Anne-Li's Fic Recommendations for DC fandoms

When my fic rec page hit 1 MB I felt I had to divide it and since Avengers was my largest section I broke it out to here. This is the second break, where I decided to move DC heroes from the rest. I'm moving a little at a time, so some DC are still on the main page. Later I'll move the rest of Marvel into "Avengers" as well.



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Various interesting ones.


A Dragon Makes A Great Best Man by JQ (musicmillennia)
AU in which King Lewis announces that whoever summons a (live) dragon may marry one of his children. Blacksmith Mick Rory is tasked with forging a ring and a sword for each royal child. He doesn't think anyone could summon a dragon. Vulcan, the magical lizard that one day appeared in his forge, seems to think Mick's a bit dense about something. Princess Lisa is Athena wrapped in Aphrodite. Awww ... cute story. I like Vulcan, very cool. Nice descriptions of both Lisa and Len and what they do for the country. Sweet with the tiny dragons.

A New Home by canthelpmyselves
Mick is a beta. With Len, his Alpha, dead, Mick almost goes feral. Then Barry, also an Alpha, steps in. Will he be able to take care of Mick? He'd been pretty impressed (and intensely turned on) when Barry, normally so easy going, growled viciously at Len for even suggesting Mick return to his pack. Sweet story that made me smile. Poor, poor Mick. I'm very glad things worked out for him/them.

A Question Of Instincts by Katyakora
Mick was a dragon. When he killed the mate of someone powerful he was cursed to be a human until he experienced the same pain. Since then he has been human. His dragon instincts sometimes rears up, but less and less. However, then Ray takes a beating for Mick - which only a mate would. And when Mick thinks someone kills Ray, he does feel the pain - and the curse breaks. How will Ray take Mick actually being a dragon? How will the others? In 2046, that insidious little hiss had him building a strong lair, with an army of minions to protect the hoard he would amass to impress his mate, without him even realising. Very sweet, imaginative story. Mick is really nice as a dragon. And he and Ray goes well together. I also liked Mick and the others of Ray's hoard, especially Nate. Nice end, though I would have liked to read more in this universe. Good dash of humor. Sad about Len. Vivid images. Sweet with Gideon's reasoning on everything. I also liked the information regarding dragon's hoards, very interesting.

Absolute Matchmaker by Crimson1
Len gets a surprise at Christmas. A son. An adult son, even. Michael. Michael's mother is dead and now he wants to meet his father. When Len's son meets Barry it turns out they went to school together. I order to explain just how Barry known Len, they end up saying that Len and Barry used to date. Michael decides that Barry and his father should get back together again. Will he succeed, considering that Barry and Len was never together in the first place? The increased horror on Barry s face did not help, but at least Len had avoided spouting he s The Flash in his state of undue panic. Warm story with good feeling. Michael is a nice OC. I especially liked Michael with Mick, that made me smile. Nice dash of humor, like when the sulfur on Mick sets of the contamination alert.

All My Doppelgangers by aquafizzy10
Cisco has been invited to a wedding. Harry promises to go with him, but when the time comes, Harry is busy. Cisco invited HR instead, to let his family think it is still Harry. Which works, except Cisco doesn't tell HR what is up. And then Harry arrives ... Why did my much-less handsome doppelganger leave you to the rhinos, Cisco? Amusing, warm fic. I really like HR and there aren't many fics with him, so it was good to read about him. Good that Harry got a little wake-up call. Aww for the situation being like Cisco's mother's telenovelas ... And heh for HR's science babble.

Ars Gratis Artis by nirejseki
AU in which when Len finds out what a good artist his friend Mick is, he makes sure Mick's work is seen. Mick is a success. They drift apart. When Len comes out of prison, Mick seeks him out and offers him a home. Mick is in a slump and Len is just the muse he needs ... He gets captivated by the strangest things it used to be fire, now it s all sorts of weird things, like Len eating cereal in front of the television or Len lounging on the couch reading a magazine with his feet on the back or Len tossing a ball around or Len eating an apple (not even anything respectably distracting like a popsicle!), and then he runs out of the room to the other half of the top floor. Good feeling between them, very warm. I would like to see some of Mick's work, they sound lovely. Heh for Len breaking into the agent office. Amusing too, with Mick dashing off when he's inspired, very sweet. Good end. Aww for Mick seeing Len as an opal.

At the End of the Rainbow by Crimson1
Bivolo manages to infect Barry - with rage. One of the first things Barry sees is Len. Overcome by anger he takes Len away to beat him up, with a strength that easily could have led to Len's death. Just in time, though, Len realises that Barry also wants to put him in his place - on his knees before Barry. He manages to seduce Barry. Later, hover, Barry is horrified of what he sees as himself raping Len. Len isn't as concerned ... "Then put me there!" Len cried, fighting to keep his voice from sounding too panicked. "On my knees..." he added, gauging Flash s face for a sense of relenting, of interest, anything to prevent him from beating Len to a pulp. Really interesting story. Lovely bit of non-con, well handled and described. Hot too. We seldom get much on how dangerous Barry could be if he tried, so that was also nice. I liked the intro to the story. Good voice for Len. Nice dash of humor. The sequel was also nice. Poor Len ...

Beating Heart by DoreyG
AU in which a young man, Barry Allen, comes to Eobard's lectures, when he's pretending to be Wells. They get to talking and start going out together. But before Eobard can tell Barry that he loves him, he finds Barry dead - killed by Zoom. When the Eobard comes to warn Wells, Eobard no longer thinks it is relevant to hide that he is the Reverse-Flash. He and Jay come up with a plan to go to another universe to stop Zoom. Of course, Eobard has a different motive as well. The other Earth also has a Barry Allen ... And Eobard is willing to do anything to get a new Barry Allen - even becoming a "good guy" ... And Jay looks up at him, and Jay stops blushing, and Jay smiles so wide and bright that his heart starts beating again for the first time since he found the love of his life dead in a pool of his own wasted blood, yes, Eobard. It has a Barry Allen. Lovely redemption fic, my favorite of the genre. Good structure with the gradual changes both of Eobard and to the others' attitude towards him. Sad about the first Barry Allen, of course. I'm not normally that into AUs, but this worked very well. And the friendship between Jay and Eobard is very sweet, no matter how Eobard protests. Plenty of nice details. Good feelings overall. The short prequel to the longer work was powerful and a good set-up. I would like to read more in this universe. Joan is nice. Eobard is a highly interesting character, well developed and described. Good job using all the characters against Zoom. I really liked Mike so enamoured by Firestorm. Nice with the three speedsters running together. Heh also for the rogues kidnapping Eobard and what he does with that.

Beauty and the Beasts by nirejseki
When he was young Len was rude to a witch, who cursed him. Len, being Len, talks her down. Instead of Len turning into a beast, the curse turn Len's household into beasts - but only temporary, they turn back when they leave. Not too bad, really. "When you regain human speech, we'll talk about this," Len tells him, and sets about the very important business of scritching his criminal partner and (possibly) future boyfriend behind his now cat-shaped ears. So cute play on the classic story. Nice feeling, good humor. Awww, for Mick saving the rats. And aww for Barry hanging out with McSnurt.

Before You Leap by twilight_shades
Len ends up on another Earth, where there are superheros such as Iron Man, Spiderman (or, as Len calls him, Arachnkid), Hawkeye, Deadpool and others. He ends up teaching Spiderman how to be a better nemesis, as he waits for Barry and the others to get him back to his own universe. When they finally do, he's very surprised with how much this Earth's heroes are sad to see him go. Before Leonard leaves Wade with Mick, he tells Mick to please not set Wade on fire and gets a nod and he tells Wade to please not ask Mick to set Wade on fire and gets a frown and a reluctant nod. Sweet story. I enjoyed Len's interaction with Spiderman especially. Deadpool in good shape. Aww for Len stealing superhero costumes to make costumes for Peter. And I liked Len helping JARVIS with Tony. Great solution with the gauntlet.

