson when his family will visit. Cute with Hood and the cat. And I'm with Clint: the entire human race is impossible to understand. Sweet also with Hood and the Puppy.

The Fourth, the Fifth, The Minor Fall, The Major Lift by cakeisnotpie
When Loki stabs Coulson in the chest, Coulson dies. Except not really. Coulson isn't who he seems to be. Nor is Nat, Clint and Fury ... No one who met Clint would call him a conqueror, but he is Triumph, the survivor who keeps going no matter how bad things get. I like this view of them. Especially of Coulson. Good dash of humor, but also interesting possibilites. Nice pining.

The Gay Avenger by BonitaBreezy
Clint kisses Phil goodbye at a subway entrance. Someone takes a picture. Next they know he's toted on the news as the gay avenger and asked questions about his sexuality by the press. He s smart and he s quick on his feet, and when everyone else is running away from danger, you can guarantee that Clint will be running towards it, because he is loyal and brave and the very epitome of what an Avenger should be. Cute detail with Phil being excited by NYCC. Good on Steve standing up for Clint.

The Gift of Idunn by shell
So, Loki happened. Loki stole Clint, who killed Fury and Hill - and then Phil had to kill Clint. The citauri invaded and the Council nuked Manhattan, killing off all the other Avengers. And now Phil is the acting director of SHIELD. But in the weapon vault, Phil finds a strange device, which relocates him to another universe - a universe slightly different from his own (and more familiar to most readers). One important difference in this universe is that Clint wasn't together with Natasha: the Clint of this universe was married to one Phil Coulson, killed by Loki in battle. Now what? "No matter how many times Tony explains it to me, I just do not fucking get how there could be a universe out there where I don't fall in love with you." Interesting storyline, works well and nicely executed. Several nice details. Good voice for Phil, like how he allows himself timed grief. I especially liked the difficulties in integrating him - he wasn't just met with open arms as if the Phil of this universe had returned, their differences were well described and handled. Easily visualised story - and some rather nice images, at that. Heh for an alternative universe being a logical explanation. Poor Phil, for the guilt of what he had done, even if might not have had a choice. Aww for Steve bring him him cards. Another detail I liked was Thor's reply to Tony contradicting Thor's story of the apple: very good and suitable. Good use of Bucky. Good take on how in control Clint was while in Loki's thrall. Interesting turnaround point of their relationship. I liked the way Phil (and Clint) used the interrogation to gain information like in the movie with Natasha - good detail. Nice angst in the backstory with Coulson and the other world Clint.

The Knight Archer and the Steward by uofmdragon
AU in which Clint saves Prince Tony's life and are added to the royal army. Later he proves himself even more and in spite of his lowly birth he's made Knight Archer. Phil Coulson, the Steward, really likes him. And when it's announced that they shall wed, they're both sure the other doesn't really want them. "No, please, he doesn't need to be saddled with an old man like me," Phil said, shaking his head. Nice little AU. Good dashes of angst. I liked the way Clint was knighted - he's special and that is nice to have acknowledged.

The Long Dark Night That Follows by james
Clint has realised that the Avengers doesn't need him. So finally he has enough. He leaves everything behind and set out on a roadtrip. Possibly he should have told someone of him quitting. How will the Avengers react? And - more importantly - how will Coulson react? To which lengths is Coulson willing to go to get his archer back? And here was Coulson showing him that not only had he made a difference, but that someone had noticed. That was a bit silly, Clint. Of course they'd worry about you. Awww for Coulson working so hard to keep his archer. Cute end. Yes, must be a bit difficult for a "regular" guy to keep up with the Avengers - but of course they need him. Good humor - I really enjoyed the scene at the gas station when they all show up - that would have made for a lovely scene on-screen. Heh for Clint (probably wisely) keeping mum about the billing him for the costs-idea.

The lost art of flying by Signe_chan
Everyone is either a Submissive, a Dominant or a Neutral. Clint is a Submissive, even if he might not like it. He's made contact with SHIELD to join them. As a Submissive he needs to be assigned a Dominant. Coulson is the only Dominant with clearance within range and Clint goes with him. Only, Clint most recent Dominant is one of the major druglords in America and he's intent on getting Clint back. But if he went now he d always have this memory of Coulson like this, soft and gentle and maybe loving him a little bit. Interesting setting. Nice angst and emotion. I like the gradually building trust. Poor Clint. Several good lines. Badass Coulson is always interesting. For some reason I found it very, very sweet how Coulson offers Clint to keep the collar even if he leaves, for cover. Good on Clint for taking the shot when he did. I found it interesting the description of the dominant to have problems with their Dominance, it gives an interesting depth - and also gives good insight in Coulson's personality. Hot too and hopeful ending.

The Lucky Ones by torakowalski
Coulson and Barton has kept their relationship a secret from the Avengers (apart from Natasha, of course). So when the Hulk smash the wrong wall at the wrong time, the other Avengers are in for quite a surprise. But then Captain America is concerned for if the relationship has compromised Coulson. And Barton knows that if forced to chose, Coulson won't chose him. Or would he? I thought we were your dirty little secret, he says then wishes he d phrased that slightly less flippantly when Phil s face goes tight and dismayed. Good feeling, lovely little angst. Nice humor too, I especially liked how even the Hulk seems a bit taken aback by seeing Coulson and Barton together. Nice interaction with JARVIS too - and cute how Stark asks about his robots taking over the lab yet, that made me smile. Nice intimacy - but also hot sex. The plot point with Rogers worked well. Several good lines. Heh for Thor being impressed.

The Man in Interview C by Ralkana
AU in which Coulson's a detective and Clint's an exotic dancer who is taken to the precinct after an alteraction with a visitor to the strip club he works at. Phil's really attracted to him. His partner, Sitwell, is very amused. Phil tried very hard to pretend he wasn't watching Barton's ass as the man walked away, but judging by the muffled snickers from both Woo and Sitwell, he wasn't trying hard enough. Cute AU. Ended a bit suddenly, I'd have loved more. Good setup with Loki and the diplomatic immunity thing. I liked Tony in it - and Bucky.

The Marvel Fractions by Nonymous
Bruce comes by Clint's place to get help to retrieve a stolen laptop. Things go bad, but Bruce and Clint slowly get together, despite Clint not being attracted to men at all.Then Clint find out how many deaths are blamed on Hulk. He wants to make things better, but instead they get far worse - and it's all Clint's fault ... Can there be any type of future for them? You rode the Hulk into battle, boss. Interesting plot. I really enjoyed the interaction between Clint and Bruce - and Hulk. Nice combination between the movieverse and the Hawkeye comics. I really liked the not sexually interested but having sex anyway bit, that's a favorite of mine that I don't get often. Nice dash of humor. Yay for Bruce to the rescue. And awww for him using Clint's name as a mantra to remind himself of who's at stake. Jessica really treated Clint badly, but her loss. Good on Clint shooting Wolverine. Very visible scene when Clint and Hulk went together for the Sentry. Awww for Clint babbling about archery. Heh for Kingpin trying to hire Clint since Tony says he's an assassin. I really liked the arch with Betsy and Clint and his solution to the problem with her father. Strong and well written. Poor Clint, thinking people has abandoned him and all. I liked the description of the sensation when Clint got shot, well described and vivid. Nice with bringing back Kurt and the whole darkness reaching back to Clint gave me shivers. Again, vivid imaging for the teleportation. Their sexual dynamo fascinated me, especially the description of Clint giving Bruce the blowjobs after they got back together. Very strong and well described, interesting.

The Nesting Habits of the Wild North American Barton by sabinelagrande
Clint isn't a bird, but he still likes close, cosy nests where he's safe (though he's okay with Phil knowing where they are). But the Helicarrier is hell, as it has no good spaces at all for him. He can't sleep. But maybe Phil has a solution? Before he drifts off, he scoots forward and wraps his arms around Phil's legs, hugging the hell out of him; the typing stops, and just for a moment, Phil runs his fingers through Clint's hair. Very sweet story that made me smile. Awww-worthy. Good humor. Also good description of sleeplessness and how you feel when you've had too little sleep. Sweet of Phil to fix with Clint's kindle for him, even when Clint types his reports in Windings. Heh for Clint considering taking in to a hotel only to sleep in their closet. Awww for the future nestings too, very sweet. One of the universes I'd like to read more in.

The Point (aka The Blizzard, the Tie, and the Voice) by desert_neon (sproutgirl)
There's a blizzard and Clint's apartment doesn't have a generator. So he seeks shelter with Coulson. What he doesn't expect is for Coulson to have company. Male company. A man he has sex with. A man who he ties up in bed using a tie Clint gave him. A man with really nice biceps. A man who calls him sir. A man who even sounds a lot like Clint. So why doesn't he sleep with Clint instead? He called you sir in my voice and with my tie around his wrists. I liked Eli Staten. Nice that his voice fooled even Nate. Interesting OC, I had to look up if it was a crossover of something I'd like to check out. Poor Clint, but luckily it gave him a wakeup. Hot too. Bad boys in the end, teasing one another.

The Quiet of the Fall by gwynhefar
When Phil is about to die the only thing he regrets is not telling Clint that he loves him. When he doesn't die, he does tell Clint, only Clint at first refuses to believe he's serious. Clint eventually gives in. On the other hand, when they tell Clint that Phil is dead, Clint refuses to believe that too. This time, he prevails. Phil says nothing for a moment, just staring at this man standing in front of him who is trying so very hard not to look like he s about to have his heart ripped out - standing there waiting for Phil to tell him that he was right, that Phil hadn t been thinking clearly earlier, and to thank him for stopping them from making such a huge mistake, for being so very understanding about it all. Lovely angst and I like two-sided pining, so that was nice. Very good feeling. Several good lines. Also good assemble-fic. People well in character. I could easily visualise the scenes. Nice to see the Avengers to protective of Coulson. And I also liked Clint's dedication when he refuses to give up and keeps looking and the sudden way he finds what he was looking for. Aww, poor Clint, fearing he hallucinates and all. Strong when Phil hears Clint coming and thinks he still might be Loki's. Heh for Heimdall keeping an ear on them. Other nice dashes of humor too. Yay for the Avengers Declaration of Independence and Phil's reputation in SHIELD hitting legendary proportions. Fury had a reason and a plan, but I think he might have overreacted a bit. Interesting setup for the prequel story with the clone and all.

The Raven and The Hawk by sunryder
During a fight Clint finds himself without weapons, so he grabs the first thing he can get his hands on - Mjolnir. He intends to use it as a steady point to kick from. Instead Mjolnir lets itself be swung by him. Clint keeps quiet about it - but then something else happens. He gets a tattoo, which slowly grows. He hides it for as long as he can - and that was probably smart, as when he finally is forced to show it - a valkyria kidnaps him and takes him straight to Asgard. What is going on? He ran his thumb along that vulnerable tendon in your neck and up into the nape of your hair, and you gentled at it rather than tensed like any warrior s instinct might have insisted. Interesting, potent story with several interesting details and a good plot. I never got quite why Mjolnir let Clint lift it, even with everything considered, but I might have missed something and the story was good anyway. Aww for Clint intending to thank Mjolnir with hammer polish. Yay for the rumors of Coulson spreading in Asgard. I also liked the image of him yelling to Heimdall. And "the Tactitian" is a good name for him. Heh for Mjolnir liking to play with the robots. Good on Clint to give the Asgardian a piece of his mind regarding Odin. Mjolnir to Clint's rescue also made me smile. Good idea about the rune circles at the training grounds, also about the fights with the champions. Clint's fight with the Warrior's three was a thing of beauty. Earl Ryalt was a nice OC. Yay for Banner taking on Freya!

The Silver Age by copperbadge
AU set in the 60ies. When the Winter Soldier is to kill Howard Stark, Howard knocks him out. In SHIELD custody, he meets the hurricane that is Howard's son - Tony. Slowly the Soldier becomes Bucky - and loyal to the Starks. He and Tony grows closer. They find Steve in the ice, adopts Clint as a brother and picks up more friends. "You thought as soon as Steve was back I'd leave you," Bucky said, sounding....almost confused. I hadn't really thought about Bucky/Tony, but found this story through the Clint/Phil tag. They do work well together here. Interesting set-up, feels fresh and interesting. Nice inclusion of canon elements. Good feeling. Yay for Tony riding the Winter Soldier to freedom. Awww for Jarvis keeping Tony busy with various improvements, whether they are needed or not. The unfinished, ill Zola AI was eerie, very strong, poor program ... Several good details, like the emergency power-cut level in the garage. Dummy is very sweet. Cool with involving Phil's father. Cute with the confusion about Natasha's gender. I really liked the 'junk and scrap' codewords, nice touch. Aww also for Steve thinking he must be in Heaven when he hears Bucky's voice. Nice dash of angst. I love how they just picked Clint up, that made me smile. The Clint/Phil story was sweet - but interestingly made with the initial meeting and then the wait until Phil gets an eyeopener. Good voice and sass for Phil. We usually don't get much on Maria Stark in the stories, she was great character here: loved her in the Barney story. Good description of Clint's eyes. Oh, and the scene when they found Clint on his way to California was lovely. I hope for more in this universe.

The Small Sin Of Apathy by james
Phil gets a worrying phone call from Fury. Clint has been taken hostage by an alien and is under alien mind control. No, not Loki this time. But why does Fury seem so distracted when he reports of such an event? And why haven't the Avengers rescued their team mate yet? And mind-controlling humans a dozen times, aliens that use subtle persuasion and charm, three times in the last six months and humans who rely on charm to make us do whatever he wants -- every single day, and if we didn't have Steve to sit on him, we'd all be part of the Stark Army. Awww. Cute story. Nice feel and the image of the sloth/Prequllia and Clint made me smile. I did also like the details of Situation 1271 and the plotting of the other Avengers. Heh for Coulson blaming his use of 'hinky' on Clint. Good use of Thor. Go Stark Army!

The Smithsonian Guard by galerian_ash
Stan works as a guard at the Smithsonians. One day Steve Rogers come by to apologise for stealing his old uniform. Then Steve sees one of the regulars of the museum, a homeless that comes in often. Steve reacts strangely and convinces Stan to give the homeless man food, but to leave Steve out of it. The ruse continues, but Stan starts to like the young homeless man, Jimmy - and starts feeling bad about having hidden Steve's involvement. But why is Steve being so secretive? "Stan," he finally gets out, awed that Captain America wants to know his name. Stan is a lovely OC, I really like him. Warm and good and a wonderful way to view the boys from his view. Yay for Bucky to the rescue. Nice friendship. Sad with Marjorie. I really liked Stan's reaction to the arm.

The Sons of Coul by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel
Coulson is a cool, composed, professional badass. Phil is that too, but a lot more personable, with a smart-ass streak and politely friendly. Clint might have a crush on especially Phil. Until he sees Coulson with a wedding ring ... He is not the same person, Natasha said, the first time she saw Phil being awkward (somehow, Phil seemed never to have learned that you should never ever ask a woman if she s planning to take maternity leave unless she s actually told you for certain that she is pregnant). Nice dashes of both angst and humor. Poor Clint. Author mentions finding a similar story just prior to posting - always annoying when that happens, but some ideas are good enough to fit several stories. This is one of them. I've read another such story, which I also liked and have on my rec list, but that doesn't distract from this story.

The Strength of the Wolf by gwynhefar
WIP in which Clint is a lone wolf werewolf. That he is a werewolf is secret, but Phil, who is his handler, recognizes the sign. His sister is beta of the Louisiana pack. Will Clint flee when he realise that Phil knows - or will he finally find a pack of his own? Clint still doesn t believe he s worth it, but he s accepted Phil as Alpha now even if Phil isn t aware of that fact and it is an Alpha s job to take care of his Pack, just as it is the wolf s job to make that duty as easy as possible. Nice set-up. I hope for a continuation. I really enjoyed the Louisiana pack, very involving and warm. Awww for Clint and Phil and their little pack. I also liked the scenes from the different POVs: a device that often bores me in stories, but this was very nicely done, adding enjoyment of anticipation to the scenes. Phil good and complete as usual and as I like him. Makes me want to try gator meat, albeit a bit hard to get hold of in Sweden. Heh for sniperus interruptus. Interesting structure of the mythos for the werewolves. The puppies are very sweet, but I got a good feel for the entire pack. Several good lines. Aww for Clint sleeping in Phil's bed as his feet as a wolf. Heh for the bow shooting competition, highly amusing. Also aww for Phil letting Clint hit him with one of the Nerf arrows. One of my favorite bits were Karl hugging Clint, very warm.

The Tar Beneath Your Skin by Yarpfish
Venom is gone. Eddie is alone. So very alone. Then he finds some kids playing with a tiny black blob. Maybe he won't have to be alone after all. He didn t know how long he lay there on his side, brushing lightly again and again against the viscous black, cooing soothing whispers at it, but eventually one thin tendril loosened itself from the solid mass, slowly moving up to reach the pad of his finger with a feather of pressure. Awww, sweet story. Good emotion. Nice end. Nice descriptions too.

The Ultimate Kidfic of Ultimate Destiny by JHSC
At the circus, Clint's girlfriend gets pregnant. He gets shot and everyone believes he's dead. When he finally gets back in contact with Barney, his girlfriend is gone and he can't find her. He begins a new life and eventually joins SHIELD, where he takes in Natasha and meets up with Coulson. Slowly he builds a new family. Will he ever find out what happened to his former girlfriend - and the baby? Clint s jaw drops further, and the ability to speak English is completely erased from his brain, so when Phil s eyes start to shift from hopeful to wary, Clint decides to screw figuring out words, and leans forward to initiate that promised kiss. Long, nice read. Good building of Clint's family. I hope for more in this universe. Cute name for the series. To have Nat more like a daughter-figure to Clint worked well for me. I liked how Clint was "discovered" at the shooting club - and his solution to the problem with the sniper rifle. Oh, and I really liked Fury in this one. Clint's group of OC ladies was highly interesting and neat to read about without twigging the least to Mary Sues (which could have been a real danger with a less skilled author). I also enjoyed the bits about Nat and her first stay with SHIELD, well described. Several good details, such as Arthur. Lovely end to the first part. Good introduction of Phil before we "meet" him and then the gradual realization of that it is him. Heh for Ominous Silent Guard Number One and Ominous Silent Guard Number Two.