Bread by Cold Lightning (ArticNight)
Singh and his husband is out dining, when they unexpectedly sees another male couple in the restaurant. I just wanted to inform you that Joe isn t the only cop in Barry s life that you need to worry about. Awww ... cute! Nice feeling. And yay for Singh to give Len the shovel talk.

But I Wore His Jacket For The Longest Time by everyperfectsummer
Len really likes Mick, but due to the abuse of Len's father, Len is leery, especially when Mick does something loud or aggressive. Which, unfortunately, Mick does rather often. Len starts acting as if Mick was abusive. Will Mick realize what is happening? Len s pretty sure he loves Mick, that he s sure of, but he loves him the same way he loves his Dad and Lisa: ever watchful, ever wary, ever aware that Mick can and might hurt him. Lovely idea, nicely executed. I really like this one. Good details and language. Sweet, even. Good on Mick to catch on and deal with it. Awww for the knuckle kissing. And for Mick loving Len more than fire.

But If I Show Up At Ten Past Six by prouvairablehulk
WIP in which Mick gets Lichtenberg Figures on his right arm and torso. It's not that difficult for him to find his soul mate. Alas, Barry is still in a coma after having been struck by lightning. What will Mick do? What will Joe do, when he finds out that a criminal has been sneaking into the hospital to see Barry? Mick laughs, delighted and warm, and Lenny s leaning in close to whisper-yell to Joe that his soulmate left him with top-surgery scars, and Lenny s going to scour the city to find him, because he needs to be told that someone will love him no matter what. Sweet story that made me smile. Seems abandoned, sadly, I had hoped for more. Nice with the different types of soulmates.

By any other name by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse)
Harrison Wells of Earth-2 has returned to his home world with his daughter. He runs Star Lab and is very powerful. He checks up on the Earth-2 versions of the people he met on Earth-1. When he finds out that Cisco of Earth-2 is holding down an adjunct job and is nowhere near fulfilling his possibilities, he lures Cisco in with a job and soon they work together. Later they grow even closer. Harrison's daughter approves. Cisco's parents do not. Also, Cisco is a mutant, Penumbra. One of you can call me Dad and the other Dr. Wells. I ll let you two sort out which is which. Nice, long story with good feels. Fresh and with an interesting take on Cisco's family and what happened to him and Dante. Also the Wells family dynamics. Many nice details. Nice dashes of humor. I would love more of Cisco's parents getting to see how great he is (but it worked well like this too). Awww for Cisco fanboying Lucious Fox. I liked the view on Harrison's brain with folders of the people and able to copy content over. Heeh for Ciscos's dissertation (and model) of Iron Man's armor. Great description of Dante's scream. Nice dash of angst too. Awww for the kitten. Nice of Vibe and Penumbra to send Reverb to find his Harrison Wells (or possibly Eobard Thawne). Cute with Nightwing and Wally.

can i be basic with you? by thepleasureofhating
Cisco's life is complicated. HR, though, makes things simple. Cisco appreciates that. That something was a fedora-wearing idiot who carried drumsticks with him everywhere despite the fact that he had absolutely no rhythm whatsoever. Sweet story that made me smile. Awww for Cisco loving HR not being a genius. Nice relationship.

Car Rides by Scathach
The team drives home from Starling City with Cisco driving, Caitlin in the front seat and Barry and Wells in the backseat. Barry is exhausted and falls asleep - in Wells's lap. Wells effectively keeps the others from commenting. It all goes well until Cisco turns around to say something and notices them, and from the expression on his face it s clear he s dying to comment on the scene, but Wells throws him a look and Cisco gives full attention back to the road. Nice image that made me smile. Sweet.

Casanova Rory (or) How Leonard Snart Got Thrown Head First Into The Clue Bus by Huntress69
Mick is a real ladies man. The women love him and he doesn't even have to work on seducing them. Len is very jealous. One day he finds a series of books, though, written by Mick - featuring gay sex between a man related to cold and a man related to fire. Aha - a Clue! Mick shifts forward and licks Len's face, straight up to his ear, and he purrs like a kitten. Cute. Nice descriptions of Mick's luck with the ladies. Amusing with Len tempting Mick and overall nice dashes of humor. Good language. Hot too.

Circles of Two or Three by punk_rock_yuppie
High school AU in which Len is used to jocks approaching him, pretending to be his friend when all they want is to hook up with Lisa. When Mick approaches him, Len assumes that is what Mick wants as well. It's not. Why would I be asking you about Lisa? I see her all the time. Normally I'm not too keen on High School AUs, but this worked well for me. Poor Mick ... Good misunderstanding and good voices. Nice dash of humor. Mick is sweet in this one. Heh for Mick considering doing the reverse and befriending Lisa to get closer to Len.

Confounding Their Enemies And Delighting Their Friends by MewWitch
Hunter invites Barry and Len onboard as a wedding gift. Can he really complain when the timeline starts changing? Well, apparently he has now written a third Epic. This one about the Greek god Hermes and the mortal thief he takes as his lover. Who he apparently rescues from the brink of death in a feat of great power and speed. Cute story that made me smile to read. I would have liked to read the new Homer - and seen some of the material based on it.

Consistent Illusions by nirejseki
Since he was five Mick Rory has seen a man. No one else can see him. He is a Chimera. The Chimera likes Mick. But who is the Chimera really? And why do Mick sees him? The Chimera teaches him the basics of saving a person from choking, and Mick teaches the other kids in his foster home, and they end up saving him from the piece of toast that seems almost to expand when it hits the wet in his mouth, and cuts off his air. Interesting angle. I like how the Chimera keeps saving Mick as needed. Aww for Mick loving Len even if he is a lion-goat-snake. And good on his siblings.

Control by TheFlashFic
WIP in which Cisco wakes up by Heatwave breaking into his apartment to kidnap him. The heat gun broke down and Mick wants Cisco to fix it. Which he does. And Mike is kind of nice about it all. And kind of nice overall, actually. The two keeps meeing and Mick turns oddly protective of Cisco. Because every one of those men looks from Cisco to the man who came in with Cisco, and every one of them jerks their gaze away again like they re the ones who are suddenly nervous. Sweet story that made me smile. Good feeling. I especially liked Mick in this one, how he tries to help and so on. Aww for him trying to say please to get Cisco to fix the gun and warning him that he will rob so that Cisco doesn't get hurt. Poor Mick, abandoned ... I really felt for him. Good on Cisco for knowing that the fire wasn't Mick's. Yay for them to get Mick's advice. I don't know much about fires either, but what he said sounded convincing to me. Yay for Mick to the rescue and those guys respecting him. Interesting end.

Count by dragonspell
Alone in their cell, Mick pleasures Len. Except, possibly, they might not be completely alone. They don't care. Mick flipped the sheet off his head, rising from its depths like an avenging god, hot, burning eyes and a sneer caught in the glaring light. Sweet. Poor rookie guard ... And tsk, tsk Lakowski. Neat end. Made me smile.

Countless Roads by nirejseki, robininthelabyrinth (nirejseki)
Epic AU in which Len's life is slightly different. His family is cursed - they can see the dead. And interact with them, give them power and even more. Mick, for instance, did save Len's life in juvie, but only because the juvie was built on top of the farm where Mick died in 1936 ... This change in circumstance colors all of Len's life as the story is told with this one, vital change. If Len had a partner, someone he loved and trusted, he might have something to live for: something that would make him think twice about doing something terrible, something foolish, something permanent, and Len can t risk that. Lovely, long and highly interesting. Good work on changing canon. Many good, interesting details. Good use of foreshadowing and building. Nice look into a religion I know little of. Several interesting archs. The time wraith puppies seem adorable, they really do! Cute with Rip's misunderstanding not knowing what Len can do, that sounded like Rip. Sweet with Len getting to meet his mom again. Interesting with the alternative futures/alternatives as to how Len's life could have turned out. Neat with the angel, powerful descriptions. Several strong scenes. Eerie with the Well of Souls, especially as a natural occurance. Yay for the time puppies saving Len.

crush by orphan_account
The Reverse Flash acts kinda strange around Cisco. Slowly Cisco draws his conclusion. The Reverse Flash ... has a crush on him. How will the other members of the team react when he lets them know? And how will Harrison Wells ...? No time has been a good time to give breath to the fact that their nemesis - because Cisco lives the kind of life where has a nemesis now - has saved Cisco from three muggings and stole him coffee and spoken in low, significant tones while watching him with deep, significant glances. Awww ... cute! Funny too. Great premise, made me smile. Yes, nice timing, Cisco ... Aww for the Reverse Flash rescuing Cisco's coffee ... Heh for Cisco's awesome seduction plan.