The virtues of kissing by syndelar
Clint has kissed all the Avengers and each was special. But the one that mattered so much Clint was terrified while kissing him, was Coulson. He wasn't terrified of Coulson; he was terrified of Coulson's reaction because Coulson was the only person Clint was serious about. Nicely done. I liked how typical each kiss is for the person he kisses. And while I almost never like het stuff, the Natasha one was hot too. Aww for Clint feeling safe with Steve. Thor was also a good one. But best of all, yes, of course, Coulson. Clint being so worried was adorable.

The Whole World Is Moving (And I'm Standing Still) by theladyingrey42
Phil Clarkson is not well. He has these headaches and compulsively folds paper cranes. While he doesn't remember all his dreams he dreams of being Phil Coulson. One day, Clint finds one of the cranes and realises that maybe Coulson isn't dead after all. But why would Fury go to all that trouble of keeping Coulson away from the team? And why does Coulson's vision sometimes flood with blue? He's careful to telegraph his movements he's reckless but he's not an idiot, and Phil is still a walking nuclear bomb as he gets all of his body up against all of Phil's. Imaginative, lovely story with many good details. Poor Phil. Aww-worthy and moving. Yay for Phil being a bad-ass even when he doesn't know who he is. Cute with him expecting an arrow, even though he doesn't know why. Good touch with the cranes, that worked well. Good use of Tony in this one. Good writing technique, nearly poetic in parts (without it being too much). Neat with Agent 13 (I know very little of the canon, so no clue there, but nice touch how Phil's subconscious tries to alert him). Vivid descriptions of Phil's powers. Strong story. I really like Super!Phil and this was very nice to read. Lovely angst. A universe I'd like to read more in. Good full circle with the coffee references. Lovely end, well formulated. Good dashes of humor too.

The Widest Golf by pagination
AU crossover with PG Wodehouse's Golf Stories in which The Oldest Member tells a young club member about the time he spent at a club in America. There he befriended a Phil Polton, scratch golfer, Natalie Rushland (a pippin in every sense of the word) and young Clint Tierce, who - shockingly! - claim to hate golf! Will they be able to teach Clint the error of his ways? American fashions are quite beyond me, but even in Long Island, purple and black sleeveless leather suits were hardly de rigueur. I decided charitably that he must have been playing tennis. I put nothing past tennis players. Lovely voice for the Oldest Member, great crossover. I really enjoyed the story told, where the story of the Avengers parts can be well read amongst the golfing. Highly amusing. Lovely showdown between Phil and Reginald. Very Coulson to take out a man with a golf ball.

The World Belongs To Me by saddle_tramp
AU in which Clint goes with his lover when Phil visits Stark. Clint and Tony goes well together and when Tony nearly kills himself, Clint and Phil are there to save him. From there a different Avenger team develops: a tight, loving family with Clint and Phil in the center. But Fury is not to be trusted and the road will have many surprises ahead. Tony hadn t had many close friends in his life before he met Clint, really just four that he didn t build himself, and knowing that he had Clint and Phil in his corner, both ready and willing to help him when he needed it, made his world a brighter place than it had been in a long time. Interesting universe, very nice to read in. Fresh feeling in the developments. I liked the hint of submission to Clint, though the way many characters felt necessary to catagorize it felt a bit blunt. Good dash of humor too. I really liked Jarvis' role in this one. Nice feel between Clint and Phil. Sad with Fury, but makes for a good story. Since Clint hadn't been fucked by a man before I would have liked to read more about that, but I'm kinky like that. Several good lines. Aww for Phil sleeping better with Clint's pillow in his arms. Sad with Rhody's attitude too, in the start. Neat with the Stark's Laws over Asimov's. Heh for War Machine's AI named Jeeves. Cute with the 'Lost Star' and Phil's eagerness on hearing of it. Lovely story with Steve - and heh for him finding Clint in the ducts, that made me smile. Very nice team spirit. Cute T-shirts too. I liked the info of Jarvis' backup systems, good detail. Yay for Steve being Fury's equal in authority during war, another great detail. I'm usually not much for threesomes, but Steve, Bruce and Tony was really nice together. Another good touch was letting Phil use the armour - lovely. Nice story line also with Bucky and I especially liked it being in non-sexual in nature, his bond with Steve, but Bucky still being accepting. Aww for Dummy adoring Phil.

They've Given You A Number And Taken Away Your Name by thatdamneddame
Agent Coulson isn't the original model. The team's sure he's not a clone or a fembot (if nothing else, he doesn't have the rack for it), but he's something, all right. Does Phil himself know? And how will Barton react when he finds out? He does not say, I know my neurologist used to work for SHIELD Robotics. Cute. I like alternative stories for Coulson's return and I liked this one. Something like that would actually have been cool in the show. Strong with the truth when they find him. Nice dashes of humor. I really liked how Clint took the news.

Three Times a Week by infiniteeight
Phil has a crush on his pizza delivery man, Clint. So he orders pizza three times a week. Will Clint figure things out? And, if so, how will he react? It s just a daydream, but it s a daydream that makes Phil pick up the phone and order more pizza, even though Monday s leftovers are still in the fridge. Poor Phil ... Well, good that he liked pizza in the first place ... And I know well how it is to at least dream from afar ... Sweet bit of angst.

Therapy Pet by blackchaps
Tony has PTSD from his kidnapping. To prove to the board he is dealing with this, he gets a pet - a human pet from the kill shelter, one that was about to be put down. His pet is a fighter, but once Tony takes him home, Clinton Francis Barton proves not so dangerous, at least not to Tony. Why is the pet so eager to avoid SHIELD agent Coulson, though? It d taken one hour for Tony to realize that his pet could not loom over the coffee pot like the harbinger of death for the rest of their lives. I'm usually not all that into dystropias and dehumanization, but this was nicely done. Interesting set-up, believable characters and good emotion. Good use of JARVIS. Nice dash of humor. Yay for Tony - and JARVIS - doing things to improve the situation for the pets. Cute with Clint-as-Lucky. Rhodey really acted like a dick - sad, that. Interesting with the adoption possibility. Heeeh for Clint pursuing Tony in the Bugatti.

These Issues of Mine (They Know How to Shine) by raiining
When Clint was old enough to consider going all the way, he had too much other things on his plate. And then he became an assassin - and sex was the furthest thing from his mind (not to mention likely to get him killed). Then Clint's recruited by SHIELD and at once falls in love with Coulson. Coulson shows no interest in him, though. Several years later, Clint's still in love with Coulson - and still a virgin. I realize that just because we share an orientation, that doesn t mean that you are attracted to me, Phil hurried to say, putting up both hands. Well-built argument why Clint wouldn't have had sex. Coulson was also understandable. Good dash of angst, nice misunderstandings. Very sweet. The latter bits felt somewhat summerized: they worked, but would also have been interesting to read more like scenes. Some very nice lines. Good feeling between Clint and Natasha too. Awww about Clint falling in love with Coulson's eyes. Hot too. I like the mutual discovery. Poor Clint for expecting to get blackbagged but good.

They're Homemade by AdamantSteve
Coulson brings homemade scones to the office for the new recruits. This is to make Phil seem even more trustworthy. That's the story he tells Clint anyway. He doesn't tell Clint that at HQ the scones are laced with chemicals designed to make people agreeable. Maybe it's just best to keep hiding it from Clint. But why does Clint think that the scones he gets now tastes different than before? If Clint suspected Phil of fucking with his mind even more than he already had, well, it wouldn t be over, but it would have to start from scratch. Again. Lovely dash of darkness, would be interesting to read more about. Nice hinting and I liked the twist at the end.

They're Not Called Barracks by AdamantSteve
Clint's hideously bad at flirting, using the crudest suggestions and most blatant gestures. Naturally, Phil doesn't believe he's serious. Clint, however, is quite serious. It takes Natasha to make Clint see the error of his ways and change his tactics. However, now Phil thinks he's completely uninterested and misses him. Will they be able to overcome their misunderstanding? Phil resolutely ignores him but doesn't do anything about it, because honestly - and it's pathetic - he likes it. I had some difficulties seeing Clint's behavior, but it's a different culture than mine. But other than that I enjoy such misunderstandings a lot and found their stumblings along quite sweet. Nice dash of angst.