Daddy by Deathwrites
Len finds a 7-year-old girl, lost on the street. He goes with her to find her father. The search takes him somewhere unexpected. Cisco's lollypop fell out of his mouth as he stared, dumbfounded, at the sight before his eyes. There, in the doorway, stood Captain Cold. Sweet story that made me smile. The girl is very sweet and Len is nice in it too. Heh for Len assuming Wells to be the father.

Double Date Disaster by Captain_Giggles
Barry and Felicity convinces their signifiant others - Len and Oliver - that all four of them will go on a double date. So they do. Maybe it's not quite the disaster that it could have been. With a speed honed by a relationship with the Flash, Len snagged some ice off a passing tray and dumped it down the back of Oliver s suit. Heh. Cute story that made me smile. Tsk, tsk, Oliver. Tsk, tsk, Len. Good end.

Face Blind by nirejseki
When Barry gets to the restaurant all seats are taken - unless he wants to sit with a stranger. So he sits with a stranger. The stranger is really nice and they hit it off. They start seeing each other. What Barry doesn't realize is that the man is actually Leonard Snart, the criminal. Now what? He s doing the thing he does with Mick sometimes, where they both seem to get taller and broader and infinitely scarier than they are normally, eyes going hard and deadly and suddenly reminding everyone that the Rogues code of non-killing is a fairly recent invention. Cute story that made me smile. I'm fairly face blind myself, so this sounds very plausible to me. Poor Barry. But lucky Barry too! And amusing. I liked the description of Mick. Yay for the handling of Barry's high school reunion.

Fire and Ice by nirejseki
AU in which the leader of the Rogues is an excellent planner and strategist. He is also a good, caring leader, capable of generating loyalty and trust in heroes and anti-heroes alike. No, not Leonard Snart. Len is the half-feral brawn of the duo. Mick Rory is the brain. He was still angry, that much was clear; it was like the anger had frozen solid inside of him, impossible to eradicate, but he just gave in and let it all go for now, lying helpless in Mick s arms without fighting back, relying on Mick not to hurt him or take advantage even after all of that. Highly interesting AU, many nice details and good emotions. Sweet and funny too, well built and enjoyable. I would love to read more in this universe. I really liked this Mick - and how he gathers his followers, Len chief among them. Excellent handling of the reverse Kronos, I thoroughly enjoyed that and nicely written too! Len is adorable like this. Heh for using STAR Labs as a safe house. And Barry's takeout list was neat. Good language. Awww for both Caitlin and Cisco being for killing Lewis.

Fightstarter Karaoke by ajremix
Mick is really unhappy about Len's eating habits. In order to get him to eat better, he makes a standing bet with him. They fight and the winner gets to tell the loser what to do. To start with Mick always win - and gets Len to eat better. But Len really wants to win ... What mollified her most was Mick bluntly saying if it got that bad, he'd personally hand Lisa a loaded gun and get down on his knees in front of her. Very cute with Len's pet peeves. Those pancakes sounds wonderful ... Awww for Lisa being worried about Mick hurting Len - and Mick's reply. Aww also for Len trying to cook in return.

Flight Risk by nirejseki
Len is in Iron Heights when a new prisoner arrives - Henry Allen. The man interests him and Len takes him under his wing. He believes Henry is innocent, even if he can do nothing about it. Later, Henry wants to attend Barry's graduation, but is prevented by Joe. Len takes matters into his own hands. You you broke my dad out of prison so he could see me graduate? Sweet story. I really enjoyed the interaction between Len and Henry. I normally like Joe, but this view of him works in the context of the story for me. Neat about Henry's hands, good detail.

For My Pay I Will Thee Tell by cleverqueen
Mick enjoys Star City 2046 and intends to stay. As does Len. However, the Legends wants Len with them - and takes him. Mick, lost in 2046, will do whatever it takes to get his partner back. Including joining the time masters and become Kronos. As if they d done it a million times before, Kronos helped him along, adding extra pressure to get that extra height into Len s last jump. Nice feeling and rhythm, structure too. Interesting view on the Legends. Good end, well fitting and built. I liked the trained jump thing.

Ghost in the Machine by nirejseki
Len died in the Oculus. Then his consciousness was thrown through time and captured in an AI built by Barry, a variation of Gideon. Len wakes up as part of a timeship, stranded and waiting for rescue. Len will not be passive. He has a goal: he wants Mick back. But will Mick want Len, when Len is a spaceship? And what if Mick already found himself a new partner? But in no world is he anything but a greedy man; his possessiveness is built into his bones, his marrow, and he may have made Mick promise to carry on without him but that doesn't mean he doesn't see red at the very thought of someone else calling Mick partner, smiling at him, being smiled at, being called partner in return - The starboard weapons array fires beams of fiery death at the innocent surroundings. Lovely possibility. Great imagination. Nice language. Heeeh for the Hentai thing. Several good details. Len is nicely devious as usual. Awww for him fluffing Mick's pillow and all. Nice dash of humor. Heeeh also for the passcode thing.

Gone but not forgotten by grimmfairy
WIP in which when Barry Allen was 11 his mother was murdered and Barry disappeared. He is believed dead - killed, like his mother, by Henry Allen, who is arrested and convicted. Ten years later, Len and Mick breaks into Harrison Well's home - and discovers a secret room - and a tortured, abused Barry Allen. Julian Albert, who was always interested in the Allen murders, helps Barry. "You called the cops, boss. On yourself." Interesting story with good possibilities. Sadly it seems abandoned. I would have liked to read more. I liked Eddie and Julian in this one. Normally I'm fond of Joe, but it worked with him being not so good in this one, for a change.

Got A Melancholic Temperament (that's what they said to me) by RedHead
A meta de-ages Len and Lisa. The Wests take them in. Lisa is only 6, Len is 19. Len has no memories of time after being 19, so has been effectively moved into the future, where everything is different. Len doesn't like how dependant he is of Barry and doesn't want to be in his debt. He realises that Barry is gay and has a crush on Len's older self. Can Len use that to get even? If the West house was the safest spot for her this month, Lenny could deal with Barry Allen and whatever he was going to want from him at night. Interesting power. Good dash of angst. Bad Barry, laughing at Lenny's porn. I liked Mick with Len in this one. Interesting with the view other metas have of the Flash. Strong emotional descriptions.

Green Eyed Glasses by nirejseki
Len is realising that he is losing Mick. Mick acts more like the others in the gang, not like Len's friend. And Mick's hanging out with one of the others in the gang in particular - who he might like better than Len! Can Len let Mick go? Does Mick want to go? Something along the lines of I don t know what I did to make you want to go away, but I want you to be happy so I won t stop you from leaving, just please come back one day I ll be waiting for you forever. Awww ... Very sweet angst. It made me smile. I like Len's possessiveness and how he worries. Poor boy, Mick, not easy with Len ... he handles it well, though.

Help by Icarus_Flying_Not_Falling
Barry is attacked and raped. He tells no one and gets in a bad emotional state. The rogues find out and takes care of him. With a somewhat unexpected alley in Captain Singh. Caitlin looked moments from attacking him, but froze when Barry threw himself at Hartley, hugging him desperately and sobbing. I'm not all that into rape stories, but I quite enjoyed the warmth and support. And I really liked the Captain in this one. Aww for them playing The Dark Knight for Barry. And awww for Barry feeling so safe with them. Good on Mick and Hartley - and possibly Cisco and Caitlin - to give a bit back. Nice end.