They Say You Can't Put A Number On Love by torakowalski
Clint turns down an by all accounts attractive guy - and he does so in front of Tony. Tony can't resist trying to figure out what type Clint really likes. With JARVIS's help he runs an algorithm estimates to 65% that Clint's best match is ... Fury. Of course, that was after he corrrected the algorithm, since the first result gave a "ludicrus" 87% compability to Coulson. Was it really that ludicrus? I mean, Stark continues blithely, there s also a fifty-one percent chance that your ideal sexual partner is me, but I m at least fifty-one percent everyone s ideal sexual partner, so I discounted that. Cute. Made me smile, especially Clint pretending having been with Fury and grossing Tony out. Heh for Clint not secretly being an elf. Good humor.

Things I love by iloveitblue
Clint's shirt might not leave much to the imagination except for his tattoos. Phil catches sight of them and is fascinated. Clint lets him take a closer look. And there's one tattoo in particular that is very, very interesting, right over Clint's heart ... Whoever this asshole was, Phil s going to find him and make it clear never to hurt Clint, or there will be consequences. Phil is diplomatically immune in 36 countries, an ex-ranger, knows 138 ways to torture a man, and has a shovel in his car trunk. He s not above mentioning these to threaten someone. Sweet, but also amusing and even with a nice little angst. Heh for the pizza. Sweet misunderstanding.

Things SHIELD Never Told Captain America by tolieawake
A reporter asks Steve what he thinks about two men getting married - and he promptly runs off. They think he's homophobic. Is he? Bucky turned, face lighting up with a grin (which was nothing unusual), and the Cap smiled back in turn (also not unusual for those two, it was really depressing sometimes, when Tony was trying to mope, and they both lit up as soon as they saw each other). Sweet story that made me smile. I do enjoy when they have odd notions about Steve. Poor boys about the Dodgers. Good to have the fic from Tony's POV.

Things Unseen by scifigrl47
Scenes from how Steve learns more and more about Tony and the complex man he is: his relationship with his friends, his father and - of course - his bots. For an instant, a moment that froze the blood in his veins, Tony's mouth was still and cold beneath his, and Steve heard the soft, pleading noise that rattled in his throat. Some lovely scenes, with good humor, yet with strong emotions. Lots of aww-worthy moments, warmth and love. Many good lines. Nice look at their lives. Interesting take on why Steve let himself be experimented on. Yay for the lego building, especially at the end. Aww for Steve momentarily worrying about Tony giving Dummy away. Good descriptions of Tony. Interesting with the splinter in Tony's neck, the explanation (or maybe not) to this in a previous story. Sad about Howard, really, that he did all that and never got to see Steve again. TOASTERVERSE.

Think of All the Fellas I Haven't Kissed by chocobith
The holiday at SHIELD are always an adventure. Christmas is not for the faint of heart. Only the strong survive. Secret Santa is legendary. This year, Clint is Phil's secret santa and he's got him something very special. Barton hit all the items on Coulson s What I Want for Christmas List and what he wanted Santa to leave in his stocking. Amusing set-up with the holiday traditions of SHIELD. And lovely gift to Phil and with such pretty wrapping paper too. Cute with the declaration of Phil wanting Clint.

This is a title by iloveitblue
Phil and Clint were married when Phil died. When Clint finds Phil alive, he's obviously very happy. There's only one problem. Phil doesn't even remember him ... So forgive Clint if he s a little enthusiastic to finally get to touch his husband again - who is healthy, standing, and alive. Interesting set-up of a trophe I like. I like how logical Phil is about everything. Nice touch about Clint's guts.

This Is Not A Jane Austen Novel by raiining
At the circus, 16 year old Clint was a bit of a jackass. He might make out with a 7 or an 8, but he goes home with a 9 or a 10. So when a bland kid, a 5 or possibly a 6, ask to buy him a beer, he turns him down rather abruptly. Later, when he joins SHIELD, he meets the young man again. Now the man won't even sit at the same table as he. Coulson obviously hates him. Clint regrets this. And he regrets it more and more the more he gets to know Coulson. He falls in lust with him - and then, in love. And maybe Coulson doesn't quite hate him, but obviously any feelings Clint has for him is utterly doomed. Or are they ...? Clint realizes with blinding insight that he's hard in his pants, that he wants to drop to his knees and suck Coulson off through his slacks, that he wants to do one hundred and fifty thousand things, whatever it'll take, to put that look back on Coulson's face whenever he looks at Clint. Sweet angst with lovely misunderstandings. Very good emotion. Good built. Clint very sweet, once his outgrows his jackass-phase, especially when he squats at Coulson's place. I like the way his thoughts about the first meeting change over time. Good descriptions of Coulson's ability to blend in. Also of Loki and the aftershock of New York. I thought Howard Stark found the cube, not SHIELD? Aww for Coulson buying the sofa in hopes of luring Clint to his office.

This Isn t Bibibbity-Bobobbity-Boo by raiining
The Avengers fight a witch when she aims a curse at Clint. Only, Coulson intercepts the curse and gets hit himself. He's deaged to the age of eight. They find out that the curse will end in a couple of days - but they don't know what will happen to him then. He might be eight forever, he might age normally, he might regain his previous age or he might disappear completely. He attaches himself to Clint (not that Clint minds) and Clint has to prepare himself for all the possibilities, good and bad. If Phil s stuck as a child, though, Clint knows he will never give him up. Sweet. Young!Phil was very, very sweet. Sad with his childhood, but good that the Avengers showed him he has friends now. And also sweet that Clint will always be there for him. Good dash of humor, like the game of pin-the-eye-patch-on-the-Director. Nice dash of angst too. Not entirely sure why the arrows and the rest didn't change back.

This One Time in Shanghai by Eligh
Phil is taken by surprise when Clint suddenly has sex with him. It keeps happening. Which is all good and well. Then Phil starts having ... feelings ... What will happen then? In precisely none of these other worlds, negative spaces, or alternate realities, however, had he anticipated the possibility of one Clinton Barton (codename Hawkeye, a founding member of the Avengers Initiative, and current sometime asset of SHIELD) on his knees in a SHIELD safehouse, doing his level best to replace his body s imperative for oxygen with Phil s cock. Interesting set-up. Several great sentences, very vivid and well constructed. Made me smile several times. Good feeling, but also hot. Nice dash of angst too. Heh for Wilson.

This World or the Next by wintervioleteye
Coulson is under attack when his car turns out to be a sentient, alien life-form. In fact, Coulson's car is a mech that calls itself Hawkeye (or Clint). They strike up a friendship. But why does Hawkeye project as a very handsome, blue-eyed man? And then, one day disaster strikes ... Phil doesn t quite know when Hawkeye had become his car especially since the Acura technically belongs to SHIELD, but he s the one who drives the Acura through the car wash on Sundays and spends an hour with sleeves pushed up to his elbows buffing smooth metal until it shines. Interesting crossover. I did appreciate the image of Hawkeye surrounding Coulson so completely and his way of protecting him. Heh for Coulson initially automatically blaming Tony. Very visual story, I could envision this on screen. Awww for Coulson washing the car. Cute end. Nice humor and a dash of angst.

Three SHIELD Agents, a Desert Town, and Thirty-Two Averted Apocalypses by pathera
Sooner or later, all SHIELD agents over level 4 puts in time in Night Vale. Coulson hates Night Vale. Barton loves it. Later, much later when Night Vale has been shaken from their boots and the Avengers are in full swing, Carlsburg will be the codeword for when things have gone completely and irredeemably FUBAR, and the mention of the name will still make all three of them gnash their teeth. Good crossover, with suitable things happening in Night Vale, weaving in Clint and Phil in a very believable way. Amusing and well written. My favorite bit was the Steve Carlsburg hatret, that had me laughing out loud for real (which is rare for me). Several good quotes. Nice touch with the different looks of Cecil. Interesting narrative about Steve. Good end.

Through the Glass by dentalfloss
Clint is an Agent of SHIELD. He's loyal to SHIELD. Utterly loyal. Questionlessly loyal. Only what no one else knows is that Clint really is questionlessly loyal to SHIELD. Clint is unable to disobey orders given to him by a superior in SHIELD. He was captured by a SHIELD agent and brainwashed to obey orders, be loyal - and never let anyone know that he isn't there voluntarily. So Clint obeys everything ordered him to do by a superior SHIELD agent. Up to and including things like "Jump off the helicarrier!" Will anyone ever notice? And before then, what will Clint have been forced to do? Clint wasn't sure if Phil was putting this off for him, or because he needed a few more hours to get his own head around the idea that Clint literally belonged to SHIELD. To him. Highly interesting plot, very thoughtworthy, intense and satisfying. I would have loved more between him and Coulson, but I'm hopeful for a continuation. Good job involving the Avengers. The finding out felt natural, not contrieved, and overall works. As I read I underline interesting parts and this had a huge number of underlinings. I'd like to read more in this universe. Nice substories, with good arches that weave back to the main story very nicely. I did like the sudden disappearance of Warner. Things happen like that, and it forwarded the story. Good highlighting the differences between Warner and Coulson. Very visual story. Yay for Sitwell to the rescue, I liked that (and heh for Clint clinging to him like a koala). Lovely bit where Clint was captured, very stong with the use of his nails. Good use of Loki too. Well described Clint's conflict between the truth collor and his programming. Again, very nicely weaved story, beautifully put together. I also liked the cinema scene, that was cute and warm. Nearly painful when Clint couldn't go with the other Avengers and rescue. Awww for even JARVIS taking offence to when Clint can't help them. I nearly teared up at the painting thing. I'm not writing this lightly, but I'd love to see this as a movie. I really enjoyed Phil shooting at Warner's eagle. Good use of both doubling back and power of three (like with Settler), very nice. Heh for Fury's very much in character solution to the problem.

Throw Your Heart Over by blackchaps
After the battle of New York and Coulson's death, Barton has no future - except a cell at SHIELD. At least, so he thinks. So when Thor takes Loki to Asgard, Clint leaps - and is brought along. But Odin sees traces of the tesseract within him and imprisons him - with Loki. Luckily, Thor is there to keep an eye on him. Meanwhile, Coulson is getting better - and when he finds out what his sniper did, he won't be happy. A true grin stole over Coulson's face, and he licked his lower lip, knowing that this was the moment he'd waited years for, and he wasn't going to let it pass. "You're mine, Clint. Even Odin isn't going to stand in the way of that." Interesting look on Clint's thoughts after the battle. Yay for Phil badgering the gods to give in. I liked the sequences with Loki and Clint fighting and bickering - kinda sweet. And Clint getting a rep in Asgard - go Hawkeye! Aww for the bow he got there. Nice touch of Loki actually rescuing Clint. Some nice descriptions. Odin's a jerk, but he often are. Aww for Clint trying to play rock, paper and scissor with Loki. Cute with them all but inviting Clint to escape for play.

Throw Yourself at the Ground and Miss by cakeisnotpie
Earth is about to be invaded by a locust of alien bugs. The warning comes from the Phil Coulson of another universe, who saved that universe by locking himself out of it. That Phil Coulson - Philip James Coulson, Druid Prime of the Rowan River Growe, Left Hand of Lord Nicholas the Furious, and Knight of the Order of the Shield - is very different from this universe's Phil Coulson (believed dead on the Helicarrier). Clint falls for him - and the feeling is mutual. But the alien bugs are still coming - why? And How can they be stopped? Not-Phil, on the other hand, exuded danger, a man ready to react and handle whatever was thrown at him, and, damn that was hot as hell. Interesting idea with the other world Philip. Cool with the tattoos, both the use of them and the design - they sound very pretty. Good use of Clint's strengths. Nice dash of humor. Also interesting with the lack of horses in the other world. Awww for the poor bugs and their situation. But yay for this world's Coulson as well!

Trust Me by Siberianskys
Clint and Phil, how they get together, coping with Clint's past and with a good doze of Phil's family. Before, he had just been a body to use, but Phil touched him like he mattered. Warm, nice story. I hope for more parts. Interesting twist with the spy in Coulson's family. Nice angst too. Jamie is very sweet. Aww for Coulson suggesting Clint report him for sexual harrassments if he wanted to. Also sweet with Clint being so worried about Phil's family.

Thumpety thump thump by pollyrepeat
Coulson comes back from death. Sadly, he comes back as a snowman ... And it's very warm ... Will Clint be able to save him? He had the slightly glassy-eyed look of someone determined to power through an increasingly incomprehensible situation, and it was this -- and the way he put his palm flat against the freezer so the snowman could bump its stick-fingers against it, through the window -- that made Mya slide the gun back under the counter. Heh, a very unique Coulson-comes-back-story. But with good feeling. Poor Clint ... Sweet with him sitting with Phil in the freezer and Phil petting him. Good crack.

Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down carmenamatorium
Clint's at his room at SHIELD when Coulson appears. There was a spill at R&D, causing people to lower their inhibitions -and say anything that's on their minds. Coulson asks for Clint to gag him and tie him up. Not for sex, just so he won't do or say anything. Clint obeys and then he has to take care of Coulson until the drug wears off. Was Coulson's decision to go to Clint a wise one - or a very, very bad one? As if everything that he already knew of Phil wasn't enough to make him want him so badly it nearly hurts, this afternoon may have been a tipping point from want into love. Good plot. Great emotion and nice angst. I like the care Clint showed with Coulson, very warm and dedicated. Nice details about the SHIELD house rules, the "gossiping" thing, Coulson's feet and so on. Hot too. I liked the description of Coulson as a badass.

Time Travelin' Clint by epeeblade
Hydra sends agents back in time to kill Coulson. SHIELD sends Clint back to save him. It's 1979 and Phil's taking a girl to prom, when a handsome stranger tells him to come with him if he wants to live. Several years later, Phil Coulson meets Clint Barton for the first time again. Clint followed Phil out to 'debrief' and it wasn't until they reached the secured corridor of the Hydra base that Clint dug into his pocket and pulled out the extra set of Captain America cards that he was able to obtain in 1979. Well set-up time travelling. Good emotion. Good views on both of them, especially young!Phil still being sharp and obviously material for the man he will become, and their interaction. Good angst. I liked how Clint used Captain America references to explain to Phil. Aww for Clint getting him the cards ... Very Coulson to have money available for Clint. Aww also for Clint not letting Phil give his nicely prepared speech. Nice parallell stories.

To the Dogs by Saone
Phil's walking towards his office, lunch pizza in hand, when he's attacked. By a dog that eats his pizza. The dog has a leash, but no owner attached. Phil takes the dog to his office and his crew finds its owner. Who is gorgeous. And who wants to take Phil to eat to make up to him. Should Phil accept? This hot guy, with the gorgeous eyes and a soft spot for strange dogs, wants to take him - him - out for lunch. Why the hell is he saying no to something like that? Cute. I liked the description of Phil's crew and how they work together. And how Phil almost talks them out of lunch.

Touch by Ruquas
Clint know he's not worthy of Coulson. But he wishes Coulson would use him, just once, so he would know how it would feel like. Good boys are only allowed in bed if they earned it, the voice in his head droned. A bit chilling in part, but strong emotions and interesting. And we know Phil won't abuse Clint and that all will end well, so that is ok. Good angst.

Trepidation of the Spheres (Little House on the Space Prairie) by Laura Kaye (laurakaye) and Vylla
WIP AU set in the future. Clint Barton lives on Earth with the Black Widow, Natasha. When they find out that Clint's brother has sold Clint's services to the mob, they need to ge Clint away from Earth. They look into various offers from men and women who live on faraway planets and are looking for spouses or companions. Clint is intrigues by one offer in particular, the one from widower Phil Coulson, who lives on Stark's World with his two daughters: Katie and Skye. Soon Clint travels to meet them and it isn't long before he wants nothing more than to stay with the little family - forever. But will Coulson still want him to stay if he knows all his secrets? "I have a family," he whispered. "I have you." "And you will have me still, should you marry a hundred people with a thousand children," she said. Lovely worldbuilding with a great deal of details and very nice emotion. Highly enjoyable. I'm sad it seems abandoned. Interesting with the differences between Earth and Stark's World. Also what has happened on Earth. Nice bits of angst too. Very imaginative. So sweet with Uncle Tony and Aunt Peggy and Uncle Steve. I like Clint and Natasha's devotion to one another. Poor Clint on meeting Steve and Peggy. Lovely poems, I would have loved to read more of them. It can t be done! The people cried. There s no way to be saved! But the valiant ship America would shield us to the grave. - so beautiful. Such nice house with all the settings - that I would want! Heh for how Phil met Fury for the first time. Wade in very good shape. Cool (if scary) with the acid wolves. Very strong, visual scene with the acid wolf and Katie.

Trick or Treat by morganoconner
It's Halloween. Phil and Clint are giving out candy. There are many children dressed up as Avengers (and Clint gives extra to the Hawkeyes). But things are winding down and Phil has just promised Clint the reminder of the candy, when there's one lone straggler. A small boy dressed in a suit. He's the "'Vengers person". "The 'Vengers would never win if it wasn't for their person, and he takes care of 'em and stuff." Awww ... Adorable. So sweet with the boy! And yes, jackpot on the candy, kid!

Triskelion by windsweptfic
Loki sees Clint and for some reason starts to act even stranger than usual. Then Bullseye challenges Clint to a deadly duel on who is the best marksman. Suddenly Loki's interest grows even more intense and he honestly seems to want to protect Clint. What is the trickster God up to? A very, very old story is revealed. The fact that he's facing down a Norse god doesn't matter at all to him, and Clint would be cooing over his awesomeness if he was actually physically able to do so. Nice technical division of the story with the start of each chapter. Fresh story. I like the addition to the Norse myths. Interesting that his sons was also used to bind Loki; which in a way also fits this too, if not by spilled blood. Kinda sweet hos Loki listens to Clint talking about Phil and one can only wonder how Loki would have reacted if he had not found Coulson worthy of Clint. As a Swede I say that Loki is welcome here, but, yes, mostly in passing. Nice feeling between Clint and Phil, domestic even with the extra comm device. Funny with the arrows Loki gave Clint. Cute end.