Hitch Hiking by wintershelter
Mick drives the same road over and over - until he can pick up a hiker - and kill them. One night he picks up one Leonard Snart. However, unlike his previous victims, Snart is not scared of him. At all. Snart came especially to find Mick. He wants them to team up. Screams are beautiful but they can be lonely when you have no one to enjoy them with. Neat idea that amused me. For some reason I really like serial killer AUs. And the boys are nice together either way. Good end.

Hole in the Fence by nirejseki
Mick is severely burned. When he's released from the hospital Len has bought a house for him to recuper in. With goats and all. Mick thinks it is all a way to put Mick out to pasture and leave him in comfort. Is that really all that it is? Holy crap! a youthful voice shouts, followed by a flash of lightning that goes straight up a tree, the geese in hot pursuit, honking furiously the entire time. Good feeling. Adorable goats. I like the interaction between Mick and Barry especially. Interesting information about burn injuries, which I know little of, but it felt believable. Yay for attack goats and guard geese! I also like how Len run plans by Mick, who helps salvage them. Nice humor.

Honorary Dragon by nirejseki
AU in which young Mick finds a dragon. His stupid brothers calls it a lizard, but Mick can clearly see that it is a dragon. It is rather small, but it even has wings. He calls it Leonard. His stupid brothers calls it Snarl. When Mick finds it the dragon sits on a big golden egg. Later, after the big fire and when Len can talk, Len explains that the egg is his sister. And then it continues. Once Mick gets the bright idea of getting some charcoal from the grill and setting up a little oven by his bedroom window and placing the egg there in the glowing coals he d let Lenny roll around in them first to make sure he wasn't accidentally baking the egg, but Lenny had murmured approvingly at them and practically rolled the egg over to the new nest himself Lenny eases up a bit on his constant vigilance and takes to riding around on Mick's shoulder, exploring the house and farm. Lovely and sweet. Nice descriptions of the dragons. Poor Mick, they are really not nice to him. I would like to read more in this universe. Nice humor. Heh for Len exposing Jey's porn stash. Ick about the frying pan! Good description of how the accidental fire started.

I Am In Trouble by CaesarVulpes
Harrison is in trouble. Ciscos' very touch turns him into someone who thinks in poetry. I murdered someone in the very building where we stand, I tried to steal Barry s speed, and he knows and he s still pouring liquid gold into my body as if it s not going to drain him of it. Cute. Beautiful descriptions, very nice. Nice dash of angst too.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by nirejseki
Unicorns can bond to humans. To Unicorn Heroes, worthy of this honor and pure of heart. And then there's young Len Snart, who bonded to no less than three unicorns. And then there were three more and another four and some more ... They approve of Mick, luckily, and when Len gets thrown in prison they get very upset. Oh, and they can run across time too. It takes about a month, but abruptly they decide that Mick is a Good One and take to bringing him choice bits of hay and grass and fruit and occasionally small animals, because unicorns are omnivorous like that. Cute, imaginative story. Very nice little herd of unicorns. Highly amusing fic that helped me smile through a difficult part of my life. Cute ending, poor Oliver ... Good binding end and start. Big awww for Vader visiting Kronos.

Interconnect by nirejseki
When they are children - Len in fact still in his mother's belly - Len and Mick are cursed. They are soulmates. They can always communicate with one another. That also means that they are always there for one another. Mick. Not the living one, his stubborn, infuriating, wonderful soulmate; but rather the stupid shaggy plush animal that Len had loved the stuffing out of as a child, before he'd fully realized that Mick was Mick and not the dog. Interesting take on the soulmate thrope. Aww for them communicating using stuffed animals. I liked the parts with the witches and their mothers. Heeh for Francisco picking up the soulmate communication. Good humor.

Like a Summer with a Thousand Julys by TheFlashFic
Cisco texts Joe and they get to talking. Joe soon invites Joe over to sample his cooking. Cisco brings Joe food to the precinct - and they both share a love of music, so when Cisco scores some rare tickets to a concert, he invites Joe on a road trip. Unsurprisingly, people soon think they're dating. They're not. Until they are ... How will Barry react? And who is stalking Cisco? He smiled at Joe like Joe was the one and only person he wanted to hang out with, like it would never have occurred to him to think of Joe as Barry s foster dad first and foremost. Different story with fresh feeling. Good plot. I enjoyed the gradual, natural way they became closer. Not a pairing I would have considered myself, but done like this they went very well. Nice choice of music. Good dash of humor. Good voice for especially Cisco. Aww for the baby giraffe thing. I agree wholeheartedly with Cisco - there's no excuse to leave apostrophes out of your contractions (or not following general grammar). I like Singh in this one - and Eddie. Heh for Cisco's "But, I'm wearing a Star Trek shirt," when Joe thinks some guy mistook him for a hooker. I would have liked to read more in this universe. Maybe Cisco's parents, something, that was a bit sad ... I do hope someone (Caitlin?) remembered to feed Nut while Cisco was at a hospital.

Lil Bro AU by nirejseki
AU in which Mick is jealous of Len's relationship with Lisa. So he goes to the nearest CPS center - and when Barry Allen - who has just been told he won't go to live with Joe but to a foster family - comes out, he asks him if he would like to be his little brother. Which he does. Growing up with Mick Rory as a big brother makes Barry's life different than it otherwise might have been. He's very happy, though. Jake s just about to point this out when Barry Barry, little nerd-badge-holding, barely-scraped-a-C-in-gym Barry walks right over to one of the booths and says, Hey, can we have this table? to a group of guys covered in what are obviously prison tats. Lovely AU. I highly enjoyed reading this work and I hope for more in the series. Several awww moments. One of my favorite bit was with Len and Henry Allen - I would have loved more with Henry. Heeeh for Len sending Lisa to Barry's school to impress the bullies. And heeh for the scene with Jake at Saints and Sinners.

Leveraged Interference by nirejseki
Crossover Leverage/The Flash. Mick Rory is on a cooking forum when he gets into an argument with Eliot Spencer. They become friends. Later, when the other Legends treat Mick rather badly after Len's death, the Leverage team comes to the rescue - undercover as a hero with support. All in all, the whole lot of them only manage to get Supergirl down three times over the course of three hours, and one of those times involves Parker using Mick as a jumping-off point he hoists her up perfectly, as if they ve practiced it and snagging Kara in a blanket while shouting it s vintage! so that Kara feels too bad to rip it open with her powers. Amusing serie with good feeling. Nice details. Awww for Alec seeing Mick and Len with his Nana and the cookbooks. Also heh for Eliot asking Mick if he's in Cardiff when he talks about the time travelling spaceship. Yay for Dinosaur BBQ! Eliot's a great with panic attacks. Good voice for especially Mick. Really good with the Leverage Team showing the Legends their behavior. Heh for Mick and Len kidnapping an expert in pyromania.

Like Real People Do by dramaticinsanity
Reverb loses his own Soulmate, Harry Wells. So he goes after other Harry Wells. After a while he finds Earth 19 Harry Wells - HR. Who is just perfect for him. He doesn t know if someone this soft and sweet is cut out to be Reverb s soulmate. There's much, much too little fic with HR! I adore him. And to pair him up with Reverb is delicious. They go very well together. I enjoyed Reverb's darkness. Both are good in contrast to one another. I would like to read more in this universe. Neat with the shifting soulmarks. Interesting also with the body transfer.

Love Me by sinplicity
Barry gets whammed by love arrows. The first person he sees is Snart. So Barry falls intensely in love with him. Since he is rather helpless in this state, Snart takes care of him. And slowly Len falls in love with Barry too. But what will happen when Cisco finds a cure to Barry's obsession? Len would ask what he s done to deserve this, but really, what hasn t he done? Lovely angst, good emotion. Awww, Barry is so cute when he is so intensely/over the top in love. Poor Len ... Poor Barry too, not allowed to sleep in Len's room even on the floor ... Good dash of humor - I especially liked the beginning, with Len scouting out the museum ... Several good lines. Strong images. Tsk, tsk, Barry for revealing the book end, that was bad! I so envy Barry for not getting cavities ... Aww for Mick's love of Barry's cookies. Yay for the two teams getting together, I liked that. Good of Len for getting both of Barry's fathers' permissions.

Love Well by nirejseki
Rory finds out that Allen eats a lot. So, when he has reason to thank him, he cooks for him. A lot - and well. Barry is highly appreciative. It happens again and again. Barry really likes Mick's cooking - and maybe Mick too ... He gets racks of ribs and thick cut steaks, moist brisket and hamburgers and hot dogs and bacon, slabs of chicken breast and thighs and wings honey-glazed and dripping with sauce, lamb chops galore and a few legs of lamb large enough to kill a man, and even a whole beef tenderloin, large enough to feed twelve people, glistening and dripping with its own juices, rubbed in spices. Aww, so sweet. I really like Mick Rory cooking and they go so well together. Len also sweet in this one, awww ... Nice end! Very visual story. Heh for Sara thinking Mick and Len are together. Nice with the neighborhood parties.

Makers of History by nirejseki
What part of history would have looked like if Mick, after Len's death, decided to stay with Georgie (aka George Washington). The diary of Martha Washington reports that when Mr. Rory became seriously drunk (as opposed to merely mildly intoxicated), he would speak of her as his partner in all things, a brilliant woman with an icy demeanor that perfectly balanced out his own fiery temper, and called her the greatest planner and finest hero he'd ever known. Great idea. I don't know much about American history, to be honest, but this was very interesting, and amusing. Good end. Great planning on Mick's part before staying in the past. Heh for Mick showing off his ability with a lockpick.

Measuring Up by violentcrumbles
AU in which Len is a food critic. He is known as Captain Culinary and is famed for his scatching reviews. No one knows who Captain Culinary is. He comes to a small coffee shop, Mama Rory's Bakery, and buys a few pastries, not expecting much. To his surprise, they are absolutely stunning. Mick is a baker without formal education. When Len leaves a positive review of the shop, the shop is besieged by people who wants Mick's stuff. Len finds himself going back to the shop again and again. Though no matter how great the pastry is, he also gets more and more interested in the gruff baker himself. Len nodded in thanks, barely containing his excitement in the knowledge that he was only a few steps from his car where he would be out of eyesight and could enjoy the rest of his near-literally divine croissant in peace. I'm not much into AUs, but this was lovely. Good feeling, lots of nice details and, heh, sweet too. I enjoyed reading about the baking bits too - I know little of such and this made me feel as if I learned something. Nice dashes of angst - and some humor too. Cute "reveal". One switch to Captain Cold at one point. Some lovely descriptions. Heh for Len inserting himself and steering up things.

Melting Point by Creed Cascade (creedcascade)
When the Snart siblings are separated by social workers, Lisa meets a big boy named Mick, who protects her. When Len goes into juvie, he meets the same big boy. He keeps him. Mick let me watch cartoons even though he wanted to watch the news about some sort've fire. Sweet story, well written. I like the idea of Mick just being there and a huge grump with a good heart and how protective he is. Nice touch with the psychiatrist trying to save Len from Mick. Mick is sweet when he's possessive.

Meta, Maybe by nirejseki
There's another accident with the particle accelerator. This time, Caitlin has a cure for the new mutations, if they can get to them in time. One of the places hit turns out to be the Saints & Sinners bar. Both Captain Cold and Heatwave was hit. Will Cisco and Barry be able to persuade them to give up their powers? That is so cool, Cisco enthused, only to back up three steps at Cold s glare which literally dropped the temperature in the room a couple of degrees - which, uh, that was new and potentially awful, come to think about it Cute story. Awww, sounds like Len gives up his powers that could surely be nifty, to have Mick's attention again. Mick won't be pleased ... For some reason I liked the bartender. Heh for Cisco and Barry arguing who should knock. Good voice especially for Cisco. Cute end.

Mob Princess by nirejseki
Mick's family burn. The authorities can find no other family to take him in, so they send him into foster care. But there is an extended family. His mother was a Brady, and Mick is the heir to the Brady family. He doesn't join the family business, though, because in juvie he meets Len Snart, who he will follow everywhere. Alas, Len hates the Families. Will Mick be able to tell him - and how will Len react? Mick is with Len, Len is with Mick, partners just like they were before, and the only thing that's changed is that Mick gets to wrap his arms around Len any time he likes. Another lovely AUesque work with a lovely possibility. I like the OCs and enjoy the way Micks' family accepts his pyromancy and would be able to put it to good use. Heh for Paddy trying to pass off a chicken for a turkey. I would love to read more in this universe, even if it is well contained. Really great end.

Nope. Never. by VivTheGreat
A man is hitting on Barry in a bar. Barry lies and tells him that he's waiting for someone. As no one comes, the man gets more insistent. When a familiar person shows up, Barry jumps at the chance. He gets Leonard Snart to pretend to be together with him. Leonard takes to the task very easily. He even goes one step further and claims that they are married. And why is Snart wearing a wedding ring ...? Wasn t playing any role, Scarlet. Nice twist in the end. Made me smile. I like Len to the rescue.

Not in Kansas (anymore) by nirejseki
Not far from the Kent farm lives the Rorys. One of the children, Mick, has some problems and Martha has room for one more stray. Except they can't adopt Mick, not even after the fire that kills his blood family. Mick knows well why, though, as he know all Clark's secrets. The Kents are more his family than all the foster families he ends up with. He soon comes home with a stray of his own - Len Snart. Martha approves, even if she doesn't like their criminal tendencies. What will she say about super villany, though? And why do the boys embark on that career in the first place? God, she hopes they're okay, her strange, criminal cuckoos, that never listened to her urgings to go straight but who loved her fiercely nevertheless, the ones who straightened out the farm's mortgage with stolen diamonds and broke into Monsanto to steal the stupid contract Jonathan should have never signed, the ones that she and Clark worried over every night. Oh so sweet. Lovely crossover with great feeling. Very sweet with young Len and Martha making him blurt out his secret. Martha is the coolest with her strays, all so different yet loving. I would like to read more in this universe, it is very nice. Great end. I also liked Jonathan in this one, and I especially liked him reading up on cyber security. Aww for the whole Mick wanting to be a cat, so sweet.

Not In The Stars by nirejseki
AU in which a description of your soulmate appears on your wrist. Len thinks the system is rather stupid, as it is easy to believe that someone is your soulmate when someone else might also fit the description. His wrist read Heatwave - what does that even mean? He's been together with Mick for 20 years and they are happy. Mick's a pyro - is that close enough? Len actively prevents Mick from running into anyone who might fit the description of "Captain Cold". Then one day one of the Streak's little friends call Len something highly interesting - and he has a revelation. Len did wonder if Mick thought about his mark, his Heatwave, the way that he sometimes dreamed about murdering whoever the hell Mick s Captain Cold was. Nice take on the soulmate-written-on-you trophe. That would be a rather clumsy way of the universe to handle things, yes ... But I really like how Len works to keep his man - and a really neat solution.

Once and Future by nirejseki
After Arthur's death, Mordred pulls the sword out of the stone and will become king of all the British. After a test period under Queen Regent Gwen, of course. Luckily, Mordred - who prefers to be called Mick - has his childhood friend, to help him. And if Len can't be Mick's valet in the future - maybe he could be Mick's consort? "Oh hell no," Mick exclaims, and starts trying to shove the stupid sword back into the rock. Highly amusing version of this. Oh, Mick ... Great that he has Len with him. I liked the bonus chapter with Legends of Tomorrow, that also made me smile. I did like Mick in both, though. Heh for the bonfire thing.

Out by Icarus_Flying_Not_Falling
WIP in which Barry comes out to Joe and Iris. It doesn't go well at all. Luckily Barry has many others on his side, such as Singh, Oliver and Snart ... Still caught up in panicking about how Queen would react to such blatant unprofessionalism, his heart nearly stopped when Queen marched forward and enveloped Barry in a tight hug. Normally I like Joe, but his (and Iris') problem with Barry works for this story. Yay for Singh and Rob! And I really liked Oliver in this one, which is rare for me. I would like to read more in this universe. Cute with Barry cuddling Oliver. Heh for the Flash also coming out.