Trump Card by infiniteeight
When an omega go into heat they emit a scent that drives alphas mad with desire. Well, everyone's a bit different and most omegas attract only some alphas. Clint's special, though: his scent doesn't attract alphas: it repels them. That's why he never went into a relationship with Coulson, because once an alpha scents his heat smell, they never look at him the same - and he never wants Coulson to look at him with loathing. So he spends his heats in isolation. Until a mission with the Avengers fucks up his heat cycle and Coulson walks in on him. Now what? Phil growls again and takes a step toward Clint and oh God, Phil's so hard he's tenting his pants, just from catching Clint's scent. Good, fresh take on the ABO thing, works well. Hot too. Nice angst and poor Clint ... I liked the end. Interesting with the lure of the near-rape fantasies.

Turning Inwards by Signe_chan
Just because Clint might jerk a guy off now and then, he certainly isn't gay. He refuses to let Coulson kiss him. But then Coulson dies, so it's a moot point anyway. But then Steve comes out as bi and if Steve can be a bit gay, well ... maybe Clint could be a bit gay too. But Coulson's still dead, so it doesn't matter. But then Coulson isn't as dead as they all thought ... I...I think that maybe I m a bit in love with you and don t worry, I get that you wouldn t want me because, seriously, I m just a bag of issues and I need to sort my shit out but I ve never even kissed a guy before and if you want I d really like my first to be you. I enjoy internalized homophobia and such revelations. I really enjoyed this one, nicely made. And kudos to the guy who dared to ask Captain America on a date. Nice end. Yay for Steve on Twitter - he'd be great. Clint's sweet in denial. I liked how he went to the gay club, but came home unkissed. I'm a bit base that way, so I would have liked to find out what Clint thought about a guy's dick in his ass in the end, but the story is complete without it.

Two O'Clock and All Filters are Down by infiniteeight
Two o'clock in the night. Phil is going to the kitchen of the Avengers Tower, when he overhears Clint voice something unexpected - he misses sucking cock. Phil has a cock and, incidentally, misses having it sucked. Maybe they could help each other out? "But I can give you a blow job first, right?" Clint asks, and he looks so hopeful that a thrill goes through Phil, because he doesn't think anyone has ever wanted to suck his cock that much. The unexpected statement from Clint made me laugh out loud, which I very seldom do, so it's appreciated. Poor Phil, walking into a wall. Fully understandable. Good humor. Hot too. I find it especially sweet how Clint's compliment leaves Phil speechless, awww ... And how Clint really does seem to enjoy pleasuring Phil.

Under Paper Skies by InterruptingDinosaur
AU in which Bucky gets stranded in an airport. Two things happen to him. He picks up a really great book, Captain America by S. Grant Rogers (a very private man, who has never appeared in person anywhere or even photographed). Also, he meets this tall, blond man. They get together, but Bucky has to leave urgently and he never even get the man's name. Later he writes the author of the book on a whim, only to have the man answer him. They strike up a friendship. How will this end? Steve took a moment to calm himself, and tried not to make it obvious that he was watching him out of the corner of his eye, but became excited again when Steve noticed that the guy was reading his book! I'm normally not that into AUs, but this was a nice read. I liked these versions of Steve and Bucky and they went well together. Poor Bucky. It would be nice to read the books too. Cute with the name game. I liked Coulson's role in the fic. And cute with Clint's Coffee Pot.

Under Wraps by infiniteeight
Thor wasn't the first alien humanity had contact with in modern time. March 1961 was the first time, but it was decided that humanity was not ready to know about alien life. So MIB took it upon themselves to preserve the secret. Nine weeks after New York Clint's security grade is upgraded to level 7. He learns that Coulson isn't dead. Not due to Tahiti or alien technology or Aesir power, but due to the simple fact that Coulson's vital organs aren't located in the same place as a human's. Coulson is on loan from MIB to SHIELD. Coulson isn't human at all. He's still interested in getting together with Clint. Will Clint be able to cope with Coulson's very interesting differences? Shivering, Clint hung onto Phil as the tentacles that had been stroking his back moved up to caress the sensitive skin at the nape of his neck even as the other two slithered down the crease of his ass and nudged inwards. Cool idea, nicely done. I enjoy both "alternative fix-its" and stories in which Coulson is different, so this was a treat. Very hot too. Nice of Fury to drop hints to Clint. Visual story. Nice dash of angst. Heh for Coulson being better at appearing utterly average than Clint gave him credit for. Good description and use of Coulson's appendages.

Unlimited Talk and Text by sabinelagrande
Phil's trying to buy a new futon and now people are texting him about that. Then someone texts him - and instead of sending him a picture of a couch they send him one of a dick. They start sexting. But who is it really who is texting him - and why did they send him the sexy picture in the first place? Do you just randomly sext with anybody who sends you their dick?? Amusing misunderstanding. Tsk, tsk, Phil - and poor Clint. But it seems to work out in the end.

unpaved road of good intentions by hoosierbitch
How Clint met Phil - and, in the sequel - hos Clint met Natasha. The meetings might not go all that well (Phil gives Clint a choice between prison or SHIELD and Clint is going to kill Natasha) and they have a rocky road ahead, but hopefully they will turn out well in the end. There are two reasons that Barton must have come up with, as he went through his birthday, waiting for someone for Phil to say something about it: either everyone had forgotten, or they d known and done nothing. Interesting story with good emotion and angst. Amusing too. I liked Coulson in this one, even checking over his job description to see what he needs to do - and having not having to wear uniforms in his contract, go Coulson! But poor Clint, especially with the birthday thing. Heh for the army guys Clint visits trying to recruit him when they see him shoot. I liked hints of Coulson being very dangerous. Heh also for Clint talking to/threatening Fury. Normally I read slash, but I equally enjoyed the story with Clint and Natasha, as it showed a lot of interesting details about the characters and I like this Natascha. Strong with the offer Clint makes. Coulson having pictures of people he wants to kill also amused me.

Valhalla Blues by PlotDothOh
Coulson's in a loving relationship with Clint. Then Loki happens. Coulson dies - and goes to Valhalla. Where heroes and warriors drink and feast and fight all day - day after day after day, for all eternity. Not just those who die in battle, but all worthy. So while it might not be Phil's idea of a perfect heaven, he knows at least that Clint and their friends will join him eventually and all will be well. Except ... something is rotten in Valhalla. People doesn't care about the loved ones they left behind - and don't care when said people die and do come to Valhalla either! Phil sets out to make things right - with unexpected, worldchanging results. In a sudden and atypical display of passion, he adds, "And I would burn the branches of Yggdrasil, tear apart Valhalla brick by brick, and go to war against the gods themselves, to get him back." Very interesting world, neat adventure with Valhalla and a very inventive story that kept me guessing and entertained. Good feelings between Clint and Phil. Interest description of the process of dying. Good dashes of humor, like the Top Secret String Quartet and the Babel fish reference. I liked the image of Valhalla, apart from the Lethe. Really neat with the Source. Nice OCs. Good trial with classic set-up and execution. Very good use of Peggy. Neat detail with the adoption. Good solution for the Valhalla problem and all very fitting. Several good descriptions. Heeh for the Goddess of Small Firearms and Reasoned Insubordination. I liked the ending. Poor Thor trying to explain to the Avengers that Valhalla is actually real.

Waiting at the Hub by eeyore9990
Clint starts to realise that something is terribly wrong with SHIELD. The final drop is seeing one of the merchs he worked with together with Loki at the base. He runs to the one person he trust above all others. What will Coulson say? But then Phil steps off his super-duper awesome jet beside some guy in a black leather jacket and really? REALLY? and Clint goes calm and quiet because it really sucks to get replaced by a younger, prettier boytoy. Silly Clint, Ward's so not prettier than you. But Clint jealous over him is oh so sweet. Don't you worry, Clint, you're the best sniper for Coulson. And poor Clint taking to the vent for not trusting his co-workers. And Coulson fussing with his hair when Clint's coming to them is just awww .... Some good descriptions.

Washed Ashore by Kathar
Phil Coulson has worked for 15 years as a keeper of North Bar, an island, minding the island and his chicken. One day his dog, Lucky, finds a man washed ashore. It's the Avenger, Clint Barton, who has been reported missing and believed to have betrayed SHIELD. They hit it off very well. They must now prove Clint's innocence. In the process they infiltrate SHIELD and the Avengers and aquire a slew of helpers. Also, chicken. If Clint s disappearance had created the cracks in the Avengers, it was his absence that was widening them. Good, very long read with an interesting, fresh plot, plenty of details, nice OCs and unexpected turns. Many good lines and descriptions. Good humor too. Nice full circle with Lucky's POV at the beginning and end. Very warm description of the town and its citizens. Heh for the jellyfish in Clint's trousers. Heh also for Kate defending Hawkeye ... I liked Tasha the chicken - and the other chickens too. Phil still very much Phil. Nice touch with him knowing Fury - and Blake. I really liked the bit with Clint stopping Steve from taking down SHIELD, several good points. Good use of Hand and setting up Ward, strong scene. I also liked them leaving Bruce with the chickens, sounds smart. Very interesting hack of JARVIS. And I found it sweet how Natasha invokes the luck of Clint. Several other details too. Like all the chickens named after Steve. I liked Steve in this one.