Paper Hearts by mousecookie
Valentine's Day and Cisco has a date with a really pretty barista from Jitters. Only ... she stands him up. So he returns to the lab where Harry tries to tell him that not everyone will leave him. Harry won't. She s an idiot, Harry declared, striding more fully into the room and depositing the pulse rifle on a table. Aww, sweet. This fic made me smile. Sweet of Cisco to give the flower to the old woman too.

Poking the Poodle (And Other Ridiculous Tv Tropes) by kitkatt0430
Len and Mick are no longer wanted by the law, so Len amuses himself by visiting the CCPD as often as he can. Or is it just an excuse to see one Barry Allen? It s like watching two different birds doing wildly different mating dances for each other, each unaware the other is trying to court them. So cute! I really liked Mick in this one. Also that almost everyone who's been to Iron Heights respect Doc Allen's son. Julian and Mick went well together. Yay for Singh too, good use of everyone, really. Good dashes of humor.

Rain's by Daughter_of_Scotland
Apart from being the Flash, Barry is also one of the best, most sought after doms in Central city. He goes to the BDSM club, Rain's, where he has a reputation for being perfect for new subs, but also those with bad experiences. One evening when he goes there, a sub asks especially for him. The identity of the sub surprises Barry. It's Leonard Snart. But Barry is up for the challenge. He and Len goes very well together. But what will happen when their teams find out? There is no power in the world that would make me say no to you, Barry Allen, he said forcefully. Lovely series, good view of the boys and their relationship. I'm not into BDSM myself, but the way it was handled here felt very nice and warm and worked for me. Rain's seems like a good place. Interesting OCs. Heh for "fire" being Len's safe word. Interesting detail with how Barry feels pain. I liked the scene with Len's old dom getting a bit of what she deserves. Elaine is neat. And Isabelle sweet, poor thing. Nice of Len to lend her his coat. And him and Elaine agreeing to handle her ex-dom. And Mick goes well with her too, even if he's not a dom per se. Cute with Mick otherwise only cooking for himself and Len. Cisco is being a dick about things, which is a shame, because I like him otherwise. The rings sounds lovely. Heh for Len judging Barry's apartment "rob-worthy". Awww for Mick being "jealous" of Bary taking up more of Len's time - that was a very sweet exchange.

Relationship Material by nirejseki
Sure, Len flirts with girls and has sex with them. He prefers to go home with Mick anyway, when Mick hasn't hooked up with a girl himself. It's not until Charlie, the neighborhood cannibal, tells him that he shouldn't let Mick treat him that way, that Len starts to realise that there might be a way to go home with Mick all the time. But how will he know if Mick would even be interested? By the end of it, half the bar s sitting in and tossing in ideas, and Len does manage to get out his explanation about Charlie a lot of people nod knowingly, with a couple of no, he s right, if you lay out very clearly that you re not interested in getting eaten tonight he ll be a bit disappointed but not, like, super angry or anything thrown in, so hah, Mick! so all in all it s a pretty good evening. Sweet story. I liked Charlie, he's simultaneously so bad and so harmless. Nice OCs in the bar as well. Poorboys ... I liked how Len sometimes gets things wrong, like Peach, that has happened to me too, very embarrassing. Aww for Len wanting Mick to like him better than anyone else.

Riddle Me This by kelex
Oswald wants to show Edward how much he loves him. So he constructs a riddle for him. Alas, sometimes the simplest riddles are the hardest to solve ... A source close to Cobblepot reports that the mayor has been trying unsuccessfully to woo Mr. Nygma for weeks, and the public is beginning to notice. Sweet. Aww, Edward ... Funny too, it made me smile. Poor Oswald, things are never easy for him. Good end.

Rock the Night Away by Liu
Barry ends up all alone on Christmas. He walks around until he finds a bar that doesn't play Christmas music. There, he also finds Captain Cold ... They unexpectedly ends up celebrating Christmas together. And more. How desperate does one have to be to actually want to spend time with the man he s fought at least on bi-monthly basis for the last couple of years? On a scale from one to ten, the answer is apparently Barry Allen. Nice fic that made me smile. I'm glad they found each other. Good that Joe wasn't badly shot.

Rut Season by nirejseki
In prison there are just alphas and betas. When rut season comes, things get a little wild. Mick starts noticing how Len acts up, going out of his way to provoke fights and so on. Another prisoner says that Len acts like an omega of old in pre-heat, teasing the alphas to find the one worthy. Mick doesn't believe that, of course. Yet, Len is acting very odd ... Mick goes back to his cell early, all hyped up, blood hot, all sweaty from the pleasant exertion - the fight unsurprisingly spread beyond the original challengers, especially once the guards got involved - and when he gets there, Len (who'd flounced off earlier) looks up at him from where he's reading his book and smiles. Interesting take on the ABO dynamic. Hot too. I like Mick in this one. Good language, very vivid.

Santa's Gonna Kick Your Ass by ajremix
Len has got him and Mick community service in a mall. Mick is Santa and Len is his elf. Until a little girl says something to Santa about her father - and Santa proceeds to beat the man up ... Why? And will Len understand? Len smirked to himself- he had to give points to a kid who thought to butter Santa up before asking him for shit. Very Mick to me - which made me smile. Well done. Poor Len ...

Selective Palate by nirejseki
AU in which Mick's not allowed to become a dragon rider. He learns to cook for dragons instead. And one day he is called to help feed a Great White, an icewurm, Len, who won't eat. Will he be able to find something that the giant dragon find palatable? Already making plans, Mick turns on his heel to start heading out, only for a scaly claw to snake out and grab him by the midsection, hauling him into Len s little ball of dragon as Mick yelps in dismay. Len is great as the dragon and Mick is well in character. Made me smile. I do recommend Temeraire, by the way - sadly not very slashy, but still nice. Good details. Sweet with Len and Lisa.

Sex Is Nothing to Be Ashamed Of by dragonspell
Len has hid his orientation since he was a child. He isn't an alpha, or even a beta. Len is an omega. He takes suppressors, but once he gets thrown into the meta-human wing, he runs out - and he goes into heat. Luckily, he is broken out and manages to get to one of his safe houses. Only, its a safehouse that Mick's been staying at. Mick - who most definitely is an alpha ... Now what? If Mick were a painting, Leonard would steal him in a heartbeat. Warm story that uses the two men's personalities well. Poor Len ... Hot, though. I'm normally a bit tired of the ABO stories, but this was a nice one that gave an interesting look into the differences. I found the ability of some omegas to order alphas around highly interesting - also the broadcasting from omegas in heat. Mick and Len are very sweet together. So sweet with Mick having a thing for Len forever. The Creator's Fire sounds gorgeous. I hope for more in this series, maybe Mick's rut.

Shooting Star by nirejseki, robininthelabyrinth (nirejseki)
AU in which Mick saves some lives and realises that he wants to be a hero. He applies to a great many hero teams, until he is accepted by the Legends. The reason he hadn't been accepted before was that he has a, well, stalker. A rather benevolent stalker, more like he is being courted, really. In juvie he saved a young Len Snart - who grows up to be a supervillain - and kind of obsessed with taking care of, and pleasing, Mick. But having a supervillain on their side can be a good thing, even for a hero team. But Len loves showing off how good of a provider he is, how thoughtful a gift-giver, how generous a friend, how valiant a protector, and Mick's his favorite target for that, right next to his sister. Awww, so sweet! Funny, cute fic. Len is adorable in his eagerness to please. Poor Mick ... Great use of the Spear of Destiny. Heh for Len founding also the henchmen and minion union. Good voice especially for Mick.

Slices of Life by nirejseki
Len and Mick meet for the first time in juvie, when Mick saves Len's life (more or less). A long time later, when Mick decides to find a good crew to work with, he decides to look him up. Things go very well for them. Then Len's father turns up ... After that first dust-up, Len had taken to ordering him around like breathing and a good half the time it actually worked, too. Good feelings. Nice voice for Mick. Awww for Len worrying that he snotted himself in fear. Good banter between them. Interesting description of Mikc's pyromania. Awww also for the "woke up wed" when Mick woke up in the hospital. It amused me that one of the primary reasons Mick gave for him and Len not possibly being married is that he thinks Len's a drama queen and he - Mick - would remember the production. Several good lines. Good humor. Would have been nice to read about the actual meeting with Etta - she seems really nice - and how Len and Mick got together as a couple. Heh for Mick's arson record helping him when he get arrested. Especially the last part of the series was extremely funny. Boys are so cute when they are high.

So your Soulmate's a Jerk by The_Dancing_Walrus
When your soulmate touches you for the first time, a pattern is burned into your skin where they touch. When the police leads Leonard Snart to the cells, he falls -into Barry Allen. Who gets marked then and there - and in a rather obvious place. Now what will happen? From the look Len was giving him Barry couldn t be sure whether Cold hadn t understood a word or was just realising that everyone in Barry s life was insane. Cute work that made me smile. Poor Barry. Good handling overall. The work stands on its own, even if more would have been nice. Good description of the sensations and also of the marks themselves. Awww for Len putting two and two together about the Flash - and spilling to Mike. Good detail from Singh with concerns if Barry handled Len's case.

Speed Dial 1 (for Supernatural) by nirejseki
Barry and Lisa are in trouble. Lisa waits with calling her brother for help. Until after sunset. Because Len is a vampire. Mick's an ifrit, Rip's a technomage - and a golem, Jax and Stein are phoenixes, and so on. Mick folds away his shadowy wings and crosses his arms, skin still shining red and glossly from his internal fires. Interesting idea and I enjoyed reading about the different versions of supernaturals. Cute with Len and Cisco exchanging puns. Heh for Ray as a living lie detector. I would like to read more in this universe (though the story is well contained in itself, it's just a nice universe that would be interesting to explore more).

Stay young, stay made of lightning by lonelywalker
It's Christmas. Barry can't sleep. He goes for a run and ends up in Star Labs where Wells are still working. They get to talking and one thing leads to another and they get together. It was easy to convince himself that he only wanted to move closer, but then Wells hands were in his hair and they were kissing, Barry afraid to touch anything and wanting to touch everything, Wells split, swollen lip coppery under his tongue. Sweet story, natural build of the events and smooth writing. Hot sex and if this Wells can indeed move them, his control of not moving his legs is impressive. Good dash of humor - heh for Barry's sneakers smoking. Nice view Wells has of Barry.

Staying Alive by nirejseki
The zombie apocalypse happened. Mick is across the country, at a fireworks convention, so now he has to get back home. Apart from that, he's not particularly worried. Len has a plan. Len always has a plan. Yes, even for what to do in case of zombia apocalypse. So Mick starts his journey home. Only some people tag along and by the time he reaches Central City he might just have started a new religion. And what has Len done with the city? As you all know, 500 Miles is based on the amazing true story of current Central City mayor, Leonard Snart, and his husband, Mick Rory, who found themselves located on opposite sides of the country when the Zombie Crisis began Highly readable, amusing fic. Both Mick and Len has good, strong roles. Would have made a great show of its own. Very good plans of Len. Interesting switch between the time periods - normally I might have found that a bit jumpy, but it works well for the story. Good use of Wally - and good on Len to use the LARPers and D&D groups. I would have liked to see 500 Miles. Good end.

Strays by lonelywalker
Joe has just taken in Barry when one evening he rescues another stray. Harrison Wells and his wife was driving to the city to start a new life when they were attacked by a mysterious assailant. Joe killed the man, but Tess already died. Realising that Harrison has no places to go, Joe takes him in. And Wells stays and becomes an important part of the family. If he s going to have some pseudo-boyfriend awarded to him by squad rumors, it might as well be the tall, handsome, unbelievably sweet one with the genius intellect. Oh so sweet fic. Great, fresh idea with good emotions. Warm and lovely domestic. I'd love to read more in this universe, but it is nicely contained. Heh for everyone supposing them together. The boys go well together.

Strays, Thieves, and Happy Ever Afters by writerdragonfly
Barry Allen disappears. Three days later, Len comes across a cat, which adopts him. A very fast cat. Not exactly a coincidence. He walks into the place without hesitation, Barrycat perched on his shoulder like a cartoon parrot and vibrating away with his loud purrs. Awww ... Cute fic that made me smile. Cute end, too.

strike the match by Liu
Ray sees Mick kiss a guy and can't get the image out of his head. Mick catches on. What will he think - or do? Sure, he s had good sex, great , even, but the weight of Mick above him when the man settles between Ray s thighs is something he never knew he wanted, up until now. Nice read. Poor Ray, he doesn't have a chance. Hot too. Heh for Sara's assumption of Nate.

Centaur!Mick by oneiriad and Swifter than Rumor by nirejseki
Mick is a centaur. Centaurs are not held in high esteem. He meets up with outlaw Len and they become a formidable team. Some people are rather disdainful of just why Len sticks to the Beastie. The first place that turns Mick down but offers Snart an entrance, Snart pulls a gun on the man and tells Mick to torch the place. Interesting universe that I would like to read more in. The continuation by nirejseki also good. I really liked the part with the dime novel about them, that made me smile. Good use of Barry.

Talking Flowers by nirejseki, robininthelabyrinth (nirejseki)
Barry finds himself in a tattoo shop and gets a tattoo. The tattoo is of a flower, but exactly which flower changes depending on who he meet and how they are, telling him about what to expect in the language of flowers. To no one s surprise, Len comes back three days later with a vaguely panicked expression asking whether plants need to be watered or not and if so, how much. Highly interesting crossover. Good voice and I enjoyed reading about the flowers. Really good idea with the tattoo. Nice with Barry and Mick too, very sweet.

That's Love by nirejseki
Barry is an omega, Mick is a beta and Len is an alpha. Some think that Barry is together with (or should be together with) Len. He isn't - he's with Mick. Not everyone approves. A week later they go up against the self-dubbed Mirror Master clearly Cisco s villainous name-coining soulmate and get stuck in the mirror world, all except for Len who appears to be immune because he doesn t appear in mirrors. Good feeling, interesting dynamic. I like Mick's description of him and Len being soulmates, they just don't fuck. Several nice touches, like Len's growing collection of paperweights to pin down important stuff when Barry comes swooshing in. Heeh for the ongoing Len is a vampire. Several good lines. Tsk, tsk, Oliver. Good end.

The Break-Up Cube by SirRobin126
Cisco wants Harry to move in with him. He decides to invite him by giving him a box with a key. He even goes to Harry's universe to get a proper box - or cube. Only when he gives it to Harry, Harry gets very upset and distances himself from Cisco. Maybe there was something about that box Cisco should have known ... In what world does the guy who rejected me get to be an asshole and play the victim in this situation? Oh, Cisco ... Poor Harry ... Good angst. I love a bit of misunderstandings. They're cute when they bicker. Nice ending, made me smile.

The Fox Came Back (the very next day) by nirejseki
AU in which in juvie Mick saves a boy from a bad beating. The boy tried to reward him, but Mick refuses to accept anything. Until the boy makes Mick name him, and rewards him with that the boy will be by his side - forever. And then he does. Len Snart isn't a regular boy, but a Kitsune. And since Mick refuses to let the kitsue reward him, the Kitsune selects Mick as his human. Mick can't get rid of him now. Maybe he doesn't want to, either. Only Len would get a pyromaniac a piece of the sun as a third decade anniversary gift. Interesting, imaginative fic. Good humor and with a fresh feel. Nice dash of angst too. Aww for Len giving Mick a piece of the sun. Cute about how Mick can see Barry's nature - as well as Well's ...

The Nesting Instinct by nirejseki
Len is in Central city when the particle accelerator explodes. He is affected. He doesn't - quite - turn into a meta, though. Len turns into a dragon. Well, not physically (though he can spit fire and partically transform, even fully transform), but mostly he gets instincts, to gather his hoard and prepare his nest, so that he can win back his mate - Mick. Their bed is going to be the shiniest. Lovely, imaginative story. I'd like to read more in tis universe. Len's so sweet when he goes with his instincts and how he thinks about Mick. I liked both him and Mick in this one. Good feel and nice humor too. Sad about the other dragons.