We'll Cross That Bridge When We Get To It by rubygirl29
Clint is captured and held in isolation for a couple of months. He isn't seriously hurt, but once SHIELD rescues him, he's developed a case of eremophobia (fear of loneliness). Luckily, Coulson doesn't mind having him around. His expression, half-hopeful, half-embarrassed, makes Phil's chest hurt. Interesting idea with the phobia. A bit sweet too, I liked it. Aww for them sleeping together, even if mostly platonically, I liked that.

What Are Friends For? by Saone
Phil goes to Fury to cash in one of the favors Fury owes him. Phil wants something, badly. He wants Clint Barton. Will Fury give the Archer to Phil? But I don't want to hear about it, and I don't want to see it, and if he decides to use you as a pin cushion I reserve the right to say I told you so. Very cute. I liked the insights to Phil's enjoyment of his reputation. And Phil and Fury bickering over the favor owed. Heh for even Fury admiring Clint's ass - but a mighty fine ass it is. Good humor - I liked the detail of Phil's imaginary boyfriend.

What Heroes Are Made Of by cynatnite
Clint and Phil are on a stroll in Central Park, when a young girl in distress requests the help of an Avenger. Would you tie my shoe? Cute story that made me smile. Aww ...

What Never Happened by cynatnite
Leo takes Jed to one of those meetings that never happened. Jed learns that FBI agent Mike Casper is really a SHIELD agent named Phil Coulson. They need the president's help in order to rescue one of the men who helped rescue Zoey Bartlet - one Clint Barton. Jed also learns that Phil Coulson loves Clint Barton. And when Clint doesn't want to come to Mike Casper's retirement party Jed decides to do something about it. Mr. President, I need you to come with me for a meeting that s not going to have ever happened. West Wing is one of my favourite shows, so it's always a treat to find a nice crossover to one of my favourite pairings, Clint and Phil. Nice humor. Good backstory why SHIELD works on US soil. Nice blend of the universes. Heh for the most covert White House dinner in history. I liked Jed knowing about bows and just being able to talk to Clint about them. Aww for the pressie they got Phil - and I like Toby being a fan too. Interesting end.

What would you call this, then? by manekineko77
Barton's Farm, where Clint Barton lives happily with his wife and children, gets a very unexpected visitor - Clint Barton. The Clint Barton of another universe, where he is married to one Phil Coulson. How will the two Clints react to one another? He's playing a gracious host now, but his own weapon is still across his lap (the shotgun was the closest to hand, so sue him) and his pulse still hasn't calmed down from the hammering caused by hearing Coop's querulous "Daddy?" and running out to find him frozenly staring at the uniformed man with his father's face and half-strung bow. Ultron really did a number on us. I did like the Barton farm and Clint's life - at least in some ways, apart from hating it utterly from a slashers point of view. This was a nice solution to that problem. Both Clints are nice and I like that they are both happy in their own ways. I really enjoyed the bit about sacrifice to become Director of SHIELD - very nice touch.

Whatever You Need by knittyknicker
Tony is given a rather odd mission - to hire a male escort. Things makes more sense when the escort turns out to be Loki. As a punishment Loki was given to the Chitauri - who tortured, burned the magic out of him and brainwashed him. He's now convinced he's not fit to rule or to do anything but serve. Tony hires him as a consultant and he falls into a relationship with Tony and Steve. What will Thor think of all this? And what will Oden? For a while they are silent, and just as sleep drags Tony under, he hears Loki murmur, So that's what it feels like to make love, and just like that, sleep is a distant memory. I rarely go for threesome stories, but the twin strengths of Tony and Steve gave a good balance for Loki. I also liked the story idea, which felt fresh, and it has several good details. Sounds like something Oden would do. I didn't quite get how Loki managed to fool the monitoring equipment with Adventure Time without magic, but he's most resourceful - or was it Tony? Nice with Phil knowing his norse mythology (I'm ever so slightly home proud of it). Tony's defence speech was epic, yay for the return of the merchant of death. Yay for Phil saving the day. And yay also for Thor taking a stand, I liked him in this one.

When I feel down, I want you above me by lanyon
Steve has trouble speaking to women, so Tony suggests he calls a phone sex line. He does, and it goes very well. Maxing out his elite credit card well. But when talking is no longer enough (and the card is maxed out anyway). Steve is in for a real surprise. Who is this Yakov person he has been speaking to really? There are a million reasons why Steve should give a fake name and most of them begin and end with national security . Poor Steve. Poor SHIELD Accounts too. But it worked out in the end, so that's nice. Aww for Steve asking if Visa would work. I liked how Bucky just woke up somewhere and made the best of the situation.

When I Smile, I'm Not Smiling At You by raiining
Phil was in a bad marriage. The guy he was married to cheated on him and then left him. At first he doesn't like Clint at all (as Clint has to rescue him when he slips up while undercover). But later on they are forced to go undercover as a couple and secrets are revealed and maybe Clint's not so bad after all ... Any man who's lucky enough to spend ten minutes with you, to marry you, had better know how fucking lucky they are, Barton goes on, as they reach the bar. And that ass-hole clearly didn't. Interesting backstory with the ex. I'm glad David got what was coming to him. Poor Clint with Phil not liking him at first. Good on him for setting David up, though, very smooth.

When Your Heart Beats (Next To Mine) by SomeoneElsesDream
A villain transforms Clint to a woman. The change might be permanent. How will Clint cope and will Phil still want him in his new body? You are still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Phil assures him, tracing one finger from Clint s sternum to his belly button, watching his face for any sign of discomfort. A nice version of this thrope. I found Clint's adaption realistic for him, better than most of this type of transformation stories. The hug scene with Steve was lovely - I rarely like touching people, much less hugging, but I could so imagine the absolute security and warmth and had they been real I'd be so jealous of Clint. Good development and end. Sweet with Steve worrying about Clint. Yay for Clint playing Tony and heh for Tony rolling with the not really understand what he was doing feeling. Nice dashes of angst. Several good lines. And yes, they could so rule a country together.

Where I Intended to Be by uofmdragon
After their divorce Bobbi found out she was pregnant. She had Clint's son, Francis. Later she died, so now Clint is on leave to take care of his son. Phil lets them stay at his place. There's nothing between them (apart from pining) - but then Coulson's mother and sister drops by unexpectedly. They invite Clint with Phil home for Christmas - and when they come there they realise that the family think Clint's Phil's boyfriend. They don't correct them and there's Christmas to celebrate at the Coulson home. "Good, because I thought I was going crazy, but Uncle Phil totally brought Hawkeye home with him and " I really enjoyed Coulson's family, with their fractions and intrigues. Francis is really sweet too and I enjoyed the interaction between Clint and Phil. Heh for Clint taking Francis trick or treating at SHIELD HQ. I liked Warner, especially. Sad (but interesting) story with Uncle Gerald. Heh for the married in being "outlaws". I liked the idea of Santa Sacks, interesting tradition. Cute end.

Who We Are Again by cleo4u2
Steve wants to live his own life. So he leaves the Avengers and disguises himself and turn into some quite different - Jake Jensen of The Losers. And then Cougar arrives and Jake falls for him. Only then there's Bolivia ... and Max ... Will The Losers - and, most importantly, Cougar - realize that Jake is not quite whom he seems to be - and how will they react if they do? Every fiber of his being wished Bucky had never been taken by Hydra, but it was satisfying to know the Winter Soldier would be coming for Max. Interesting crossover. It took me a while to see Steve-as-Jensen, but other than that it was quite interesting. Good emotions, nice dash of angst. Cute with Jess being Peggy's granddaughter. I liked the sight lines thing. And the fact about cats and big cats - I have no idea if it is true, but it sounds great! Very strong with the shooting in the head thing. Good detail with the tracker too. And a good way to end Max.

Who you gonn call? by iloveitblue
Fusion in which Bruce, Clint and Tony are the Ghostbusters. Phil, having long admired Bruce, applies to the post of their secretary. Clint really approves ... My name s Clint but you can call me yours. Cute story. I read it just after having seen the latest Ghostbuster movie, so this really amused me. Not sure if the title is just a spelling mistake or some joke I don't get. Awww for Clint, he's very ... Clint.

Will of Iron, Heart of Glass by sororexitium
There's a pattern of six in the Avenger's mansion: six seats, six armchairs, six bedrooms. But there's only five members. When Steve is woken from the ice, Tony Stark has been dead for two years. When Steve finds out that Howard had a son, Steve feels strangely cheated. One day, JARVIS lets Steve into an unused workshop - where Steve meets a sub-program of JARVIS, based on Tony Stark. Steve calls the program Anthony. And slowly, Steve falls in love with the computer simulation. A truly tragic love story ... but is it really, truly doomed? Making love to Steve that night is possibly the best they ve ever done as he whispers, Captain Stark, in Steve s ear, and listens to the way it never sounds old. I read mainly Barton/Coulson, letting other pairings come as they may around my boys. This was a lovely find. The Barton/Coulson part works well, but the Steve/Tony is lovely. Fresh plot, well written by an author not afraid to let a good story take the space it needs. Several good lines and a nice read. Strong in parts, thoughtworthy. Great use of Thor, I really liked him in this one. Good sense of humor. Several neat details, like the on-going doubt of Thor's speech pattern, Coulson's chicken noodle soup, Clint going cake "shopping" and Coulson officiating. Aww for Thor giving Clint a piggy-back ride, I'd love to see that. Nice mirror story. Nice report between Tony and JARVIS, when Tony contacted JARVIS again I literally went aww ...

With Drums and Guns by lzg
Jokes about robots and aliens aside, Coulson was actually born from a human woman. However, no one said she was a common woman. Coulson's the son of British wet work sharpshooter specialist, Victoria Winslow, of R.E.D.. Boy is Clint surprised when he meets his in-laws. And Fury might have committed the mistake of his life when he declares Victoria's little boy dead after the chitauri invasion ... It had been something to see: Victoria's gentle correction of her last name to Winslow instead of Coulson, and the instant that Clint had connected the gracious lady in front of him with the legendary CIA/MI6 sniper. Great idea for a crossover. I could really see this. Nicely woven story between the timelines and keeping the tension despite a good amount of humor. Interesting hint of Fury's family situation as well. I liked the reference to Clint as "his" (Phil's) archer, cute. I liked the involving of all of the R.E.D. team, not just Phil's parents. Poor Clint ... Aww for Clint thinking they might kill him after Phil's "death". Yay for Sarah, very cool. I really enjoyed the sub story with Ivan and the Red Room, that was very neat.

Wizard and Deathless by MiladyDragon
There are three kinds of wizards: Great, Cardinal and Void. Each of them has their own dragon. Phil Coulson's parents were delighted when their son turned out to be a wizard - but when they realized that he was a Void they considered him evil and so he turned out evil. In fact, Phil Coulson was known as The Dark One, feared across the land as the darkest wizard. Until Loki took the Hawk, the elf archer. The Dark One went up against Loki - and was killed by him. The void brought Phil Coulson back. He then found Daisy, a young Cardinal, and raised her as his daughter. "I would have given the world to have a second chance with you." Epic series with lovely world building, well in par with some of the best fantasy book series I know. Great way of bringing more fandoms in. The dragons are adorable, especially Professor and Turbo - and Lola, of course! And Lucky, mustn't forget Lucky! And Happy ... I'm mostly into Phil and Clint myself, but I look forward to more on Steve and Bucky. And more in general from this universe, as well.

Work it by James
There's a difficulty in getting Barton to do his paper work. Finally Coulson locks him in his office and threatens Barton's bow. The thing is, Clint doesn't have as much problem with paperwork as he has with his fantasies about getting fucked over a desk by a man in a suit. Coulson hovering does not help. Clint's behind the desk and there are all the trappings of a normal office and every fantasy he's ever given himself to indulge, because you pick the one thing you know you can't have and you let yourself pretend, and fantasies fill in the blank spaces where there is no chance (no hope) of reality coming in to crash the party and ruin things. Cute with Clint's fantasies - hot too. And I did like Coulson threathening Clint's bow - very effective, very Coulson.

World Beyond Repair by sanidine
WIP in which the Apocalypse happened. It was a weird one. Things changed - and then it got even weirder. 10 years later Clint is traded as a slave for a map. Coulson drives past and wants to help him - only Clint thinks Phil and his friends are cannibals and are going to hurt him and eat him. Not a great start. Clint knew he had to find a way to convince Phil that he was worth keeping alive, even though Phil wouldn't have to worry about getting his money's worth since he had bought Clint for the sum total of a grin and a bunch of threats. Highly interesting, fresh story. Dark in places, but it works well. Very imaginative. Id' love to read more in this universe. Poor Clint ... Nice dashes of humor too. The protective trees were a nice touch. The woolies sounds cute.

You ain't seen nothing like me yet by sirona
So, Phil died and they brought him back. Only, they didn't quite succeed. Not at first. At first they brought back a husk, laying there with no will or purpose. Finally they petitioned Asgard - and Frigga came. The goddess of birth and family could change his severed destiny. But to do so, she needed quantum. And Nat gave up her pain and Clint, well ... Clint gave up something even greater - his power to fall in love again. But maybe, just maybe, the sacrifices are worth what they get back? It s just he has a finely-tuned sense of premonition, and right now it s jumping up and down and pinwheeling its arms. Interesting plot. Good angst and very nice solution. I liked the look into Phil's mind. Poor Phil ...

You Are Fried Chicken by giddytf2
Clint and Phil is out walking, when a car comes at them. Clint shoves Phil out of the way, but is struck himself. At the hospital he's drugged and tells Coulson some things he never would say otherwise. Like how Coulson is all things good in Clint's life - like fried chicken. How will Phil react? And what will Clint when he realises what he's said? Just a taste will do, even for life, if he can never have the whole wild, unbelievable, arrogant, gorgeous, perfect buffet that is Clint Francis Barton. Sweet. Several good ways for Clint to express his feelings. Feel good story. Nice humor. Yes, we should all always have fried chicken in our lives (or the vegetarian equivalence). I really liked the 'I like you too. A lot. A lot like twenty blue whales in a fish tank' - that made me smile.

You are sure to find (If you walk long enough) by Spylace
Bucky is minding his own business, when he's adopted by a pretty, brown cat, Mishka. Who brings a friend, then a third cat with three kittens. He finally realises he can't take care of them in his current state, so he goes to take them to someone who could - Steve. It chatted up a storm and he imagined it was telling him about the fellow strays in the neighborhood, the best place to catch sunlight, the pigeons it had stalked and missed. Adorable cats, but Bucky's very cute too. Aww for him getting lost and Tony to the rescue. I liked how Bucky handled the names of the cats. Awww for Bucky trending as homeless cat guy.

You drew your grave on every single map by smaragdbird
Coulson's been kidnapped. Sadly, he knows he's expendable. No one will come for him. He will die there. But is that really the case? It made him feel just a little bit giddy when Steve Rogers smiled proudly at him and then his lips quirked into an ironic smile and he said, I watched you sleep, too now. Awww ... insecure Coulson is cute. Poor Phil ... Very nice with all of them involved, Hulk included, showing Phil he's important. Nice humor too.

You Left Your Mark On Me by nerdwegian
AU in which soulmates gets identical marks when they become of age. Phil and Clint are in high school and friends. Clint haven't received his yet. Phil tries to reassure him and saying how he doesn't need it to find love. Of course, he himself loves Clint, mark or not. But just then, he sees Clint's mark. Who's is it? "Is it--is it yours?" Clint asks, sounding like he already knows the answer, but terrified of being wrong. Sweet story. Awww ... Young love. Both are very sweet in this one.

Your Family Is My Family by Selenay
Phil hides his job at SHIELD from his family. His tactic no longer works when sister sees him on CNN. She then forces him home for Christmas - and to bring Clint, his boyfriend. Only ... Clint and Phil isn't in a relationship. Still, they can pretend. Just for Christmas. And maybe it won't be too difficult to pretend. Instead it was happening right now, watching Clint as he returned to his own presents and tore off the wrapping to reveal an ugly sweater from Danni, and Phil was finally realising that he'd been in love with the man for a long time. Warm story with a trope I like. I enjoy reading about Coulson's family and this was a nice version of them. Heh for Phil's mother being handsy with Clint - and for Clint drunk on eggnog. And the carefully planned snowball wars, very cute. I also liked the sequel with the nieces. Sweet with Clint having contact with Coulson's family without him even knowing.

Your heart is the only place that I call home by sirona
AU in which Coulson is a script writer of TV shows - and deeply in love with actor Clint Barton. Barton's the star of the show Coulson's writing for. Of course, Barton would never have any feelings for Coulson - and Coulson knows this. He has no chance at all. Will he be able to handle writing for Barton anyway? And how hopeless is his interest really? Barton is giving him whiplash; worse, he is making Phil feel pathetically needy, begging for scraps of attention when he knows full well he already has everything Barton is willing to give him. I have no knowledge of writing for TV, but what is described here works for me. Hot sex. Good angst, nice feeling, several good details, such as the coffee house workshops and the threesome sidestory. Several good lines. Good use of everyone. I especially liked the use of Xavier. Bad Clint, but it works out.

Your Old Standby, Your Right Hand Guy by Serenitala
Steve asks Coulson for help. Hawkeye doesn't respect him and that makes team cohesion difficult. So why is Clint being so difficult? Can Coulson help? You're wrong you know, he says, running his finger around the rim of the bottle, Rogers isn't my favorite. Always cute when Clint's jealous of Coulson's fanboying of Captain America. Cute. Nice emotion and I liked the end.



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