The valentine debacle by Captain_Snark
Len finds the most perfect Valentine's Day card for the Flash. Oh impulse, he breaks into Barry's flat - and leaves the card. Barry, in turn, finds the most perfect Valentine's Day card for Captain Cold. So he flashes over to Len's apartment and leaves it there. Things continue from there ... When he woke up in a room that was definitely part of Star Labs (it had that do-gooders and high-end technology vibe that he associated with Cisco), he could only imagine how team Flash had convinced Oliver Queen to go you have failed this city and wreck his apartment. Amusing fic. Poor boys ... Impulse can really get you in trouble. Heh for Len blaming Mick. Cute cards. Nice use of Wells as a voice of reason. Aww for Barry "helping" Len with the chili con carne. And heh also for Barry not using the door to leave. I really enjoyed Len figuring out Oliver so quickly. Tsk, tsk for spilling confirmation, though.

This Is How We Meet by Crimson1
Earth 2. Barry is a reporter. He sees Citizen Cold in a fight - the villain knocks Cold out and then handcuffs them together. When he wakes up again Citizen Cold takes them to someone to free them - and once there, Barry learns the truth about who Citizen Cold really is. Cold is warm all over, but his body gives off something a cool breeze when you step out of a warm house on a brisk day, feeling still comfortable and cozy but also invigorated by that burst of chill. Nice voice for Barry and I liked the feeling on the story. Good voice for Len too. Cute end.

Too Hot (Hot Damn!) by DoreyG
Mick knows just how to treat his little Firestorm to get him to burn so prettily for him. Well, he'll just say that the wallpaper hasn't survived yet. Cute and, yeah, hot. Oh, Mick ...

Turnabout's Fair Play by Red Charade (traciller)
Len tries to teach someone to pick pockets. He chooses an easy mark and gets his wallet in a standard bump and grab. Afterwards, though, he realises that the mark's wallet wasn't the only one stolen. It wasn t until later that Len realized his own wallet was missing. Amusing fic that made me smile. Could have had a bit more details, especially the first bit sounded a bit summarized. But still amusing.

Unspoken by nirejseki
It's Mick's fault. He loses control and Len ends up in the hospital, badly burned and broken. Mick flees. But one day Len contacts him again. They meet. Len is very vocal about what he wants. It's not until Mick reads the hospital reports that he realises that Len is actually unable to speak any longer. "I am not saying your puns for you!" Interesting possibility. Very good humor and good overall feeling despite the injuries. I really enjoyed Mick doing Len's punning.

Victory At End by nirejseki
Len dies. And as he died in battle he ends up in Valhalla. Why? Maybe there was something Mick didn't tell hm. Such as that Mick might not be ... quite human. Len's prepared to do anything to get back to Mick, including moving heaven and earth. And what really does that word mean ... Ragnar k? Len uses the feather and his nail in combination, desperately prying the lock open, and it s only years of experience being cool in the face of all provocation, years of practicing on every type of lock in existence no matter how loud or noisy, no matter if the police are shooting at him or Mick s lit the whole place on fire again, that lets him keep his focus now, with Mick screaming and Mick s father screaming, too, as the poison burns through Mick s hands and falls upon his face, Mick s mother sobbing as she hurries to the edge Len pops the lock. Lovely fic told in a suitable language. Lots of lovely details. Amusing, but also warm and interesting. Heeeeh for "Ed". I really liked Mick's family, including his half-siblings. Good way to tie Mick to fire. Awww for the bride thing - very sweet. Overall a good read. Len is very sweet with Geri and the others. Yay for prison break! Neat detail with the cat hair.

We Got Potential by JayEz
AU in which Len is an ice skating coach. He used to play hockey, but had to retire due to an injury. He also raises his niece, Hallie, who is a very promising ice skater. One day Mick Rory brings his son, Aiden, to the rink to try out ice skating. Len quickly sees potential in Aiden's skating - and in Mick too ... Hallie, because she also inherited Lisa s devious streak, makes Len accompany Aiden back to his father at the end of beginner hour, where Len does his best to impress upon the guy that his son s got a real knack for skating and it d be a shame not to return if the kid s having fun. Cute story, nicely domestic feel that I enjoyed. Nice characters. Good set-up. Sad about Lisa. I liked Hallie especially - well, and Aiden too. For some reason the mentioning of Barry really made me smile. Nice dash of humor too. Interesting handling of Mick's scars, well done.

when you're around me, i'm radioactive by liveyourtemptation
Harry comes back to them, but he's acting kind of strange. He's getting very close to Cisco - too close. It turns out that Barry changes the timeline, but only on our Earth. Harry still remembers that he and Cisco was together before the change ... Will they be able to get back together? Cisco takes a step back and raises a hand because, excuse him, alright there friends now, but- not hugging buddies? Interesting possibility. Poor Harry ... Poor Cisco too ... Oh, Barry ... Cute fic.

Who Comes To Speak For The Skin And The Bone? by prouvairablehulk
David Singh keeps running into Rogus - and helps them with various issues related to their sexuality. They, in turn, stands up for him. In the second part Mick helps the neighborhood. They come over for barbeque every so often, and Mick and Len occasionally show up at their place with beer and a desire to be temporarily arrested. I really enjoyed Captain Singh with the rogues, that made me smile. Also how much respect Mick gets for what he does. Heh for the David and Rob being attracted to Mick and Len. Especially when Singh know how misued Mick was by the legends.

Win the Race by nirejseki
Barry was captured in the Speed Force. When he comes out again, it is to a changed world. The aliens has invaded. They have kidnapped all heroes that they think can stand in their way. They forgot about the villains. The resistance is led by Captain Cold and Heatwave. One of whom is the widely acknowledged commander-in-chief of the United States, leader of the real fight against the aliens and to whose offshoot Rogue branches the armed forces have swarmed to pledge their allegiance - not that he knows it, since Mick still refuses to tell Len that the people he's commanding aren't just surprisingly competent criminals - and the other one is the guy who makes sure said commander remains functional. Lovely idea. Logical. Certainly the villains wouldn't want to bend to the aliens. I like how the Rogues spread out to other cities. Cute with the kids too. Heh for Mick's plan to tell Joe's an alien spy if he has to burn him. So cute with Len inadvertedly becoming leader of the free world, with Mick as his First Arsonist.

Words (soulmate au) by tinypinkmouse
Your soulmate can write on their skin and you can read it on yours. Of course, nothing say that your soulmate speaks the same language as you or even use the same alphabet. Not everyone has a soulmate. Len doesn't think he has one. Until he's 20 - and childish scribblings appear on his arms. Bart Allen, on the other hand, always knew he had a soulmate, because his soulmate always answers his writings. His soulmate appears to be much older than he ... I watched him learn how to write and always get answers written in words simple enough for him to understand. Sweet AU that I really liked. Interesting with the age difference. Good feeling. I liked the interaction between Len and Barry's father. Aww for Len drawing with little Barry. Good detail about Barry not being a liability to Len with his speed.

Worth It by StillNotGinger10
Team Flash, Heatwave and Captain Cold relaxes together and eat some good food - some really, really good food. Barry really enjoys the food, so much that he would have sex with whoever made for him. He doesn't count on the chef being Heatwave. Who is very interested in taking him up on his offer. Not even a little ashamed, Barry said, If I got this food every day, I d put out every night. Cute story that made me smile. And yes, good food is ... really good!

You Restore My Soul by ajremix
AU in which Len goes to a bar and hooks up with a handsome firefighter for a one night stand. When Lisa unexpectedly walks in on them in the morning, Mick ends up staying for a bit longer. And the one night stand slowly changes to something permanent. But it wasn't just amazing sex that had Len eager to see Mick, it was the surprising contrast between his obvious power and careful touch, the way he was both aggressive and attentive and the fact he obviously adored Lisa and she adored him. Warm domestic feel. Good voices for the boys, especially Mick. Nice work for Mick - and I like his co-workers. Good on Mick to go after Lewis. Nice end.